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*Warning this story has NSFW content. All characters are 18+, legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

“No! This can’t be!” Yuya yelled in despair as his life points hit zero. “How could I lose?” he asked himself, falling to his knees.

“When you mess with the Tyler Sisters you will be slammed with glam!” Gloria and Grace Tyler yelled at him, laughing as they saw his eyes start to water up a bit. They gave each other a cutesy high five before walking over to him.

“Like, you totally suck,” Gloria said, flipping her blonde hair back. “A child could duel better than you. And what even is that deck of yours? It’s utter lower tier trash.”

“Like, for realsies! I mean you totally had a chance to turn the table on us, but failed,” Grace said to him, shinning her silver hair in his eyes. “You like, tried your best and that’s all that matters,” she said to him sarcastically mocking him for his defeat.

“Don’t be nice to him Grace, you and I both knows he sucks at dueling,” Gloria said belittling him some more. Yuya was just waiting for him to turn him into a card already. There was no point in him belittling him like this.

“Well, it’s like obvious that he would lose to us,” Grace said. “We’re like totes unstoppable!”

“Spunk yes!” Gloria said, once again giving her sister a cutesy high five.

“Though for such a pathetic loser, you have to admit that he’s like totes cute right now,” Grace said, adoring Yuya’s precious crying face. “Can we keep him?”

“Grace, you know that we can’t,” Gloria said back to her sister. “We have our orders. We are to grab every member of the Lancers and bring them back.

“But sister,” Grace started to say giving Gloria her puppy dog eyes which she knew her sister couldn’t resist. “What if we make it so he doesn’t look like one of those annoying Lancers?”

Yuya was confused by what she was talking about, but it would seem that Gloria came up with an interestingly evil idea upon hearing her sister’s request.

“So sister, are you sure you want to do that?” Gloria asked Grace, whispering into her sister’s ear

“Indeed sister,” Grace said whispering back to her sister. “Just imagine the fun that we will have.” . Yuya couldn’t hear what they were whispering to each other, but he could tell by the evil grins across their faces that it wasn’t anything good.

“It’s settled then,” Gloria said loud enough for Yuya to hear. Her and her sister had come up with a most promising agreement and couldn’t wait to start.

“You’re going to come us for now,” they both said to him at the same time.

“And why would I do that?” Yuya asked them. “Just turn me into a card away already and stop planning this stupid game your trying to play.”

“But that’s no fun,” Grace said, inches away from his face.

“Indeed,” Gloria said. “Though to incite you to come with us willing, we will let all of your friends go without a fuss. Like, I think that’s a good deal.”

“You should like, totes take the deal,” Grace said to him. “It’s the best one that you’ll get.”

“If you choose not to take the deal, we’ll just take you by force,” Gloria said. “Your friends are worthless to us, but you are not. Though if you like, don’t take the deal, we’ll turn them all into cards and take you back with us by force.”

“I give in,” Yuya said, knowing that this was the only way to save his friends. If these girls could beat him than his friends definitely stood no chance. This was their chance to escape to dule another day.

“Yuya you can’t!” his friends yelled at him, trying to make him reconsider, but he wouldn’t listen. He rose to his feet and walked over to the Tyler sisters who were most please with his choice. His friends safety mattered more than his pride and he knew that they would understand his decision.

“Spunk yes! We knew that you would make the right decision,” Gloria said smugly to him. “Now come along,” she said as both her and her sister started leading him away from his friends who could do nothing to stop them.

When the finally arrived back at their base they secretly lead Yuya inside of their room so that he wouldn’t be spotted. It would be such a waste if such great potential sissy went to waste by being turned into just another card.

“Why did you two sneak me in here?” Yuya asked as the door to their room shut.

“Ugh,” Gloria moaned annoyed by his stupid question.

“Don’t worry sister, I can totes take it from here,” Grace said, ready to start the fun that they had planned for their new sissy toy. “So you like git two options,” Grace said with a mocking mile spread across her face. “The first option is that you could have some “fun” with us.”

