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“Fufufufu~. So we finally meet~,” Freya said, to Bell, with Ottar by her side. She had been longing for a chance to meet him while he was alone, away from Hestia.

“Y-your goddess Freya!?” Bell nervously said, confused as to why someone as powerful as her would be happy to see someone like him.

“Right you are~,” Freya said, resisting the urge to take him right here and now, but there were far too many people around, so she would have to wait. “And I have been waiting for this moment for a long time~.”

“Y-you have~?” Bell said nervously, feeling that she was a predator eyeing her prey.

“Of course I have~,” Feya said, watching as, one by one, members of her Familia were driving people out of the streets. “Who hasn’t heard of Bell Cranel, Little Rookie, Fire Rabbit? The boy that reached level 4 faster than anyone in history. Your rate of growth is quite extraordinary~. I would love to talk with you and have a little chat~.” While his skills were quite admirable, she was focused on his purity of heart. Such a thing was a true beauty and one of which that was wasted on Hestia.

“I’m s-sorry, but my Goddess is waiting for me I have to… go?” Bell tried to scurry away, knowing that Hestia told him to stay away from Freya as much as possible. He didn’t know why., but this uncomfortable feeling that he was experiencing was more than enough to make him want to run, but before he could, Ottar blocked his path.

“My, my, my~. Are you sure that you want to leave now?” Freya asked him. “What would happen to your dear Familia if you decide to refuse my humble request?” Freya asked, seeing Bell start to sweat. “Our interaction here could provide much use for your Familia. I hear that my dear precious friend Hestia is still in major debt. How could I ever sleep at night knowing that I could have helped, but someone decided not to let me~?”

“…Fine… we can talk,” Bell said, seeing that he had no choice. The Freya Familia was one of the two strongest Familia’s in Orario, alongside the Loki Familia. Making an enemy out of them would bring them nothing but trouble.

Bell allowed himself to be escorted by Ottar to the nearest restaurant, where he sat down across from Freya. She had made sure that the restaurant was cleared out, and she had Ottar remain outside to make sure that no one from the outside could interfere with her plans.

“My dear Bell, do you know why I have brought you here~?” Freya asked as one of the waitresses, who was also a member of the Freya Familia, poured them each a glass of bold red wine.

“No,” Bell said, staring back at his nervous expression from the reflection of the wine.

“I’m here to help~,” Freya said, taking a sip of the wine, licking her lips as she did. “As I said, I hate to see my dear friend Hestia suffer. I have decided that I want to help her get rid of this debt of hers, but there is no way that I can do it for free.”

“I h-have nothing that I can give you,” Bell said, knowing that Freya was just toying with him now. If she really wanted to help Hestia, she would have done s before now. She wanted something from Bell, but she didn’t know what it was.

“Oh, but I believe that there is~,” Freya said, slowly leaning in closer to Bell’s face, causing him to become embarrassed. For the longest time, she had had to watch this boy be surrounded by other women when he was supposed to be hers. From the moment that she saw him, she claimed him for her own. Though not wanting to scare him away, Freya acted slowly, and in the end, she regretted it. Hestia was one thing, but Ais Wallenstein, that pallum girl and many others kept surrounding themselves around him. She was fed up with waiting and knew that she couldn’t hold herself back any longer. Bell would be hers, in one form or another~.

“And w-what would that be~?” Bell asked nervously as Freya sat back down.

“I want you to join my Familia~,” Freya said to his surprise. “Join my Familia, and all of Hestia’s debt will be expunged~. Just think about it. It’s a win-win situation for you. Hestia loses her debt, and you get to join a Familia where your talents can truly shine.”

“ B-but I…” Bell couldn’t respond. Freya was offering to help his precious goddess, which meant that he would have to betray her and join the Freya Familia, which was something that he definitely didn’t want to do.

“In addition to that, you can become my plaything~,” Freya said, revealing her true intentions while licking her lips.

Nervous and scared, Bell took a large drink of the wine before him to distract himself from what he just hear.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that I can do that. It’s best if I go back… ugh, something… something’s not right,” Bell said as his body started to feel increasingly weak and hot.

“Fufufufu~!!! So you finally drank it!” Freya yelled, ecstatic to see that Bell drank the wine filled with her essence. With this, Bell would never be able to escape her.

“W-what have you done to me?” Bell asked her, unable to find the strength to rise to his feet, unaware that his eyes had turned violet to become just like Freya’s.

“I have done what no other god has ever had the courage to do before,” Freya said, caressing his cheeks, eagerly watching as his white hair was slowly turning silver from its roots. “As a boy, you attract too much attention., whether it concerns other women, monsters, or gods, but as my soon-to-be sister, all that attention will disappear~.”

“S-sister…?” Bell couldn’t believe what she was telling him

“That’s right~,” Freya said, slowly stripping him of his clothes as one of her female members brought her a spare black dress for her sister to wear. “That wine that you drank was filled with my god-like essence, and any that drink it will be transformed into any for that I wish~. How else do you think Ottar became so strong~?”

“N-no! Stop this!” Bell yelled, trying to resist Freya, but his body refused to listen to him. It was no longer his to control his body. He wanted nothing more than to push Freya away from him, but he was forced to watch as she stripped him bare and then as she forced her tight sexy black dress onto him.

“Aww~. There is no need to fight~,” Freya said to him. “Deep down, this is what you want~. You want to become my sister~. You want to become me~.”

