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*Warning this story has NSFW content. This story is a Redo of Healer Story so it is filled with NSFW Content. All characters are legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

“Princess Flare, please stay inside your room while we search for the healing hero,” Keyaru said to her, making his way into her room without knocking. “We do not know how he escaped, but we promised that he will be found.

“Thank you, please have a drink,” she said, pouring him a cup of tea.” I am certain that you will be most intrigued with what I have to say~.

“Thank you, Princess,” Keyaru said to her, drinking the tea while imagining his revenge. He wanted to hear her below him. He wanted to see her arrogant, acting as if she owned everything, pizza that moment he'll make her learn her place. He'll defile her body bit by bit, showing her that she's just a cum guzzling whore And then when he's done with her, he'll transform her into his beloved lover and slave. She'll do everything he asks without question.

“You must be really sp-spe…ugh, what's going on? I feel dizzy,” Keyaru said seconds after he drank the tea provided to him by Flare.

“Princess, what's going on? Why do I feel so strange?” Keyaru asked, dropping his teacup, unaware of what was happening.

“Fufufu~! Hahahahahaha~!!!!” You foolish piece of trash!” Flare yelled, laughing at the miserable state he was in as he transformed back to normal. “Do you really think that you would be the only one to remember what happened in the previous timeline?”

“No way…” Keyaru was speechless. How could she, of all people, remember what happened? This wasn't how it was supposed to be. He was supposed to get his revenge against her and make her pay, but once again, he was at her feet, groveling like a broken dog.

“You bitch! How dare you ruin my plans of revenge!” Keyaru yelled curious everything he had sacrificed and everything he had been through meant nothing because she who's just like him now. This was humiliating.

“How does it feel to know the plan that you dedicated yourself to making failed without you accomplishing anything?” Flare asked, mocking him.

“How?” Keyaru I had no clue how she was able to remember. He should have been the only one, not her.

“Aww, it's actually cute to see you this embarrassed and confused. To be honest, I've always liked this cute side of yours much more than the slave we turned you into. Luckily for you thanks to your little plan to turn back time I was able to see the error in my ways. Why bother turning you into a mindless slave when I can turn you into something better?”

“What are you talking about?” Keyaru asked this body started to heat up rapidly. He could feel his dick becoming harder and harder with each passing second. His face became washed as he began to desire Flare’s touch on his body.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you never wore the brightest one, now were you,” Flare said continuing to mock him as she stood up from her seat. “That's alright. Thanks to the potion that you just drank, as well as this new magic known as brainwashing magic which I learned this round, you shall become perfect. You shall become my twin sister~.”

“What!? There's no way ever to become your sister, your stupid rotten skank! I'll kill you!” Keyaru yelled at her refusing to believe that his plan had failed like this. He had to have his revenge. He just had to! He couldn't let it end here!

“And when did I ever say I need your permission, my dear sister?” Flare walked over to him, pushing him out of the chair and knocking him straight into her bed. “ From the moment I have laid my eyes on you belonged to me. There's no such thing as revenge because soon the person you all know no longer exists.”

“W-what are you…ugh,” the moment that Keyaru looked into her eyes he became feel dizzy, unable to think properly. His body was consumed by the desire to be touched by Flare, while his mind was soon begging for it as well.

No! Stay back!” Keyaru yelled at her. He tried pushing her away, but he couldn't muster any power in his arms. He thought that he developed a proper poison resistance, but he was wrong, and because of that mistake, Flare was going to turn him into her own personal plaything once again.

“Sorry, but that won't be happening anytime soon. Now sit back and enjoy the ride~,” Flare said as she tore off his clothes before climbing on top of him.

“Stop I don't want this. I don't-mmmphhh!!!!” Keyaru moaned as she shoved her tongue down his throat, wrapping around his and making him feel the pleasure that he's never felt before. He'd been raped plenty of times, but he's never been properly made love to.

“That's right, resist,” Flare said, mocking him. “It's no fun if you don't resist~. Now let's try this on for size.”

“Nnnnnnnh~!” Keyaru started to moan in pleasure as Flare began to squeeze his chest, pinching his nipples over and over. The drug that she laced his tea with soon started affecting his body. Bits and pieces of his body fat began to redistribute themselves around his body, and it wasn’t long before a small pair of breasts started to form on his chest. They slowly grew bigger and plumper with each squeeze until they were giant extra-large bouncy H-cup breasts! Flare pressed her breasts against his to make sure that they were the same size. They even had the same mole underneath her left breast.

His skin soon started to become softer and silkier, becoming just like Flares. A small surge of pain across his skull as he tried to resist. He was fighting the urge to become her slave again. This was the same feeling you had in the past when she slaved him originally. He couldn't help but want to belong to her. He couldn't help but desire every piece of her body, much to his dismay.

“Huff, huff, huff,” he began to paint as his mind began to slip away from him.. It wasn’t long after that his messy brown hair started to turn peachy--pink from its roots, slowly growing longer and longer until it reached his hips and flat ass. Flare smiled, seeing as the drug was working properly. It wouldn't be long now before all of Keyaru vanished. She continued to pinch his erect nipples, not even more, and lose himself in the pleasure.

“Ahhhhh~! Ahhhh~!” Keyaru couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure over and over again, exciting Flare, who couldn’t stop herself from pleasuring him more~.

“Go on, my little slave, you know you want this~,” she said, teasing him as she poured more of the transformation to her other across her body. Acting like a dog, Keyaru couldn't help but lick her body clean of the drug, consuming it without even caring what it was doing to his body.