“Or you can choose to be turned into a card like the rest that have lost to use in a duel,” Gloria said, not willing to let her sister have all the fun explaining what they had planned.

“I choose to have “fun”,” Yuya said back to them without a second thought. He knew that by doing what they wanted he would have a chance to escape later on, one that he would not have if he was turned into a card.

“Gross,” Gloria said, giving him a look of disgust. “What kind of freak agrees to “fun” without knowing what it is? Maybe he thinks that he’ll be able to have his way with us.”

“Aww, don’t be like that,” Grace said back to her sister. “I bet that he’s the type that likes to be pampered, instead of taking a leading role,” she said mocking him.

“Whatever you say,” Gloria said, still disgusted with how fast he agreed to have “fun” with them. She was going to make sure that she would have the most “fun” out of all of them.

Gloria then walked over to her wardrobe before pulling out an outfit of hers before walking back over to them.

“Strip and put this on,” she said to Yuya, throwing a spare of her skintight blue uniforms on the ground in front of him. “If you don’t you know exactly what will happen,” she said referring to turning him into a card.

“Okay,” Yuya said reluctantly, striping down to just his boxers before picking up the uniform.

“Wait,” Grace said stopping him, before he could even try to put it on. “You like totes can’t wear those,” she said, pointing at his boxers.

“…Fine,” Yuya said reluctantly, before slowly pulling down his boxers while trying to hide his dick from them, but Grace, grabbed his arms to make sure that it was there for all to see.

“Oh my, what a small little thing you have there,” Grace said whispering into his ear, causing him to blush from embarrassment.

“You really are a sissy,” Gloria said to him. “Such a slender frame, daintier body and look at that small like package of yours, no bigger than my pinky,” she said holding up her pinky to mock him. Though all Yuya could do was blush in embarrassment since he knew what would happen if he tried to fight back.

“Can you let go of me now?” Yuya begged, almost desperate to wear Gloria’s spare uniform.

“Well, if the little sissy insists,” Grace said mocking Yuya as she let his arms go, but she managed to take the uniform before he could grab it. “Though there is something that we all know you’re missing here,” she said throwing the uniform on her bed before rifling through her underwear drawer.

“Sister what do you think, sexy or cute?” Grace asked Gloria for her opinion.

“It doesn’t matter what I want,” Gloria said to her, making sure to keep her eyes on Yuya so he wouldn’t try to run away. Though in his current state she doubt that he would run around the Academy butt naked without his deck. “He should be the one to decide.”

“You’re like totes right,” Grace said before taking out two pair of bras and panties from her drawer before presenting them to Yuya. “So what would you like?” she asked holding up a black thong and sexy lace black bra in her left hand, and a pair of innocent white panties and plain bra in her right.

“The right,” Yuya said instantly, too scared to even consider wearing something that indecent. He thought that he was safe by choosing the plan white pair of undergarments, but he was shocked when he saw a sadistic smile appear on the sisters faces.

Grace slowly turned the panties around to show that the backside of the panties had a chibi picture of the Amazoness Baby Tiger head on it. Then to his horror he watched as she turned the bra inside out to reveal that it was just like the panties, but with multiple smaller prints of the same tiger!

“OMG!” Grace squealed with joy upon showing him what his true choice was. “I knew it! Someone as pure and innocent as you would definitely pick the more childish pair of panties!”

“No! I refuse to wear something so embarrassing,” Yuya yelled at them. “Give me the other pair, I’ll wear those instead!”

“No can do,” Gloria,” said, giving him a sadistic smile. “You are not allowed to take back your choice. Now put them on, or do you really think that you have to ability to change our minds.”

“…Fine,” Yuya said, sacred by the current look that Gloria was giving him. While he could handle Grace’s mocking of him, Gloria scared him. He didn’t want to know what would happen if he made her mad.

