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-1 Week Later-

“Congratulations~!” Rosa said, hugging Cerise. She had been officially announced as her brother's fiancé, which practically made them sisters.

“What about me?” Roland asked, sulking at the table. He didn’t want to have a fiancé, but his family wouldn’t listen. Not even his beloved sister wanted to listen to him.

“Brother, you’re not being nice to Cerise.”

Ever since their engagement had been announced, Roland had been in a foul mood. It was clear he did not want to marry Cerise, but the way he acted around her was very rude, and Rosa didn't like that. She wanted her brother to get along with Cerise so this time, he would not fall head over heels for the heroine as he did in the game.

“I'm sorry, but I can't accept this,” he said, taking a bite of the cake in front of him. “I don't want to be engaged.”

“Brother, please be happy. Besides, it's not like you're getting married yet. You have time to form a relationship with her, and unlike the Prince, you're not an egotistical scumbag.”

“Pfft! I never thought I'd hear you say something like that,” Roland said, unable to hold back a small laugh.

“Hehe~. I knew I would be able to get well. They're back in good spirits,” Rosa said to him, her face still covered with a mask, but he could tell her intentions. All she wanted was for her brother to be happy. She knew that if he was with Cerise, he would eventually find happiness because she truly loved him.

The heroine was nothing more than false love. True love is between singular people. Sharing that love among multiple people isn't really love at all. Rosa understood this. The heroine only cared about capturing the male lead's interest.

She has no knowledge of what happens after the game, but it is certain that this love she has for all the other male protagonists could not have been real. It felt forced. Perhaps one of the male targets was her true love, but there was no way for her to figure that out.

“Rosa, is something wrong?” Cerise asked seeing that Rosa was staring off into space again.

“Sorry, I'm fine,” Rosa said, trying not to worry her. Today was Cerise’s day, and Rosa didn't want to ruin any of that for her.

“Are you sure?”

“She's most likely tired,” Relena said, making her way over to her children. “Today is quite an eventful day, don't you think? Adding a new member to our family, it's quite a joyous day.”

“I wish I could agree, but I'm not a full family member yet,” Cerise said, humbling herself. “Until we marry, I won't believe that we are fully family, so Rosa, you don't have to do that for me.”

“Are you sure, sweetie?” Relena asked her.” I'm sure that Rosa will be more than willing to show you her face if you ask. Per our family rules, as a fiancée to the eldest son, you have the right to the same privileges as a blood relative.”

“She's right,” Rosa said, taking Cerise’s hand. “I'm more than willing to show you my face. I trust you.”

And that was the truth. Rosa knew, based on the game's knowledge, that Cerise was a very trustworthy ally. She was one of the two people who stood by her during her fall and annulment event. There was no reason why Rosa should not trust her but the mere knowledge of how she looked.”

“It's because I haven't earned it yet. I don't want Rosa to show me her face just because of a piece of paper. I only want to see her face when she's determined I'm actually family to her. For now, this is more than enough.”

Rosa couldn't help but feel joy knowing that Cerise thought of her that way. She really was a true friend. It was thanks to people like her that Rosa felt comfortable in this world.

“If it's all right with you, then I do hope one day soon I can show you it,” Rosa said back to her.

She was glad knowing they should have to force herself around Rosa, nor did she have to force herself around her family. The more she thought about this happiness, the more she thought back to the original Rosa. The Rosa from the game. She had a loving family and people that loved her. Why did her family abandon her? What was the difference?

“Well, if that's what the both of you agree on, then there's no reason for me to interfere with this decision,” Releana said. A young woman's relationship is not mine to control. Now, how about we-”

“Ugh, you call this a party?” The Crown Prince Julian said, barging his way into the party unannounced once more. Julian had a bad habit of coming in unannounced like this, which only showcased how incompetent he really was. He was always welcome to attend, but he never did answer the invitation they sent.

Rosa personally never wanted to give him an invitation to the party, but if she did not, it would be seen as a hostile action against the royal family. No, unfortunately, now they have to deal with the Prince at his worst.

“Your Highness, what do we owe the pleasure?” Robert asked as the annoying prince made his way towards him.

