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“Is she going to be alright?” I heard Auntie Sara ask through my half-awake state.

I couldn’t remember-


Why couldn’t I remember what happened last night? What happened?

“She will be fine,” the arch-priest said back to her. “She just became overwhelmed by the stress. It’s not easy for one’s mental state to experience what she did. To help her recover she needs to take it easy, though after seeing the state of her mind, it will take her quite some time. The more traumatic events she experiences at a young age, the higher the chance they will affect her mental growth. Perhaps sending her to the church-”

“No, she will stay with us. I appreciate that you came here on such short notice, and I owe you a debt for this, but I will not be sending her to the church,” Grandpa said, refusing to give me up, filling me with a nice warm feeling.

“I know that you may have heard the rumors of the church, but you must think of the child’s safety and wellbeing before anything else. Just remember that when the time comes, the doors to the church will always be open for her.”

“Again, that won’t be necessary.”

“Fine, as you wish. Oh, before I go, something is interesting that I must discuss with you both. The last time I checked her mana levels, I found they were quite low. While treating her, I noticed that her mana levels were the same, but there was something strange about it. It’s hard to explain. Though I can confirm that it is not life-threatening.”

“Well whatever it is, it can wait. You two get out of here!” Auntie Sara silently yelled, forcing them to continue their conversation elsewhere much to my dismay. I wanted to hear more about my mana levels and what was strange about them.

“Illya, it’s not nice to eavesdrop on people,” she said, gently running her fingers through my hair.

“Auntie, what happened?”

The last thing I could remember before waking up was… what was it? The market? The guy with the cotton candy? Ugh, everything feels weird right now. Why couldn’t I remember anything?

“Nothing that bad sweetie. You just had a nasty fever, and Uncle freaked out a bit, calling the head priest to help, but it was nothing. You should go back to bed.”


It felt like she was trying to hide something from me, but I didn’t know what. Was this something that I forgot?

“There you are! The moment I heard the news, I rushed right over,” Uncle Damien yelled, storming into the room.

“Damien, what are you doing here!” Auntie Sara yelled at him, clearly not happy to see him.

I wasn’t happy to see him either. Whenever he showed up, he would always cause problems for everyone else.

“I heard that Illya collapsed. I was staying on the other side of the mansion I only just heard about it. Is she alright?”

What? He asked me if I was alright when he… he… he, um, what did he do to me again? I feel like I am missing something significant right now.

“She’s fine, you can go now,” Auntie Sara said blocking me from his line of sight.

“Are you sure? I was so worried when she almost-”

“Stop, not another word from you.”

Auntie Sara’s voice turned dark. I guess they didn’t want me thinking about what happened. Though, to be honest, this secrecy made me only want to know more.

“Alright, alright, I was just worried that she was finding it hard to adjust to sleeping in a new bed. She shouldn’t be wandering around late at night. Who knows what other kinds of trouble that she can get herself into.”

Wait, was that a threat?

“Don’t worry, she’s fine, you should be going. Uncle is still upset with you from last time. Be glad that he decided to let you stay here for Illya’s upcoming birthday.”

“Oh, I am very grateful for that, in fact, I have a special present already prepared for her. Though until then, I guess that I should take my leave, seeing that she is safe now,” he said, not wanting to talk with Auntie Sara any longer.

I couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking about coming here, but I felt uncomfortable with him looking at me. I wonder why?

“I’m sorry about that, Illya, but you should be going back to sleep. There is much that we have to do tomorrow and you need your rest if you’re going to be helping tomorrow.”

“Okay, I love you.”

“And we love you,” she said kissing me on the head good night.

Whatever happened that I couldn’t remember must have not been that important, right? For now, it was best to sleep.

And sleep I did. I slept like a log last night. While I still felt like I was missing something, by the time I woke up my body felt more than rested. However, the start of my day was anything but peaceful.

“Good morning, Miss Illya. Here, breakfast in bed just for you.”

“Once you are done here, we must get you fitted for a pair of dance shoes.”