“Nnnnghhh~!!” Bell started to moan as he felt all of the fat and muscles in his body redistribute themselves around his body into his chest and ass. His ass slowly expanded into a fat bouncy bubble butt, and a small supple pair of breasts grew on his chest.

“You want nothing more than to listen to everything I say and do just as I do~,” Freya said, watching her soon-to-be clone struggle against their transformation. “Go on~. Just admit it already~. There is nothing to fear~.”

“Nnnnnnnnn~!!! Pl-please… please stop~,” Bell begged as tears started to roll down his eyes. “He couldn’t help it as Freya’s hormones began to dominate his body. Soon his fear turned into pleasure, and he was slowly starting to question why he, no, she was fighting this. Her disgusting manhood was removed from her body as her breasts grew into bountiful F-cups.

“Shhh~, big sister is here for you~,” Freya said, teasing her new toy~. “That’s right. You want to call me big sister~. You want to give in~. Why do you insist on resisting when you know that it is easier to give in~?”

Was there a point to fighting back against Freya? She was a goddess, and she was nothing more than a mere mortal. No matter what she did, it was impossible to deny the will of a goddess. Besides, why wouldn’t she want to serve Freya? She was the best of all the gods. No one could stand against her, especially that foolish goddess Hestia. She was pathetic to even call herself a god… no! No, These weren’t her thought!

“No! I… I won’t give in!” Bell yelled as her hair finished growing longer, and her face had been transformed to look just like Freya’s. It wasn’t long after her body completely filled out the dress and heels that Freya provided her.

“Aww~. It’s cute that you believe that you can fight this~,” Freya said, unable to resist the urge to mock her new twin. “Your body has already submitted to me, soon your mind should follow suit~.”

“No! I… I can’t give in. I have to go back to Hestia-sama. I have to-mmmppphhhhh~!!!”

Without warning, Freya shoved her tongue down her new sister’s throat, twisting her tongue around theirs, and she filled them with more of her goddess essence. As she didn’t, Bell’s mind started to become fuzzy, and memories of Breia, the twin sister goddess of Freya, began to fill her mind. She tried to resist it, but as the seconds went by, she felt less and less like Bell and more like Breia. All of her memories as Bell remained where there were, but no, they felt like nothing more than a far-off memory.

“Mmm~. How do you feel now, my lovely sister~?” Freya asked her, removing her tongue from Breia’s mouth, seeing that she was finally hers. Even though she left Bell inside of Breia, she knew that her dear precious and pure sister would never do anything to betray her.

“I… I… I feel wonderful~,” Breia said, slowly running her right hand down her chest. As Bell, she was always tiny and cute, but Breia was tall and beautiful. She could tell that people would fall in love with her on her looks alone. “I have been given the greatest gift of them all~. The gift of beauty~.”

“Exactly, sister~,” Freya said, observing her new twin and seeing no flaw in her. “You are perfect~. Now let us-”

“I SAID, LET ME THROUGH!” Hestia yelled from outside the building. “I know that he’s here! Let me in!”


With a mere snap of her fingers, Ottar knew what his mistress wanted and made way for the arrogant short-stack goddess Hestia to make her way in.

“Freya! Where is he!? Where is my Bell!” Hestia yelled straight at Breia without even realizing that she wasn’t Freya.

“Hestia darling, is that any way to greet your friend~?” Freya said, teasing her, and causing her line of sight to be directed over to her.

“W-wait! What the hell is this!” Hestia yelled, shocked to see that there were two Freyas before her. “Don’t tell me! You used some sort of magic to duplicate yourself to seduce my Bell! How dare you!”

“Fufufu~. Ever the funny one~,” Freya said, laughing at the mere thought that she would need another version of herself to seduce any man or even woman. In the past, even Hestia wasn’t resistant to her charms~. “The beautiful woman next to me is none other than your precious Bell, or at least she was~.”

“No… Freya, how dare you do that to him!” Hestia yelled, realizing what Freya had done.

“She only did what I truly desired~,” Breia said, defending her sister. “It you’re so upset by her actions, then you shouldn’t have been a coward and done it to me first~. You only have yourself to blame for me becoming Breia. Though I have to thank you~. Now I can see just how truly pathetic you are~. Be glad that I decided to help you by paying off your debt.”

“No, Bell! Please don’t go! Please don’t leave me!” Hestia yelled. She never cared about the money so long as she had Bell. Everyone in the entire world could wish for her death, and she would have been fine so long as she had Bell. She couldn’t lose him, especially not Freya!

“Hmm, my dear precious sister, how do you feel about having a new younger sister~,” Freya said, seeing the beauty in her new plan. How beautiful would it be if two lovers became the twins of the same person?

“I do believe that I understand what you wish~,” Breia said to her sister as one of their waitresses brought them another glass of red wine.

“What are you talking about!? Please just let me stay with Bell! I’ll do anything!” Hestia yelled as Breia held out the glass of wine filled with Freya essence inside of it.

“Go on~. Drink it,” Breia said to her. “Drink this, and you can stay with me forever~.”

“F-forever?” Hestia couldn’t stop herself from taking the glass of wine, and with a small moment of hesitation, she drank that wine.

On that day, both Hestia and Bell disappeared, and in their place arrived the Triplet Goddess’ of Beauty, Freya, Breia, and Hina. Long may they rule~.



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