Flare began to pleasure his dick, stroking ever so slightly, causing him to come several times. Each time he came, his body became thinner and thinner, becoming more feminine over time. It wasn't long after more of his unused fat began to redistribute itself into his thighs, hips, and ass, granting him a luscious curvy figure with a fat bubble butt just like hers.

“Ahhhhh~!!!” Keyaru cummed as the bones in his face began to break down and reconfigure themselves into the same structure that was Flare’s bitchy arrogant face. His once vibrant red eyes turned green to be just like Flare’s Keyaru’s entire top half was now a clear mirror to that of Flare’. They looked exactly the same. The only thing that was different between them now was one small male member.

Let herself love that Keyaru’s moans of ecstasy were becoming louder, but she wanted more~! She wanted him to belong solely to her in body, mind, heart, and soul! Unable to resist, she shoved their fingers deep into his ass while at the same time servicing his little dick, which was becoming smaller and smaller with each passing second. Soon it'll be gone.

“Ahhhhhhhh~!!!” Keyaru had long since given up on fighting back against her. There was no point in doing anymore. He had lost. All you could do was obey and hope then this life. He could be happy. And to be honest, that was the truth in this life he or rather she would live as Flare‘s twin sister Freia. It was a gift that he did not deserve. “Ahhhhhhh~!!!!” He continued to moan as his lips became fuller and plumper, and his nails grew sharper. Keyaru loved this, and he never wanted it to stop~!

“Nnnnnnh~! Ahhhhh~! Ahhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!”

Keyaru was already overcome with the ecstasy he was experiencing and was more than accepting of the changes happening to his body. It wasn’t long before his manhood disappeared, and Flare wasted no time stimulating her new pussy, making it twitch and quiver for attention, before ramming her fingers lathered with the transformation drug inside of her.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!” Keyaru moaned out in pleasure as she began to masturbate with the help of Flare, feeling better than she had in her entire life. She never wanted this to end~! Memories of her being the younger sister of Flare, as a new persona known as Freia, appeared.

“Fufufu~. Hahahahaha~!!! Don’t think that we’re stopping here, dear sister~!” Flare yelled. It was time to show her sister what it meant to be a woman.

For the next several hours, Flare continued to rape her sister, forcing her into submission. Finally, you're perfect~!” Flare yelled at her new sister, satisfied with her sister, who was dripping a major amount of cum from her pussy.

She didn’t even bother to clean her sister off as she rode her used thing up Freia’s cum filled pussy, shoving the cum deeper inside as she was given a wedgie. Then she dragged her new sister to her wardrobe. She pulled out identical copies of her white skirt, shirt, and stockings, forcing them upon her sister, who did little to resist. After ten minutes of makeup and doing her hair, they were now dressed the exact same way.

“There, now you look like a proper princess~,” Flare said, placing the cape onto Freia's back. “My dearest sister, do you want to know why I chose you for this wonderful gift? The answer is quite simple. It’s because I knew that you would be obedient.”

“Obedient~,” Freia said, feeling the urge to masturbate right in front of her sister. All she wanted to do was please her sister.

“Yes, my precious~,” Flare said, pressing her fingers against Freia's soaked panties.  “From the very beginning, I was going to do just that. I was originally going to use the Philosopher stone to make you my sister, but after you rewound time, I realized that with our powers combined, I could do that~.”

“You were always the perfect candidate. Together we shall stand together as equals. You are the only one that is worthy of helping me topple to the demon king. Come, let me show you what is at our disposal.

“Look at this, my dear sister. Look at all those people down there. All those lustful men that desire our bodies. They're nothing more than arrogant pigs. They'll be gutted whenever we what.

“They're pigs?” Freia asked, still adjusting to her new form board, repeating what her sister said.

“Yes, that's good you're learning~,” Flare said, happy to see her sister understood the power that they had. “We are princesses, and they are nothing. They're just things that we step on in order to benefit ourselves.”

“Yes, sister, you are correct,” Freia said, acknowledging her sister's words as she felt the urge to step on and belittle all those men there. She wanted nothing more than to agonize in pain as they cried her name.

“With your power as the healing hero and my power as the mage hero combined, there will be no one strong enough to stop us~!”

“Yes, dearest sister, I can still feel my power flowing through my body, and thanks to you, I will no longer feel the pain when I heal others. This is all thanks to you, my dearest sister~,” licking her lips as she imagined pleasuring her sister with her tongue~. “Sister, shall we make the sword hero our dog~,” Freia asked, seeing that since she was now on equal standing with her sister, we needed a new dog.

“Aww, my dearest sister, how right you are~,” Flare said, happy to see that her sister was taking the initiative to get a slave of her own. “With our powers, it will be easy for us to dominate the proud sword hero and transform her into our loyal dog. As for the gun hero, let’s kill him. That freak rapes young men for fun and is quite ugly as well. There is no way that I could ever work with him again.”

“Sister truly is the best~,” Freia said, happy that her sister would do that for her. The gun hero didn’t deserve to live. “Thank you so much~!” she yelled, dropping to her knees, pleasuring Flares’ wet pussy.

“Ohohohohohoho~!!!!” Flare began to laugh maniacally out above the crowd of soldiers while her dearest sister pleasured her. Together they would create a massive army produced with the best of the best filled with heroes across the world to defeat the demon king. And once they get their hands on the philosopher's stone, there'll be nothing stopping them from taking over the world themselves. Freia would do whatever her sister desired. If it were the world, she would collapse and give it to her. It was time that everyone else learned their place.


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