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4 sets in February, 7 options. Take your pick below!

If the slow muscle growth set is voted in I will propably continue it outside of the regular content from then on, let's see if there's enough interest!



You shouldn't be surprised by the interest in the slow fmg comic. Most fmg comics are just quick growth sequences with a bit of padding on either side. With a slower comic, the story and changes can be more interesting and it can go on much longer.


Yeah this is exactly why I'm considering doing it outside of the regular weekly sets. Since it would be something that would just get a lot of votes regardless.

Kim Danver

I have chosen the superhero girl shows her strength even if I hesitated with "A massive muscle girls is rampaging trough the city, destroying all in her path". I just hope you will show us some great female feats of superstrenght !


same :) followed by slow growth though all options are good :D


superpower first, slow growth second but probably like most here - happy to see either - always great when new images come out


when you draw out a story and slow down the growth, the mental impact of it seems to go up, if that makes sense


Well I stated my reasons why I like the slow growth the most during the last poll so no need to repeat it here but since everyone got one vote only and it's obvious that the slow growth wins easily with or without my support, my vote is for the rich and spoiled futa. She is a lot more enjoyable than the other futa weekly because of it's setting (The rich dad can afford all kind of servants and I hope we see some buff servants in the future too since muscle on muscle action is quiet rare and the futa could go all out with more durable maids) and I'm kinda glad the latter one is gone since it had no future potential anyway as they are very similar in the whole futa fucking a lot of people theme. In fact the main appeal of that second futa series was for me to see an alpha futa being used as sex toy instead for once and that was covered in part 1. I think most people here heard about the inofficial rule of futa always being bigger and futa tend to have the dominating role in sex scenes too, so yeah it was quiet refreshing to see the reverse. Would be pretty cool to see a non buff futa having some fun with a ripped woman too in the future since being ripped and being a futa is often associated too.