Yuya slowly put on his new childish panties and blushed by how nice they felt against his dick. After that he tried to put the bra on, but since he had never done so before he was forced to ask for help.

“Um… I don’t know what to do, please help me,” he said, small tears began to fill his eyes.

“Aww what a cutie, let me help,” Grace said before going behind him and latching the bra together. “There all set, and you look totes adorb right now.

“He most certainly does,” Gloria said, making sure to engrain this moment into her memories. “Now let’s stop wasting anymore time. Put on your new uniform,” she said sternly to Yuya.

“…Yes,” Yuya said meekly before picking up the suit again. At least with this uniform no one would be able to tell that he was wearing such humiliating underwear underneath. He knew that he could probably explain the uniform to his friends, but the underwear was a whole other story.

As Yuya put his first leg through the uniform he was shocked with just how much it stuck to his skin. The more that he managed to slide on the harder and longer it took him to put it on. Even after several minutes of struggling to put it on he only managed to put half of it one.

Annoyed with his slow speed, Gloria lost her patience and grabbed the uniform, forcing him to put it on faster.

“Ouch! Stop it’s to-Owwww! Stop ple-Owwwwwww!!!” Yuya began to scream in pain as he tried begging her to stop. The more that she pulled the uniform up on him the more the tight uniform began to crush his dick!

“Aahahahahahahaha! Look at the little sissy squirm!” Grace yelled out laughing at Gloria manhandling Yuya. It was like Yuya was Gloria’s bitch that was being punished for her disobedience.

Once it was completely on him, Yuya fell to his knees, holding crotch. Tears started to roll down his eyes as he began to cry tears of pain.

“Oh look at the sissy, crying tears of joy for his new cute uniform,” Grace said, mocking Yuya. “It fit’s you perfectly, though we’ll have to do something about the lack of an ass and breasts for you.

“He’s cute, but remember dear sister, there is still much more for us to do,” Gloria said to Grace. “His body may be sissy-like, but his mind and soul are certainly far from it.”

“I bet he’s turned on right now after being forced to wear my panties and your uniform,” Grace said.

“Shut up!” Yuya yelled at them, his face beat red. “This thing is way to tight! I want to take it off!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Gloria said before grabbing his arm and dragging him over to her bed before putting him over her knee. “After giving you such a sexy new outfit and cute underwear you don’t even give us a thank you? Naughty girls like you need to be punished!”


Gloria started to spank him before he could even say another word, of protest. More tears started to roll down his cheeks as he was unable to do anything to stop her. “That’s a good little sissy,” Gloria said, spanking him some more.

“Ple-ase! St-op!” Yuya begged her.

“Oh my!” Gloria said as she stopped spanking him before waving Grace over to her. “Sis, look at this she said grabbing Yuya’s dick, squeezing it hard enough to make him wince in pain. “This little sissy pervert already has a boner!”

“You can’t be serious,” Grace said before grabbing the dick herself. “OMG! I can’t believe that he’s already turned on when we’ve just barely started! He’s a natural born sissy!” she yelled mocking him.

“I… I don’t like this!” Yuya yelled, but he couldn’t hold back his true feelings.

“OMG! His little dick just twitched! He’s not only a sissy but a tsundere sissy as well!” Grace yelled happy that she was going to get what she wanted sooner than she had expected.

“It’s seriously a good thing that we decided to take this disgusting little sissy for ourselves,” Gloria said, before smacking him on his sissy ass one more time.

“Though now that we now that “he’s” more of a sissy that we thought, we can skip the sissy training for now and go straight into his makeover!” Gloria yelled with joy as they dragged the sissy crossdresser over to Grace’s vanity.

“Now where to begin?” Gloria asked herself trying to figure out where they should start. Yuya already had a somewhat feminine face and it’s not like he would need much makeup after they were done with him.

“Sister I know what we should start with,” Grace said before pulling out a hairbrush and several different hair products that Yuya couldn’t even begin to guess what they did since he was a more all-natural kind of guy.

