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Here it is! Hope you guys enjoy it!

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I. Nobes

The competitive nature between them is nice. Now I wanna see a "what if Hannah drank some of the super serum" ?


Amazing, simple amazing! I had some pretty high expectations since the last comic gave us 180 pages of glorious muscle action between Hannah and Ivana and the cast of this comic being the three most popular characters you have created yet but you fully delivered again. What an incredible sight to see the impossible strong and yet incredible cute Amy, the commanding goddess which is Victoria and everyone favourites bombshell and amazon Hannah together. Especially the first two were fantastic during every single scene they appear and while Hannah was a nice sight too, I assume you picked a more supportive role for her since she received so much spotlight in the gym comic and yet her little interactions with Amy were in fact still some of my favourites even if the bombastic Victoria did a great job being the centre of attention most of the comic which is quiet a feat when the third participant makes even her look small. Since I'm talking the plot already, I just loved the interactions between them. Such an insane contrast between Victoria and Amy. Those two are the strongest characters in the Hannah universe we know about ( for now at least ) and there is quiet a substantial gap between them and third one which is Hannah herself and yet their personality feels like day and night. Well the gap between number 1 and 2 is even bigger but that doesn't really matter right now. :P Between all the sorrys she issued in her own main comic at the construction site and now here, I doubt Amy is going to stop anytime soon no matter how firm and even authoritarian Vicky might be. And not only were the interactions amazing but also their own personalities. Despite being confronted by a woman whose pinky finger is likely stronger than her and Hannah combined, Victoria's pride barely takes a dent and instead she issues commands to the closest thing to a goddess. And then you have the young, girlish and even shy Amy which deeply contrasts with her godlike body too. I could mention some of those moments but I would only repeat myself when I talk about my favourite pages since the overlap is more or less 100%. :P Because of that I feel like I would be better off continuing my praise comment by talking about my favourite pages since there are just so many of them. Once again my first favourite page is the first one. You have shown this render to us as teaser but it's even better with context, so much better in fact. Those two angels ran on foot to the remote location wherever that forest comic takes place but considering we saw zero glimpses of other people or even signs of civilization, I assume it must be quiet isolated then. The fact that the shy Amy decided to remain semi nude, only further confirms it. Anyway back the page 1, I just love the Victoria here. Maybe I'm just imaging it but I don't feel like she smiles often and instead often appears a cool and controlled lady … well she better is like that with that strength of hers. Talking about herself in third person too made her appear unusually cute. And in the meantime a perplexed and tired Hannah is just watching her elder sister. Page 7 had not much going on since it was the aftermath of that boulder throw ( well first boulder throw out of many in this comic :P ) but I'm just impressed by that sheer amount of muscles and beauty in one render. Especially that rested and yet gigantic biceps which Victoria displays while Hannah helps her up is my favourite part of this page. Then you have page 13, the first of many cute Amy moments I praised before. Casually lifted up 50 tons with a a single arm in the previous pages, only to be surprised and scream like a little girl. I hope Amy is not scared of mice, bugs or other little critters because her surroundings could quickly turn into a small wasteland if she overreacts like that in the future too. Page 19 is amazing end to this first big scene of the comic. At the beginning of your 3d artist career, I was a bit sceptical if you could create beautiful and buff women who are even bigger than Hannah while still maintaining nice and balanced proportions since most artists fail at that but you are not like most artists and this render would instantly shut up past me. Such a magnificent hourglass and v shape figure in one person while her muscles would put any real life male body builder to shame. Of course Victoria is another example of an even bigger woman than Hannah and I think proportional she is more muscular than Amy too and definitely bustier, hell they look about even in total size, who can still maintain a super model rivalling beauty. So yeah, those two but also many other really huge characters on your patreon really proved me wrong back then. That Amy in page 24 is downright criminally cute. As if she was little girl being scolded by her parents or a teacher except she is multiple heads taller and immeasurable times stronger than her “lecturer” while her semi nude bombshell body would cause mass erections if any men were nearby which just contrasts starkly with her displayed personality here. The ab punch sequence from page 28 to 31 is incredible. Now it's Amy who is the lecturer but she talks about a very silly topic while Hannah only looked like one before anyway, creating a very funny looking scene here. In the meantime something very serious is happening with Victoria doing a surprise punch. With all your experiments with object destruction the last few days, I would love to see Victoria punching a concrete wall and not only having it described. I also think it would be an even more amazing