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“Huh, you watch to share your lunch with me since I forgot mine,” Tadano said as Komi sat down next to him with a bento that was obviously made for two people. Komi had spent hours practicing to make things right so that Tadano would like it.

“You really didn’t have to do that,” Tadano said, feeling as if there were several people staring at him with murderous intent. Before, when he was just Komi’s friend, people just showed occasional disdain for him, but after becoming her boyfriend, he actually started to receive death threats. However, he did learn to deal with it in time. However, today it felt stronger than usual.

“Alright, I’ll eat it, Tadano said, seeing that Komi was insistent on him eating the food she had made. She just wanted to show him how much he meant to her. Hopefully, he would understand what she was trying to convey.

“Ugh! How dare he eat the food that Komi-san personally made! That little creatine!” Ren yelled to herself, hiding in the ceiling, observing them from above. Tadano didn’t deserve to breathe the same air that Komi did, let alone date her. That spot should have belonged to her!!! She needed to make him learn his place! If only she could find a way to get closer to Komi and get Tadano out of the way. There just had to be away.

“OMG! Did you hear that the occult club president is helping people with relationship problems?” one of the other girls in the class said, drawing Ren’s attention.  “They say that she uses a spell that allows you to understand your partner better to improve your relationship.”

“Really? There’s no way that magic like that could be real,” the other girl said back to her.

“It has to be real,” the first girl said, insisting that she knew what she was talking about. “We have a goddess like Komi-san in our classroom. There has to be such a thing as magic roaming around.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” the second girl said, obviously not believing her friend, but Ren was drawn in by the mere concept of understanding even more. To think what Komi thinks and to know her every want and desire, there is nothing more that she could ask for. This was a chance that she couldn’t waste.

Once classes were over, Ren reluctantly left Komi alone with Tadano and made her way over to the occult club, where a person in a long black robe, with their face covered, was waiting for her.

“So you have finally decided to come,” the robed figure said to her. “I have been expecting you.”

“What!? How!?” Ren asked, now believing even more that this was real. Though the truth is told, the robbed figure, otherwise known as the president of the occult club, said this to everyone that entered.

“I have foreseen the future with my crystal ball,” they said, taking out a glass orb from their sleeves.

“Please tell me if Komi-san likes me!” Ren said, starting to lose track of why she came here in the first place.

“The crystal ball is showing me the future,” they said to her, pretending that they saw an image in the orb that Ren could not., but this was nothing more than a trick. “It shows you and Komi-san eating lunch together.”

“Kyaaaa~!!!! That’s amazing!” Ren yelled, happy that her dream of having lunch with Komi would be fulfilled. “Now, use the spell to help me better understand Komi-san~!”

“The spell is simple,” the president said to her, seeing her as an easy target. “All you need to do is say these words to her; I want to listen to you, and I want to change for you. If you say that, you’re relationship with Komi-san will improve ten-fold.

“What?” Ren said to them in disbelief, though this wasn’t because she had never thought about saying those words to her before because she had said those words to her before!!!! “I don’t want some bullshit phrase! I want to use your magic and make it so that I understand Komi-san better than herself. I want to become one with all the knowledge of Komi-san!”

“What!? That’s insane!” the president yelled back at her. “Magic like that isn’t real!”

“You liar! I heard about what you could do!” Ren yelled, refusing to listen to a word that they had to say. “If you don’t give me the spell that I want, then I will find someone that will!”


Ren stormed her way outside the clubroom, determined to find what she was after, despite knowing that it was probably a lost cause.

For the next few days, she spent looking for anyone that had ties with the occult and any research that she could get her hands on, but in the end, it was pointless. She couldn’t find anything. Though little did she know that while she was in search of the occult, the occult was watching her, and they had chosen her to bring them their new goddess~.

“Ugh! It’s not fair! It’s not fair! It’s not fair!” Ren yelled, frustrated, as she made her way up to the roof. Once again, Tadano was hogging Komi-san all to himself, and she had no way of going close. “Komi-san!!!!”

“Fufufufufu~. Such devotion, from one so young~,” a man in a black robe, with his face covered, said to her. “You are the one spoken of in the prophecy~.”

“If you’re from the occult club, you can just go,” Ren said, trying to dismiss them, knowing that they were frauds.

