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-1 Week Later-

“My Queen, I have returned,” Ojama Princess (Pink) said, landing in front of The Supreme Queen with the Ojama brothers behind her. “Syrus went to get allies just as you thought. Jim, Axel, and even Aster and Zane have come here.”

“Hmm, I never thought that Aster and Zane would come here as well. Who else could have come here?” The Supreme Queen asked herself, though she would find out soon enough, so there was no point in bothering to waste the effort.


“My Queen there is an intruder at the front gate!” one of her guards yelled, storming into the room, causing Hazel to go on the defensive.

“Calm down Hazel with this one myself,” The Supreme Queen said, handing her Tanya while making Pink follow after her.

“There should be no problem in showing this intruder what it means to stand against me more than once.”

“Yes my Queen!” Hazel yelled out as her Queen left.

“Took you long enough, love. I reckon that you still remember me?” Jim Crook asked, seeing Alice walk over to him, standing on the bridge above the burning lava below them.


“What, no response for you, old friend? What have you become a coward after transforming your friends, killing innocent creatures, and destroying everything around you?”

“You understand so little and call your ignorance justice,” The Supreme Queen said to him, stopping her minions from attacking him, and Shirley. “You will never understand what it means to sacrifice for someone else.”

“Is that a fact, love? Because I didn’t lose my eye, playing around. I lost it, saving my dear Shirley here. I know what it means to sacrifice. What you’re doing goes beyond that.”

“What does it matter to you?” The Supreme Queen asked him. I’m doing this for them. Soon, you will see that as well.”

“I won’t let you continue down this path! With the power of The Eye of Orichalcum, I will free you! Let’s duel!” Jim yelled, readying his duel disk.

“If a duel is all it will take to make you see that what I’m doing is right, then so be it,” The Supreme Queen said, readying her duel disk as well. Most of her opponents she could defeat without dueling. She could tell that Jim was special, and so was that eye.

“I’ll go first!” Jim yelled, drawing his first card, and summoning Shell Knight(0/2000) to the field in defense position, activating its effects. Thanks to that, The Supreme Queen lost 500 life points. (4000→ 3500).

“Hmm, not bad,” The Supreme Queen said, complimenting Jim for a good first opening turn, despite her minions in the back booing him. “Though if you can’t keep going at that pace, then this duel is mine.

“I draw and activate the spell Broken Fusion, to fuse together Broken Doll-Joint Hero Aria and Broken Doll-Joint Hero Brix. In order to fusion, summon Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gothic WingGirl (2100/1200) in Attack Position! With the effect of Broken Fusion, cards cannot be activated to negate this summoning, and my Gothic WingGirl is immune to all card effects until the end of the turn.”

Jim was shocked! This meant that he couldn’t activate his Sakuretsu Armor.

“Gothic WingGirl attack his Shell Knight!” The Supreme Queen yelled, destroying his monster and inflicting piercing damage on Jim (Jim 4000 → 3900). And since Gothic WingGirl destroyed a monster by battle and sent it to the Graveyard, its second effect activates, inflicting damage to Jim equal to his destroyed monster's ATK or DEF - whichever is higher; the DEF of "Shell Knight" was higher (Jim 3900 → 1900). And at the end of her turn, The Supreme Queen activated the effect of Broken Doll-Joint Hero Aria to bring one spell card that mentioned Broken Doll-Joint to her hand.

This attack destroyed the bandages covering Jim's face, showing off his Eye of Orichalcum. Thanks to its power Jim and even Axel, who was watching the duel from behind a boulder, were finally able to see what was going on inside The Supreme Queen’s mind.

They find Alice sitting on the ground, wearing her Obelsik blue uniform rather than the black dress of The Supreme Queen, though her eyes still glowed the same gold as The Supreme Queen’s. Behind her was The Supreme Queen whispering into her ear.

“You need me to protect them~. They are lost without you~. If you aren’t strong enough, they’ll just end up hurt again. No one else matters besides those you care about~. They may resist at first, but this is for their own good~. Can’t you see that the ones you’ve changed already are so much happier now than before~?”

“Alice! Snap out of it, love!” Jim yelled to her, trying to convince her that The Supreme Queen wasn’t real, but the moment that she took notice of them, she stared daggers at them. How dare they, intrude upon her domain! They would pay!