picture than having a superbeing completely destroy a wall since it would be a lot more impactful feat as it would show the limits of Victoria's insane strength unlike the former who destroys walls like me breaking a pen. And Hannah perfectly captured my thoughts here too while Amy just can't stop being cute. The next group from page 39 to 49 is even better and probably my favourite Victoria moment yet, both in this comic and in general. Pumping muscles as sort of mini and temporary fmg is one of my favourite aspects of the muscle woman fetish for me and wow, what a size increase! I think both of her literally tree trunk thighs together might have a bigger diameter than the freaking tree she just broke. And in the meantime, Amy did not moved even a single cm during the whole ordeal and then apologizes (again). Page 51-54 is probably my favourite Amy and Hannah moment of this comic. The cute “little” Amy is opening up more and more and finally tells Hannah the truth. And again, the sheer contrast between cuteness and the amount of hotness and muscles which both women display is just obscene at this point, but in a good way of course. The scene ends with Amy displaying her total lack of knowledge about gaining muscles too since she doesn't even know something simple as bench presses. Hannah and her sisters might be blessed genetically but they worked very hard for it looking at Hannah's past exploits in the previous comics and no doubt the other two siblings spend all the time training too … assuming Victoria doesn't crush all their equipment like Emma's dumbbell. :P Then you have the amazing tree uprooting scene of Victoria in the pages 55 to 59. Of course Amy's attempt was a sight to behold too but more of the cute variant. When you posted the teaser which is now revealed as page 55 I showed some doubts about her capacities but mostly about what would happen afterwards but looks like the whole feat was still very manageable by Victoria which in return makes me question about her relative strength of compared to Hannah. I guessed Victoria could bench press 3 tons while Hannah 2 and Ivana around 1.8 since 1.6 was not her full limit but looks like Victoria can handle a lot more between the multiple tons of a tree or the following rock scene. And speaking of the rock scene, Amy fully owns that one. The main comic started with thrown boulders so I suspected something else would happen now but her ripping a damn rock in half in the pages 72-74 was just incredible. And of course another sorry. :P Such a dangerous combo of cuteness and strength. Page 78 only further confirms Amy sheer superiority over the other amazons. They might not have struggled at all to keep that tree above their heads but Amy lifts it and them with her pinky. I mentioned her pinky might be stronger than both women combined and looks like it really is the case. While the whole comic was entertaining, page 88 was the first one which made me chuckle in real life. Victoria talking about men and dicks while removing her own pants and in the meantime said task must be a lot harder than one would expect since her gigantic bust would block any version to the ground. While 19 had my favourite Amy panel, 91 got my favourite Victoria one. Such a strange coincidence unless you planned that too by giving Vicky such a magnificent pose. Completely nude, chest pushing forward making it look even more impressive than usual while her huge and bulging arms bend backwards. And Amy the fool is closing her eyes to such a wonderful sight especially since she (and Hannah) could pull such a great pose too. … you monster must be teasing us with page 101. I was yelling mentally for them to kiss each other even if there was 0% chance for that to happen. Also another great Hannah and Amy moment. She is an equal in beauty to them and a superior in strength and yet she does not realise the former and considering how Victoria commanded her during the comic, in the latter too. And my final favourite is the final page. Victoria looks nearly as good as in page 91 but in return we get a fantastic Hannah too. All that is missing would be an Amy in the water too but I guess it can always happen in the future. A grandiose comic. Hot, funny and interesting. Commissions might be a thing of the past but this comic and the others were the main reason why I support your patreon and I don't regret a single dime spend and I look forward to your future works.


Beautiful story. Thanks for that. But I would like to say a few things. I miss something spectacular. The mysterious and surprising, which gives the story the final kick. Otherwise. Everything is done right.


Or their youngest sister? Because she is really jelious for Victoria's strengh


Feat of strength for Amy in Nature s call. She pushes the 50 tons stone over the ground. Hannah sees this and suggests to roll it against several trees. Amy is delighted, because this could really be a challenge for her. And indeed. Or. From picture 8 Hanna sees the stone coming and stands up. She puts both hands together in a fist and wants to blast it head-on. But the force throws her first against a tree. But her strength is enough to make it. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Viktoria. Sorry for Hanna.

Bill Vu

Love the story! For such a powerful woman, Amy is so sweet and innocent I can't help but want to protect her!


I really enjoyed the nature setting. Something so primal about woman against nature. No explaining it, but I've always just loved the raw power move of uprooting a tree. Admittedly, when I saw the rock whizzing past, I was wondering (hoping?) that maybe we would see Ivana again. But turns out she's still biding her time, growing bigger and stronger no doubt...


We will surely see Ivana again in the future! Got some ideas lined up for her!