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That moment when you just need to bust out of prison..

Feedback is appreciated!




Very nice! Though I think it would have been even nicer if she'd given that "tap" against the wall using her nipple (backed by quickly flexing pec) instead of her finger. 😍

Jason White

He did say, “stop right there”...🤣


She is soo cute!


Very nice. I would like it better if it made more effort. Being strong is beautiful. But too strong is somehow unrealistic. But not for a Super Hero.

Bernard Phillips

Great work, she's my 2nd favorite now..would like a flashback scene of how in hell were they able to capture someone that strong..

Pedro MG

Cute, sexy and nice muscle fem, so good


Well I tried to give you some feedback on discord so no need to repeat it here. Really looking forward how the last few days of object destruction and photoshop editing practise will influence your future works because those new bullet effects are a major upgrade over the recent ones you used for that jeep muscle girl and the wall destruction looks better than the one found in the older bank weekly too. In my opinion object destruction or even just bending (like the barrel of that gun or when Amy bend some metal bars in her first major comic) is closely tied to the muscle fetish since it's another great way to actually show off those lovely muscles yours characters possess than just lifting some big weights. Well, I do actually prefer the latter since you can easily turn it into a little competition when more than just one strong person is present like the Ivana comic while also having an easier time to focus on specific body parts (Hannah and Ivana bench lifting the equivalent of small cars, pumping their arms and chests to the max) or just the whole body (that insane workout Hannah performed in her sleep room in one of your first comics) but variety is key for me so some good old wrecking of things is more than welcome.

Kim Danver

This unknown blonde is one of your best character : she's super powerful, so strong and so sexy with such shapely body. Lucky for these men that she's more a gentle superwoman than an evil one, because she could have easily hurt them with her bare hands. But I have to admit I would have liked that.

gil shap

sexy stuff indeed!

Kim Danver

I totally agree with you. A powerful punch, as the previous model, would have been even better.