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Rosa led the nervous Mary into a nearby boutique. Though the reception when they entered was anything but welcoming.

“Excuse me, but we don’t serve your kind,” one of the attendants said to Mary upon seeing how dirty she was. “You should leave before we call the guards.”

“Hmm? And here I thought that this was a store,” Rosa said, standing beside Mary.

She didn’t understand how an adult could look at a child and threaten her. Was the morals of this world more messed up than she thought?

“Young lady, you must understand that this boutique only serves nobles. We cannot serve those without pedigree. It would harm our reputation.”

Pedigree? Such a sickening word to hear coming out of her mouth. It was clear that no matter what Rosa said, they wouldn’t listen to her, luckily, her older brother was more than enough to deal with people like them.

“Are you saying that the princess of the Dawn family isn’t a noble?”

“Y-you’re the young Duke!”

All the other attendants looked surprised to see Roland walk into the store. They surrounded him like a pack of hyenas while still disregarding Rosa.

“Young Duke, to what do we owe the honor,” the owner of the boutique asked, trying to make a good first impression on him, not realizing that they all had already pissed Roland off.

“It looks like you are all still unaware of the discourtesy that you just gave my sister.”

“Sister? …That is your sister?” The owner looked at Rosa’s masked, confused by what to say next. “Of course, she is your sister,” she said, beginning to sweat. “I should have known. That mask of hers is stunning.”

“Do you really think so?”

“Of course! I would have to be blind not to see it,” she said, hoping that she could convince these two children to stay.

“Then you should have had no problem seeing her beauty from the beginning. Rosa, let’s go. This place can’t seem to recognize the diamond in their store. There is no use staying here.”

“Y-young Duke, please reconsider!” The owner got on her hands and knees, begging for him not to go, pissing him off even further.


“Brother, don’t, it’s not worth your effort,” Rosa said, holding him. She wanted nothing to do with a boutique that would judge someone based on their looks and pedigree. It was appalling.

“Miss! Please! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” the owner begged, thinking that it was Rosa who she needed to apologize to, but that wasn’t the case in the slight. The one that deserved an apology was Mary.

Rosa led Mary and her brother out of the boutique, determined to find one that would not judge Mary for how she looked. Though to her dismay, store after store, it was the same. Every last one of them is too arrogant to help someone in need. Did this world really have to wait for the heroine to become a better place?

As the sun began to set, Rosa was about to give up hope when she stumbled upon a boutique that she didn’t know of.

Blooming Flowers

It looked quite run down, but the dresses on display in the window were beautiful. These were the dresses Mary would look best in.


A small bell rang when we entered the boutique and it wasn’t long before a brown-haired woman with unkempt hair ran out to greet us.

“Huff, huff, huff… w-welcome to Blooming Flowers. My name is Tulip. How may I help you today?”

Perfect. She was the first person to look at them and see them as customers rather than nobles.

“We need dresses for her,” Rosa said, motioning over to Mary.

“Hmm, do you mind if I clean her up a bit? It’ll be hard to determine what will work well with her, with her face covered in dirt.

“Of course, don’t be afraid to do so.” Rosa was happy to find that there was an adult out there that cared. Though she knew that this woman had to be a part of the game, she never played enough to figure out all the characters. For now, it would be better to wait and keep an eye on her.

“Absolutely wonderful!”


“Not bad.”

For the next half hour, they watched as Mary tried on every dress given to her. She was embarrassed but could find no reason to disobey Rosa’s orders.

To be honest, this is what Rosa needed as well. Ever since she had woken up in this world, she’s been alone. Yes, she had her family, but she didn’t have any friends. Having Mary around seemed like the best option she had.

“M-Miss, do I have to do any more?” Mary asked, obviously not used to wearing such nice clothes. Though honestly, Rosa would have chosen even cuter clothes if she could, but she didn’t want to upset Mary.

“…Fine. Miss Tulip, do you have any maid uniforms?”

“A maid uniform? I believe that I do. Please wait right here!” she happily yelled, making her way to the back. Seconds later, she came out with a lovely black and white maid uniform. Rosa wasted no time in making Mary wear it, knowing that it would look great on her.

“Perfect, now no one will question that you are my maid,” Rosa proudly said. “From now on I expect that you will be with me at all times.”

“Y-yes! Of course!” Mary responded nervously, still not sure that she deserved to be treated this way. She was nothing more than a gutter rat, not deserving of such things.

“We’ll take everything that she’s tried on today. Send the bill to the Dawn mansion,” Roland said to Tulip, knowing that his sister was having fun.


“Yes, and we’ll pay double the cost and an exclusive contract.”

“Th-that’s too much! There’s no way that I can accept a gift like this!”

Rosa knew that her brother was going a bit overboard with this, but she didn’t mind it at all. What was the point of being a villainess if she couldn’t have some of the perks along the way?

“Please accept it. Think of it as a gift for the only person that values serving her customer rather than judging them for how they looked.”