“Occult club, no, cult, yes,” the robed figure said to her. “I am a member of the cult known as The Silent Goddess. We worship a being that is so pure it barely speaks. And we believe that our goddess is currently in the form of the one that you know as Komi-san.”

“I won’t let you harm her!” Ren yelled, furious that someone like this would dare covet what belonged to her.

“We are here to do nothing of the sort,” the robbed man said to her. In fact, we are here to help you get what you want. I do believe that you were looking for a spell that would allow you to understand Komi-san better.” The robbed man brought out a pitch-black book and placed it on the ground. “This book will help you,” he said, walking passed her, to the stairs. “And if you don’t believe me, then you should try and test it out on that foolish creature Tadano. Make him understand what it means to truly worship Komi-san. The page is marked, have fun~.”

After the robbed man left, Ren waited for some time before picking up the book and checking out the marked page. When she opened it she was surprised to see what the spell really did. Using this spell would not only make Tadano see things her way, but it would also remove him from the equation as well. This was her chance to make things perfect~.

“Alright, Komi see you tomorrow~,” Tadano said, dropping Komi off at her house after school. Today had been a good day, or at least it was until Ren popped up from behind him, covering his face with a rag covered in ether, forcing him to inhale it.

When he finally woke up an hour later, he found himself once again in Ren’s room, tied to a chair, unable to move. Just like last time, the room was still covered with pictures of Komi, and there was even a Komi-themed body pillow in the corner. And in addition to all of the Komi merch that littered the room, there was even a small section of the room dedicated to him. Though it wasn’t one that he could be proud of as it was a murder board. Ren had dedicated that spot to show him how much she hated him.

“Finally, you’re awake,” Ren said from behind him, sitting on her bed. “I thought you would never wake up.

“Ren, what are you doing? Komi won’t like you if you do this!” Tadano yelled at her as she took his gag off. He hoped that mentioning Komi would bring her to her senses, but it didn’t work since Ren had a proper plan this time.

“Fufufu~! That’s a lie!” Ren yelled, pulling out the spell book. Soon I will understand Komi better than you ever could, but first, it’s time to make you understand me better than you do yourself! …Also, to see if this thing actually works and doesn’t kill you.”

“Wait, kill me!” Tadano yelled, starting to fear for his life. “What are you planning to do to me!?”

“To be honest, I’m not quite sure,” Ren said back to him. “Some strange man gave me this and told me to use it to make myself understand Komi even more. He always mentioned trying to use it on you first. This book’s in Latin, so translating it was a pain. For some reason, it mentions your death in the spell, but I don’t understand what it means. Luckily there were pictures,” she said, looking at the pages of the spell book, which showed two individuals, and then the second image after an arrow showed that there were two of the same people now. Ren was certain that this would work, or at least that was what she tricked herself into believing.

“Now, let’s start this show~!!! NRUT OTNI EM! NRUT OTNI EM! NRUT OTNI EM!!!!” As Ren uttered her spell, Tadano could feel his body start to warm up all over. His hair started to grow longer, turning the same shade of brown Ren smiled, seeing that the spell was working, and continued to chant to spell. As she did, Tadano began to become smaller and smaller while his forehead started to become bigger, just like Ren's. The excess hair began to fall off of his body as his skin became smoother.

“Ahhh~!!!” Tadano couldn’t help but moan out in Ren’s high-pitched voice as his extra body fat traveled throughout his body before reaching his chest and forming a pair of supple breasts, just like Ren’s. “Pl-please st-stop!” Tadano cried, scared of what was happening to him, wishing that this was nothing more than a bad dream. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t.

“NRUT OTNI EM! NRUT OTNI EM! NRUT OTNI EM!!!!” Ren didn’t listen to Tadano’s pleas for her to release him and continued with the spell, happy to see that Tadano was soon to be no more.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!” Tadano moaned out in both pleasure and fear as he, or rather she, felt her manhood shrink away into nothing, much to Ren’s joy. Now she would never have to worry about that disgusting thing ever coming close to her beloved Komi-san.

“Fufufufu~!!!!! Yes! I did it! Tadano is no more!” Ren yelled, jumping up for joy.

“W-what h-have you done to me?” Tadano asked her, unable to speak properly as she heard Ren’s voice come out of her mouth whenever she tried to talk.

