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“Erza! How dare they do this to you!” Natsu yelled out, furious at the state that the Oracion Seis’ Cobra left her.

“Argghhh!!! You bastards! I need to get Wendy back, or Ezra’s done for!” Natsu screamed, searching for them frantically. Wendy was the only one that could cure Erza. Without her, she would be a goner.

“Hmm, what an idiot he is~,” Angel said to herself, watching Natsu around the forest looking for Wendy. “Although I do believe that this has been long enough, it's time that we start to have some fun~. Isn't that right, Gemini~?”

“Hehehehe~!!! Fun! Fun!” Gemini yelled with glee, knowing that what their mistress had in store for them was very fun.

“Good. Gemini, transform into that little blue-haired girl we kidnapped,” Angel ordered Gemini.

Within seconds Gemini transformed themselves into an exact replica of Wendy. Seeing how oh protective Natsu was over his allies, transforming into the weakest one among them was sure to grab his attention.

“Where are you? Wendy!” Natsu yelled out in rage, furious that he could not find them. He was about to continue forward when the slight movement of blue hair attracted his attention. “Wendy?” Not you couldn't believe it. How is Wendy all the way over here?

“Hehehe~!” Without saying a word, Wendy, or Gemini, giggled beside the river.

“Wendy, wait!” Not through yelling, chasing after her knowing that she wouldn't be safe alone. Natsu chased after Wendy, unaware that you slowly being led into a trap made by Angel. It wasn't long until he saw Wendy stop further down the river, with an odd look on her face.

“Hehehe~. Finally, it took you long enough,” Angel said, mocking Natsu as she stepped out from the shadows revealing herself to him. And at that very moment, Wendy turned back into Gemini, giggling to themselves, seeing as how they tricked the poor young boy.

“You! What did you do to Wendy? Where is she!?” Not you yelled, furious, thinking that Angel must have done something, Wendy.

“You mean the blue-haired brat? She was never here, to begin with. I only use her image to draw you in closer.”

“If you wanted to fight me, you should have just asked for it!” Not too yelled and ragged that you use such a lowly tactic to draw his attention.

“And where's the fun in that?” Angel asked him seeing that this poor young boy needed to learn his place.

“You! How dare you treat this all as nothing more than a game!” Natsu yelled, furious for what they did to Erza and for taking Wendy. “I will make you pay for what you've done! Fire dragon iron fist!”

Without hesitating not to begin to attack Angel, unaware that this was her plan all along. The moment he stepped forward, he felt the ground beneath him change, and before he knew it, he found himself standing on a raft house flowing down the river!

“Ugh!” Natsu fell to his knees as his motion sickness began to take hold. “What have, ugh, you done!?” He tried yelling at her, unable to bring himself to rise to his feet.

“Hehehe~! And you're supposed to be one of Fairy Tail’s strongest Wizards. How pathetic~,’ Angel said, mocking him in his current state. Now all that she had to do was begin to have some fun.

“Gemini if you would~,” Angel said, transforming Gemini into a carbon copy of herself.

“Ugh! What do you plan to do with me!?” No few yelled, trying to crawl away into the water, but the raft he was on was much bigger than he anticipated.

“Fufufufu~. Don’t worry. You’ll soon see~,” Angel said, teasing Natsu, lightly pressing her finger up to her lips. “Hmm, should we start with your clothes first~?” she asked herself, taking off his scarf and throwing it into the water. “Such a disgusting thing. To think that you would even dare wear it in front of me.

“No!!! Give it back!” Natsu yelled at her, watching his scarf float down the river.

“Sorry, but there is nothing you can do now, is there~,” Angel said, mocking Natsu as she stepped on his back to keep him from moving. “And why would I bother doing that? Right now, you are unable to do anything against me, and soon, we shall be one. Soon you will want everything that I want, including the destruction of Fairy Tail.”

“What the hell are you talking about!?” Natsu yelled at her, struggling to move his body to no avail. “Let me-aghhhh~!!!” Without warning, Gemini pulled him to his feet, and Angel placed her hand on his chest, injecting him with Gemini’s magic.

“Fufufu~. This face suits you much more~,” Angel said, activating Gemini’s magic which would soon transform Natsu into her lovely sister.

“Nnnh~!” Natsu moaned, trying to free himself from Gemini's grasp, but they proved too strong.

“Fufufu~, that’s right, just stay still like that and accept our love~. If you do, then this won’t have to be the hard way~,” Angel said, teasing him.

“…” Natsu wanted to scream and shout and her, but he was completely helpless. His motion sickness was too strong for him to fight back. He knew that whatever she was about to do to him would be terrifying.

“Hmm, what a naughty boy you are~,” she said, forcing him to his feet and seeing that he was still drooling from Gemini’s kiss. “How does it feel knowing that soon you will be just like me~?

“Get off me, you bitch!” Natsu yelled at her.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~. Such a naughty boy~,” Angel said, mocking him as she had Gemini slowly take off his coat, revealing his muscular chest.

“Wh-what…what are you doing~?” Natsu asked, feeling hot and irritated right now. He didn’t understand why, bodies felt strange, and he became more flustered, unaware that the spell Angel cast on him was flowing through his body.

“Shh~. There is no need to fear; soon, you will understand what it means to be a true beauty. Soon you'll be just like me, and we can squash those ugly members of your guild together.

“Shut up! I’ll-mmppphhh!”

