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“And the winner of the art contest is our very own Art Club President, Sana Sunomiya, with her R-rated painting!”

“What!? No way! She should have lost!” Naoto Hachiouji (Senpai) yelled in despair, falling to his knees. While he knew that his art was not that good, he put his heart and soul into it. Now because of his failure the art club would be shut down. It was all his fault.

“You did well,” Sana said to him, holding out her hand to help him up. “While your art is still trash I admire your resolve to compete against me. You have a lot of practice to do if you are ever to challenge me again.”

“W-wait? Does that mean?”

“Yes, I will cancel the shutdown request for the art club,” Sana said to him with a gentle smile. “As long as there are people like you that have the desire to better themselves in the field of art then this club shall remain.”

“Thank you, President!” Naoto said, bowing his head in thanks to her.

“I wouldn’t be thanking me just yet,” Sana said, her tone turning dark. “There is still the matter of your punishment that we have to discuss.”

“P-punishment?” Naoto asked, nervously.

“Yes, punishment,” Sana said to him. “I overheard what you and Nagatoro were talking about earlier. You planned to force me to dress up like a sexy bunny girl and parade me around the school to humiliate me if I lost. Did you really think that such a statement could go unpunished?”

“President, it’s not what you think!” Naoto yelled, nervously trying to figure a way out of this mess. “I never planned on doing that to you! It was all Nagatoro’s idea! She wanted to humiliate you for trying to shut the club down! It’s not my fault!”

“Oh, really~?” Sana said, sounding even more furious that Naoto was trying to weasel his way out of this. “…Fine, if you really want to blame everything on Nagatoro, then I’ll just have to shut down the club. I can’t allow the club to stay open if its members are going to shirk away from just punishments.”

“Alright, I’ll do it! I’ll accept the punishment,” Naoto said to her, knowing that he didn’t have a choice. Though he had no idea what she had planned for him. All he knew was that he couldn’t defy her now. He was far too scared of her to resist.

“Perfect~!” Sana yelled, going back to her normal expression. “I’ll have everything prepared by tomorrow. Make sure that you get here early~”

-The Next Day-


“Naoto you’re right on time~,” Sana said, entering the art club room and locking the door behind her. She had made sure to kick everyone else out of the club room for the time being so that she could begin Naoto’s punishment. Sana even took extra care to make sure that they wouldn’t be disturbed by Nagatoro. And by the time she made it here, it would be too late.

“President, about the punishment, do we really need to do this,” Naoto asked her. I mean, I know what Nagatoro did was wrong, but I still don’t understand why I have to be punished instead of her.”

“Ugh, you see that right there is why you have to be punished,” Sana said to him, setting down the bag she brought with her on the ground before crossing her arms underneath her large breasts. “You go straight into talking about her. I didn’t even mention her, and you just had to insist on bringing her up. I’m not going to punish her, because no matter what I do or say to her, she will never learn her lesson, but if something happens to the person that she cares about most then she will begin to see the error of her ways. Not to mention that this punishment of yours is more than well deserved.”

“I’ll state the facts right here and now. You have begun to lose your love for art without my guidance.”

“What!? That’s not true!” Naoto yelled at her. “I love art with my entire being!”

“That’s a lie you’ve been telling yourself this entire time,” she said to him, going over to two of his paintings that he has done since joining the art club. The one on the right is when your first joined the club, and the one on the right is from a week ago. Look at the difference. Your skills have greatly diminished over this year, and the reason for that is your love for none other than Nagatoro-san.”

“I don’t l-l-love her!” Naoto yelled, his face turning beet red from embarrassment.

“It’s sad that you can’t admit at least that much,” Sana said, even more, disappointed with him, but she knew that she could fix him. “No matter. The fact is that your art is declining because you keep getting distracted by Nagatoro, and I refuse to let this continue. I will make sure that you regain your drive, focus, and love for art through this punishment. I shall improve your life with this~!” she yelled, tossing something from the bag that she brought with her to Naoto.

“What is- what the heck!?” Naoto yelled out seeing that the thing the President tossed to him was a skinsuit that looked exactly like her! Even the finer details such as her nipples, moles, and pussy were shown on it.

“Alright strip and put it on,” Sana said to him, not even bothering to explain anything to him. All he needed to know was what she told him. He would thank him for this later.

“What!?” No way I’m putting whatever this thing is on!” Naoto yelled at her, thinking that she was insane. He had no idea what she was planning, but he wanted no part in it. “What even is this thing?” he asked, observing it, carefully trying his best not to look at the more sensitive areas. Though he did note that it felt oddly like real human flesh in his hands.

“That right there is a prototype skinsuit created in collaboration with the science club, using my body as a base,” Sana said proudly. “I had this made especially for you. First off this skinsuit is peak artistic inspiration and it will allow all who wear it to experience my views and love of art~. Once you wear this we can finally turn you into a real artist.”