“Oh my, that’s right, you can’t see, can you~,” Ren said, mocking her new twin as she pulled out a body-length mirror and set it in front of Tadano.

“No… how… it-it can’t be…” Tadano didn’t know how to react to this. In a mere few minutes, he had been transformed into an exact replica of Ren! The only thing that set them apart right now was the baggy male uniform that Tadano had been wearing before.

“Finally, Tadano is gone, and my new sister Rena shall take his place,” Ren said, revealing the first part of her plan to her foolish new sister.

“What are you talking about?” Tadano asked her. “I’m not your sister… please turn me back to normal! I can’t stay like this!”

“Fufufu~. Do you really think that you have a choice in the matter?” Ren said to her, knowing that Tadano had no choice but to listen to her now. “Even if you do somehow escape and try to explain to everyone else what happened, for you really think that they’ll believe you~? I know what kind of reputation I have as a crazy stalker girl, so there is nothing for me to lose if you go around in my body, yelling that your Tadano. To be honest, I would laugh at you trying to do so.

“What do you want from me?” Tadano asked, feeling as if this was hopeless. She was right. There was nothing that she could do to change the fact that she looked like Ren now. Only Ren could help her. ‘

“It’s so good that you understand your place,” Ren said, knowing that this would happen since Tadano was a realist. There was no way that she would ever think of rebelling against her. “Though it’s not only what you can do for me, it’s what I can do for you~.”

“What?” Tadano was confused. What was she talking about?

“You see, my main goal, as it has it had always been, was to get as close as possible to Komi-san, but the main obstacle that was in my way was none other than you. You waltzed in out of nowhere one day and took her from me. You closed the gap between yourselves almost instantly. I hated that. I was jealous of that, and as you know, I wanted to kill you for that. Your entire existence was a thorn in my side, but I couldn’t kill you because that would devastate Komi-san, and I had no intention of doing that.”

“After receiving this spell book, I came up with a better idea. I could just get rid of you by having you turn into me. That way, you’ll still be alive, but you wouldn’t be Tadano. You will be Rena, my younger twin sister. And since I’m such a kind older sister, I have decided to let you spend some quality time with Komi in your new body posing as me~.”

“What!? Why would I ever do that!?” Tadano yelled, trying to refuse her, but for a split second, her heart skipped a beat thinking of Komi-san… wait no, it’s Komi! She stopped calling her Komi-san a while ago. She couldn’t go back to that now.

“Because soon you’ll find it impossible to want anything else. In due time my thoughts and desires will become your own, and then there will be nothing to stop you from changing back to your original self.”

“How does this help me at all!?” Tadano yelled at her, trying to break free from her binding, but soon found herself getting absorbed in looking at the pictures of Komi scattered across the room.

“Fufufu~. Because it will show you the proper way to love and worship Komi as the goddess she is,” Ren said to her twin. “Komi is currently skeptical about my intentions due to how I act, but as of now, my lovely quirks and tendencies aren’t engraved into your body. This will allow Komi to gradually get used to how I act. And as a bonus, you’ll be able to interact with her in a way that men can’t dream of~. There is a special bond among women~. One of which I am certain that you will learn to enjoy.”

“And if you want, you can try to tell Komi the truth. If she believes you, I’ll turn you back to normal~. So, what do you say~?” Ren knew that there was no way that Tadano, or rather Rena, could say no to her. The spell she cast makes the target of the spell become more compliant with their demands.

“…Fine, but you have to promise to change me back if I can convince Komi the truth, and if I do, you have to use that spell on yourself to transform you into a decent person,” Tadano said, accepting her current fate as Rena.

“Of course~. That is if you can convince her, Ren said to her, knowing that there was no way for Rena to succeed. She would fail and become her perfect twin. Loving and worshipping Komi just as much as she did. “Now, before anything, let’s get you changed out of those disgusting clothes~,” Ren said, untying Rena and stripping her down, before forcing her to wear her spare undergarments and pajamas, forcing her new twin to fall asleep with her.

The next day, Ren prepared Rena for school, making them look exactly the same. Not even her own parents would be able to tell them apart. She then forced Rena to follow her for her morning routine, following Komi-san to school and taking care of her other stalkers.

