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“Ryoko-chan and Yuki-chan. Thank you so much for coming today,” Megumi said, happy to see that her friends could join her. “I've been working on this new recipe for a while now. I've been hoping to have someone taste test for me.”

“No problem, girl, we got your back,” Ryoko said, encouraging her friend. For the longest time, Megumi has needed some encouragement to boost her confidence, and if making a special dish like this was what it took, then so be it. As her friends, they would stay behind her and give her quality reviews about her new dish.”

“It can't be as bad as the last thing you cooked for us. I'm certain this one will be better,” Yuki said, remembering the last time Megumi had cooked something for them. While it wasn't that bad, it wasn't that good either. She had hoped that this time making, I would be able to cook them something at least better. She had been studying under Soma for a while, so hopefully, this was her chance to surprise them.

“Thanks, just wait right here. I'll add a few more ingredients,” Megumi said, rushing back to the kitchen and putting the final spices into her dish. Unbeknownst to herself, she had accidentally added a special drug that Alice had been working on for the past few months. Alice had accidentally left it there the last time she had visited.

“Alright, here it is,” Megumi said, laying out the dish before her two friends, eager to see what they thought of it.

“Alright, let's do this~!” Ryoko and Yuki yelled at the same time, taking a bite of Megumi’s means dish.

“… Oh my God! This is amazing~!” Ryoko said, surprised about the rush of flavor that flowed through her mouth into her body as she took her first bite. Never before she takes something so sweet and tender that it melted in her mouth; such a dish could even surpass what Soma could create.

“How… how is this possible!” Yuki yelled, unable to keep herself from eating more of the dish. Megumi was nowhere near the skilled one she cooked for them last time. She had to use a special ingredient or something to make it this good.

“Do you really think it's that good? Megumi asked, worried that they were just making fun of her. She knew that she got a better cook, but there was no way that she could make them this stunned from eating her food.

“Megumi, you shouldn't be looking down upon yourself like this,” Ryoko said to her, encouraging her friend. “This is amazing. Even Soma would have to agree if you tasted it. I can't get enough of it,” she said, eating several more bites. Now she did the roots of her hair started turning dark blue.

“She's right. This is amazing!” Yuki yelled, already motioning for seconds. Her hair was much bluer than Ryoko’s, and it was noticeable to Megumi.

“Um, Yuki-chan, are you feeling alright?” Megumi asked, not certain of what was going on. Why was her friend's hair changing color? Was it something that she added to the dish? She cooks one that she double-checked every ingredient… wait, there was a one ingredient swarm that was part of the recipe, but was she certain about it?”

“Megumi, what are you talking about? I feel fine,” Yuki said to her, I don't know where that anything was wrong.

“She's probably just worried that you're gonna give yourself a stomach ache after eating so much,” Ryoko said to her, seeing that she was scraping her plate dry. “ You try to slow down enjoy your food,” she said, unaware that her face had already begun to reshape itself to look closer to Megumi’s.

“Eep! What's going on!” Megumi yelled, seeing her friends begin to shrink and grow taller by the second. The more that they ate the food she created, the more that they began to change. You start to panic. What was the ingredient that she added to the dish? She had to check it out.

Without waiting to see the end result of what was happening, Megumi ran back into the kitchen and shut the ingredient that she used—cloning drug. Megumi had never heard of such a drug before. Upon reading the inscription on the bottle, she saw that the drug would transform the person into the last person that they saw. Believing that this was nothing more than nonsense, Megumi rushed back to where her friends were, but in their place were copies of herself.

“Wh-what's going on!? She yelled, unable to handle the fact that there were two of her sitting before her.

“Hmm, what's wrong,” one of the Megumi asked after seeing her walk into the room.

“W-who are you?” Megumi asked, nervous to see that there were two girls that looked just like her.

“Megumi? Is something wrong? The other Megumi asked her, noticing that she was scared. “It’s us. Are you feeling alright?”

“How can you be so calm when you look like me!?” Megumi yelled, scared out of her mind that her two friends weren't reacting to their new change at all.

“Oh my, would you look at that,” the Megumi on the left side calmly looked at the Megumi on the right?

“Wow, you look amazing,” the other one said but having batting an eye.

What was wrong with them? Why couldn't they understand that this was weird and unnatural? Megumi needed to figure out a way to show them that this was wrong.

“Why are you so okay with this? Aren't you scared that you're no longer yourself?” Megumi that's trying to get through them with reason.

“And why should we care about that?” The one on the left asked. “Isn't it better this way? Isn't this proof that you are the better chef? Don't you want to prove to people how skilled you are? As our big sister, you should understand that you now have the power to show people how wrong they are. Those that have mocked you and belittled you all this time can suffer. We can help you.”

