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It's done! Amy finally has a pussy.. wait.. kitty!

Now he just needs a name.. any ideas..?

Hope you guys enoy it!




One of your best works. I’m sure Ivana will be looking to get as big as Amy (and I hope she does).

Crazy M

very nice work! I love details of lifting houses and walls breaking. Thank you for that! Hope to see more <3


Hooray! I love Amy and this is a sweet story.


There will always be more! Especially as Amy goes to the gym with Hannah and Emma in the next comic :)


This series still remains true to its name: Short and sweet but one could argue about the short part since the weeklies are already short comics for me while this series are medium sized portions. :P While Amy already returned to the public in that construction site comic, her exposure to other people was still rather limited unlike this story and feels much more like a proper entrance of the new and improved Amy. Not only was this chapter an eye opening for Amy but for me too because it really dawns me now that Amy is a true 3 meter giantess. A tree or a crane is a bit hard me for to image, yes it’s huge but just too big to fully grasp it’s true dimensions but here we see Amy next to other people, vehicles, regular stone walls and of course the deuteragonist of the story, a cute kitty. A cat is something I could grab and fill my arms with it, Ivana is an amazon who stands one or two heads taller than the tallest person I know, and I am familiar with the height and durability of a stone wall or fence like in the pages 11 and 23 and yet here is Amy: A cat fits into a single hand palm of hers, Ivana’s head barely reaches Amy’s chest (I was informed it does not, Amy is just that fucking tall) and those stone walls are like Jenga towers or a Lego wall which are waiting to be toppled over by someone. Simple toys instead of something which is supposed to keep people out or in, but Amy’s body is so incredible, the rules and norms are bending to comfort her and not the other way around. I might be a weirdo, but I prefer those smaller and somehow believable but yet at the same time unbelievable comparisons and feats of strength and durability shown here compared to the absurd acts in the previous comics. I know and have seen what happens when a wrecking ball or even a hammer hit a stone wall. Stone is hard but it has its limits too and I can easily image and realise the crumbling wall. But the source is a human here, an incredible human and in case of the fence in page 23, she did not even do it on purpose. A tank could do it accidently too but a human out of all things? The people in that city are truly lucky that such a body belongs to the sweetest girl one could meet. It might an Amy comic, but I like the Ivana segment too. Stupid enough to intimidate Amy but smart enough to back down because animals or even people backed into a corner might lash out. I really look forward to a potential Ivana and Victoria meeting because of the way how she reacted. Amy is just too “freaky” not to take serious right from the beginning since on top of her insane muscles, she is inhuman tall too, but someone like Hannah could have been using drugs and her muscles are just hot air, big but no strength behind it which is why Ivana showed no restraints at all in the gym comic. Victoria has a more reasonable height too, but her muscles put both Hannah and Ivana to shame and the past comics has shown that the strength gap between Hannah and Victoria is even greater than the visual muscle one. If Ivana acts like that again in Victoria’s presence, there might be no Ivana left standing assuming Victoria does not recognize her from Hannah’s description immediately. Ivana recruiting henchman sets up something interesting too. Someone like her could be a dumb brute, working for someone else and still earn tons of money because of her sheer superhuman like strength but it seems like Ivana prefers a greater slice of the influence and power pie. Her interest into Amy’s origin is worrying too. She and Hannah’s family are genetic wonders, but she understood fast that lucky DNA alone is not enough to explain Amy. Between the gym and this comic, she really earned her antagonist role and I already look forward to the next clash between her and Hannah. Back to Amy now and I might as well talk about my favourite scenes too since she appears in every single page. :P The first one would be page 5 giving us a rather rare angle on your muscle girls. Literal tree trunk legs, bulging arms no matter from which view you look at them and her steel like ass checks. They might invite some ass slapping … and they look delicious enough to make breaking your hand worth it. And then is of course the displayed situation: How can such a huge and muscular woman be