“Ren-onne-chan, are you sure about this?” Rena asked her, not feeling comfortable stalking Komi to school.

“Yes, you need t learn how to love watching Komi-san from afar before you can even dream of being next to her. As Tadano, you skipped this step, so you need to learn it. Not to mention we have to deal with these people~,” Ren said, pointing over to several areas where creepy 40-year-old men were watching Komi with lust-filled eyes. Komi had to deal with stalkers like this every day, and it was Ren’s job to take care of them. “Watch and learn.”

Within a matter of seconds, Ren tied up and gaged each one of Komi's stalkers, placing a note for the police and a picture of them stalking Komi on their chests. Ren did this every day, and soon so would Rena.

“Alright, now that they are dealt with, you need to meet up with Komi-san before reaching the school,” she said, showing Rena to another street that intersected with the pone Komi was walking down on. “Just walk over to her as you did as Tadano and earn her trust. Just don’t try anything funny because I’ll be watching to make sure that nothing goes wrong.”

“Good morning Komi-san,” Rena said, greeting her like she normally did as Tadano.

“….” Komi stared at Ren intensely. For some reason, she couldn’t help but feel like something was off. Tadano was the one that greeted her like this, not Ren. Hmm, was she plotting something today? Wait, now that she thinks about it, where was Tadano in the first place? Usually, he would be here by now. Something strange was going on here, but she wasn’t quite sure what it was.

Komi nodded her head a walked by Rena without saying a word, not noticing that she wasn’t Ren. As she did, her hair brushed passed Rena’s nose, allowing her to smell the perfume emanating from Komi’s body, filling Rena’s mind with a state of bliss. By the time she regained her senses, Komi was gone, and several minutes had passed by. In a small state of panic, Rena found herself running the rest of the way to school in pure embarrassment. This was something that Ren would not do. She couldn’t let Ren’s sick fetishes take control of her body. She would find a way to turn back no matter what.

When she finally got to class, everyone was already in their seats and waiting for the lesson to start. Rena had indeed to spend her day in peace, not worrying about Komi-san, but Ren had other plans.

From the ceiling, she watched her foolish sister try to run away from her duties, but she wouldn’t allow that. She quickly jotted down a note and dropped it from he ceiling onto her sister's desk without anyone noticing.


The note was simple but also effective, as it made Rena do her job, as she feared the worst if she didn’t obey it. For the rest of the lessons until lunch, Rena had to observe Komi despite wanting to focus on what was being taught, Though, to her surprise, she found staring at Komi to be relaxing. She became so absorbed in what she was doing she was surprised when the entire day passed by without her even realizing it. It was insane. She only managed to snap herself out of it when Komi tapped her on the shoulder.

“G-goodbye,” Komi said to her, noticing that something was wrong with Ren. Usually, she would be all over her, acting like some deranged creep, but do she was as silent as a mouse. It was something that concerned her. She knew that some of her friends had strange quirks, and Ren was no exception. She was the biggest weirdo of all.

“G-goodnight?” Rena said, confused why Komi-san would ever willingly go over to Ren, especially since Tadano wasn’t around. Though this confusion didn’t stop her from, feeling a jolt of energy run across her entire body as Komi touched her. It was the greatest feeling that she had ever felt, but she was scared, knowing that this meant that she was becoming more and more like Ren!

Komi-san soon left the classroom after that, leaving Rena alone, allowing Ren to finally get the chance to come down from the ceiling.

“Hmm, not what I expected for your first day, but not bad,” Ren said, leading Rena out of the classroom so that they could go home. “So tell me, what did Komi-san do today?”

“Well, she went to school, listened in class, and then went home,” Rena said, simplifying everything that happened today since that was really all she could remember.

“Is that all?” Ren said, disappointed in her twin's lack of detail. Hopefully, more of her personality will take over in the coming days. This was the week of the school festival, so it would most definitely be fun.

“Um, she touched my shoulder,” Rena said, not quite sure if she should tell Ren that, knowing how she could be with Komi-san.

“…That’s great!” Ren yelled with joy. “Getting touched by Komi-san is a great honor, and you need to cherish that feeling you felt forever. Not bad for the first day, but still, there is a lot of work to be done. While you were in class, I was busy creating a: KOMI-Sam IS THE BEST presentation that will teach you everything that I know about Komi-san. Now come along. We need to go home~.”

