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Though there was something different about her, a dark aura was wrapped around her body, and her eyes were orange, just like Yubel’s. It seemed that she had been waiting for them to arrive this entire time.

“So you became a pawn of Yubel,” Zane said, readying his duel disk.

“Pawn? You are mistaken to compare me to a pawn,” Yubel said, controlling Juliana’s body. “It’s is so good to see you again, my dear Alice, or should I call you The Supreme Queen?”

“Yubel, after all this time, you finally showed yourself, and here I was thinking that you were hiding from me~,” The Supreme Queen said to her, displeased that it took her this look to find Yubel.

“I would do no such thing to the person I love~,” Yubel said, admitting their feelings for Alice (The Supreme Queen). “I just needed to wait until both you, and I were at our peak forms. As The Supreme Queen you are the true ruler of this realm, but you can do so much more. All the realms deserve to bend to your whims so that you may take your rightful place.”

“Where’s Alexis?” The Supreme Queen asked Yubel, knowing that they were in control of her body as well. There was no way that they would give up on such a valuable pawn.

“She is dealing with another issue of mine right now,” Yubel said to her. “Currently, she or rather we are taking care of the nuisance known as Adrian Gecko. To think that he would betray all of his friends for that pathetic power he has now. No matter. He will be dealt with shortly. “

“So you are still in there, aren’t you, Juliana?” The Supreme Queen said, understanding that this was just another step for her to take to achieve her goal of protecting everyone and everything that she cared about. This was why The Supreme Queen's consciences implored Alice to her forgive Yubel, as she was just one of the many victims she’s created.

“We have both come to a mutual understanding after all this time~,” they said in unison. “We have much to be discussed, but I do believe that it is time that we get rid of the final threat~.”

“Finally, that pointless conversation can end~!!!” Zane yelled as they began the duel. For Zane, this was the duel that he had been waiting for a long time, a duel to end all duels. He fought with everything that he had, but in the end, it wasn’t enough, and Yubel won, stopping him for good. This was what he wanted, but as for Syrus, this was yet another betrayal.

“Please! Please, you have to save him! Bring him back! Bring him back!” Strus cried, unable to stop himself from bawling his eyes out. “Please turn him into some creepy monster as you did, Chazz! I don’t care as long as he lives!”

“Syrus, my boy, you brother, he’s….” Crowler couldn’t say anything to Syrus, knowing that there was nothing that he could say to make things better . Zane made his choice. It was a selfish yes, but it was his to make. He went out the way that he wanted to. As his former teacher, Crowler could only feel pride at this moment, even though he himself wished to cry.

“No! He’s not gone!” Syrus yelled, the doubt and darkness growing inside of him. If it were left to grow and fester like this, then there would be no going back, and  The Supreme Queen wouldn’t allow that to happen. “Alice can bring his body back to life!”

“That I cannot do,” The Supreme Queen said, standing next to Juliana/Yubel. “I can revive the body, but there will be no Zane. When I change others, I leave who they are (not including Bastian since no one cares for Bastian). They are still themselves but with new memories to help them adjust to who and what they really are. This is only possible because their spirit remains. Syrus, your brother’s spirit left his body the moment that his heart stopped. If I bring his body back, then it will be no better than a zombie.”

“You bitch! This is all your fault! My brother is gone because of you!” Syrus yelled at her, reaching his limit.

“I never said that he was gone,” The Supreme Queen said, seeing that she wasn’t being clear enough for Syrus to understand.

“But you just said that you couldn’t bring him back,” Syrus said, refusing to be fooled by her.

“No, I said that if I brought his body back, then it would be that of a zombie. I never said that his spirit was gone. It’s here,” she said, taking out Cyber Dark End Dragon from his deck. “Fitting that his spirit would enter the card that symbolizes his light and darkness.”

“Z-Zane’s in there?” Syrus asked, calming down a bit.

“He is, and he can be brought back into a new form with his existing memories, but that was not what he wished,” The Supreme Queen said to him.

“I don’t care! Bring him back! Syrus yelled at her.

“If that is what you wish, then you must bear his hatred,” The Supreme Queen said, seeing that this was the perfect chance to “fix” Syrus as well. “You’ll have to bear her darkness so she may heal.”

“Do it! I don’t care anymore!” Syrus yelled at her.

