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No Lexi today. I'm first going to re-do the entire beginning of her story before continuing that. Got a long weekend ahead so hope to make a lot of headway.

Hannah is dealing with the aftermath of Victoria meeting Amy.. while Emma once again finds herself in conflict with her bigger sister..

Hmm, I feel like we see a lot of Victoria's dominating side.. maybe I should make something showing her happier side like at the beginning of Nature's Call..




A fantastic short comic once again and the sweet part from title seems even more true than usual despite all the destruction featured this time. The last news blog mentioned your focus on slice of life storytelling with the added twist of super amazons for Hannah and co and this comic is probably the best example so far. You have the usual family drama between a rebellious teen who does not think about the consequences of her actions and the authoritative elder sister trying to scold the former while more or less committing the same mistakes … except the youngster can probably kill a person if she directly aimed for a person with her phone throw while also having an incredible well developed and mature body unfitting for her personality. Poor Hannah, as if sibling quarrels were not bad enough but with those two superhumans it’s turned up to eleven. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if those women are even louder than the average human too by being so much bigger and more developed in general which probably includes their vocal cords too. And then being forced to cook too while even her steel like muscles are turned into jelly for once. Poor, poor Hannah. So yeah, slice of life but with super powered girls as main characters works perfectly and makes it far more interesting that way. A bit random now but I hope this black and red gym outfit is Victoria’s standard sports outfit. We only saw it shortly in the last Amy comic since the girls were mostly nude in that one, but this comic gave it it’s deserved screen time and it really suits her well. Well, I don’t really have much else to say so I will just mention my favourite pages like page 1 once again. That Hannah is just surreal for me. Normally is she the perfect mix of sculptured but also huge muscles, porn star shaming curves and even a super model would wish they have such a beautiful face like hers while in the meantime she always appears powerful, proud and noble no matter what she does, even if it’s just standing around … and yet here she is: tired and sore with a hunched posture but nonetheless pretty much all the positive traits I mentioned before still apply here. Just a surreal and downright unfamiliar picture of Hannah for me. … oh, also that Emma looks nice too. :P Luckily, page 6 does a fantastic job at showing of Emma but also Victoria too. Now that is a proper “Oh crap” face after one has fucked up so badly but didn’t realised it until it’s too late despite having plenty of time to recognize their mistakes. I think everyone of us had such an expression before but the fact an amazon like her could have it too just amuses me to no end. With her ripped body she is basically untouchable except there is always a bigger fish rule applies even to her. And damn, this slightly from below angle does a huge favour for Victoria. She is easily one of your proportional most muscular but also curvy characters you have created so far but she looks even more extreme here. Emma might be an amazon too but even she looks tiny compared to that goddess which is her older sister. Page 12 is without doubt my favourite of this comic. Emma is how tall? 2 meter, maybe even 2.1? And yet she is dangling here because an even bigger amazon picked her up. Older siblings physical overpowering the younger ones is nothing new but both being huge and ripped body builders creates a such more extreme picture while at the same time the basic premise is still the same. And once again poor Hannah and even if her body wasn’t spent, I doubt she could stop them … well at least physically since we do know Victoria/Emma relationship went a bit sour after she left to live alone as she was the glue to keep everything together. And speaking of Hannah, what an amazing render of her again. An amazing cleavage formed by a pair of tits putting nearly any woman to shame while her pectorals do the same for men, her abs are like even marble even when weakened and two incredible arms which strong enough to lift literally tons of weight … and considering her current condition, they probably did that the whole day. You might have created dozens of fantastic characters over the last year, but Hannah is still my favourite even if characters like Jeniffer, Anna or Lee try their best to steal that spot for me. Page 17 is very entertaining too. Even the reasonable and proper mature middle sister gets caught in the crossfire of this sisterly clash and doesn’t get spared either. And the same effect which Emma in page 6 had, applies here too and in fact to an even greater extend. Hannah looks even more godlike and is without doubt much stronger than Emma, acts like a proper adult in every single appearance of hers and should be able to do whatever she wants … but she simply can’t because of that unrivalled amazon which is Victoria. But after breaking down a door and smashing a table with her little sister out of all things Victoria certainly did a bad job at appearing as the reasonable and wise older sister and maybe should let Hannah do the parenting with Emma next time. :P An incredible, hot and funny short comic overall.


I am really interested in what kind of training it takes to tax hannah’s body