“There’s no way I’m putting this thing on,” Naoto firmly said again. He could tell that something bad would happen if he put it on. This had to be some sort of test.

“Fine, if you refuse to take the easy way, then the hard way it will be,” Sana said, suddenly stripping down all the way allowing herself to stand completely naked in front of him. She knew that he would initially refuse her most generous offer, so she decided to take a harder approach to make him see the light.

While Naoto was trying to avert his attention from her naked body she got dressed in her karate Gi that she stored in the art room which did little to cover her huge boobs. They were practically bursting at the seams. Such breasts which Naoto would soon have himself~.

“You know I really did try to give you the easy way. If you were a proper adult you would have accepted my offer. Now we have to do things the hard way,” Sana said, immediately preceding to grapple him down. Sana was quite confident in her strength and easily smothered Naoto’s face right into her breasts much to his embarrassment as she continued pinning him on the ground before forcing him up on her lap.


“Owwwww~!!!” Naoto yelled as Sana presented his ass a single hard, swift smack. Despite his clothes, the force from her hand made it feel as if she was hotting his bare ass. “President, what are-ahhh!!!”


Despite his protest that didn’t stop her from continuing to spank him, sending waves of pain throughout his body, rippling from his ass!

“Stoppp~!! Stooppp! I’ll do whatever you ask! Just stop!” Naoto yelled, unable to even bare the weight of ten spankings before giving in and submitting to Sana’s will.

“God, I’m glad that you’re finally willing to see things my way,” Sana said, letting him go. “Now strip.”

‘Y-yes ma’am,” Naoto nervously said to her, doing as she said, stripping down all the way, even being forced to take off his boxers.

“Get over here!” Sana yelled at the pathetic excuse for a man. It was time for him to become just like her. Sana grabbed Naoto and forcibly started to help Naoto into the skinsuit.

The moment that his left foot entered the skinsuit it started to go feel weird. The inside of the body suit felt heavy and sweaty, and he could feel it latching into his skin, refusing to let go. He didn’t like this. He had to stop before it was too late.

“President, I don’t think that we should-ahhhhh~!!!” Naoto let out a lust-filled moan as his lower body was fitted into the skinsuit. The moment his manhood was tightly wrapped inside the skinsuit he felt a shockwave of pleasure go across his entire body, and soon after that he could no longer feel it! Scared and confused he tried to take the suit off, but the more he tried the tighter the suit became as it began to remodel his body to perfectly fit inside of it. Sana could only smile, knowing that soon there would be no turning back. She giggled, mocking Naoto as she forced the skinsuit over his head, replacing his head with her own~.

“Pr-President please st… my voice?” Naoto was stunned almost speechless when he or rather she talked, and it was the President’s deep mature feminine voice that came out of their mouth.

“Fufufu~. How immodest of you~,” Sana said, gazing upon her new twin. “Perhaps you should cover up, or are you into showing off that cute body of yours~.”

“Kyaaa~!!!” Naoto screamed, grabbing a nearby towel before covering their exposed body. “What have you done to me!?” Naoto cried, unable to take the suit off. “Why!? Why won’t this thing come off!?”

“Hmm, that is a good question,” Sana said to her new twin. While she never intended to let him go back to being Naoto in the first place, she was surprised that the suit sealed itself up right after the head was attached. “I don’t really understand too much about the science of the skinsuit. All I do know is that I requested it to look and sound as realistic as possible. As for how to take the suit off it would properly be best to ask the science club how to do it later. For now, we have things we need to do. Don’t you agree sis~?”


“That’s right, since you look just like me now that makes you at the moment my younger twin sisters~,” Sana happily said to her. “I when I say just like me, I mean it~. From your proportions to your voice, and even all the way down to my most secret of areas ~. I made extra sure that the body suit was made to impossible to differentiate from the real body once put on~.”

“…” Naoto couldn’t say anything after what they had just heard. They never thought that the president could be more insane than Nagatoro. All Naoto could do now was embarrassingly stare at the President’s usual bouncing giant boobs which were now on their chest, and they were far too heavy for their liking.

“Come on, get up!” Sana yelled, dragging Naoto over to her, to their embarrassment. Unable to resist Sana forced Naoto to start posing, holding them in a specific pose that emphasized their fat ass~.

“Eeeeppp~!!” Naoto shuddered as Sana placed her hand against their now low hips and ass. Sana wasted no time proceeding to squeeze Naoto’s new fat ass very methodically.

“Calm down sweetie. I’m just checking to make sure that you have the right size and feel of my ass,” Sana said, continuing to squeeze their ass. “You see I’m quite fond of my ass, and I would hate it if that science club weirdo’s messed it up. You’re the first person to wear this suit, so there is no telling if everything was done right. Though by the feel of this soft plump ass, tells me that they might have done it right~.”


