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*Warning this story has some NSFW content. This takes place after Luffy becomes an Emepror and during this time his is 19-20 years old. All characters the legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.* (Picture Made Using Novelai


“Ahhh~, this is nice~,” Luffy said getting into the warm bath. His crew has recently stopped on this island for some supplies, and they found that there was a hot spring for them to enjoy. The girls were separated from the boys, and only Nami, Robin, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji decided to go.

“Hey Luffy, are you sure that it’s alright for you to submerge yourself in a hot spring?” Zoro asked him. Nami and Robin were the main people that used the bath on the ship, so they all usually just wiped themselves down with soap and water.

“It’s fine~,” Luffy said to them. “Even with my devil fruit, this is nothing. In fact, it feels great, it’s like my arms are turning to jelly.”

“Um Luffy that’s because they are,” Sanji said to him, seeing Luffy’s arms stretch out onto the floor.


“Pfft~! Classic Luffy,” Zoro said to him entering the bath as well, with Sanji soon following him. Little did they know that they were being watched from close by.

“Kalifa come in, do you have eyes on the target?” Rob Lucci asked through her transponder snail. “Of course I do~. The Emperor of the Sea Monkey D. Luffy and his two right-hand men are in sight~.”

“Good, wait until the first two leave and then deal with Monkey D. Luffy. Once their captain is dealt with we can’t start going after them, one by one~. With your awakened ability, the Straw hats will cease to exist.”

“Yes sir~,” Kalifa said back before ending the call. She had been waiting a long time to get back to them after the last time that they met. She was defeated by an orange-haired bimbo using cheap tricks. This time she had no intention of losing. She was going to use her devil fruit power to make sure to clean all of them up~. Though when it came to the robot they would just have to kill. Though for the raccoon she had a lovely idea in mind~.

“Huh? I didn’t know that this place had a bubble bath feature,” Zoro said as he and Sanji were just getting out. For some reason, his legs felt a bit smoother and weaker when he stood up, but he didn’t take any mind to it.

“Luffy we’re going over to the steam room, you coming?” Sanji asked, also aware that his legs felt strange, though he decided to ignore it.

“Nah you guys go ahead, I’m not that fond of steam,” he said to them, waving them off. Now it was finally time to relax. The feeling of the nice warm water against his skin felt like it was healing him. The bubbles started to make his skin feel a tad bit tingly though he didn’t seem to mind. He finally had some time to relax and when this was over it was time for him to eat~!


“Huh? What did you guys forget something~?” Luffy looked over to see that a familiar woman wearing glasses just entered the bath dressed normally before changing into a towel. “Who are you?” Luffy asked her. “This is the men’s side.”

He could have sworn that he had seen her before, but he couldn’t quite remember She slowly walked towards him with a seductive smile spread across her face.

“Fufufufu~. It hasn’t been that long since we last met,” the woman said, sounding even more familiar to him. “Don’t you remember? It was during the time you were sailing with that trashy sheep ship~.”


“Wait! I remember! You that one chick from CP9!” Luffy yelled standing straight up, a bit weak in the knees, flashing the woman as he did, though she didn’t mind at all. Besides even with a rubber one she had seen bigger~. “Your group was after Robin because she could read!”

“That is an oversimplification of what happened, but yes it was. And my name is Kalifa~,” she said to him, dropping her towel to the ground, and making her way over to him. “I do hope that you remember that since it will be your name as well real soon~.”

“Really!? I don’t know what you’re planning, but I won’t go done easy! Gomu- ahhh~!!”


“What the hell!? Why can’t I feel my legs!? What have you done!?” Luffy yelled at her, unable to feel his legs. For a second he thought it was the water, but he soon realized that he was wrong when he saw bubbles coming off of her bare body.

“You see I ate the Bubble-Bubble Fruit~,” she said, slowly walking towards him, swaying her hips and fat ass as she did, her breasts bounced with each step, drawing in Luffy’s attention. “This allows me to clean anything my bubbles touch~. And that bath water you’re in is filled with my bubbles~. How do your legs feel, nice and clean, right? Though you must not be able to feel them at all. My bubbles do come with a numbing effect, so that is too bad for you~.”

“Do you really think that you can stop me like this!!” Luffy yelled at her, refusing to give in. I still have my arms and my friends are here as well. There is no way that whatever you plan is won't work!”

“My, my, I remember you being quite the idiot 2 years ago~. It would seem that you have done some growing~,” she said to him, but unfortunately, that won’t be enough~. Go ahead try to attack me~,” she said teasing him.

“Fine you asked for…what!? My body! My body won’t move!” Luffy shouted, not understanding what was going on.

“Fufufufu~. That is just my bubbles doing their job~. To think one tiny little awakening could make me this much more powerful, that I can temporarily stop one of the emperors of the sea~. Though I won’t need to hold you for much longer~. You see when I awakened my powers gained another ability~. I have the power to change anything that I deem dirty and replace it to what I believe to be clean~.”

