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What the heck was this!? Why was there this strange screen being presented before her? Rosa knew that in the game, the original Rosa was a heinous villainess, but that didn’t mean that she had to be one as well. To be honest she would like to just live this new life as quietly as possible. Living as the daughter of a Duke is more than she could ever ask for. There was no reason for her to fall for the prince in the first place, or act like a villainess.

But according to this screen, if she didn’t do anything she would be punished. None of the options even sounded remotely good to her. She wasn’t violent in nature, so trying to throw things or yell at someone was impossible for her. Though eating it was out of the question as well. The soup looked like muddy water, and the bread was covered in mold.

[Please make a decision in the next 10 seconds or face punishment.]

What was she going to do? If she didn’t do something soon, she would be… what was that? Rosa started to lose track of her thoughts as she noticed the bread start to wiggle. She carefully leaned in to get a better look at it, but when she did, a worm popped right out of it, so close that it almost touched her face.

“Kyaaaaa~!!!” Rosa screamed on instinct, unable to handle being near that creepy, wiggly thing. In her shock, she accidentally flung the tray of food off of her and straight into the maid’s face!

“You arrogant little bitch!” the maid yelled, furious that Rosa would dare throw the food back at her. “You should have never lost your memories. At least then you would still understand your place!”

“Kyaaa~!” Rosa screamed as the maid began to pull at her hair, pulling her out of the bed and to the ground. She was too scared to resist. She didn’t mean to throw the food at the maid. It was an accident. Why did she have to suffer for a mere accident?

“It looks like I’ll have to retrain you and show you where the daughter of that cursed bitch belongs!” The maid shoved Rosa’s face right next to the moldy bread with the worm wiggling on the ground next to it. All Rosa could do was cry, begging that this would end.

“What the hell are you doing!?” Roland yelled, storming his way into his sister's room after hearing her scream on his way back to her. He wanted to surprise her with her favorite strawberry cake, hoping that it would help her remember something. Though that mattered little when compared to her safety.

“Y-young master! It-it’s not what it looks like!” the maid yelled, letting go of Rosa’s hair and kneeling down on the ground, begging for forgiveness. “The young miss fell, and I was only trying to help her, but I actually caught her hair instead. Isn’t that right young miss?” The maid look at Rosa with a look that demanded her to agree with her.

“I-it… it…” Rosa couldn’t answer. She didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to lie, but she didn’t want to be harmed by the maid again.

“See? It was all a misunderstanding~,” the maid said, grabbing Rosa’s arm and yanking her to her feet, bruising her thin wrist.

“You dare, touch my sister,” Roland said, pulling out a small dagger from the inside of his jacket, and slowly walking towards the maid. “If you want to keep your fingers, you better let go of her right now.”

“Y-young master, please calm down?” the maid yelled nervously, using Rosa as a shield to defend herself from Roland. “This bitch isn’t even a full-blooded member of the Dawn Family. What does it matter if she gets hurt a bit, you should be thanking me. This bitch needs to learn her place!”

“P-please~!!! Let me go~!” Rosa cried, unable to control her emotions, feeling the maid's sharp nails dig into her neck. “Let me go! Let me go! LET ME GO!”

“Shut up, you lit-arghhhh~!!!!!”

Rosa felt a strange warm energy flow through her, and before she realized what had happened the maid started to scream out in pain, dropping her to the ground. Sacred and confused, Rosa tried to turn around and see what was happening, but before she could Roland had already placed his hands over her eyes, preventing her from seeing what was happening. All Rosa could tell was that there was something burning near her.

“Mother, you’re here!” Roland yelled, shocked to see that their mother had come for them. He wanted to take care of things himself, but their mother decided to step in and take care of matters herself.

“Roland, take your sister to my bedroom. Mother needs to discipline this unruly maid,” their mother said, allowing Roland to take Rosa and leave. All Rosa could hear were the maid's screams as her brother carried her away. It was then that she remembered even more about the Dawn family. Not only was she the daughter of the Duke, but her family was made of members that tortured and murdered anyone that stood in their way. While this was mainly done in the shadows, rumors of these deeds spread throughout the social circles of nobility. Strangely enough, each one of these heinous deeds was blamed on Rosa, though none of it was true. Rosa was, in fact, ignorant of her family’s dark history. It was never explained why in any of the routes that she played while she was still Ross. And the only reason that she knew of this now was that this is explained in Roland’s character bio.