“You called this an engagement party? This isn't even half of the party that was held for your daughter, and she's not even the heir to your family. I guess you really must not love your son as much as your daughter.”

“Your Highness, it seems that a servant of mine must have accidentally given you a beverage with alcohol in it because it looks like you are very loose-lipped.”

Rosa could see the tablecloth under her father's plate crumpled as he clenched his fist. This prince always knew how to press people's buttons. And to say that he loved one of his children more than the other was an insult. He wasn't the one who even planned the engagement party for Rosa. That was the royal family. Rosa personally never wanted any of that, but they had no choice but to attend.

“What do you mean? I'm only speaking the truth. As the next king, it's only right of me to speak the truth now, isn't it?”

“While speaking the truth is a very good moral to have. There are times when one must know to keep their mouths still.”

“Is that a threat?” Julian asked, a sickening smile forming across his lips.

A chill went down Rosa's spine, fearing what this psychopath would do to her family if left alone. She had to divert his attention.”

“Of course not!” Rosa yelled, standing up and making her way quickly to Julian. “My father's only worried that people see your good intent as malicious.”

“Oh, forgive me. It seems that nobles are speaking differently these days.”

What happened to him? Julianfelt unnatural in Rosa’s arms. His voice felt robotic, almost as if his replies weren't his own. Was this an effect of the game? Why did he lose his rebellious attitude and start acting like the perfect prince he's explained to be in the game? There are too many questions to ask. And this was not the proper place to ask them.

“You know, your highness, we have a lovely garden at night. I'm sure that you would love to view it with me, wouldn't you?”

“Sure, being with you sounds a lot better than being at the horrible party anyway,” Julian said, taking Rose's arm and allowing her to lead him away from the party.

Her family was furious that they had to let her do something like this, but it was only a matter of time before the Prince made the worst mistake ever.

“As you see over here, we have a lovely flower garden to view at night. The dragonflies are quite beautiful, don't you think?”

“They’re just useless bugs. Nothing important to look at whatsoever. You spent a week with those filthy commoners, and now you're starting to act like one of them.”

“Well, they may be filthier than us. It doesn't make them any less important.”

“Important? They're commoners. They are a dime a dozen. Their importance means little to me as the future ruler of this Kingdom.”

“commoners make up a large portion of our society. While they may not be perfect and they may make mistakes, so do we.”

“What did you say?” Julian stopped slowly, turning his head to Rosa.” Repeat to me what you just said.”

“I said that they make mistakes just as we do. Is there a flaw in my words?”

“Of course there is!” Julian yelled, unable to hold back his frustration. “They are filthy commoners! How dare you compare them to people like us! We are better than them! They can only dream to be us!”

“That may be so, but you were only born into the royal family by luck.”


“You bitch!”

Julian slapped Rosa across her face, her mask taking the brunt of the damage, but it did not stop her from falling to the ground.

“You dare question my right as the future king!? You are to be my wife! I do not permit you to question my authority or my place in this world! You are my property!”


Rosa could not speak. While she knew her words might upset the Prince, she never expected him to actually hit her like this. Her heart was racing, and her breathing became heavy. This was the truth of the world she was in. Power, that's what he had, what she didn't.”

Having magic was only a display of power, but not actually the true power. Those who hold power do whatever they have to to make others bow before them. As the Prince, Julian would never understand what she was feeling. No one stood up to him. She really is able to escape her death flags. Would you really be able to get the chance to be free?

“Next time we meet, you better display yourself in a manner befitting your place! Your entire family is filled with nothing but fools and ignorant bastards. You should be lucky that I'm freeing you from them.”

Julian left without another word, turning his back to Rosa and leaving without even helping her up. She couldn't do anything. Even with the mask, she was still too scared to even move. She feared that he would come back at any second.


In the darkness, Rosa heard Cerise call out her name, but she dared not to call back.

“Rosa, where are you? Ro-Rosa!” Upon seeing Rosa on the ground, surprise yelled out in fear, rushing over to her.

The moment that she did grow, she received an unexpected surprise as a red screen popped up before her face.

[System has rebooted. We are sorry for the inconvenience for the time down. Initiating main story quest. Gather two worthy allies. Time limit: six years. Reward:+100 Points. We wish you luck in becoming a proper villainess.]



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