“B-but my family,” Rena said. While she was strangely eager to watch the Komi-san presentation that Ren made, she was still concerned with her family. What were they going to say when she didn’t come home two days in a row? They were going to be worried sick.

“Rena, I am your family,” Ren said, displeased that Rena was more concerned about Tadano‘s family than she was Komi. Komi was all that mattered. Her pathetic former family meant nothing to her. “Come, let me show you what I did today,” she said, leading Rena out of the school and not towards her home but Tadano’s.

“Ren, w-what are we doing here?” Rena asked, feeling strange.

“We're here to meet with loyal fans of Komi-san~,” Ren said, ringing the doorbell. Second latter, Tadano’s parents opened the door. While they looked the same, Rena could tell that there was something strange about them right now. Something that made Rena want to run away.

“Miss Ren, it’s so good to see you again~!!” both of Tadano’s parents said, greeting her. “What do we owe the pleasure~?”

“I was wondering if your son was free to hang out~,” Ren asked them, knowing full well that their former son was next to her.

“Son?” Tadano’s mother said, sounding confused. We only have a daughter. Oh, do I wish that we had a son, then we could have him date the perfect girl in existence, Komi-san~.”

What? Rena couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could they not have a don? She was their son. And what was with her parent's new obsession with Komi-san? They weren’t like this before. What had Ren done!?

“Hmm, I must have been mistaken,” Ren said, grabbing Rena’s hand, clenching it as if telling her that she better not say a word. “If you want to talk more about how great Komi-san is, please don’t be afraid to call my sister or me. She loves Komi-san just as much as I do~. Don’t you, little sister~?”

“Y-yes,” Rena nervously said, unable to say anything else or disobey Ren.

“That’s great~!!!” her former mother yelled, hugging her. “Komi-san is the best~!!! I hope that we can talk about Komi-san some more, but I better let you two young ladies get home~.”

“BYE~!!!” Ren yelled, dragging a broken-hearted Tadano away with her.

“W-what did you do to my family?” Rena asked, tears forming in her eyes.

“I did nothing to them~,” Ren said to her. “You’re the one that did this. All you had to do was love Komi-san just as much as I do, and this wouldn’t have happened. This was just a warning. If you don’t do as you're supposed to, Komi’s memories of you will be next.” The spell book was more powerful; than  Ren could ever imagine. Being able to replace the love Tadano’s family had for him with an undying love for Komi-san was the best thing that she could have ever done. Rena would be a fool to disobey her now.

“I’ll do as you ask!” Rena yelled, scared of Komi forgetting her. She didn’t want Komi-san to forget her! She wanted Komi-san to love her, not forget her!

Seeing Rena panic made Ren smile. Little did Rena know, Ren always felt this way. She felt that one-day Komi-san would just forget her and move on. She wanted Rena to experience this firsthand so that she would know the consequences of failure.

“Good, now come along, there is much work that we have to do,” Ren said, leading Rena back to her new permanent home where her new mother welcomed her as Ren’s younger twin sister. This was thanks to the spell book as well. It was thanks to this book that things were finally going the way that Ren wanted them to go. For the remainder of the night, Ren made sure to properly educate Rena even more so that she could properly worship Komi as she did.

“Good morning Komi-san, Rena said to Komi the next day after completing her morning routine with Ren. Even without Ren’s “training,” she still found these stalkers disgusting and felt proud to take them down. While what she and Ren were doing was practically stalking right now, she thought nothing of it because Komi-san knew about it, meaning that she was okay with it.

‘Good morning,” Komi said to the strangely calmer Ren, still unaware that she was Tadano, the same person that she was looking for right now. She knew that it hadn’t been long since she saw Tadano, but she was worried about him. She even went over to Tadano’s house yesterday to see if he was alright, but for some reason, no one in his family knew who he was. And What was even creepier was that his entire family was trying to pamper and worship her. She ended up running away, hoping that what she had experienced was nothing more than a bad dream.

“Komi-san is there something wrong?” Rena asked her, getting closer than she had originally wanted as she walked to school with Komi-san today.”