“Good idea sis,” Gloria said pulling out several more different bottles of hair products. “Though what do you think we should dye it, blonde or silver. Leaving it as green and red is disgusting! It’s like living in Christmas every day. I refuse to look at it more to much longer.”

“I like, totes agree,” Grace said back to her. “I think that he would look best if he had silver hair like mine.”

“Really, because I think that blonde would suit a sissy like him,” Gloria said disagreeing with her sister.

“Than how about we do both,” Grace said, pulling out a bottle of blonde shampoo and another of silver shampoo. Both of these were specially made to permanently keep the subjects hair color the same forever.

“Perfect,” Gloria said, allowing Grace to started to mix the hair dye into Yuya’s hair, who could no longer find the strength of will power to resist. It was over for him; he had already lost the will to escape.

While she did that Gloria began adding several of the different hair products that the had prepared into Yuya’s hair. Slowly as Grace mixing everything around in hi hair, it began to grow longer until it hit the base of his sore ass! His hair become silkier and felt oddly refreshing.

At the hair dye and hair products began to dissolve into his scalp, Gloria brought out her curling iron and began to style Yuya’s hair, while Grace was trimming it down. By the time that they were done it was styled exactly liked Grace’s hair much to her joy.

Gloria removed the curling iron as she finished the curves at the bottom of his hair. In addition to that his hair color was now completely changed. The left side of his hair was silver like Grace’s and his right side was blonde like Gloria’s. So now his current appearance was that of Gloria’s spare uniform, Grace’s panties (underneath), Grace’s hair style and both of their hair colors.

They moved out if his way to give him a better look at his current appearance. To his horror even almost screamed in sock after realizing that he could now pass of as their younger sister!

It was then that Yuya finally realized what they were doing to him. They were slowly turning him into their newest sister, and he just let them do what they wanted to him ad he gave up! Did his sissy personality that he tried hiding away for years truly want this? Was this what he always desired?

“OMG!” Grace yelled with joy. “If it wasn’t for the lack of curves, breasts and an ass he would totes look like our sister! Gloria should we do his makeup next?”

“Why bother when we have this,” Gloria said, holding up a syringe with a strange pink liquid inside of it. “With this we can worry about showing “her” the basics later.”

“What is that?” Yuya asked unable to look at it. Since he was a kid Yuya hated needles, they scared the hell out of him, basically petrifying him in fear.

“Oh this is nothing to worry about,” Gloria said, handing the syringe to Grace, which relaxed Yuya a bit, but she was going to ruin that real soon. “It’s just a special drug that we developed in the Fusion Dimension, which helps “bring the woman out,” we use it on those that are much harder to indoctrinate into the school’s curriculum. I think the last time that we had to use this was on some guy, I think his name was J-something.”

“Jaden,” Grace said helping her sister remember the last guy that they turned.

“Yeah, Jaden Yuki was his name,” Gloria said remembering their last victim. “He thought he was like the next King of Games or something, but his deck was trash! Like seriously who the hell only has one copy of every card besides polymerization in his deck?”

“He caused so much trouble during his “re-education” that we forced to use this on him. Now she’s nothing more than a shy younger student that obeys all of the rules. I even think that she has a crush on Celina. She’s nice and all, but her body pales in comparison to ours, and soon to yours as well.”

“Wait, no! I don’t consent to this!” Yuya yelled, trying to stand up from the chair that they sat him in. Gloria easily manhandled him again before he could even try to flee. She flipped him over onto her knee and sadistically smiled as Grace slowly injected the drug straight into Yuya’s ass.

“Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Yuya could help whine in pain as the needle pierced his skin. He tried his best to squirm free from Gloria, but it was pointless. They began to laugh sadistically at him as the pain from the shot made his ass sore as hell. Though to make matters worse for him they each smacked him hard in the ass.

“Eiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” Yuya whined again, unable to hold back his as a flood of tears began to pour out of his eyes.

Slowly Yuya’s ass began to balloon outward, and his thighs become thiccer and fuller. His panties became snugger and the uniform started to feel even more constraining. His waist began to slim down as he began to develop curves just like the Tyler sisters.

He grew a few inches taller to match their height as his skin began to lose all excess hair that he didn’t need. His face became daintier and sexier like theirs. His lips became fuller and his eyelashes grew out as well.

As a pair of beautiful breasts matching that of the sisters grew on his chest he embarrassing held his crotch, crying even more violently as his dick receded into his body laving nothing more than a bright pink supple pussy in it’s place. His body was now completely 100% that of a woman’s.

Once the transformation stopped Gloria let Yuya go, who scurried over to a cover of the room. He was even more scared of them now than he was before. They had the power to transform his entire body into that of a girls within a matter of minutes. What would he do if they decided to mess with his mind next?

“OMG!” Grace yelled in excitement. “She came out perfectly! There’s so much that I have panned for the three of us to do!”

“Well she is quite cute,” Gloria said smugly. “So, how does it feel to turn into a woman and finally join the winning side?”

“She has to be like totes ecstatic!” Grace yelled. “Ohhhh, and wait there is a surprise that I have been waiting to tell you all day. Your new name is Gigi Tyler, our new younger sister!”

“Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Gigi couldn’t stop crying after what they had just done to her. There was no way that she handle so much stress all at once like this. They took her freedom, then her dignity, then her manhood, and now they’ve taken her identity!


“Oh no, what do we do, little Gigi is upset,” Grace said, trying to wipe her tears away, but Gigi violently smacked her hand away. She was too scared to let either of them get any closer to her.

“Aww is our baby sister upset because she lost her little itty-bitty dick?” Gloria asked, mocking her new sister. “Don’t worry, it’s not like you were going to use it anyway. Girls only fuck guys that are good at playing card games, guys like you aren’t even in the same league.”

“Besides you’re so much cuter as a girl anyway,” Grace said, both mocking her and trying to cheer her up at the same time. “Besides as a girl you have us now as sisters! Isn’t that like so much better than being an only child?”


“Want to thank us for granting you such a great gift, we already know,” Gloria said cutting Gigi off before she could say anything. “Now it’s about time that we show ore foolish sister how to duel,” she said, before her and Grace began to drag him out of the room into a secluded duel arena that was made personally for the Tyler sisters to train.

“But… I already know how to duel,” Gigi said, confused why they were acting as if he had never touched a deck before in his entire life.

“Ugh, whoever taught you that poor excuse for dueling skills you have is pathetic, it’s time that you’re taught the right way,” Gloria said before showing her Gigi’s deck that they took away from her when they brought her here. Then without hesitation Gloria threw Gigi’s deck on the ground!

“What are you doing!” Gigi yelled in despair, trying to catch the cards,” but Grace stopped her.

“Like what you doing?” she asked her foolish younger sister. “Those cards are trash, what you need is a deck that good. Here, have this Amazoness deck that we made just for you,” she said trying to hand her the cards, but Gigi refused to take them and continued trying to pick up her cards.

“I won’t us any other deck besides mine,” Gigi said. “My father taught me how to duel and he gave me most of the cards I own. I could never abandon these cards,” she said, tearing rolling down her eyes.

“Ugh, what a fucking crybaby you are,” Gloria said, swiping all of the cards that Gigi had gathered before ripping them all in front of her face. Gigi felt true despair falling to her knees as the last thing that made her Yuya was destroyed.

“Go on thank us!” Gloria yelled smacking Gigi in her fat ass for not saying thank you to them for her brand-new deck. “Those cards were trash, now get up, we have a lot to do before you’re able to duel like us. I have many expectations for you to fulfill so you better listen up.”

“Pfft,” Grace let out a small laugh seeing her sisters act more like a strict mother to Gigi rather than an older sister. “Come on girl,” she said smacking Gigi’s ass as well. “It’s time to get moving!”