“Ahhhhh~!!!” Naoto couldn’t help but let out lust-filled moans as they were forced to hold that pose while Sana continued with her “inspection” of squeezes, spanks, and rubbing her own butt against their fat ass for a more accurate comparison. For Sana this was amazing, but for Naoto this was humiliating. She just wanted this to end. …Wait did she just refer to herself as a she? …What was going on here!? What was this skinsuit doing to her!?



“Perfect~,” San said, giving Naoto another smack on her ass. She was quite satisfied with how everything turned out,  and decided that she wanted to have some more fun~. “Fufufu~,” She laughed, stripping off her karate Gi before putting on an identical towel to the one that Naoto was wearing. They now completely looked the same. The only difference currently was their expressions. Sana stood across from Naoto with a confident facial expression with arms under her large breasts, while Naoto was still holding the pose of her hand resting on her large hips with an embarrassed expression etched across her face. There was nothing that Naoto could do nothing to resist her.

“Come on just try to deny it~,” Sana said teasing her new twin. “Now take off that towel and hold that pose. It’s time that you learn what it means to be a nude model~. Not only will you get to experience the thrill of being the muse of an artist, but it will also give me the chance to better my skills in self-portraits.”

“What? No! Please just turn me back!” Naoto cried. “Please take this thing off of me!”

“Haah? Did I say that you could talk back?” Sana said to her twin with a dark cold stare, making her shut up as she became more submissive to her. It was pointless for Naoto to resist and she would make sure that they understood that soon.



“What the hell are you doing!” Sana yelled at Naoto, smacking her on the ass, trying to correct her position. “Do you not understand how to hold still and pose!? Stay still while I do it myself!” she yelled at her, forcing Naoto to face sideways and angle to show off her large naked ass while showing off the side angle of her large breasts. “And stop looking so embarrassed. As a model, it’s your job to do as I tell you. You need to maintain an expressionless face. This is the job of a nude model. Now let’s try this again!”

-One Hour Later-

“Ugh, finally it’s done,” Sana said, finishing up her painting. It took longer than she had initially hoped, but the results weren’t bad at all.

And Naoto felt the same way. While at first, she was nervous as hell, the more that she maintained her expressionless face, the more confident she became. And truth be told she actually liked being Sana’s nude model. She didn’t understand, but the longer that she remained in this skinsuit, the more she started to feel less of herself and more like Sana.

“Here, have a look~,” Sana said, showing Naoto the painting, much to Naoto’s embarrassment and excitement. “I’m going to submit this to the next art exhibit. Aren’t you glad~? Soon your beautiful naked form will be on display for all to see~.”

“No, I-”

“There’s no need to be shy,” Sana said, cutting Naoto off from talking. She knew that Naoto wanted to protest, but she wasn’t going to let that happen.

“You know that you want it~,” Sana’s voice said, echoing from inside her mind. There is nothing wrong with showing off your beautiful body in art. You want to be adored by the public~. You want to be seen~.”

Naoto could feel her mind start to become fuzzy as these thoughts began to fill her mind. Did she really want this? …Of course, she did~. There was no reason to deny this~. Or was there?”

“Alright, since your painting is done, it’s time for you to paint me,” she said, stripping off her towel, and leaving her naked body exposed for all to see.

“I can’t!” Naoto protested, feeling that painting a nude Sana would be wrong. “I don’t have any intention of painting you in such a compromising appearance!”

“Haaah!? What the hell is wrong with you!?” Sana yelled at her resisting the urge to smack her ass for the next hour. “This is art! You need to learn and understand the elegance and purity of painting the naked body, instead of focusing on using your usually crappy painting style!”

“B-but I…”

“Ugh, fine,” Sana said reluctantly, seeing that this was going to take some time. “I’ll make this easy for you” Sana picked up her discarded towel and sat down on the stool in front of her, using the towel to barely cover her body. She maintained an expressionless face with her head turned to the side crossing her legs.

The look was so simple and bland, but for some reason, Naoto couldn’t look away. She soon found herself stuck looking at Sana’s mostly naked body. She wanted to look away, trying to convince herself that she shouldn’t paint this, but couldn’t.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Sana’s voice in her mind yelled at her. “There is nothing t fear! If you love art then you should love this as well! Pursuing art in every shape and form should not be considered a sin. There is nothing wrong with painting a human in their true natural state. Now paint!” Unable to deny the voice’s logic Naoto soon found himself focusing solely on painting Sana.  And before he knew it a complete hour had gone by.

“I’m… done,” Naoto said proudly, placing down her paintbrush. She had never felt this focused before and she felt way more tired than usual.