“Tadano…” Komi missed him. She hadn’t been away from him this long. It felt strange. Without him, she felt nervous, but for some reason, walking next to this calmer version of Ren, she couldn’t help but be reminded of him.

“Tadano!? He’s… he’s probably fine~,” Rena said to Komi. She wanted nothing more than to tell Komi that she was Tadano, but the sharp gaze of Ren’s staring at her prevented her from telling Komi the truth.

For the rest of the walk to school, the two of them remained silent, while their other friends stared to crowd them.

“Alright, everyone, as you know, the cultural festival is this week, and I do hope that you have been preparing hard for the maid café that you had planned. I know that we are down a student since Tadano will be taking a leave of absence from school for the time being. I spoke with his family, and he has to go out of town to help his sick grandmother.” This was a lie. Ren used the spell book on the teachers to make sure that they would tell the class whatever she told them to say.

“Alright, everyone, get to work!” the teacher yelled, eager to watch these kids put their dream into reality.

For the next serval hours, the class continued to work on the café until it was time for lunch. Komi-san was currently eating alone as everyone else had continued to work. Rena continued to watch Komi-san while preparing to eat her own lunch, but she soon received a text message. EAT WITH HER!

Knowing that this was Ren trying to force her to get closer to Komi-san, she did as she was told and walked over to Komi-san.

“Um, Komi-san, do you mind if we eat together?” Rena asked her, carrying her lunch made by her new mother with her. Komi shook her head to show that she didn’t mind eating with her, allowing Rena to sit down across from her.

As she ate, Komi began to notice even more strange things. Once again, Ren wasn’t overly attached to her, and she was much calmer. She was acting just like Tadano. Did she perhaps ask him the best way to act around her? Even the way that she ate her food was the same way that he ate. Wait, no! She shouldn’t be comparing how they eat. Ugh, it’s so embarrassing!

“Komi-san?” Rena watched as Komi-san’s face became flushed, and she was frantically thinking about something that she didn’t have to. It was cute seeing her like this, and no, that wasn’t Ren’s personality saying that. That was her opinion as… as… what? Why couldn’t she call herself…. Rena tried to refer to herself as Tadano but found that she couldn’t. Ren’s personality was lowly eating away her mind, making Rena become more and more like her. She had to try to fight this. She had to do something that she knew Ren never had the courage to do.

“Oh, you must want to try some of my food~,” Rena said, trying to act cute while holding up her karaage in her chopsticks. “Here, try some~. Open wide~.” Rena held out her karaage towards the nervous Komi, trying to force her to eat the food. Once she did, Komi’s lips would have indirectly touched hers, and then she could indirectly touch hers~! Yes, it would be perfect~! Komi-san was the best~!!!

Unbeknownst to Rena, she was acting just like Ren would, as she had already tried this before. However, she was too caught up in her own fantasy to notice.

Rena eagerly watched as Komi’s mouth slowly opened as she was starting to feel pressured to open her mouth. Komi realized that while Ren was acting better than she usually did, she was still Ren, and she should have expected this from her. If only Tadano were here to help her.


Just before Komi was forced to eat the karaage, Najimi came out of nowhere and ate the entire thing in one bite.

“Wow, that was amazing~!” Najimi said to Rena, giving her a thumbs up. “Your mom is the best cook around~.”

“Ugh! Najimi, that was for Komi!” Rena cried, seeing that it was the last piece of karaage she had. Now there was nothing left for her to share with Komi!

“Opps~!!! Sorry about that!” Najimi yelled, acting like a complete moron when they knew exactly what they did. They ruined this event on purpose! “Come on, Komi, we need your help over here,” Najimi said, dragging Komi away from the table.

For the rest of the day, Najimi acted as a buffer between Rena and Komi. It was frustrating, but it did allow Rena to regain her senses. She was starting to get scared now. This was only her third day as Rena, ad she was already losing her sanity. She had to fight this but how? This singular question persisted in Rena’s mind for the remainder of the day.

“Re…. R…a! Re…a! Rena!” Ren yelled, pulling her ditz of a sister back to reality. Once again, it would seem that her sister had become lost in thought. The only question was whether she was thinking about foolish things or if she was lost in bliss thinking about Komi.

“Huh? Ren, what are you… no, I did it again, didn’t I?” Rena asked her, disappointed in herself for blanking out like that.

