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“Miss Rachel I think I found the perfect candidate to help promote the mansion?” Himiko said walking over to me as I was trying to work on the ad for the mansion. It was nice that there were four cute monster girls living with me now, but it wasn’t enough. I needed more people to join the mansion so that I could actually begin to leave and start living my life again. There was only so much that I could take just doing nothing all day.

Yeah, I know that there are many people that wish that they don’t want to work and lounge around all day, but it’s not as fun as you would think. Occasionally I just want to get some fresh air and go sightseeing. And in order to do that I needed to make sure to get more people to join my family.

“Who is it?” I asked curiously. Himiko was by far the most trustworthy girl here, so there was no way that she would let me down.

“It’s him,” she said, placing a picture of a twenty-year-old man on my desk. “His name is Ren Sakurai, 23 years old, born two states over. Came here under the premise of receiving a high-paying job offer as a programmer but got tricked into working for a black company. The type of company that drains their employees of everything and leaves them with barely enough to live off of.”

“Programmer? Those are the people that work with those computers, right?” my grandmother asked me.

“Interesting, he could be of use,” I said reviewing the information that Himiko gathered while ignoring my grandmother for how she transformed Destiny. I still couldn’t get that image out of my dreams.

“With the knowledge of programming, we can set up a sight to promote the mansion. I’m sure that it will be of great help. Plus they could help us set up a social media page or even a streaming account to actively promote ourselves. There will be no end to the number of people that want to become their true selves,” Himiko said happily to me.

“That sounds like a lot of work,” Grandmother said. “Wouldn’t it be easier just to make flyers?”

“That’s a very good idea,” I said back to Himiko, still ignoring my grandmother. “My knowledge of social media and streaming isn’t the best. I’m not that good when it comes to getting my posts many views. Having an expert would definitely help.”

“That’s wonderful~! How should we continue from here?”

“Sweetie are you still mad about what happened with Destiny?” she asked, obscuring my vision. “For the seventh time I’m sorry, but you can’t deny the results.”

“I’m sorry Himiko, but I’m going to need a second alone to think about this. Do you mind if I have a moment to myself?” I asked her. I wanted to continue to discuss this with Himiko, but my grandmother wasn’t going to leave me alone until I addressed her.

“Of course Miss, please call me back when you have made a decision,” she said, leaving the room to allow me to deal with my grandmother.

“Grandmother you can apologize all you want, but what happened with Destiny is inexcusable. Thanks to what you did her mental state is that of an infant. I am not comfortable with doing that to people. In fact, I won’t stand for it. Chloe’s circumstances were similar, but that was who she was, to begin with. Destiny was never supposed to be a monster girl or at least a slime girl, now was she? Why did you have to harm her? What she did wasn’t near enough to deserve such a punishment.”

“My dear sweet granddaughter they would be foolish to try to lay a finger on you,” she said being cryptic as always. Harm me? There was no way that someone who was clearly looking for their friends would have come here to harm me. I needed to understand the truth if I was going to continue transforming people into their true selves. Allowing there to be victims like Destiny was something I could not stomach.

“Grandmother tell me why Destiny was transformed? I know that you have a reason for using such a cruel method, so explain why it had to happen.  And don’t try to simplify the reason. I have the right to know.”

“Let’s just say that of everyone so far, she was the one that deserved to be transformed the most. She should be happy that she was given this second chance at all. Though I can see that you still need more time before you’re ready to understand the full truth.”

“A vague answer is not what I was looking for,” I said back to her. “I need to know the truth or else what’s the point? This mansion is supposed to help people, not harm them. I don’t want it to become a place where other people’s desires are taken away. The other girls were forcibly turned, but their original minds still exist. They were returned to who they always were. I cannot do that to people that were never changed, to begin with.”

“My sweet granddaughter I’m sorry, but in your current state this is all you are allowed to know,” she said to me in a sad tone.

“…Fine.” I knew there was no way to figure out what she was doing unless she decided to let me know. I would have to wait for now.

“Thank you sweetie as for now, if you wish to transform this programmer person, I suggest that you use this,” she said as a pink cat ear headband floated into the room. “We have too many dogs in this house, I was thinking that we could use a cat next~.”

“Hmm, a cat would be nice, though are you sure that being a cat is who they are supposed to be?” I asked her, trying to make sure that I understood her reasoning.

“Fufufu~. Don’t worry, she is supposed to become a cat girl. It’s just something that only I can see~,” she said teasing me by placing the cat ear headband on my head. “My adorable granddaughter one day you will understand how I know these things, but for now you are far too weak. It will take some time before you are ready to properly see the truth.”

“Alright, if you say so,” I said to her. For some reason, she always knew who and what the girls were supposed to be. I needed to trust that she knew this as well. “As to your suggestion having a cute cat girl in the mansion would be nice, but bringing them in will be a problem.”

“That is true. While the others now live with us, they did come to the mansion first. Not to mention that they are 23 years old. What if you offer them free room and board? I’m sure that such an energetic kitty won’t be able to resist.”

‘Hmm, not a bad idea,” I said understanding the purpose of convincing her to live here with free room and board. Having her live with us after the change is essential and keeping a low profile for now would be best.

“Himiko, I think I have come up with a proper decision,” I said to her, walking out of the office. “Have this letter and headband mailed to their current residence. With luck, they will not hesitate to come to us.”

“Of course Miss. I’ll have it mailed right away!” Himiko eagerly said, doing as she asked. And now all that had to be done was wait.

Luckily my assumption was correct. It only took a few days for a cute pink-haired cat girl to arrive at my door.

“Welcome please come in,” I eagerly said, happy to see a girl who was almost the same height as me. All the other girls were much taller than I was so having someone that was only a tad bit taller than me, was quite refreshing.

“Um… is the other to stay here still open, nya?” the cute girl asked me as I resisted the urge to pat her head.

“Of course it is~,” I happily said back to her, leading her to the living room so we could have a chat. “Though as you know I can’t let you stay here for free.”

“B-but the letter said I c-could stay here for free, nya…” She was so nervous that it made her even more adorable. “After I put that headband on I became this, nya. I had to quit my job, nya.”

“Oh don’t worry, I don’t require your money at all,” I said to help her relax. “What I need you to do is quite simple really. I need your help to free more people from their human cages. Many people across the world are forced to live in cages known as the human body. I wish to free them. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do about it in my current state. Not to mention the lack of resources I have. I need to be careful not to get caught by some unsavory groups.” There was no telling what the police or government would do to me if they learned about me now. I didn’t want to end up this one of those Syfy shows where I’m being dissected for them to see what makes me tick.

“I don’t understand how I can help, nya.” It was clear that she was confused, but I needed her on my side to continue making progress.

“That’s alright, for now, if you’re able, could you create a site for me to help gather awareness for the mansion as well as set up a streaming channel? By doing so you can help me out a lot.”

“Really, nya? Making a site is simple, nya. And streaming… I do need a job, nya. With this new body, I’m sure to be a hit, nya. Alright, you have yourself a deal nya~!”

With Ren's or rather Rei’s help, I was able to create my website, fulling the first stage of my plan. Though what I didn’t account for was Rei having me go up on stream with her. She was very eager to showcase me as the icon of the mansion. Many people in the chat thought we were just playing a prank on them. But I knew now that it would only be a matter of time before we started getting people that actually believed in the mansion. Finally, it was time for the fun to begin!



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