Both Jim and Axel were pushed out of Alice’s mind, and they were brought back to reality, and Jim continued with his turn, and Axel started to shake with fear. Syus had already warned them about Alice’s strength, but he didn’t believe them.

“I hope that you enjoyed your peak because that won't be happening again!” The Supreme Queen yelled, angered that he would dare invade her mind. Alice was too frail for what had to be done. She was doing this for her!

“I doubt that! Now that I know that there is still a shred of Alice left in your, I’m going to rip her right out!” Jim yelled back to her. “I activate Fossil Fusion, removing from play his Shell Knight and Broken Doll-Joint Hero Brix from play in order to Fusion Summon Fossil Warrior Skull Bone (2000/800) in Attack Position!”

“Then I activated the spell card known as Time Stream! By paying half my Life Points (Jim 1900 → 950) and tributing Fossil Warrior Skull Bone, I can special summon Warrior Skull Knight (2400/1100) in Attack Position!”

“Now, Fossil Warrior Skull Knight, attack The Supreme Queen’s Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gothic WingGirl! (The Supreme Queen 3500 → 3200). “If you think that’s it, then you are sorely mistaken! I activate the spell Half-Life to prevent the destruction of Gothic WingGirl by halving its ATK (Gothic WingGirl: 2100 → 1050/1200). And since Skull Knight attacked this turn and you still have a monster on the felid, he can attack again!” he yelled, destroying Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gothic WingGirl (The Supreme Queen 3200 → 1850).

“Ugh!” The Supreme Queen winced at the force of the attack, and for a quick second, Jim saw it. He saw Alice’s eyes start to show through, but they soon vanished.

“I’ll admit I did underestimate you, but that by no means that you will succeed in this foolish mission to free Alice from me!” The Supreme Queen yelled at him. “She will only be free when she acquires everything that she’s ever wanted!

“Don’t worry, Alice, I’ll save you!” Jim yelled again, realizing, thanks to his eye, that the lower her life points became, the closer that they would get to freeing her.

“Your words are nothing more than the words of a fool!” The Supreme Queen yelled, activating O-OverDoll to special summon her Broken Doll-Joint Hero Aria (1000/1000) from the graveyard in attack position. She then wasted no time tributing Aria to summon forth a new monster, Broken Doll-Joint Hero Magia Baiser (2600/1800). She then used it to destroy Jim’s Skull Knight (Jim 950→ 750).

Seeing that there was barely anything for him to do, Jim placed Uluru’s Guardian (0/2300) in defense mode before ending his turn, making The Supreme Queen laugh at him.

“Hahahaha~!! You call that a turn!? And here I thought that you may have possessed a challenge!” The Supreme Queen yelled, mocking him, before using her Magia Baiser to attack his monster, inflicting him with piercing damage thanks to her effect (Jim 750→ 450). Though his monster still stood thanks to his spell.

Seeing that, once again, there was nothing to do, Jim ended his turn by setting one card down. This only anger The Supreme Queen even more.

She summoned another new monster Broken Doll-Joint Hero Impeccable Ginger. She attacked Uluru’s Guardian with Magia Basier inflicting piercing damage (Jim 450→ 150). And when she was about the attack with Ginger, Jim stopped her. Before her battle phase was over, she decided to activate the Ginger effect by removing it from play, allowing Magia Baiser to attack twice, but Jim managed to survive thanks to a monster. Her special summoned Uluru The Guardian Spirt, with his trap card. (Jim 150→ 50).

Refusing to lose Jim uses Fossila Hammer to destroy Magia Baiser and forces her to summon Broken Doll-Joint Hero Aria (1000/1000) from her graveyard. Using this chance, he summoned his Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (1200/1300) to destroy Aria and then using its effect to switch it to defense and increase it by 1000. Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (1200/2300)

(The Supreme Queen 1850 → 1650).

“You’re pathetic,” The Supreme Queen said, using the Broken Doll Fusion in her hand, to fuse together Broken Doll-Joint Hero Sparkle and Broken Doll-Joint Hero Jade. In order to fusion, summon Broken Doll-Joint Hero Raiden Titan (2400/1500) in Attack Position! With its effect, once during either player's turn, The Supreme Queen can destroy one of her opponent's monsters and then remove them from play. She chose to destroy Jim’s Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo, but thanks to its effect it was saved, but it was still destroyed when attacked, leaving Jim wide open for his next turn.