“Syrus, my boy, please calm down; there is no need for you to do this,” Crowler said, knowing that this couldn’t end well.

“Hmm, I almost forgot you were here,” The Supreme Queen said to Crowler. She had no intention of doing anything to them but seeing as they were already there, they could stay, but not in the hideous appearance, they were now.


With a single snap of her fingers, Crowler was transformed into a beautiful woman dressed as a preschool teacher. She was in awe of her new look, allowing her Queen to do as she wished.

“To think that such a scrawny kid like you would dare make such a sacrifice,” Juliana/Yubel said to him.

“Shut up! It’s your fault this happened!” Syrus yelled at them.

“We gave your brother the fight he wanted,” Juliana/Yubel said to him, not interested in what he had to say, knowing that soon they would be alone with Alice again.

“Just shut up and bring him back!” Syrus yelled at them.

Not wishing to see such a display of anguish any further, The Supreme Queen placed Cyber Dark End Dragon into Syrus’ body. The moment that she did, his hair turned silver and black before his body split into two people as they both began to shrink down, transforming into cute little girls. A rusted tail came out of the black-haired girl’s back, and a bright sliver one came out of the sliver hair girl's back.

“There better~,” The Supreme Queen said, seeing that her magic had worked and that the final rune was now gone. In order to “fix” Syrus and bring back Zane, she used Syrus's body to transform her into a humanoid Cyber Dark Dragon while Zane’s spirit was put in the other half of Syrus’ body. This allowed her to become a humanoid Cyber Dragon. Both girls passed out after the separation and transformation, but this was better for all of them.

“Crowler take these two back to the castle,” The Supreme Queen said to her. “Ojama Yellow will bring you there.”

“Right, this way~!” Ojama Yellow yelled happily, revealing that he was here the entire time. Yubel created a cart for them to make it easier for them to travel.

“Well, now that all the nuisances are out of the way, I do believe that it is time that we go back to Alexis,” Juliana/Yubel said to The Supreme Queen.

“Led the way,” The Supreme Queen said, following Juliana/Yubel back through the gate. There they arrived at Yubel’s throne room which hovered over the entire world. He she witnessed everything, and now her precious Alice would experience it as well. The place belonged to her, and there was no one to stop her now.,

“Juliana, you’ve arrived and with Alice~,” Alexis said, standing over the withered corpse of Adrien. He had no one but himself to blame for what happened. He dared to threaten her sister, and Alexis would not allow that.

Ever since Yubel took control of her and Juliana’s body, they began to share their memories with Yubel as they shared their powers and emotions with them. Alexis was still the kid and sweet older sister that Alexis remembered, but now she had the power to get rid of those that tried to get in her sister's way. The same can be said about Juliana.

Seeing that her goal was now within reach, The Supreme Queen decided to take a back seat and let Alice take control of their body. This is what she had been waiting for, and it was only natural that she would want some alone time with the ones she loved, but Alice didn’t want her to go. The Supreme Queen had helped her when she needed her the most, and now it was time for her to return the favor. This was their body, and it was time that they became one.

Alice/The Supreme had become one at that very moment. No longer were they two separate entities, but now they were the same person. To her family, she was Alice, but to her subject, she was The Supreme Queen, and what this Queen wanted more than anything else was to hug her family.

“I missed you both so much!” Alice yelled, embracing Alexis and Juliana in her arms as they fell to the ground, tears flowing out of their eyes. The nightmare was finally over, and they could all be together forever. Though before they could reach their happy ending, there was one last thing to do.

“Alice, we have someone for you to meet,” Alexis and Juliana said at the same time as dark energy began to flow out of their bodies, forming a small girl. Hair of her hair was silver, and the other half was dark blue. She had piercing orange eyes and was wearing a similar gothic Lolita dress that Alice once wore.

“This is-”

“Yubel!” Alice yelled instantly, realizing who she was, before hugging her. “Yubel, I’m sorry!!! I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never meant for this to happen!” Alice could stop herself from crying, and neither could Yubel. This was the meeting that she had desperately hoped for all these years. Finally, they were all together again~.


Six months had passed since that fateful day, and things in The Supreme Queen’s castle were as hectic as they had always been. Coria (Crowler) were busy taking care of Axel, Jinni (Jim), Sherley, Zi (Zane), Syrus, and Yubel. They were busy running around the castle, making a mess out of everything.