“Th-thank you, Miss!” Tulip yelled happily, bowing her head as the three of them left the boutique.

“The sun will be setting soon. It would be best if we check up on Lyla and see her progress. She should at least have a sample ready for us now.”

“Sample?” Mary asked, confused about what they were talking about.

“It is nothing that you need to know,” Roland said back to her. Her good was to be Rosa’s friend and maid. Asking questions was definitely not in her job description.

“It’s fine, brother. There is no need to keep this from here. She will be learning far more things than this.”

Rosa didn’t want to keep secrets from Mary, especially since, this time, she would stay as her maid long enough to learn about every dark and twisted deed that the Dawn family has committed.

“The sample is for a potion to help defend myself. As a noble, I lack mana. Without mana, I can’t use magic. This potion is to help remedy this problem. If you wish to laugh, you may.”

“I-I would never!” Mary nervously said back to Rosa. There was no way that she could laugh a the person who saved her.

“I was joking. There is no need for you to worry. If this doesn’t work and I have to survive without magic, then I will. There are many other paths that I can take.”

“Well said, my precious sister,” Roland said, agreeing with Rosa.

Unlike the game, Rosa now had the support of her family. There were other ways to obtain power if it wasn’t through magic. Though that’s not to say that she doesn’t want magic.

Following her brother Rosa along with Mary, were soon led to the bookstore once more, where Lyla and Alan were still working on creating the sample for the potion in the back.

“Young Master, young Miss, you’ve returned at just the right point,” Alan said, watching his wife finish up the mixture. “And it looks like you brought a guest. The more, the merrier to see my darling and most beautiful wife create such a historic potion. It’s time for you all to understand her great-Owww!”

“Quiet, you idiot, you’ll scare the young Miss and her maid,” Lyla said, smacking Alan in the back of the head. “I can see that our young Miss like to work fast. You would do your best to serve her well.”

“O-of course!” Mary knew that Lyla was just being nice. There was no reason to expect anything from her.

“As for you, young Miss, I do believe that this is what you came for,” she said, holding out a small vial with a strange purple liquid inside of it. “It’s not perfect due to the time frame that we were given. But the effects should work. There may be a few side effects, but those will easily be filtered out once we begin the refinement phase. “


Roland stopped me before I could take the vial.

“You need to prove that this isn’t poisoned. Try some for yourself.”

“Hmm, there isn’t much that can be used between two people, but a sip should be enough.”

Lyla understood Roland’s worries and was more than willing to accommodate, drinking a small portion of the sample potion. And just as she knew, nothing happened.

“There, you see. There is nothing wrong with the potion. The young Miss should be completely fine if she drinks it.”

“How will we know if it works?”

“Well, the obvious answer is that she will be able to use magic. Knowing the Dawn family, she should be able to easily create some smoke or, at best, a small flame. It’s hard to know exactly what will happen until she drinks it.”

Fire magic? Rosa knew that all members of the Dawn family used fire magic, even those that married in, but the system gave her Rose magic. Why did the system give her magic that wasn’t related to her family? Was this because she wasn’t the real Rosa? Did her spirit affect what type of magic she could use?

“Go on, Rosa, try it,” Roland said, handing her the vial.

She was nervous, but the system told her beforehand that this would work. Rosa lifted up the base of her mask and drank the entire vial in one go.

“Ugh, that does not taste good at all.”

[Congratulations! You have claimed what belonged to you and made the creator yours. You have done a great job as a villainess. The potion effect, which would have been +.01 to your mana has been increased to +1]

[Opening up the status screen to show current attributes:]

[STR: 1, DEF: 1, INT: 2, CHA: 10, MAG: 1]

[Rose Magic:]

[Plant Magic Lv.1]

[Thorn Growth Lv.1]

[Poison Mastery Lv. 1: (Exp: (67/100)]

Hmm? What’s this? Exp(67/100)? Did she earn experience when she was poisoned before?

“Rosa? How do you feel?” Roland asked her, seeing her staring off into the distance for some reason.

“I don’t feel different at all.” Rosa knew that she could use magic now, but besides that she still felt the same. It was like nothing changed at all.

“Try creating some fire.”

“Fire? How do I do that?”

She had no idea how to do what he asked. She didn’t have fire magic and didn’t even know how to use magic in the first place.

“It’s alright, just focus,” Roland said, placing his hands on Rosa’s. “Feel the magic inside of you. Let it flow through you. Feel the image that it is showing you. Now let it go.”

Rosa did as her brother said, focusing on his words, though just as she thought, nothing had happened. She couldn’t use fire magic. There was no way that she could do this.

“Don’t worry. Rarely anyone gets it on their first try.”

Roland was trying to stay positive, but Rosa could feel the disappointment in his words.

“Um… Miss, there is a rose at your feet.”

Mary’s statement caused everyone to look down where a blood-red rose had grown out if the floorboards.

This was it. She had magic.



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