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“Young master, if I may,” Lyla said, seeming to need Roland’s permission to speak.

Though it didn’t even seem that she needed to ask, as Roland had already given her permission.

“Young miss, the contents of this book are to help cure you of your lack of mana. Inside here is the recipe for an experimental elixir to help you. While it’s not completely finished, now that we have these notes again, I can use the newer notes we made, and it should be complete. Miss, you’ll be able to use magic.”

Rosa couldn’t believe it. She thought that it couldn’t be true, but it was. She was actually going to be able to use magic. There was no way that she could give up this chance.

The system was right. She needed to claim this opportunity without fail.

“Miss? I know it might be a shock, but…”

“Shut down this store,” Rosa said, surprising everyone.

“I’m sorry?” Lyla wasn’t quite sure what Rosa meant by that. Nor did Roland or her husband, but they were all curious about what she had to say next.

“I said shut down this pathetic store, I’m taking you with me.”

Rosa knew that it was dangerous to tell Lyla that she was going to be killed, so instead, she would just have her move to the safest place possible, her family’s home.

Getting the ability to use magic will save Rosa from many death flags. There was no reason for her to even hesitate from taking what was hers. Besides that, the heroine would get many other buffs thanks to the games. It made little difference if Rosa took this one for herself.

“Miss, this is our home. I’m afraid that I can’t do that,” Lyla said, unable to fulfill the young miss’s request.

“No, from now on, you will live with me,” Rosa said, refusing to take no for an answer. “If this works I will give you whatever you want, but until I say so you will stay close to me. The both of you will.”

“Young Miss I…”

“You heard her,” Roland said, agreeing with his sister.

For the longest time, he knew that Rosa desired to use magic like her family even before losing her memory. This was her chance.

“…As you wish, young master, but will you please allow us to make a sample to see if the elixir works?”

Lyla looked through her old notes, realizing the reason why she was failing in her current experiments. If she made the elixir this time it would most certainly work. All she had to do was prepare everything.

“Go ahead. I am certain that you won’t fail,” Roland said to her.

Lyla knew what Rosa’s family was capable of, and she was sure that if she failed to create a working elixir, the punishment would be dire.

“Until then, we shall take our leave.”

Roland grabbed Rosa, leading her out of the store, leaving the couple to scrabble the things that they needed in order to get the work done.

“Brother, was it really necessary to threaten them?” Rosa asked, now understanding how her family acted better after learning more from her mother.

“There is no need to worry. Only a spy would see that as a threat, as someone who works for our family, I’m certain that they will succeed. Besides, we shouldn’t be worried about that, we need to prepare a party to celebrate this occasion. Mother and father will be overjoyed when they hear this.”

Roland was ecstatic. For the longest time, rumors of his sister not being able to use magic have circulated throughout the kingdom. And even more, rumors had been created about her legitimacy because of this. He needed to make sure that this party was a clear signal to others to stay away from her.

“Um, brother, that won’t be necessary,” Rosa said back to him.

Rosa had no intention of standing out by throwing a large and extravagant party. In the game, Rosa would throw massive parties and spend much of the Duke’s funds. Roland was never fond of this and always preferred the main heroine’s restraint.

“What are you talking about? Not necessary? Of course, it is!”

Roland couldn’t believe the words coming out of his sister's mouth. …Wait, he never mentioned the size of the part. If he was going to host a party for his sister gaining the ability to use magic then a mere party would do them no good. They needed it to last a full week!

“Brother, please…”

“No, it’s fine. I understand my sister’s desire now. I will make sure that wish is fulfilled.”

“Alright?” Rosa said, nervously, knowing that her brother was most defiantly misinterpreting her words.

For now, all she could do was hope that if she distracted him long enough, he would forget about this whole party nonsense. She was more than happy just celebrating with a dinner among her family.

Also, she would feel better if they left this area. There were many disturbing-looking individuals that were taking notice of her. It would be best to leave this area for now.

“Brother, may we get something to eat? I’m starting to feel peckish.”

“Of course, we can. There is a nice café not too far from here.” Roland said, taking her hand and leading her towards the café will. Roland made sure those that dared look at his sister were taken care of without her knowing.

Once inside the café, Rosa and Roland were led to a table next to a window on the first floor. While Rosa wanted nothing more than look at the menu to see what they had to offer, she couldn’t help but notice that many eyes were directed at them. All of them intently glued onto her brother.

However, it wasn’t long before she saw them turn to her and whispers began to emerge from the young ladies watching them.

“Look, it’s Roland Dawn.”

“He looks as cute as ever.”

“Who’s that girl with him?”

“Why is she wearing a mask?”

“How dare such an ugly girl sit next to him.”

“Wait, doesn’t she look familiar?”

The whispers annoyed Rosa. If they had something to say, they should come over and say what was on their minds.

