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“It’s not your fault,” I said to them understanding that it was out of their control.

“Thank you for your understanding. Now we can begin with the tests as described yesterday,” she said, flipping a switch in her attitude.

“What do you mean tests? Josh and his mother are in danger because of you,” Lila said to her. “He may forgive you but I won’t. We won’t agree to help you until you can make those rioters disappear.”

“Miss I’m afraid that the choice is not up to you,” the doctor said to her. “It is up to her,” she said to me, referring o me as a female just like everyone else besides Lila. It ticked me off that they are calling me a girl when I’m still me inside.

“She’s right,” I said to her. “I may understand that it’s not your fault that this happened., but you can’t treat it like it didn’t. I don’t feel safe here. I will take my mother and leave.”

“I’m sorry, but we can’t let you leave,” the doctor said to me. “For their safety, the U.N has decided that all Pokémorph need to stay in the hospital for their own protection and help out with the tests assigned to them.”

“So we’re all your prisoners then,” I said to her.

“No, you are not our prisoners. We would never do anything to harm you,” she said back to me. “All we asked of you is that you help us out with these tests.”

“And if I refuse?” I asked starting to get angry with her. I was not some sort of lab rattata, that can be used to benefit them.

“Then you will be confined to your room, and your friend will be asked to leave. Also, we will just start running tests on your dear mother.”

“You dare!” I yelled furiously at them imagining myself choking the doctor. As I did, she began to lift into the air, gasping for breath.

“Josh stop it!” Lila, yelled, realizing what I was doing before I did.

Distracted by her words I dropped the doctor who staggered back into the nurse.

“What the hell was that?” I asked, confused by what just happened, though as I did, the doctor smiled.

“So, it’s true you can use the same moves that a Pokémon can. You just used Physic on me!” she yelled sounding ecstatic about this discovery.

“Impossible,” I said to myself. “There’s no way that this is real.”

“Josh, I think that she is right,” Lila said t me.

“Do you see now why you have to stay here?” the doctor asked me. “If you can’t control these powers then someone you love could get hurt. We need to run these tests on you for your safety.”

“Fine,” I said agreeing to the tests. “But Lila stays or it’s a no deal.” I would not do this without her.

“Agreed,” the doctor said, pulling out a large needle from their medical bag. “Now stick out your arm. We’re going to need a nice big blood sample from you.”

“Fine,” I said as the doctor began to draw my blood out.

“Thank you for being cooperative with us,” the doctor said smugly. “We’ll be back later to give you a cat scan,” she said as they left the room.

“Are you alright?” Lila asked me, picking me up into the air.

“I’m fine,” I said to her. “My hurts a bit, but it’s no big deal.”

“I mean are you alright after they threatened your mother?” she asked.

“No, I am not,” I said back t her. “I just hope that things go back to normal for us soon.”

Lila and I went back to the hospital cafeteria to get some breakfast, but the stress were worse than yesterday. It would seem that everyone now knew who I was.

“How does it feel to know that your daddy turned you into that?” the cashier said mocking me. “Did you think that he would spare you, because you were his son…no wait it’s daughter now isn’t it?”

“Shut your mouth,” Lila said to him for me. “Who knows you may be the next victim of the virus,” she said walking away from him.

“You two better watch your backs!” he yelled an empty threat to us before we were out of range. Today we went back to my room to eat, instead of the courtyard. There was no telling what could happen if we ate out there.

Once we were done eating it didn’t take long for the doctor to return to give me a cat scan and an ex-ray. They made me take off my hoodie while they range more through the cat scan and did my ex-rays. When they were done, we were brought to another room to see the results.

“I have to say thank you once again for agreeing to this the doctor,” said to me, acting as if she gave me a real choice. “I would like to show you both the results of what we just did. First is the x-rays. On the right is Josh and on the left is a normal female Ralts. As you can see they are identical.”

“With the other Pokémorph data that we have received from Paldea, Kalos, and Galar, there are Pokémorph’s that have more humanoid structures when compared to their Pokémon counterparts.  Since Ralts is already a humanoid Pokémon there seem to be no physical changes that we can see, though that may change when Josh eventually evolves. We can’t say for sure if she will evolve, but we need to be ready if she can.”

“Also look closely at the bones; there are no signs of breakage. These bones are in perfect condition as if they were always like this,” the doctor said, pointing at my x-ray. “It makes no sense to use how this is possible. There are no cracks or any signs of strain on the bones. It is a miracle that this is possible.”


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