“Give up. Can’t you see that this duel is pointless,” The Suprene Queen, said to him, seeing that he was on his last breath. This would be his last turn.

“Never! I can still save you! I can still bring you back!” Jim yelled, refusing to give in. “I activate Miracle Rupture! By sending Withering Solider from my deck to the Graveyard, I can draw a card. Now I remove from play my Skull Knight and Fossil Warrior Skull Bone to special summon Gaia Plate the Earth Giant (2800/2600) in attack position! I then attack your Raiden Titan! With his effect, your Titan loses half of its attack and defense!” Raiden Titan (1200/750).

(The Supreme Queen 1650 → 50)

The Supreme Queen could have stopped that attack with the effect of her Raiden Titan, but she had something else in mind for Jim. She needed to show Jim that there was no hope of him winning to being with her. It would be cruel, but it would show him that she was strong enough now to protect them all.

“Alice, come on! Fight it! Fight the darkness!” Jim yelled, hoping that Alice would break free again, but it was pointless. It was time for this duel to end.

“Alice doesn’t want to talk with you. Now let’s end this!” The Supreme Queen yelled. I activate Broken Doll-Joint Hero Impeccable Ginger’s second effect, bringing her back to my side of the field, and then I activate the spell card Super Polymerization!”

“Super Polymerization! What’s that!?” Jim yelled, feeling a strange darkness emanating from that card.

“This is a small gif from that fool Brron. After I saved our friends from his runes, I went to deal with him myself, and what he left behind was this, the ultimate spell card. I discard one card from my hand to fuse my Broken Doll-Joint Hero Impeccable Ginger and your Gaia Plate, the Earth Giant.”

“What!? That’s not possible!”

“It is,” The Supreme Queen said back to him, knowing that this was the end. “I fusion summon Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gaia (?/0). Due to the first effect of Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gaia, it gains the attack points equal to the combined attack of the monsters used to create it. Broken Doll-Joint Hero Gaia (4400/0). Now Gaia, end this duel!”


Jim and Shirley crashed into the ground as the duel ended. They had fought hard, and The Supreme Queen respected them for that; she needed to make sure that they didn’t do such reckless things ever again. In their unconscious states, The Supreme Queen shrunk their bodies down, turning Jim into a small five-year-old girl and Shirley into a baby crocodile. They would be easier to manage as children, plus The Supreme Queen had always wanted a little sister, so this was killing two birds with one stone.


“Yes my Queen!” Hazel yelled, appearing right behind The Supreme Queen upon hearing her name.

“Take these two to my bedroom. Have Jasmine and Mindy take care of them. “As you wish, my Queen. Shall I always deal with the rat hiding over there?”

“No, I can deal with them myself,” The Supreme Queen said to Hazel, sending her off, knowing that Axel was too terrified to fight back against her. To peek into another’s mind without protection like Jim had would easily mess that person up.

The Supreme Queen fused together her Broken Doll-Joint Hero Aria and Broken Doll-Joint Hero Shattered Heart to create. Broken Doll-Joint Hero Shattered Tempest.

“Tempest, grab our little spy,” The Supreme Queen said to her monster. Seconds later, Tempest came back with a delirious Axel in her arms.

“No! No, no… it can’t be… it can’t be…. M-must run… m-must hide…. Must… must-”

“Shh~. It’s alright The Supreme Queen said, caressing his chubby cheek, transforming Axel into a small girl just like Jim. To be honest, she would have liked to keep Axel his or, rather, her current age, but her mind was too much of a mess. Regression would give her a greater chance to heal, and hopefully, this would seem. Like nothing more than a bad dream. “Take her back to where Hazel is. I have a few more guests to meet,” she said, dismissing Tempest off after sensing three more presences nearby. She was quite popular lately.

“You can come out now,” The Supreme Queen said, watching as three cloaked individuals appeared on the cliff across from her. It didn’t take them long before they made their way to her.

“Good, I like it when I don’t have to chase you all down,” The Supreme Queen said to them, seeing that Aster and Zane had revealed their faces, but Syrus had not. “Don’t be shy Syrus. I’m only here to help. I can help you just as I helped the others~.”



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