“W-what? What are you talking about? There's no way I could ever dream of revenge against those that have belittled me,” Megumi said back to her clones. “Come on, enough for these games. Let's try to figure where how to turn you both back to normal.”

“Normal? Big sister, this is normal for us now,” the one on the right side slowly standing up as to the one on the left.

“Deep down, this is what we all wanted to become, your sisters~,” they said in unison, scaring Megumi even more.

“No, no, I don't want this,” Megumi yelled, trying to escape the room, but before she could, her twins grabbed her and took the drug out of her pocket.

“We know that this is what transformed us. We know that this is what gave us the possibility of becoming who we were always meant to be. Can't you see that this is a blessing for us? For you? As the original and as our big sister we need you to take the lead. We need you to take charge so that we can have what we've always desired.”

“Let go of me!” Megumi yelled, struggling to free herself from her twin's grasp, but it was no use. No matter how hard she struggled or tried to resist them, she could not escape. And they would not allow her. If she were to escape, their plan would be foiled before it even began.

“Please don't fight this,” the one on the right said that's the one on the left began to undo the cap on the bottle of the drugs she used in her meal. “We don't want to hurt you. We just want to make you see the error of your ways so you can join us, and so he will belong to us.”

“Wh-what? What are you talking about?" Megumi asked as tears began rolling down her eyes. She knew that there was nothing that she could do to resist them as they overpowered her. She didn't want to accept this, but there was no choice.

“Isn't it obvious already?” The one on the left said, pouring out some of the drugs onto her finger. “Besides being recognized as a competent chef, we've always wanted one thing. So it's better to say, person. We've always desired Soma. Since day one, he's been the only person to encourage you to do better. To encourage you to be young, who you always meant to be. He is the one we must serve. He is the one we must love. And the spike being the original, we won't let you get in our way. You shall become just like us.”

“No, please! Please, you have to stop this! I promise you give some time and I can fix you!” Megumi yelled, already too late. The one on the left was forced to open her mouth, major swallow the cloning drug.

At first, Megumi hoped that the drug would do nothing to her since she was the original and that by looking at herself, nothing would change. But she was wrong. The moment after she consumed the drug, her body began to feel warm, and her mind started to become fuzzy.”

“Nggh~! What happened to me?” Megumi asked, scared out of her mind. She didn't know what effects the drugs would have on her. She wanted nothing more than for this to be a bad dream.

“Shh~. Just relax and think of the one person that we all love~,” the one on the right said to her, sitting her down, eagerly watching as the original succumbed to their desires just like they had.

“That's right, let go of your fear~,” the one on the left said to her, knowing that in a matter of seconds, the original will become just like them. They would become perfect. “Now tell us, who do you love most in the world?”

“S-Soma,” Megumi said, unable to deny her feelings any longer. Oh, she ever wanted to was be acknowledged as a chef, and the only person to do that was Soma. He was the only one who gave her hope in her darkest days, so she should make up for that by serving him with all of her heart.

“That's good, very good,” the one on the left said, knowing that all they had to do now what's the present themselves to soma. Or at least that would have been the plan until what happened next,


All of a sudden, the front door through the door tree slammed open, in two girls barged their way through.

“Where is she!?” one of the girls yelled, looking around the dormitory. “Where is the one called Megumi!”

“That would be me,” Megumi said with a newfound confidence in her voice. Thanks to her sister, she now would no longer feel intimidated by others. She should not have to fear them. They should have to fear her. There's only natural that they would serve the one who is better than them.

“So it's you… wait, is it you or you or you?” The girl asked, looking confused, seeing if there were three copies of Megumi in front of them.”

“There's no need to worry about the other two. Now state your purpose,” Megumi said, annoyed that these two girls had gotten in her way from meeting her beloved soma.

“Fine, if you want to be that way, so be it!” The girl yelled, deciding not to care that there were three of them. All that mattered was helping out her best friend. “My name is Aki, and this is Mayumi! She’s Soma’s rightful girlfriend, not you! We've heard rumors about you lately getting closer and closer to her soma. Testing that someone is vulgar, you'd have two other people who look just like her who would dare be closer to him. He belongs to Mayumi!”

“Oh my, it would seem that my hearing is broken, Since you would seem that there are two arrogant girls in front of me who don't know their place. Isn't that right, dear sisters?”

“Of course, dear sister. These girls clearly do not understand who they are messing with right now,” her twin said in unison. “Perhaps we should allow them the right to be graced with the same gift that we have received. It is only fair to give such a gift to those who have dedicated their lives to the same person that we have.”

“A-Aki, it's fine, we don't have to do this,” Mayumi, nervous to see that there were three girls that looked exactly the same. You know how to react all she knew was that she was scared and didn't want to get close to these girls seeing how calm they were in front of her friend.