so cute. She could be a worshipped, dominating and cruel goddess and yet here she is, getting excited and chases after a cat. The pages 8 and 9 are just hilarious. Beyond her muscles, her curves are smoking hot and her body in general radiates matureness, but she really acts like a 18 years old girl. Unsuccessfully trying to threaten the cat and instantly gives up when that facade crumbles in seconds and the cat runs away once again. I really like the pose in page 8 since it makes such a giant girl like Amy look strangely small and it works very well in the Lexi series too, but I think I never mentioned it to you until now. The expression in page 9 is just criminally cute and creates an absurd contrast with her body. I use my thumb to block the view on her body and all I see is that 18 years old girl whose emotions are in uproar because of a freaking cat. I block her face and see a massive, muscular and ripped body, two gigantic tits and a heavenly hourglass shape, putting not only regular people but even most of your own characters to shame too. Page 19 and 20 forms another nice favourite pairing for me. I like my women big, like really big but I have my limits too. The moment their muscles start to negatively influence their movements and flexibility, I lose interest and women like Amy and Victoria are quite close to that limit and those two pages are a nice reminder of that fact for me. The sheer bulk of Amy is amazing and yet once again her expression could not be more different than one would expect from such a body. Saddened and pondering about the insults she received from the guys she just rescued. Luckily, the cat saved the over all happy atmosphere of the comic. Speaking of that cat, maybe you should think about expanding your 3d model and fbb artist career with cute animals because those cats are just ridiculous cute in each scene. Page 25 got my favourite feat of strength in this comic and is likely my favourite page of the whole comic too. It might not be the thickest brick wall but I have the feeling kicking or punching it would be a bad idea and there is Amy pulverizing it with her fucking abs by mistake. My stomach is one of the last places where I want to be hit but Amy turns a god damn brick wall into rubble and dust with hers in the meantime while doing it as easily as me smiting jelly with my fist. And there is of course a reminder of her incredible form compared to an adult man like that bystander and that hips height tall brick wall. Amy’s thickest part which are her breasts and chest stand half as tall as the around 1-meter-tall fence. The following tree and house lifting scenes are amazing too, but I honestly prefer this smaller feat of strength and durability too more. Page 38 delivers another amazing example of the sheer contrast which is Amy. One of the most glorious cleavages one could image, insanely shredded pectorals, shoulders, trap muscles and of course her mighty biceps only to be topped off with a young, girly and most importantly crying face because the whole last hour has been very emotional and mostly shitty for her. Page 41 is ridiculously cute and a bit amusing too. The wall is how tall, maybe 2.4 or 2.5 meters? Does not matter since its purpose is the important thing: To protect one’s privacy against curious and prying glances from your neighbours and here you have Amy casually looking over it. And finally, the sadness from Amy is disappearing … and seriously, were you practising cute 3d cat art in secret? Those furballs are just irresistible. Final favourite is the final page. I petted more than enough cats in my life to know how big they are and here fits one like a big rat and a small rabbit into a single hand palm of hers. On top of it finally, she is smiling again and it is probably one of her bests yet. And once again her magnificent body takes up 2/3 of an otherwise cute render and her sexiness hits you like a sledgehammer in the face if you can look away from her beautiful face and that lovely cat. Ridiculously cute comic and I look forward to the big gym one.


Soon this will be a cat only Patron! Muwhahaha! Thanks for the comment Cheese, always a huge joy to read them. Incredibly glad you enjoyed the comic so much! For me the casual falling on the wall and breaking it was also my favourite part :)


Yay, Ivana!!! Also, great story with genuine good feels.

Bernard Phillips

WOW!! Again it was worth the wait, and the kitty should be named Anela 🤔

Kim Danver

Awesome mini comic featuring many feats of superstrength with great rendering. Amy is one of your best character.

Bernard Phillips

Great work again, just re-read it, and now I'm really interested in seeing this type of comic with my favorite bad girl Ivana🤔


I can assure you Ivana will show herself plenty in the comics to come :)