“Let’s see~,” Sana said, standing up, and covering herself with her towel before looking over to see what Naoto had painted. “Hmm, not bad at all. For your first time this is quite impressive. This is already leagues above the crap paintings that you were creating before,” she said before turning over to love at all the Nagatoro paintings. They were terrible, in both design, color, and model. At least now Naoto actually produced something worthwhile. “In fact, this is so good that I’m going to submit it to the next art exhibit under your name~.”

“What!?” There’s no way that you can do that!?” Naoto yelled at her. “I don’t want anyone to know that I painted this! It’s too embarrassing!!”

“Haaah!? Who the hell said that it was embarrassing!?” Sana yelled, pissed off by what Naoto dared to say to her. She immediately dropped her towel to the ground before ripping the towel covering Naoto away from her, leaving them both butt naked.

“Kyaaa~!!!” Before Naoto could even yell her protests, Sana grabbed her left breasts with her right and her left ass cheek with her left. All Naoto could do was scream in embarrassment.

“There is nothing shameful about the human body!” Sana yelled at her misguided twin. “The human body is a work of art, and we have a duty to show its beauty to the world!”

“I’m sorry!” Naoto yelled unable to figure out what she was doing wrong. She thought that it was only natural to be embarrassed.


“If you’re sorry then you’ll do exactly what I say!” Sana yelled at her, smacking her on the ass to make sure that she listened. “Now repeat after me: Showing off my breasts and buttocks is art not perverted!”

“….” Naoto didn’t know what to do. Did she really have to-


“Ahhhhhhhh~!!!” Naoto screamed and moaned as Sana punished her for hesitating by spanking her fat ass and squeezing her fat tits.

“Say it you filthy bitch!” Sana yelled at her.

“S-showing off m-my… my breasts and b-buttocks is art n-not… not perverted!” Naoto yelled out nervously.



“What the hell was that!? Do it again!” Sana yelled, continuing to spank and squeeze Naoto as punishment.

“S-showing off my br-breasts and b-buttocks is art not perverted!” Naoto yelled out better than before, but there were still mistakes that needed to be corrected.



“Again you stupid bitch! Don’t you want to be a great artist!?” Sana yelled at her, spanking her ass and squeezing her breasts even harder.

“I do~!!!” Naoto yelled, getting lost in the pleasure.


“Then say it!” Sana yelled at her.

“Showing off my breasts and buttocks is art not perverted!” Naoto yelled perfectly this time.

“Good! Again!”

“Showing off my breasts and buttocks is art not perverted!”.

For the next 20 minutes, Naoto was forced to yell this phrase over and over again with Sana. She didn’t give her twin the option of saying non and only decided to stop her session of brainwashing when she felt that the timing was right.

“I hope that you understand now,” Sana said as Naoto slowly and carefully put her towel back on, trying her best not to anger Sana any further. She now knew the price of making her mad and would do her best to make sure that it didn’t happen again, despite how good it made her feel.

“I… I do,” Naoto said to her as she began to stare intensely at her reflection in the mirror. Oddly enough she never longer felt that embarrassed in her new form. In fact, she even started to believe that her new body was perfect for her and perfect for her art.  She unconsciously started posing, emphasizing her large breast and ass without realizing it.

“Fufufu~.” Sana began to laugh, watching Naoto pose. “It looks like someone is having fun and decided to accept their new form~,” she said, catching Naoto off guard.

“W-what? N-no… I” Naoto tried to weekly deny it, but Sana could tell that she was slowly growing addicted to her new form. She didn’t waste any time joining her twin in posing in front of the mirror. Sana continued to smile smugly at Naoto who was posing in forms that she had yet to teach her.


“Hahahah~!!! Finally, I’m in~!” Nagatoro yelled slamming the door open as she barged her way into the room after breaking the lock. “Senpai! I’m here~! Sen…pai? Huh? Why are there two Presidents?” she asked herself, stopping as she saw two Sana’s posing in very suggestive positions, wearing nothing but a thin towel to cover them.

“Huh?” Both San and Naoto slowly turned around, staring menacingly at Nagatoro, sending shivers down her spine.

“Senpai! Help! Aliens have cloned the President into two perverts!!” Nagatoro yelled, running straight out of the room, leaving Naoto confused by what she wanted. She liked her new form at least that much was what she knew, but was she willing to turn herself into a pervert?

“Alright that’s enough dillydallying,” Sana said to her, tossing her an extra spare of her school uniform, lacy black bra, and lay black panties. “Put these on, we can’t have you wandering the halls in nothing but a towel.”

“Okay,” Naoto said, unable to say no to her, knowing that this was for the best. She didn’t want to be punished again, and Sana was right that wearing her spare clothes was far better than remaining naked.