Rosa’s family was never close to her in the game. Part of this stemmed due to her bad personality and because she was unable to use magic. The Dawn family was well known for their advanced control of fire magic. Yet Rosa had no magic whatsoever, which only fed her inferiority complex. The original Rosa was only allowed into the Noble Clawthorne Academy Of Magic because of her family ties. She knew that it was impossible for her to use magic, but did that mean that she couldn’t be loved? …Wait, Rosa smelled something burning when her brother covered her eyes. Does that mean that her mother set the maid on fire?

“Rosa, it’s okay now. You can open your eyes,” her brother said to her in a gentle tone, which was a sharp contrast to the one when he was threatening the maid.

“B-brother? D-did I… did I do something wrong?” Rosa asked, unable to figure out why the maid treated her in such a manner. She mentioned something about her blood, but she didn’t understand what she was talking about. Was she a child of a mistress? Was she not a full-blooded member of the Dawn family?

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Roland said to her, embracing her tightly. “That maid was the one in the wrong. You have nothing to be ashamed for. You are my sister and the princess of the house of Dawn. No one in this kingdom has the right to look down upon you besides the members of the royal family, and even they would not dare incur our wrath. You need not worry about that maid returning. You’ll never see her again, mother will make sure of that.”

“Al-alright…” Rosa didn’t want to let go of her brother. She didn’t feel safe being alone. Everything that was happening was too much for her to handle alone. She didn’t want to be alone.

“Rosa please lay here for a few minutes, I’m going to get the doctor to check up on your neck, and I’ll bring you some actual food this time. That maid had a death wish to even consider feeding you that filth.”

“N-no… don’t go,” Rosa said, refusing to let go of him. He had to stay with her. He had to protect her. She knew that it was silly for someone of her mental age to ask a 12-year-old boy for protection, but she couldn’t help it. Her body was shaking all over, and she just needed someone to stay by her side.

“Alright, I’ll stay,” Roland said to her, unable to leave his frail sister alone again. He knew that she was different than the rest of the family, and that was fine. Their father and mother both decided to keep Rosa out of their secret lives. She was just a pure girl that didn’t need to delve into the darkness of their family. “Let me call a maid real quick, and I’ll be right back,” he said, gently taking Rosa’s hands off of him so he could call for a maid, leaving Rosa alone.

While he was only gone a few seconds it felt like an eternity to her. When he came back he pulled a chair up next to the bed and laid his sister down. She needed her rest. Though unbeknownst to him, she wouldn’t be getting much. While staring at the ceiling, the strange red transparent screen appeared in front of Rosa yet again.

[Congratulations~! You have finished your first task: Throw the food at the arrogant maid~! What a villainess achievement~! You have been awarded 10 villainess points~!]

[Congratulations~! You have unlocked the Villainess Shop~!]

[Note: Features such as the Villainess Shop will be unlocked as you gain more points. The more features unlocked to improve your chances of becoming the most heinous villainess in the kingdom. Keep up the good work~!]

[Would you like to access the Villainess Shop (Yes/No)]

Rosa didn’t understand why this system was here, but she knew that it would be foolish of her not to see what it had to offer, despite the name. Thinking back to all the manga she read, she tried to touch the red transparent screen, and to her surprise, it actually worked, and she was able to touch it, opening up the Villainess Shop.

[Welcome to the Villainess Shop, please use your points to buy items, stats, and skills to help you across your villainess journey.]

[1. +5 Charisma: 25 points]

[2. Royal Etiquette: 5 points]

[3. Rose Magic (basic tier): 10 points]

What the heck!? This was amazing! While Rosa couldn’t see her stats, adding onto her charisma would definitely help her, and so would learning Royal Etiquette. Though what really grabbed her attention was Rose Magic. This was her chance to change her fate. The original Rosa didn’t have magic, but she could. She had to take this chance. Without wasting a second later she choose Rose Magic.



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