“Oh, it's no problem at all,” the original Megumi said to her. “We're doing this out of kindness for you. You want Soma to see you, don't you? You want him to love you. You want to gain his attention. But you do know he'll never look your way unless you're better than him. He'll never look your way unless you interest him. We can give you that there's no need to fear. All you need to do is take a bite.”

“A bite?” Mayumi asked for some reason feeling compelled to accept their offer. The longest time she's been in love with Soma, but no matter what she's done, he's never bothered turning her away unless to use her for one of his experiments. You can never see how much she actually cared for him.”

“What the hell are you crazy bitches talking about!?” Aki yelled, starting to get frustrated that they ignored her. “ She's not going to share soma with you at all! Keep belongs to her!”

“My, my, my~. it looks like we have some work to do on the Megumi on the right side, as the one on the left prepared the food using the drug. “If you wish to receive some love, then please partake in this meal and show your dedication to him just like we have.”

“Soma’s love.” Mayumi couldn't resist the urge to give in. And besides, even if it was just a trick, there is no harm in trying now, was there?”

“Mayumi! What are you doing!” Aki yelled, seeing Mayumi partaking in the meal before her. “Stop do-mmmph! Ack-ack! What the hell!?” Right, she was trying to stop her friend from eating that suspicious food. One of the Megumi shoved the food down her throat and forced her to swallow.

Both of them started to feel their body get warmer and warmer as the roots of their hair began to turn blue, just like the others. Aki’s and Mayumi’s bodies started to become weak as they felt their knees. Bit by bit, their bodies began to change, growing in some areas and shrinking in others. Within a matter of seconds, their faces have already begun to restructure themselves to look like Megumi’s. There's nothing that you do except grunt and moan in frustration. The hair began to grow longer and the scan softer. Memories and skills of being Megumi’s younger sisters began to fill their minds as the other two twins stripped them down and placed them in their academy uniforms.

Their minds were sued and lost as they, being devoted to Megumi’s cause, become loyal sisters just like the others.

“Big sister, thank you for this glorious gift that you started upon us both,” the former Mayumi said, glad to know that you will soon be able to receive Soma’s love. It was finally time for her to receive what she's always dreamed of.

“N-no I Can’t I… I love soma~!” the former Aki said. She resisted the transformation far more than the others did, but in the end, it was useless to struggle as her mind was overcome by both her love for Soma and her dedication to her new big sister Megumi. “Please, big sister, forgive me for my transgressions against you. I will surely do as you ask from now on in order to achieve the goal that we all strive for.”

“Good. Very good~.” Megumi said, feeling even more confident than she did before. With the five of them together, Soma would have to accept their love. You would have to understand that they love him without question.

“Alright, girls, let's get to work~.”

-5 Hours Later-

Five hours have passed since Megumi’s new sisters were brought into the world. During this time, they've done everything imaginable to make sure that they would gather Soma’s attention. They dressed themselves up and created dishes that they never even dreamed of before. You're not to mention that the original Megumi had one of her new sisters rush down to Alice's lab to pick up something very special.

“Hey Megumi, I'm back~!” Soma yelled, barging his way into the dormitory. “I've just come up with a new recipe, and you're the perfect person to taste-tested for me. Where are you? Megu…mi”

Soma stopped dead in his tracks when he saw five Megumi standing before him. Each one of them we're dressed in clothes that he never saw her where before, but each one of them instantiated their beauty. They surrounded the table filled with food delicately prepared just for him. Soma, too confused even to speak, just stood there in shock.

“My dear soma. Finally, you've arrived~,” the original Megumi said, taking the initiative as she knew she would have to. “ We've been waiting for so long we were worried that you wouldn't come.”

“Megumi? What's going on here? Why are there 5 of you?” He asked, trying to figure out what was going on.

“There is no reason for you to ask that,” she said back to him. “All you need to do is accept our love and eat.”

“What? I'm not going anything till you tell me what's going on! And what do you mean except your love!? As your friend, I demand you tell me!”

“Hmm, this is a shame that you don't see the affection that we have for you just yet,” she said back to him as the other four began to surround him. “Worry not. Soon everything will be made clear, and you will love us.”

“Stop. You don't know what you're doing! Please-ack-ack-ack!” Just as they did with Aki, her sister forced open his mouth as she shoved the food laced with a love potion down his throat, forcing him to swallow.

“M-Megumi? What have you done? Why does my body feel so weird? Why is my heart racing? Why can't I think straight?”

“That's because you finally realize the feelings you've had first all this time,” she said, caressing his face, seeing it turn red upon contact.

“I… I l-love you?” He said there's the love drop began to work its magic. Allowing him to fall in love with the first person he laid his eyes on.

“Fufufufu~. That's very good. I'm so glad that you understand our feelings now~,” she said, kissing him on the lips showing her affection even more for him. “Now all that's left is to make sure that everyone else knows just how great you are~. It's time that you become this academy's king~.”



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