“Good, I’m glad you understand,” Sana said, happy to see that Naoto was being obedient. “Now, just because club activities are done for the day that doesn’t mean that you are done learning. We have only just started your journey and it would be a shame to end it here. For that reason I have already called your family before I even came here, explaining to them that you’ll be staying at my home for the time being so that you can learn more about art. At first, a was a bit skeptical whether or not they would agree, but with a bit more incentive they were more than happy to comply~.”

“Now come along. For our next task, we are going to go to the forest outside town and skip around butt naked. This will help you understand and appreciate that art is a cohesion of nature and the human body~”

“What!? Then why are you having me get dressed!?” Naoto yelled as she was unable to resist Sana from dragging her away, outside the school and towards the forest.

Senpai couldn’t resist as President was already dragging him outside the school and towards their next destination.

-One Hour Later-

“Ohohohhoho~!!!!” Sana and Naoto laughed as they skipped around the forest naked. Their large breasts and assess cheeks bounced freely as they moved.

“How do you feel dear ssiter~? Do you feel free~?” Sana asked her, calling Naoto her sister to see how she would react.

“Ohohoho~!!! I feel amazing sister~!” Naoto yelled back to her. She had already embraced her new nudist personality as an artist and wanted to be just like Sana. “I love how free I feel right now~! I finally feel one with nature, and my body yearns to be a part of it~. My body no longer feels strange to me anymore ~,” she said, as they both almost completely forgot about the skinsuit. Naoto continued to dance around the forest together for the next hour until Sana decided that it would be best to bring her new sister back home with her.

“Welcome home big sis…ter’s?” Sana’s little sister Hana said, confused to see that there were two girls that looked just like her older sister yet she couldn’t tell which one was which. “Big sister, what’s going on?”

“It’s not-”

“It’s alright,” Sana said, cutting Naoto off before he could finish talking. “This right here is Naoto Hachiouji. He is a member of the art club, though his art was never good. He admired me so much that he begged me to help mold him into my image so that he or rather now she could learn the proper way to become a great artist. And thanks to my skill such a feat was easily done.” Naoto knew that every word she spoke was a lie, but at this point, she couldn’t resist her. She was already becoming addicted to her new form, and there was no way for her to change back. For all, anyone cared, what Sana said was the truth.

“Naoto is such a natural,” Sana said starting to brag to her younger sister. “She was the perfect nude model and she even willingly skipped around the forest with me butt naked~!!! Ohohohoho~!! It was truly marvelous~!!” Sana yelled, as Hana looked over at the former boy and then nodded to her sister as if she had understood everything that was happening.

“Pfft~!!! Naoto truly must have been a pathetic man that had always wished to be a beautiful woman just like my sister~,” Hana said, unable to stop herself from laughing at her sister's twin.

Happy to see that her younger sister was on board, Sana nodded back to her in agreement, before staring menacingly at Naoto. Not understanding what was going on and not wanting to upset Sana, meekly nods in agreement too.

“It’s settled then~!” Hana yelled, clapping her hands together, seeing that they were all in agreement... “From now on Naoto is the youngest sister in our family~!!”

“Agreed~,” Sana said, happy to see that her younger sister made the right decision. Naoto is the youngest woman mentally among them, so it’s only fair that she is the youngest sister, despite having her body.

“Y-youngest s-sister? B-but I-”

“Quiet!” Hana yelled, taking charge so that her new little sister knew her place. “Get over here!” she yelled, stripping off her shirt, showcasing her sizable cleavage although not quite as big as Sana’s to Naoto.

“W-what’s going on?” Naoto nervously asked, trying to avoid eye contact with her.

“Alright let’s see what you got~!” Hana yelled, ordering her new little sister to compare their breast sizes.

“Y-yes,” Naoto said, slowly unbuttoning her shirt.

“Yes, what!” Hana yelled, displeased by her answer.

“Yes b-big sister~,” Naoto said, knowing that there was no going back now, showcasing her large naked breasts to Hana.

“Hehehe~. How does it feel for a former man to have larger breasts than me~?” Hana asked, teasing with Naoto as she pressed her fat breasts against hers.

“….” Naoto couldn’t say a thing. She was too embarrassed to admit that this is what she had always wanted deep down.

“Oh~. Can’t answer~,” Hana said to her, teasing her, but also displeased. “That’s too bad, your big sister wanted to have an open relationship with you, but it hurts my feelings that you hate me so~.”

“Ngh!” All of a sudden Naoto could feel Sana’s dark gaze upon her, and she knew that she had no other choice. “I love them! I love having big sister Sana’s large beautiful breasts! I love having her body! I love how my nudity improves my art~!” she yelled out, finally revealing the truth to Sana’s satisfaction.