“Yes, you did,” Ren said to her. She saw everything that happened and was quite annoyed that Najimi dared to get in her way. They would pay for making a fool out of her twin, but for now, it was time to see what her sister observed today. “Now report what happened?”

“Well, today, Komisan allowed me to walk to school with her and she even let me eat lunch with her during lunch. I wanted to share some food with her, but Najimi ruined it at ate what didn’t belong to them. After that, I sort of blanked out,” Rena said, disappointed in herself.

“Very good, you’re getting better at explaining what happened, but I always want to know how you felt during all of this Go on, tell your big sister~,” Ren said to her younger twin, sensing the growing anger for Najimi in her.

“I was… I was happy to spend time with Komi. It was the best,” Rena said to her. “It was different than when I was Tadano but equally fun. I wanted to feed her my food so badly that I didn’t think about what she wanted. I’m a terrible person, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not~,” Ren said back to her. “This is how you should feel when you’re with Komi. You need to monopolize her for yourself. No one can understand her better than we can. She is the perfect girl for us~. She is our object of worship~. Don’t you agree~?”

“Y-yes,” Rena said, not understanding why, but she felt like Ren was right. She was foolish to think that Komi’s love was to be given. No, Komi’s love was supposed to be blessed upon them.

For the next few days, Rena continued to observe and stalk Komi-san. Though with each passing day, she felt less and less that this was a problem. She loved screaming when Komi-san passed her in the halls, and she loved knowing that Komi-san would never abandon her. As Tadano, she held herself back far too much, but as Rena, she could express her love for Komi without hesitation. Love wasn’t something to be embarrassed about. It was something that was meant for everyone to see.

Ren herself was overjoyed that poor, pathetic Tadano was reducing herself to her pervy twin Rena. Not only had she gotten rid of her biggest rival for Komi’s love, but she had turned them into the perfect partner. With her help, protecting and worshiping Komi became that much more enjoyable~. They would spend hours after school talking about none other than Komi. Rena even went as far as stealing pieces of Komi’s hair for hers and Ren’s collection~.

As for Komi, she tried her best to get along with Rena, who she still believed was Rena, because to her, it seemed like she was making an effort to change, but she was wrong. Ren and Rena would never change in the way that she hoped. But thinking of them helped her avoid thinking of Tadano, who still, to this day, had yet to contact her.

By the day that the cultural festival began, there was still no news; the only odd thing that was being presented was a girl introduced by Ren herself.

“Everyone, I would like you to meet my cousin Rena~!!” Ren said, showing off Rena wearing a maid dress like everyone else as well as a wig to make her look slightly different from Ren.

“It’s nice to meet you all~,” Rena said, remembering the plan that she and Ren had made the night before. Ren was getting tired of staying in the shadows and wanted a more active role. She had already made her mother enroll Rena as her twin sister in the school, but she wanted to see how Komi-san reacted to someone she was related to~. “I hope that we can all get along~.”

The class easily welcomed Rena and split everyone up into groups. Surprisingly the one that she was paired up with was her beloved Komi-san. She looked like she was trying to get herself pumped up for the café, though she didn’t know what to say to her currently.

Rena wanted to tell Komi-san that it was an honor to work with her, but before she could, Najimi came out of nowhere and pushed her into Komi-san!

“A-are you alright?” Komi asked her, feeling sorry for the poor girl, catching her in her arms.

“Yeah. I’m fine… thanks~,” Rena said, getting drawn in by Komi’s beauty. “Should we…?”

“Y-yes~,” Komi said as they began to serve the customers, which Rena actually found quite fun. Plus, she had front-row seats to watch Komi-san work in a maid uniform. It was amazing~!!! And they even got to spend their break together, walking around the festival together~!! This was a dream come true for Rena, but she knew that this dream would have to end. She could only be with Komi like this, not as Ren’s sister. If only there were a way for her to be with Komi all the time.

Hours passed, and the festival ended. Everyone in the class had decided to stay behind and clean up, but Ren insisted that she and Rena could handle it. However, Komi-san insisted on staying back with them to help since she wanted to thank Rena for such a good time during the day. Little did she know that this was all part of their plan.

“Komi, can you carry that box over there?” Ren asked Komi, making her turn her back as Rena locked the doors to the classroom.

