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July is here! That means summer is here! That means I'm going to ramble about some of my thoughts again! If you're not interested in those, kindly enjoy the massive lady above and continue on your merry way!

So, one year of art.. doesn't feel that long to be very honest.. suppose it has been a very weird year with covid and everything.. still.. thanks for all the support!

Let's talk a bit about story again! Seems to be a returning subject anyway.. I've been talking to a lot of other artists and writers and got some great insights. I'm just going to try and keep improving my story telling. Especially fleshing out the characters a bit more and avoiding bad practices. Let's just say there's a lot of writing going on. One thing I continously run into is my not native english speaking. A sentence that makes sense in Dutch does not make sense in English. My spelling checkers have however been a huge help in this though!

Honestly in the end I don't know exactly what you guys are here for. It might be for the main Hannah comics, it might be for Lexi, it might be for the weekly sets, it might be the entire package. I definitely try to keep it diverse because it also keeps it interesting for me. Any ideas are always welcome (for example the idea of female / male muscle growth was also a idea suggested by a patreon!). All I can do is hope you guys continue to enjoy my stuff! I feel Lexi has been losing a bit of popularity, but the story is pretty dear to me and I definitely want to finish it. Lee's story as well.

So what can we look forward to this month? Well, Lee and Lexi's comic is going to continue of course. I'm quite sure we'll start getting real close to the ending of Lexi's Growth. I'm also definitely going to continue Anna's fuckfest (I know.. I promised I'd release it last month, I'll make it up to you guys!). The short story has been in creation a bit too long in my opinion, so I'm going to try my very best to get that out there next weekend. Then really grind away at the comic where Hannah, Amy and Emma will have some fun in the gym!

Let's also talk about another thing: superhero content. I must admit I have spent a.. disproportionate amount of time thinking about my idea for a superheroine comic. It'd not be like my traditional comics but smaller episodes in one big image. It'll... well, feature a lot of different powers (and obviously also muscle ladies). But I actually have no idea if you guys like that stuff. Might make a poll about it later this week..

Now let's talk about the most important thing. I have now, for a while, been considering working my day job less to spend more time on this. As you can imagine, this is very much a decision that should not be taken lightly. I have bills to pay and unlike my regular job Patreon might not provide the stability required. On the other hand, I feel the risk is more then manageable at this point. If you have a chance to spend more time on a hobby creating stuff, doing something you really enjoy.. do you not eventually owe it to yourself to do so? I have not yet proposed this to my employer as I also need to find a way to word "I make porn about 3d muscle girls" in a way that'll not have me looked upon very weirdly, my friends know I do it, my family does, most of my coworkers do not. For obvious reasons.. on the other hand Dutch laws do mean that I have the right to work less. I do not have to provide a solid reason to request it, they have to provide a really solid reason should they deny it.

We'll see where that ship beaches (see how english absolutely butchers a Dutch saying..?)..

Anyways.. I hope you guys can deal with the one text post I make every month (though there usually is a naked muscle girl before it..) and I hope you guys will enjoy the content to come!


Elek Szerep

I appreciate these posts because atleast we get an idea what you are planning and how you are looking at some of comics, characters and fetishes. Also sometimes we get some answers from these posts, atleast I do anyway. So keep these coming but with the naked ladies of course ;)

I. Nobes

You keep providing the good content. So we keep supporting you! As Elek says, we appreciate these posts so we know what's kinda running through your head and what is happening. So much love there.

Bernard Phillips

I love all your post, but I'm really realty looking forward to seeing your original BAD girl get her time too shine in her own series..other than that great job!!!


Thanks for sharing. Count me in as a big fan of the superheroine themes, especially strength. As for ideas, my brainstorm would be Ivana maturing into an unstoppable force. I think an amazing story arc would be the detective who continues to try to bring her in (only him because nobody else believes there's an evil superwoman on the loose), only to have her escape every capture attempt with an ever more amazing strength feat. Or something resembling. You're the genius here, not me. *grin


With the Hannah series I will probably never go into real superhuman territory. Low tier superstrength is what I like from that series. Just like Lee and Lexi could probably not even lift a car, they are one rung lower again. It's also why i'm interested in a superhero comic. It is a different level of strength that I feel isn't all that represented in my content yet.


Yeah I thought some people might appreciate that. If I'd put all my thoughts on paper this would end up being a text only Patreon so I feel limiting it to just one post a month is a very nice compromise :P


If you are creating visual versions of stories in SWM, I'm all for it.


It will be my own story, but obviously very inspired by plenty of stories, also from SWM.

Elek Szerep

I agree to keep the strength levels in the Hannah comics as they are now. I think it is better to have separate comics so there are more chances to explore and to do feasts of strength.