“Pfft~!!! Hahahahahahahaha~!!!” Hana couldn’t help but laugh at hope pathetic her new younger sister was. Training her to fit into their family was going to be fun~.

After hours and hours of her new sisters playing dress up with her, she was finally able to sleep in the room that they prepared just for her. When the next day finally came around it was Sunday, which meant that there was no school, though that by no means meant that Naoto would be allowed to sleep in.


“Come on! It’s time to get up~!” Sana yelled, storming into her room, and pulling her right out of bed. “Today we are going to get you some exercise and artistic inspiration. Remember that a healthy mind needs a healthy body~. Why else do you think that I’m so physically strong? I work hard for my perfect physique. Now hurry up and get dressed. We’re burning daylight~!” she yelled throwing a strange outfit at her, which Naoto was shocked to see wasn’t normal jogging attire. In her hands was a sexy black bunny girl outfit!

“What is this!?” Naoto yelled, scared that she would have to wear something like this.

“That right there is the exact bunny girl outfit that you and Nagatoro, tried to force me to wear,” Sana said to her, stripping down to show that she was also wearing a sexy black bunny girl outfit. “You see I was curious about the bunny girl outfit that you two wanted me to wear in order to humiliate me in front of the entire school, so I decided to check it out. And you know what? I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it’s great for artistic inspiration and showing off the beauty of the human body. I was foolish t have acted so rashly before. But that is not in the past.”

“As for now, we shall jog around the entire town wearing these outfits, showcasing our beauty to all who cross our path~!”

“Y-yes big sister,” Naoto said, knowing that he can’t disobey her. “Um, sister? Could you… could you please help me put this on~? It’s too tight~,” she said already trying to put on her new outfit even before her sister told her to. What a good obedient little sister she was turning into.

“Fufufu~. If you insist~,” Sana said, roughly forcing Naoto’s fat ass and tits to fit into the bunny girl outfit~.


“You’re really useless with me~,” Sana said mocking Naoto as she spanked her on her big fat bunny ass~. “This is why you need to live with me. Under my watchful eye, you’ll become a proper nudist, artist, woman, and little sister. Now get those heels on. It’s time for us to start!” she yelled forcing Naoto to wear heels for the first time in her life, before dragging her out of their home. This was going to be so much fun~! Or at least that was what Sana had hoped when they began.

“Pick up the pace you lazy bitch!” Sana yelled at Naoto who was already lagging behind. They were only on the first mile, but Naoto was already out of breath. Not only was she out of shape, she was also distracted by her tight sweaty bunny girl outfit that clung tightly to the skin, which did little to stop her large breasts, hips, and ass from bouncing, jiggling, and swaying all over the place. It was so distracting that she couldn’t move properly, not to mention the heels, which made it almost impossible to even stand. Naoto was helpless to stop the bouncing with each step, and she was constantly moaning as she ran.

“Ugh! And here I thought that I would only need to train you mainly in art,” Sana said, making her way back to Naoto . “You are so pathetically out of shape that I need to take it upon myself to train you in physical education as well. Come on let’s get moving! We’re not stopping here~!”

-Two Weeks Later-

“Good job keep it up!” Sana yelled, right next to Naoto who was managing to keep pace with her after two full weeks of training. All of her efforts had paid off. And thanks to this training and the skinsuit Naoto’s facial expression was now shifted to a mostly permanent stoic expressionless face, just like her. She never dreamed that the skinsuit would progress her twin this quickly, but she was glad that it did, since it meant that the changes happening to Naoto were becoming permanent. “Not only have you shown more than promising results in your physical education, but you are no longer ashamed of wearing a sexy bunny girl outfit in public anymore; just lie to me~.”

“Huh? Is there something wrong with what I’m wearing?” Naoto asked her big sister, unable to find anything wrong with the current outfit she was wearing. “This shows off the beauty of the human body. Why would there ever need to be a reason to feel ashamed for that?”

“Fufufu~. You’re absolutely right~,” Sana said back to her as they made their way back home. When they finally got back they found that Hana was waiting for the,

“So, “little sis,” how did you enjoy two full weeks of running around with big sister matching bunny outfits?” Hana asked her.

“It was amazing~” Naoto yelled out without a shred of hesitation. “Big sisters know what is best for me and I’ll do whatever you both ask~. It thanks to you that I’m in such great shape as well as showing me the wonders of wearing a sexy bunny outfit,” she said which earned their nod of approval. Now it was time for them to begin bringing Naoto back to school~.

The next day after making sure Naoto understood her new place she was finally able to return to school. Sana had already informed the school that Naoto left school to pursue his love of art and that she was Sana’s younger twin sister. Everything would have been easily solved if they had just attended classes normally, but when it came to Sana, nothing she did was normal.