“Hmm?” Komi was confused. Why did they lock the doors? Was Ren planning something creepy again?

“Komi-san, I have something that I’ve been dying to tell you~,” Ren said gleefully. Do you want to hear it? It has something to do with your precious Tadano~?”

“Tadano?” Komi asked, still worried about Tadano this entire time, but she had been trying to convince herself that he was fine. Did Ren kidnap him again?

“That’s right, the boy that kept getting in the way of our love~,” Ren said as Rena stood there with a smile on her face. She no longer cared that she was once Tadano because she found so much more joy in being Rena and worshiping Komi-san. This was her destiny. “Can you guess what I did to him and why his family doesn’t even know who he is? Yes, that’s right, it was me all along~. And I’ll let you in on a secret. Tadano is here right now~.” She said as Rena took off her wig to reveal that she was an exact copy of Ren.

“T-Tadano? …No… it… it can’t,” Komi said in utter shock. There was no way that this was possible. This had to be a nightmare.

“Aren’t you glad, Komi-san~? Not only did I get rid of the man that was interfering with our love, I transformed him to be just like me~. She was with you this entire time, and I bet that you didn’t notice because she is just like me~! She will worship and love you just as much as I do for all time! Hahahahahaha~!!! Go on, Rena-chan, express how much you love Komi-san~.”

“Komi-san~!!! I love you!” Rena yelled, falling to her feet, scurrying over to Komi’s feet, and groveling before her. “I love you so much, Komi-san~!!! I was a fool to think that I had the right to love you as mere Tadano. Now as Rena, I will do whatever it takes to love you~!!”

“N-no… No!!!!!” Komi screamed, unable to stay quiet, witnessing the one that she loved transform into such a grotesque creature. Ren was human! This wasn’t natural! It was disgusting!

“…No?” Ren asked, feeling Komi’s anger directed towards her. “What do you mean no? I did this for you. I did all of this for you! Everything I do is for you!” Why?? It wasn’t fair. Komi-san should love her now. It wasn’t fair! “You must love me! You must… no… Komi-san is the only person that I will ever live, and that means that she should love me. If you don’t love me, that means that… you don’t have the right to be Komi-san,” Ren said, realizing what she had to do, pulling out the spell book.


“Ren… what are-ahhhhhhh~!!!!”

As Ren uttered her spell, Komi could feel her body start to warm up all over. Her hair started to turn the same shade of brown as Ren's. At the same time, Ren’s hair began to turn black like Komi’s.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!” Komi and Ren moaned out in both pleasure and fear as they slowly transformed into each other. Komi now Ren fell to her knees, and Ren now Komi examined her new body.

“Fufufufu~!!!!! Yes! I did it! I am now perfect~!!! I am Komi~!!” Komi yelled arrogantly as Rena rushed to her feet, bowing before the one true Komi. She didn’t even bother to help the new Ren, as she was no longer Komi. Only Komi mattered, and that was how Komi liked it.

“Tadano, please~,” Ren said, trying to get through to her former boyfriend, but the spell was too strong. Rena belonged to Komi.

“Tadano is gone,” Rena said back to her. “Only Komi matters. She is perfect in every way possible. As my older sister, you must understand that more than anyone. Just look at her and tell me that she isn’t perfect.” Rena knew that if Ren looked at Komi, she would come back to her senses and serve their goddess with her.

“But Tadano, I’m… a fool,” Ren said as her eyes met with Komi’s. The disdainful look directed toward her was amazing! Never before had she felt like this. 

She knew that she was the real Komi, but did it matter at this point? She could have never been as confident as the current Komi. She had no right to even claim that she was Komi. She was trash. Yes, she was the trash known as Ren. And her mission was to worship the most perfect woman in the world, no, the universe, Kom-san.

“Komi san~!!! Please forgive this foolish mortal!!!” Ren yelled, kneeling down next to Rena. “You are the perfect being~!!! A beauty like no other~!!! Please punish this naughty dog! Please step on me~!!!”

“Fufufufu~. If you insist ~,” Komi said, stepping on both her worthless trash followers. They were loyal to a fault, and for that reason, she would transform this entire school into versions of Ren and Rena, creating a kingdom where she could be worshiped by the one that loved her the most; her old worthless self~.



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