“Then we need to bring you down to meet your dance instructor and etiquette instructor.”

“After that, we will meet with Lady Sara to pick out your dress, stop down for a quick cup of tea with the Duke, and then have dinner.”

“Once that is done, you shall go to bed so that you can be ready for the next day~.”


There were so many maids surrounding me that it was hard to process who was even talking right now. And why did I have to do so much? I never had to take classes before.

“Miss, there are a lot of preparations that need to be done for your fifth birthday party. One of such preparations is to get you ready to dance with the Duke,” an older maid with grey hair and glasses said to me. “My name is Fabra. I am the head maid of the Duke’s estate in the capital, similar to Lena, who is the head maid of the Duke’s main estate in his territory. It is my job to ensure your schedule is completed and you are kept safe.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” I said, bowing my head to her, hoping that we could get along as well as I do with Lena, Sola, and Tully.

“No, no, no, young Miss. While I appreciate the warm welcome, I am just a maid. I do not deserve to be addressed in such a manner. You should only have to bow before the royal family.”

“I do?” I wouldn’t say I liked that. There was no reason for me to follow this rule; now was there?

“Oh, course you do, young Miss, now let’s get you fed and fitted for a dress. Hmm, perhaps using the bathroom as well, you will be standing for quite some time.”


I had no time even to grasp what was happening before I was forcibly fed by the maids and then dragged straight to a dressing room right after using the bathroom.

“Oh my. What an adorable little angel you are,” A very feminine mam with scarlet hair said, looking down at me. “I never had the chance to work with an elf before. This will be interesting.”

Why was he wearing so much makeup? And was that a half dress, half suit? …Wait, are those heels? Was this fashion I didn’t understand?

“Aww~, I’ve seen that look far too many times to tell that you’re confused,” he said, politely responding to my unsaid confusion. “I am Madam Johnthan, and yes, sweetie, I am a man, but that does not determine who I am. Looking the way you want is not determined by gender. All that matters is what you want.”

“Madam Johnthan is a revolutionary clothing designer in the capital. Her works are very popular and the Duke commissioned her just for you,” Fabra said, explaining a bit more in detail who she was.

“Alright, little Miss, I have several dresses already prepared for you, so let’s get started~!”

I didn’t really understand what was happening during this entire thing. Before, I would just wear a dress that Auntie Sara or the maids picked out for me. Did I really have to pick out a dress for myself?

Having said that I don’t even think that I could. The dresses that she gave me were amazing. I never really liked wearing dresses before becoming a girl, but I couldn’t help but enjoy wearing them now.

“How about this one?” Johnathan asked several hours later after all the dresses were tried on. She was trying to help me pick a dress, but I had no idea what to pick. They were all good.

“I don’t know, they all look good.”

Please, can this end already? I don’t want to continue. I just want to rest and play.

“Hmm~. You’re right. None of this will do the trick. I’ll have to start from scratch and make a whole new dress! It will be my masterpiece!” Johnathan yelled out, startling me. “Don’t worry, little Miss I will have this dress done before your party! I must be off!”

It didn’t take Johnathan long to pack up her belongings and make her way to the door. I had hoped that I could get some rest, but the sudden chill that went down my spine said otherwise.

“Fufufu~. Just as expected, not even Madam Johnathan could find the perfect dress with premade models,” Fabra said, smiling back to me. “Now come along, fun time is over. When need to get you to your very first etiquette class~.”

Wait? Is that what they classify as fun around here? Trying on dresses? And now I have to learn about etiquette?

“Don’t worry, the teacher is very nice if I say so myself, she’s me."


Wait was a maid allowed to teach etiquette to a noble? But I was a goblin. Did I need to learn etiquette in the first place?

“Yes, me. The Duke believes that it is best for you to stay out of sight form other nobles. What a dotting grandfather. Sigh, if only my grandchildren were younger… no matter. You will be glad to see that your friend has decided to take classes with you~.”

“My friend?”



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