As for Hazel, she was busy playing with Tanya, as always. Thanks to The Supreme Queen’s magic, she would always remain a cute, adorable kitten. Hazel was also in possession of the Bastian teddy bear. At first, she tried to give it the attention it deserved, but eventually, it found itself stuffed away in her closet, never to be seen again.

Ojama Princess (Chazz) had recently found an entire village of Ojama’s and is currently trying to evade all of their attempts at courting her. She was the only female Ojama around, so whether she wanted this attention or not, she was going to have to get used to it. Though knowing her ego, it wouldn’t be hard. She was going to love being pampered.

The Supreme Queen’s Army is still around, and they are maintaining order for their Queen. Thanks to her rule, the majority of their world is at peace. There is one stray element out of her control, but they knew better than to get in her way. That person was none other than Aster. He refused Alice’s offer to send him back to their old world and refused to be turned. Instead, he decided that he would like to travel and see all that this new world had to offer.

As for Alicia, Juliana, Alexis, and Alice, they were spending their days in bliss being served tea from Jasmine and Mindy. Juliana and Alice were set to marry in the spring and were happily preparing for the joyous occasion. Their lives were perfect, and there was nothing that they would change.

Thank you all for reading Yugioh Gx Alice, and let’s all wish Alice and Juliana good luck in their wedding~.

Author Notes:

Thank you all once again for reading this series. This all started out as nothing more than a simple caption that came out about a year and a half ago. The whole concept was a what-if story. What if Jaden lost to Alice during season 2 of Gx, and she decided to make him become her?

To be honest, it was never my original intention to make Alice, Alexis’ younger sister. In fact, the original draft was supposed to have her become Crowler’s daughter. I am glad that I didn’t go that route. Alexis’ family was perfect for Alice. I spent many days trying to figure out how both her mother and father would act around me. It was really fun creating a story for her family.

I tried to add more dueling into this series using the duel information that I found on the Yugioh Gx wiki while creating my own cards called the Doll-Joint hero monsters. Their effects were supposed to be similar but also unique. Examples would be of Doll-Joint Aria and Broken Doll-Joint Brix. In the show, neither of those cards had effects, but I decided that it would be better to make them have some. There are many cards that I have created for the Doll-Joint Hero’s and Broken Doll-Joint Heroes that I may actually create one day. I have the effects, so the only hard point now is trying to create their pictures.

Now for all of you that are wondering why I skimmed through parts of season 3 of Gx, the answer is simple; It was too long!!! There are three parts in season 3. The first is the storyline with Viper, then the duel ghouls, and finally, the search for Jesse. It was just too much to do, and that’s why I skimmed over parts of Viper’s story and a good part of the duel ghoul story. This may have upset a few people, but I think that I managed to make it work. I thought of a way to make the duel ghoul story have an impact on the story while spending less time on it by removing Alice from the events that were happening. She returned when the story needed her to.

As for Yubel taking over Alexis’ body and taking Juliana with her, I did that so that Alice could descend into being The Supreme Queen faster. Plus, I didn’t want to kill off her friends as they did in the original. I enjoyed transforming The Supreme Queen into transforming her friends to protect them. Unlike the original, I wanted The Supreme Queen to be someone that cared about Alice and only wanted to help her.

Oh, and yes, just to clarify, I hated Bastian. I might have had Alice hate Syrus for a bit because of the story, but it was my own personal feelings that influenced what happened to Bastian. I won’t lie, I hated his character in Gx, and since he was barely in Alice’s story, I just wanted to get rid of him as fast as possible.

I gave Zane and Syrus a happy ending because I personally love Zane, and having him and Syrus become twin Cyber dragon sisters just felt like the right thing to do for them. They had been through so much in the course of the original show that I thought they deserved a redo.

Yes, I know that I missed out on a key plot point by not having Yubel and Alice duel, but I didn’t want to fuse them. I know their reunion seems a bit rushed, but after everything that they have been through, any more conflict just felt unnecessary. I wanted their ending to be short and sweet, allowing the readers to know that everything was perfect.

I enjoyed writing this series, and I hope that you all liked it. 



Willy Michael

Are you going to continue this love it