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So yeah.. changed a lot of stuff around.. not entirely done yet, but i don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer..

It's a bit rough around the edges, some things are still a bit inconsistent, but I hope to get everything fully ironed out by next week.

I'm quite sure this is going to be the biggest comic I've ever made with everything I have lined up for it :)

Hope you guys enjoy it!




Really appreciate the hard work you put into this!! Well done bro!


this is very impressive, loved every bit of it :)


Appreciate all the hard work. It's your comic and you are free to do what you want but I think you should keep Lexi's size by the end within the realm of realistic possibilities and not make her a gigantic Amazon. Even Victoria and Hannah are a bit over the top in terms of realism. I think because this is a slow growth comic with somewhat realistic progression so far, I think having her look very muscular but still natural as far as size/mass goes should be the goal. Just my two cents. you do it the way you think best!


Lexi certainly won't grow a lot in length. I think in the end she will be about as big as Lee, which for me is on the absolute edge of believability.

Bernard Phillips

Love this comic, but I agree with Alison. It's a better and more powerful look when she can be really strong at her fitness size right now. I'm just waiting to see if you extend that dream scene when she's lifting up the SWAT van and getting upset cause its too light. You can create a whole comic with that scene alone..love your work- A HAPPY CONTRIBUTOR 😊


Wow, I knew you spend a lot of time on the Lexi stuff in the background the last few weeks, but you really remade everything up to the present! The quality of the new scenes is astounding and really help to flesh out things because certain scenes, especially the Rachel/Lexi photoshoot oiling one felt like it happened too early back then. In the meantime, the removal of the whole video blog was indeed a good decision. I did not miss it at all during the reread and I feel like it clashed with the over all tone of Lexi character and approach. The girl had no fitness experience at all (and it was a miracle her body is still that smoking hot at the beginning of her comic) while I would associate such a close documenting of her journey with a more professional approach. Progress pics are more than enough for me and maybe the other readers too because my favourite thing to do after each Lexi post was to spot the differences between the old and new renders like for example, did she only lose weight, maybe build up more definition, packed on muscles, somehow grew in height or her breasts become fuller instead of smaller and so on. Since the over all story is the same time, I will just talk about the new scenes a little: We went from a single and small one to boot Hannah render on Lexi phone to a whole 5 pages long sequence and more Hannah is always a success, no matter if it is a Hannah comic or a Lexi one. :P Page 4 really shows off how Hannah could inspire Lexi that deeply. Like damn, I know Hannah for nearly a whole year by now but even to this day her amazing height and physique can still surprise me because I believe Lexi is a tall woman herself and yet she looks so incredible tiny compared to her. And yeah Lexi, not only are her arms thicker than your waist but they also dwarf every other single body part of yours except your bust and torso combo … and considering how massive Hannah biceps can become if pumped, I am not even sure the previous statement is true either. Simple amazing how gigantic the difference between Hannah and a more reasonable sized woman is because your regular non buff cast are not exactly “regular” girls either … to be fair and in Lexi’s defence, at the beginning of the story Lexi is beautiful too with a fantastic face, long slender legs and a generous pair of head sized breasts so she too is not really a regular woman either but compared to Hannah, she completely pales … for now at least and looking at present day Lexi, she is catching up and I would already qualify her as an amazon. Rachal afterwards being told about this experience and Lexi’s future goal is a very welcome addition too since another thing which bothered me is that such a transformation must have been utterly out of the blue for Rachel, especially since photoshoot Lexi is already light fbb levels of big and ripped and I think except literally falling over and losing conscious because of the magnificent sight which is Lexi at that point, I don’t think anything else would have done justice unless of course Rachel knew that Lexi spends all the time training and saw her previous impressive progress steps too. The in my opinion best improvement is the proper addition of Richard. Since Lexi had no experience at all and instead just looked things up on the internet after a disastrous day 1 in the gym, those preparations were just inadequate considering her very optimistic future goals assuming she really wants a Hannah like body and while the story is definitely a slow fmg for me, compared to real life Lexi is still growing an insane speed on top of some mini height growth and breast expansion … but too much real life is boring and people would grab their pitchforks if Lexi ends up with pectorals only. :P His attitude and professionalism are the best part for me. He genuinely wants to help her and since this isn’t some magic fmg story, a certain degree of seriousness is expected from Lexi too and luckily she understood it fast. And damn, page 25 just makes me smile like an idiot. She truly is dictated to the cause, but she really needs some help. Rachel appearing in the scene in which Lexi realises for the first time she got abs is my second favourite addition. What is better to observe and enjoy the fruits of your labour on your own? Sharing that experience with the people you care about of course! And damn, Rachel really went on the offense here, but poor girl does not know yet such opportunities will be a thing of in the past … or maybe not because even a heavy fbb Lexi is probably a push over. Interesting subplot you threw in there with her necklace and I look forward you that one will develop in the future. … should I call this a coffee shop or a donut scene? I think the latter because watching a still bit smallish but very fit Lexi choke down three of them silently is a strangely humorous sight to me. The fact her shyness and possible even shame makes me smile … makes me feel like shit a little... but damn, does Lexi look cute here. Cliff-hanger in page 72 is killing me though and I really hope next week will fill out this spot. The existence of an overprotective brother is a very exciting addition too and I look forward to the day when an amazonian Lexi meets him. The rest of the story seems to be same at this point, but the latter parts are already perfect for me and no doubt your extra experience you learned from the remake, especially the proper setup of those two supporting characters and the addition of some smaller extra subplots will further enrich future Lexi posts.


Is the muscle women that lexi met after falling Hannah