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I know I know, it's one of those annoying ramblings of mine again. If you don't like this, enjoy Emily flexing and move along :)

Another month another chance.. I was actually planning on uploading Lexi's comic today as I will propably move it to wednesday's on a regular basis.. but I'm filling out the last few parts and it just didn't make sense to upload that while it's halfway done.. so I'll prolly upload it tomorrow as usual.

Lee's story is technically entirely written, I plan to make the characters and first few scenes this weekend. However, I will propably start alternating that comic and Lexi's comic. This is because on average it takes me about one day (one workday, in the weekend I have more time ofcourse, though with summer coming, weather improving and corona measures going out the window this will change as well) to make 5-10 pages of any given comic. Just Lexi's comic, Lee's comic and the weekly set will amount to anywhere from 3 - 6 days of work. This obviously leaves very little time for the normal Hannah comics series, it'd grind to a absolute stop.

Talking about story (again), I've decided i'm going to take a more focused approach with the Hannah's comic series. So far I've been trying to weave a lot of subjects into a bigger picture. I think it's better and more comprehensive to focus on one subject at a time. The first subject of this will be Hannah and her sisters and their relation. Obviously there is some friction between Victoria and Emma, friction that Hannah does not remember from when she still lived at home. This also makes her quite sad, she hates seeing her sisters fight and argue..

One thing I've also noticed is that my language barrier sometimes creates some problems. Obviously like any younger person these days I have a basic mastery of english, but Dutch is still my primary language. Sometimes I try to convey a certain mood or tone trough text, but what works in Dutch is sometimes incredibly hard to translate to English with the same load/meaning.

I also noticed I just make a lot of spelling / grammatical errors. I was scrolling trough Lexi's comic and was actually a bit embarrased by the amount of errors I found.. it's just not proper..

So if you've read this far, maybe you're also interested in this: I am looking for someone or several people to proofread my stuff a bit and point out any obvious errors / weird sentences. I feel like this would be most useful from someone who does have English as their primary language.. you'd obviously get early peeks at any content and I'm sure we can work something out as a little thank you if you do have the time to help me out! If you're interest, do send me a private message!

For June I hope to push out a lot of content, tomorrow lots of Lexi, friday a neat weekly set and hopefully saturday the shortcomic about Amy to start with!



I'd love to help out with the proofreading. You do a lot of work with the stories and artwork. Everyone makes mistakes, too. It's good to forgive yourself for the small things every so often.

Bill Vu

Hey Robo, I'll be happy to help