“Here let me show you by dealing with those dirty arms of yours~,” she said, slowly running her bubbly hands across Luffy’s right arm, getting rid of all his dirt~. When the bubbles finally started to dissipate Luffy was terrified to see that it was as long, slender, and smooth as Kalifa’s. Though what terrified him, even more, was that it could no longer stretch! His right arm was no longer made of rubber!

“What have you done!?” Luffy yelled at her, struggling to attack him, but there was nothing that he could do. He started to feel warm as Kalifa looked down at him. Was he blushing? No. there was no way that he could blush over her.

“Fufufu~. Can’t you see~? I’m making you perfect. The only thing in this entire world that I could ever see as clean was me and thanks to my awakening no longer will I have to settle for good enough~.”

“Stop! You can’t do this!” Luffy yelled as she ran her bubbly hands across Luffy’s left arm, getting rid of all his dirt~. When the bubbles finally started to dissipate his left arm was just like his right, perfect in Kalifa’s eyes.


“Fufufu~, but I can~,” she said teasing him, running her bubbly hands across Luffy’s legs, getting rid of all his dirt~. As she did his leg became smoother and more slender, with his hips, ass, and thighs expanding out as she was determined to make Luffy perfect~.

“Ahhhh~!!! St-stop-ahhhh~!!!” Luffy began to moan out in ecstasy as a jolt of pleasure started to pulsate throughout his body! As his flat rubber ass was transformed into a smooth glossy bubble butt, his rubber member started to become hard.

“Oh my~. Your words say one thing, but your body craves the other~,’ she said, teasing him. “Let’s take care of that ugly little thing and make you even cleaner~.”

“No-ahhhhh~!!!! Mmm-mor-ahhh~!!!” Luffy couldn’t help him or rather herself as Kalifa pleasured her, cleaning away her rubber male member, welcoming her to the wonders of womanhood~.

“Mmm~, that’s right you like it don’t you,” Kalifa said, licking her lips.

“N-no I-ahhhh~!!!” Luffy began to moan out some more as Kalifa ran her hand up Luffy’s stomach to her chest, making her experience more pleasure as her figure became curvier and her body fat was redistributed to grant her a pair of lovely G-cups breasts~.

“Pl-please…n….m-ore…” Luffy was drooling by now as Kalifa began to fondle her breasts, making her soon-to-be twin moan even more, this was her destiny and she was almost complete~.

Luffy wanted nothing more than to fight back, but the more that Kalifa changed her body, the more and more she wanted to feel more of this pleasure. It was a feeling that she couldn’t quite describe~.”

“Fufufufu~. If you want more then who am I to say no~,” Kalifa  said, pressing her bare tits against Luffy’s before shoving her tongue straight down his throat~!”

“Nnnnhhhh~!!!” Luffy moaned out in ecstasy, hearing her moans become higher and her face become smoother~. It wasn’t long after that her face became more elegant and refined while her black hair started to grow out, turning strawberry-blonde.

“Perfect~,” Kalifa said, examining her new twin before placing a pair of glasses on her face. “How do you feel~?”

“I’ll…I…I…no, I’ll kill…you…” Luffy tried to speak, but she felt powerless to do anything right now. There was nothing that she could do to resist her. She could feel that she no longer possessed the power of the gum-gum fruit and she had the same power as Kalifa with none of the knowledge of how to use it.

“No, no, no~,” Kalifa  said to her twin. “It would seem that your body may be perfect now, but your mind is not~. Here, let sister help with that~.”

“W-wait, what are-mmmmppphhhhh~!!!!” Luffy started to moan out in pleasure as Kalifa stuck her tongue down her throat once more. This time she twisted around and around in his throat, causing his mind to start to become fuzzy while squeezing her twin's fat breasts to turn her on~.

“That’s right~, it’s best if you don’t resist~,” Kalifa said, taking her tongue out of Luffy’s mouth, their salvia still connected, symbolizing their fate~. “Trust me, this is for the best~. You weren’t clean, but soon you will be~,” she said, slowly caressing and biting her twin lips, making them plumper as Luffy’s mind started to change.

She could feel her identity as Luffy start to slip away from her. Her hopes and dream of becoming The Pirate King vanished leaving her as an empty slate which was soon filled in with the desires of her twin sister Kalifa. The world was dirty and she and her sister had the power to change that. They could fix this filthy world. They could change it for the better. All that stood in their where right now was none other than the Straw hat Pirates. They had to be dealt with.

“Sis-ter, thank you very much~,” Kalifa (Luffy) said to her twin. I finally feel clean again~,” she said lying in her lovely bubble bath~.

“Don’t mention it dearest sister~,” Kalifa said back to her. “I was only doing as a good sister like me should have done. Now, do you remember our mission~?”

“Of course sister~. We are supposed to subdue all the Straw Hats, except for Franky, since our powers will not work properly on them~. As for the raccoon Chopper, I do believe that turning him into our pet is more than enough~,” Kalifa said imagining Chopper in a cute little dress. They would make sure that their new mascot would be as clean as can be~.

“Absolutely right dearest sister~,” Kalifa said to her new twin. Now come along there is much work to be done~.



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