The two sisters managed to grab the attention of many perverted stares as they walked down the school hallway still in their sexy bunny-girl outfits. Their sexy curves drew eyes to their bouncing tits and asses as they walked. When they finally arrive in the art room both of them paused at the sight before them.

It would seem in their absence Nagatoro and her two troublemaking friends had turned their precious art club room into some sort of a delinquent hang-out spot.

Naoto maintains a stoic expression with her hand on her hip while Sana matched her with the same pose, but with a darker expression.

“Pr-President!!!” Nagatoro and her friends yelled in shock, seeing that there were two Presidents in front of them.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Nagatoro yelled at them. “You’ve been gone for two weeks after taking Senpai with you, and now you return with someone that looks exactly like you! And why are the both of you dressed like  two perverted sex bunny girls!”

“Fufufu~. Can you really not recognize your senpai~?” Naoto said, calmly, revealing the truth to them. “Big sister Sana showed me the error of my ways and enlightened me on the beauty of art as well as the human body~. It is thanks to her that Naoto is no more~. I am now Nana Sunomiya, making me an official member of big sister Sana’s family. It was thanks to big sisters help that I was able to admit to myself that I had always desired to become her younger twin sister.

“…” Nagatoro was speechless. How could this be possible?”


As Nagatoro was left to ponder what the hell was going on Sana and Nana began to crack their knuckles, intimidating her friends.

“You all of three seconds to leave before things get rough~,” Sana said, as she and Nana watched the three girls panicking and running out of the room seconds later.

“Sigh, this is going to be a waste of time,” Nana said as she and Sana cleaned up the club room. They could have used this time for more nude paintings, but now they would have to wait as it was time for them to head to swimming class.

Once there they saw an energetic Nagatoro yelling at the class about what Sana had done to Naoto.

“Listen here you perverted bitch I challenge Nana to a swim race!” Nagatoro yelled at the sisters. “If I win you have to let Nana go back to being my senpai!”

“Fufufu~. Oh, really~?” Nana said, letting out an intimidating and confident aura that her big sister taught her how to do. She arrogantly pressed large breasts against Nagatoro’s tiny ones, showing that there would be no contest between them. She would win easily, but that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t have some fun with this~.

“I accept your challenge, but it’s not fair that only one side has something to gain by racing. If I win you will have to suffer a penalty of your own~. One of which we’ll tell you after we race~.”

“Fine! I agree!” Nagatoro yelled, not thinking for a second that she could lose, though that didn’t stop her from feeling intimidated by Nana's fat tits, dwarfing her own.

SPLASH! The two of them entered the water without hesitation, swimming against each other with everything that they had, but in the end Nana one. Nagatoro couldn’t believe it. The previously physically weak Senpai beat her easily.

“Fufufu~. My sister taught me well in physical education. Now I won’t be bullied by you anymore,” she said to Nagatoro in expressionless voice. “Instead, you, Nagatoro, will be bullied by me~. Meet me at the art club room alone after school~,” she said, slowly getting out of the pool and adjusting the wet swimsuit wedgie out of fat ass while flaunting it right in front of Nagatoro’s face, much to her embarrassment as she. What the hell happened to the senpai she loved?

Once classes were over for the day, Nagatoro made good on her bet with Nana and arrived at the art club, but to her annoyance, the President was there as well. And to make things worse the two sisters were butt naked, looking at her with bored expressions etched across their faces.

“What the hell do you two perverts want with me?” Nagatoro asked them.

‘Big sister, do you think that we can use the skinsuit on her?” Nana asked Sana, completely ignoring Nagatoro. “I don’t need it anymore, and if we take it off she can use it as well~.”

“That is not a bad idea my dear sister~,” Sana said, proud of the idea that her little sister came up with. She held Nana still while trying to find the tiny zipper on the back of her head. Once she did she wasted no time unzipping her sister from the suit. Though to Nagatoro’s surprise, there was no Naoto inside the suit, there was only another President. Nothing changed.

Without paying attention to the gawking Nagatoro, Nana made her way over to the full-body-length mirror in the club room and slowly examined her 100% real human body. She understood while she wore it the skinsuit slowly remolded her original form to match the skinsuit.

“What the hell is going on!?” Nagatoro yelled at them, starting to panic. “I’m not going to wear that!”

“Hmm, she’s right,” Sana and Nana said, agreeing with her. Nagatoro didn’t deserve to be graced with the beautiful art of their body. Instead, they would have her wear a different skinsuit.

Seconds later another entered the room. This time turning out to be Hana carrying a skinsuit that looked exactly like her.

