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“Ugh, Finally I get a chance to rest~!” I moaned collapsing on my bed. Several straight days of etiquette lessons were quite exhausting.

To think that I had to apply so much effort to become the heir of the Duke. However, not all of it was bad. Miss Fabra and Sophia made it more than enjoyable. But it still dragged on a lot. Trying to memorize how to greet different levels of nobility and the order in which I needed to use my silverware while eating felt boring.

If Sophia wasn't there, I would not have been able to keep myself awake for that long. I don't know what I would do without a friend like her. It was a shame, though, that Sola and Tully are also participating with us. Because they were mere maids they were not allowed the privilege of learning noble etiquette.

Seeing as we were all goblins, I couldn't really understand why there had to be a difference between us just because of our status.

“Illya, are you awake?”

A knock came on my door, and I heard my aunt's voice come from the other side.

“Auntie Sara! I yelled happily jumping to my feet and running to the door to greet her. The moment I heard her voice, it was as if my exhaustion had just washed away.

“Wow, calm down there,” she said as I latched onto her leg. She was in her training and covered in sweat, but she still made time to come visit me.

“Auntie Sara I want to train too!”

If I could train, I could get out of these etiquette lessons and become a strong warrior like her.

“Now you're far too young for that. Not to mention, you will still have many more lessons to go through before you'll have free time to yourself again.”

“What no way~! I don't wanna do any more etiquette lessons!”

“Don't worry you're done with those for now. Fabro says that you're quite the sponge to knowledge. You picked up things faster than she thought you would. Because of that, we get to go straight into a more interactive Lesson plan for you.”

“Really, what is it!?”

I was practically bouncing up and down from excitement, wondering what she had planned for me.

“Yes, it's time that we begin your dance lessons!”

While the expression on Auntie Sarah's face was filled with joy, mine was filled with nothing but dread, remembering all the dresses I was forced to wear in preparation for this.

“Umm, could I just learn more etiquette, please?”

I didn't want to dance in one of those stuffy dresses I was forced to wear last time. Hours passed as I was forced to dress, and whatever they wanted me to, I was practically a dress-up doll for them. I didn't want to experience that again.

“I can already tell by the look on your face that you're not too eager to begin those lessons. How are you?”

“I don't wanna do it. I don't wanna dress up in those dresses again!”

I stomped my feet on the floor, beginning to show my discomfort in the whole class, wanting to throw a tantrum and beg not to be forced into those dresses again.

“Calm down. You don't have to worry about that,” she said, placing her hands on my shoulders before picking me up into her arms. “You're perfectly fine, just the way you are right now. Dressing up would take far too long for a mere lesson. Come on here. I'll bring you to the ballroom.”

While I didn't want to go to the ballroom, I decided to give in to my aunt's demands, knowing that the only one was best for me. Seeing as she said I didn't have to wear those dresses again, I was more willing to trust her, at least for now.

“There she is,” my grandfather said, watching as we entered the room he had been waiting for us.

“I didn't think you would be here just for a practice run,” Sarah said, placing me on the ground before my grandfather.


I was slightly confused about why he was here since this was only supposed to be practice.

“Oh, looks like someone's been having fun,” he said, straightening out my hair with his hands, seeing that I had messed it up in frustration. “Etiquette lessons can be a bit boring. Though I hope spending time with me will help you learn to enjoy yourself. This is for your party, after all.”

“It is?”

I was more than happy to have a birthday party with my family, but at the same time, I didn't like the fact that it was with all these people that I did not know. In the etiquette lessons, I had to learn the names of other nobles and how to greet them, in addition to ensuring they didn't look down upon me. It was everything that I dreaded, but I did it because that's what my family expected me to do.

“Don't worry, you'll have fun, I promise~.”

Grandpa took my hands and began to lead me in a dance, placing my feet on his own and allowing him to take the lead. Honestly, I didn't do much of the dancing; I was just allowing myself to be led in the way he wanted me to. So, at the same time, just being near him and doing this was fun. It's hard to explain.

“That's right, step by step. It's not too hard, is it?” My grandfather asked, gently leading me along as a song played.

“She's a natural. We'll have to make sure to stay by her side as much as possible, or else there will be people who try and ask her for a dance,” Auntie Sarah said jokingly, which made me giggle.

“I don't plan on dancing with anyone but Grandpa,” I said happily, allowing him to pick me up into his arms as the song finally finished.

“Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyone who dares try to become my darling granddaughter's partner must be first certified by me.”

I could tell that he was joking, but for a second there, I almost believed that he was serious.

“Now, now, don't be too protective. We can't have her missing out on the joys of the fly because of such a stickler of a grandfather, now can we?”

“There's nothing wrong with wanting to make sure that my darling granddaughter is only given the best of the best treatment.”

“Grandpa, stop, please!” I yelled, starting to get embarrassed from all this affectionately given to me.

“Fine, I will,” he said gently back to me, placing me on the ground. “That is all you'll need to do for your party. Simple right? You'll have to learn a bit more as you get older, but for now, you did perfectly.”

“I did?”

“Of course you did. Come on, I think it's time for us to get a midday snack.”

I smiled happily as I was led along towards the garden. For the next several days, my lessons continued simultaneously, going back and forth between etiquette and dance lessons. Overall, I enjoyed the time I spent with Sophia, but I enjoyed dancing with Grandpa. He was kind and gentle in every way, and I just wanted to make him smile.

Besides that, I continue to try on dress after dress in preparation for my big day. As each day passed, I saw everyone becoming more frantic, trying their best to prepare for the party. Nobles try to greet my grandfather whenever they can, but they're already shown away at the door, and Sophia even decided to spend a few nights with me in preparation for the party.

Time passed quickly; before I knew it, it was already the night before my birthday.

I lay in my bed, looking at the ceiling, unable to close my eyes from anticipation and fear. I was excited to be given such a grand party, but at the same time, I was worried about how the nobles would view me.

The fear of being exposed as a goblin always made me restless, but it was even worse today. I wanted to relax and get a proper night's rest to enjoy my party in full, but I couldn't shake this strange feeling going across my mind as if I was missing something. Almost as if there was something I should be remembering, but I couldn't.

“You know, for a little Golan who's barely five years old, you are quite restless, aren't you?”

Upon hearing her voice, I shot up straight from my bed, looking over to the window.




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