“It’s fine,” Roland said to her, seeing that his sister had yet to look at her menu. “There is no use listening to these girls. They hold no such power to do anything. Here let me help you order.”

Roland didn’t want Rosa to pay attention to these greedy women. Instead, what she should be doing is focusing on what she should be ordering right now. He would deal with these women later.

“I would like a strawberry shortcake and some Earl Grey tea,” Rosa told the waitress after her brother made his order.

She could tell that her brother didn’t like what he was hearing from the woman in the café, yet he was able to control his emotions with a refined smile across his face. To think that he was just twelve years old. It was no wonder so many girls wanted him and why he was one of the capture targets for the game. She could understand the allure.

Luckily for her, she was immune to his charms as she was his sister. Not to mention that she still had more memories as a ma rather than a girl.

“Huh? Rosa, are you alright?” Roland asked her, seeing his sister shake her head. While he couldn’t see her face, it was obvious to him that she was nervous about something. Was it the woman? Should he just get rid of them here and now?

“No… it’s nothing.

Rosa didn’t want him to worry about this. These girls were nothing more than his admirers. There was no reason for her to do anything about them.

“Rosa, there is no need to hold back. You hold a higher position than everyone here. If they are upsetting you, I’ll…”

“No, brother, it’s alright. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Alright, if you say so,” Roland said, watching as their food was served.

Rosa enjoyed the cake and tea given to her then she couldn’t help but ask for another serving. This was even better than what she was served at the Duke’s mansion. She could eat this every day, but she knew if she did, it wouldn’t be as good.

“Careful, don’t overeat. Mother will be upset if you are too full to eat dinner tonight.”

“Oh, my it would seem that the young Duke is unaware of a girl's second stomach reserved just for sweets,” a girl with magenta hair said, appearing before them.

She wore a light purple dress to match her hair, and her eyes were a bright blue. The smile spread across her face was like that of a doll. There was only one description in the game that this could match.

Cerise Eckhart.

She was the daughter of a count and one of the two followers of Rosa. Though most importantly, she was Roland’s fiancé.

“Cerise, what do you want?”

While they currently weren’t engaged Rosa couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor girl who had taken a liking to her brother. Just like her, Cerise was also deemed a villainess in the game. While she wasn’t a major villainess like Rosa, her punishments were often severe. Luckily none of them included death.

“For the son of a Duke, one would think that you would be able to act properly in public.”

Rosa could tell that Cerise was clearly embarrassed. Even now, she could see the poor girl's flushed face. There was no reason for Rosa to leave her like this; she knew it was better to help.

“Greeting, lady Eckhart,” Rosa said to her, remembering the way to greet others thanks to her mother’s lessons.

“Greeting to you as well, Lady Dawn, and you, young Duke,” she said, giving a small curtsey.

“If you are done with your greetings then please leave,” Roland said to her.

He did not like his time with Rosa to be interrupted.

“I am most terribly sorry, I just wanted to personally ask Lady Dawn if she would like to attend a tea party I’m hosting. I had heard about her recent accident and thought that it would be best to give her a change of scenery.”

“Sorry, but Rosa is still recovering she-”

“I would love to attend,” Risa said back to her, cutting off her brother.

She knew her family cared about her, but the longer time she spends couped up in the mansion, the more time that she wastes to get rid of death flags. Besides having a friend her age would be nice as well.

“But Rosa, you’re still not ready.”

Roland wanted to keep his sister close, but that desire could not be fulfilled.

“I’m sorry, brother, but I have decided to attend Lady Eckhart’s tea party.”

“Thank you so much!” Cerise said, almost yelling upon hearing Rosa’s response. “I’ll send a formal letter with the details of the party later today. I do have a few other matters to attend to, but I hope to see you soon.”

Rosa watched as Cerise left. She was no older than her, yet she was still more mature than the prince. Were all noble children like this? And was the prince the only exception?

“You do know that you didn’t have to agree to that rude girl.”

“Brother, it was my decision to make. I’m sure that mother will be happy to hear it.”

Cerise was a good girl, and Rosa knew it. Villainess characters get a bad reputation because that’s how it’s meant to be. But if the game Cerise was willing to stand by Rosa after her fiancé was stolen from her, then there was no way that she was a bad person. Rosa was going to make sure that her brother saw that. And she would make sure that he would understand these poor girls' feelings.

“All right. If this was you want, then I won’t stop you,” he said, giving up on changing her mind.

After they were done eating, they left the café heading towards the next place on Roland’s list, a boutique. He had noticed that Rosa hadn’t tried to buy any dresses for herself, and that was a problem.

It was time for him to get a certain answer about what clothes his sister liked. While he knew that she like darker clothes, he was still unaware of the style she liked, and he needed to fix that lack of knowledge.

“Don’t worry Rosa I’m sure that-”




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