“Big sister is Nagatoro going to be her little twin sister?” Hana asked, eager for her big sister to say yes. Sana and Nana gave their sister a confirming nod, which caused the bodysuit to panic even more. She tried to flee the room, but it was useless. The three sisters grabbed her and forced the skinsuit on her. She was helpless as she was forced to feel the skinsuit latch onto her skin and seal her inside of it. The tiny zipper was firmly in place, and Nagatoro couldn’t take it off without help. Though she wouldn’t get any until the skinsuit made her perfect~.

“Pl-please! Pl-please…l-et me go~?” Nagatoro whined, scared and shocked that her voice was now exactly like Hana’s.

“No can do~! Now stay still~!” Hana yelled at her new twin. She then proceeed to force her naked twin into a spare of her outfit making them look exactly the same. “Fufufu~. How is it? How is it having bigger breasts now than compared to what you had before~?” Hana asked, mocking Nagatoro as she showed off her cleavage. “I bet you love it, don’t you? Come on~. You know that you want to show them off~.

“Ngh~!! You’re right!” Nagatoro yelled unable to stop herself from putting on the same perverted pose Hana was. Hana’s “Urges,” were already taking control.

“Hahahaha~!!” Sana and Nana couldn’t stop themselves from laughing at the poor pathetic Nagatoro who looked embarrassed as she was forced to compare her new breasts with Hana’s.

“Big sister I’m going to make sure that my new little sister is properly “trained,” to be just like me,” Hana said to Sana. She will learn everything there is to being me~!”

“Fufufu~. As my little sister that is what I would expect~,” Sana said, giving her approval as they dragged the protesting Nagatoro back home for her education on being a good little sister~.

-Six Months Later-


“She’s doing quite well,” Sana said to Hana, watching over Nana practicing driving her motorcycle. Just like Sana and Hana, Nana were also wearing a tight leather bike outfit that barely covered her breasts. Though she didn’t even mind how tight and revealing wearing Sana’s spare leather bike outfit was nor how much her breasts bounced while she drove. It felt natural for her.

Nana was learning how to drive a motorcycle so that she could pick up her their “youngest sister,” from school. Both Sana and Nana already graduated and were now attending a first-class art college. Hana was now in her 2nd year of high school, and their youngest sister, little “Kana” [formerly Nagatoro] was a 1st-year student. Her sisters felt that she needed a chance to develop more so she ended up back as a first year.

Sana had no problem picking up her bike already, but she needed to make sure that Kana was picked up as well, and there was no way that she would trade in her motorcycle for a car. Both Sana and Hana were proud that Nana was putting herself out there to take care of their youngest. Now all they needed to do was see how it goes.

Once Sana and Hana gave their approval, Nana headed off straight to Kana’s school. When she pulled up in her motorcycle outside of the school in her tight leather outfit showing off her large breasts, a black bunny-eared hamlet.  It wasn’t long before Kana exited the gates of the school, walking towards her wearing her cute first-year uniform. Nana smugly smiled at her before handing her a pink motorcycle helmet. Though in response Kana looked at Nana with a cold glare before jumping in the sidecar. She hated that she had to wear the same cute pink helmet that Hana always wore, but she put it on anyway before Nana drove away.

“So, how was school today~?” Nana asked her little sister trying to show interest in her younger sister, though Kana didn’t answer and just decided to remain silent. This didn’t please Nana at all. “How was school today?” she asked once more but this time in a darker and more threatening voice. “If you don’t tell me I’ll have to tell Hana that her little sister is being rebellious again.

“It sucked okay,” Kana said reluctantly, not wanting to get spanked by Hana again for rebelling. “My old friends don’t want to hang out with me since I’m the freshman little sister of the President that tormented them. Now I’m stuck hanging out with Hana all day.  She holds my hand wherever we go, and she escorts me from one class to the next to make sure that I don’t skip any classes. She even makes sure that I study with her in the library and practice art in the art room.  This sucks!”

“Fufufu~. You’re doing well~,” Nana said to her, nodding her head in approval. It took some time, but Kana was finally starting to see the light.

“Why? W-why did you, s-submit so quickly to becoming the President’s twin?” Kana meekly asked her. She knew that there was still a bit of her senpai still in there, but why would she let herself become someone else?

“That’s easy,” Nana said to her. “Big sister Sana gave me a path to become more confident in myself, and I took it. While it did take some time I eventually embraced becoming like her fully. I still remember who I was, but I can’t feel a connection to that person to anyone. They were a weakness that I have overcome. Kana, I hope that one day you can fully embrace being Hana, just as I have embraced being Sana. …Kana are you even listening~?”

“Huh!? Y-eah!” Kana said, getting distracted again by Nana’s large exposed chest. She hated that the senpai she used to bully now has bigger breasts than she does both before and after her change. Disgusted she turned away, hoping, that Nana wouldn’t notice. Though Nana saw everything.

“Fufufu~. You’re the one being bullied now~,” she said to her foolish younger sister as they continued to drive home and into their new lives.



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