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Victoria sometimes scares Hannah a little bit..



Franz Wilczek

Love it, exspicially Hannah Questioning everything in her life at the end XD


Good Job.


Finally some bigger Victoria content😍


Really liking the idea and implementation of short comics between this and the first sister comic so far and eagerly looking forward to the future ones of them but also of other characters. The plot of this one is indeed short and sweet. Hannah and Emma are without the doubt the latter and quiet humorous too with Hannahs shocked reaction about a total non issue while Emma is too cool for stairs and the whole “Bend it back” screaming. What an insane family when one member is ordering another to bend back some special metal alloy. I certainly can't image such a scenario in your boring average day family. In the meantime Victoria further cemented her status as older sister and the second strongest person in your little universe with a likely big gap between her and Hannah and Ivana. Speaking of Ivana, between this short comic and your last grand comic it's a nice and slightly chilling reminder of the different types of anger. Ivana is a fiery woman with short temper, blindly hurting people for little to no reason at all while Victoria is a woman with a calm and cold rage. In an alternate universe in which both of them were of the same size and strength, I would still fear Victoria a lot more since Ivana might simply lose interest in me and only break some of my bones … while Victoria is probably death sentence if you somehow pushed her to that point but the first short comic made clear she would only resort to violence as last resort and at that point I would probably have deserved such an asswhopping. Speaking of that rage, I think page 10 which is one of my favourites of this comic, shows it off really clear. Closed eyes, a clear and concentrated expression while her hands might as well belong to a hydraulic press. Indeed she might as well be a machine and I would feel me very sorry even for an evil person if they invoked such a desire and anger in Victoria. But well, I as peaceful person love the following page 11 even more. Hannahs reaction was mine when I first read this short comic and in general I often form that one since a lot of muscle authors and artists tend to create rather violent and evil woman. No critic to you robolord tho, Ivana is the exception instead of the norm of your own characters and Victoria knows how to behave anyway. Page 21 and 22 are fantastic too. Hannahs shocked face made me chuckle irl. Siblings are fighting each other for the thousands times probably while she is just focused on some embarrassing memories which her family ignored anyway. Also forgot to mention, I just love how this comic and the previous sister comic have everyone in underwear. Despite being plot focused, we still enjoy three hot and ripped babes at the same time.


Love this addition to the story! Frankly to me the chaotic neutral characters are so much more interesting than the all-good or all-bad characters. And when you never know which way the strongest girl in the room is going to tilt in any situation, all the more exciting!


Agreed. The purely good / purely bad characters certainly have their place but they are rather one dimensional.

Wil L P

Love the idea how each sister is stronger than the other but will tease each other like every sisters would!