“Mmm~, you’ll what?” Angel said, ramming her tongue inside his mouth and then slowly biting Natsu’s lower lip. Natsu’s body was warm and pleasant to the touch~. The more she made out with him, the more she became addicted to the thought of making him her sister. Even if someone from the Oracion Seis told her to stop, there was no way that she would. Natsu belonged to her now.  She eagerly watched as his lips started to become plumper. She had missed her little sister; give me that if she were still around, she would love to play dress up with her, so Natsu made the perfect substitute~.

“Mmm~, you look lovely, but that hair has to go~,” Angel said, running her fingers across Natsu’s hair, turning the several strands of hair she touched turned white. With each stroke from her fingers, Natsu’s hair slowly began to grow longer, turning completely white. His white hair grew down to the base of his neck.

“Nhhh! No! Stop this!” Natsu yelled, still refusing to give in. Unaware that his eyes were changing from black to brown as his face became more delicate.

“You-mmm~, belong to me now, so you best not resist~,” Angel said, eager to take Natsu’s transformation to the next level. They had only just begun, and there was so much more for them to have fun with~.

“N-no! I-ahhhhh~!!!?” Natsu moaned as shocks of pleasure rippled across his body as she and Gemini slowly ran their hands down his bare chest.

“Ahhhhh~!!!!” Natsu, can you help moan out in pleasure? Never before has he felt a sensation this pure and this good. He loved this feeling, you know, slowly coming addicted to it.

“Oh, my, aren’t you the eager one~,” Angel said, as she and Gemini continued to stroke his chest. With each second that passed by, it became more and more sensitive, making him desire their touch even more.

“You love it, don’t you~,” Angel said, teasing the once powerful wizard wrapping in her embrace. “Go on, admit it~,” she said, pushing him down onto her bed, and slowly crawling on top of him.

“N-no…” Natsu could feel his body get weaker and more sensitive by the second. He had to fight back. If he did, he would be- “Ahhhhhhhhh~!!!!” He couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure as Angel and Gemini slowly began to squeeze his sensitive chest.

“Ahhhhhhh~!!!” Natsu moaned out again, unable to realize that his voice was getting higher becoming more and more like Angel’s as the seconds passed. With each grope Angel and Gemini gave him, he could feel the extra fat of his body work its way into his chest, and with he could feel a small pair of breasts begin to form. They grew larger and larger until they were the exact same size and volume as Angel’s, beautiful D-cups. He was slowly becoming just like her, perfect~.

“That’s right, you like this, don’t you~?” Angel said, teasing Natsu. “This is what you've always wanted, isn't it? To be pleasured by your older sister. To look just like her. Don't you want to look as good as me? Don't you want to be happy? Just give him already. It'll make things so much more simple.”

“Ahhhhhhhhh~!!! N-no…I…I-ahhhh~!!!” Natsu tried to deny Angel‘s words, but he soon found himself moaning as his face became more feminine, resembling more and more of Angel’s as the seconds passed.

“That’s right, don’t fight it~,” Angel said to him. “Give in. Even to your darkest desires, you know me to purify them by transforming you into me. Fighting will only cost you more pain. And you don't want more pain, do you? You want to feel good. You want to feel pretty. You want to feel loved~.”

“Ahhhhhhhh~!!!! Please! M-more~!!!” Natsu moaned out, unable to speak properly, feeling his breasts jiggling up and down with each movement Ange and Gemini l made on his body~. He wanted this to end, but his body craved more. He had to watch in both horror and ecstasy as his peach-white skin began to become softer and smoother, becoming just like Angel’s

“Hehehehe~. Finally, you’re starting to shape out quite well, my dear sister~,” Angel said, teasing him some more, running their hands down Natsu’s breasts all the way to his flat ass. “Stopping now would only be a waste of potential~.”

“Yesssss~!!!!!” Natsu screamed and moaned as Angel and Gemini began to grope his flat ass, and they weren’t going to stop there~.  “Yes!!! More~!!!!!” Natsu couldn’t help but moan over and over again. They continued to grope his ass, slowly expanding his ass, hips, and thighs, soon engulfing his manhood, welcoming her to the glory of womanhood.

“Ahhhh~!” Natsu moaned again, unable to think straight as Angel and Gemini began to play with their new sister’s body.  She never wanted this to end. All she wanted was to please her sister and do whatever she was asked of. There is no going back for her now. There's no going back, pathetic little Natsu. She was Nessa, Angel’s beautiful younger sister.

“Fufufu~. That's right, give in to the temptation. Give into being my sister. It's time for you to become who you were always meant to be. Admit that you love this.

“I… I… I love this,” Nessa said, unable to resist the urge, to make her sister happy.

“Very good. You learn quickly,” Angel said to her new sister, glad she understood her so well. “Come now, Nessa, it's time that we deal with other members of your Guild. There's one I have in mind. An annoying celestial wizard who has what belongs to me. Don't you wanna help your sister get back what is rightfully hers~?”

“Of course, sister, whatever you say~,” Nessa said, understanding that her next target was Lucy, but it did not matter to her. All that mattered was making sure that she did as her sister commanded.

-1 Hour Later-

An hour had passed since not too transformation into Nessa. Lucy has been desperately searching for not through this entire time.

“Natsu! Natsu, where are you!?” Lucy yelled, searching for her friend. He had been missing for an hour, and she was getting worried.

“Natsu! There you are!” Lucy yelled happily, seeing Natsu on the other edge of the forest, not realizing that the Natsu she saw was just Gemini. The moment that she got to where Natsu was, she was instantly captured by Gemini and Nessa, both waiting for Angel’s command.

Nessa was now wearing the same cute and sexy feather dress that her sister was. Angel made sure that her new sister looked perfect.

“Fufufufu~. Finally, you’ve arrived,” Angel said as they smiled evilly at Lucy's key.



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