“As you wish,” Gigi said rising to her feet, before taking the new deck that they had prepared for her. She was completely broken now and was ready to become the perfect little sister that they always knew that she could be.

“Okay, to start things off, you’ll be dueling Grace first,” Gloria said, standing behind Yuya. “he best way to learn how to duel is through experience. Now hurry up and get ready. I’ll be right next to you to make sure that you don’t make any mistakes.”

“Okay,” Gigi said, whipping the tears from her eyes. “I’ll do my best.”

“That’s a good girl,” Gloria said. “If only you were like this in the beginning than we would have had any issues. Now let’s begin.”

-Five Minutes Later-


“What are you doing!?” Gloria yelled spanking Gigi on her ass. “That card should have been placed face down, not in attack position! You just ruined a good flip effect! And what the hell are you doing keeping that trap card in your hand!? You should now that it will help support your front line!”

“Pfft!” Grace started laughing at Gigi. If she was the best of the Lancers than their little resistance was going to fall apart really soon. “It’s like she wants to lose! She still has Amazoness Baby Tiger at 500 attack points because she foolishly using Dimension Fissure! That card wasn’t even supposed to be used. It was put in your deck to show you what cards not to use.”

“She really is nothing more than a noob duelist,” Gloria said to Gigi. “She can’t read the field, doesn’t read the effects of her cards and foolishly thinks that she has a chance to win this or any other duel with her set of skills. It’s actually pretty hilarious. Didn’t she say that Yuya’s father taught her how to duel? He must be worse than her.”

“He’s… he’s my father,” Gigi said, slowly trying to regain her confidence.

“OMG, what an airhead!” Grace yelled mocking her. “Gigi not only are you airhead ed at playing duel monsters, but you’re also airheaded when it comes to who your parents are. Just because you had a crush on that old man doesn’t mean that he’s your father. Though if you’re int that we could help make him your “daddy” if that is something you would like.”

“What? But… I,”


Gloria spanked Gigi to make sure that she staying on track with her training. “Don’t get flustered Gigi,” she said whispering into her sisters ear. We all have crushes, but what matters in the end is that we are sisters. Now shut out and listen to what Grace has to tell you next.”

“Okay Gigi, it’s clear that you’re not quite ready to duel. We’ll have to teach you the basics before you’re ready. Now take a look at this!” she said drawing her card in a stylish manner. “Now you try, draw a card.”

“Okay?” Gigi said confused before drawing a card.


“Wrong, try again!” Gloria yelled at Gigi, spanking her for failing the task given to her. “That draw was too boring, you have to put some more flare into it. So try again.”


“Wrong! Try Again!”


“Wrong! It’s like you’re not even trying!”


“You’re getting closer but still wrong! Try Again!”

This process continued until Gigi finally produced a draw that was up to her sisters high standards.

“Good job,” Grace said proud of her. “Now let’s continue.”

“Yes,” Gigi said back to them.

“No, no, no,” Grace said to her. “Yes is to bland, what you need is a bit more style. From now on try saying spunk yes.”

“Spunk yes?” Gigi said, confused with what they were making her say.

“Yes, that’s it, but you have to say it I a more seductive manner,” Grace said. “Try again and put some more effort into it.”

“Spunk yes,” Gigi said, this time whole less confusion in her voice, but it still wasn’t sexy enough for her sisters.


”Come on she said try,” Gloria said, spanking her sister over and over again. She would learn to talk properly or she would make it so that her new sister couldn’t talk at all.

After several more hours of constant verbal training, Gigi was forced to always say spunk yes in the sexiest and most seductive voice that she could. When ever she was confused she would no long say, “for real” but now say, “like, for realizes” to showcase what an airhead she was.

In addition to that she was forced to always use either “totes” or other “mean girl vocabulary” whenever she talked. By the time she was done with her training she wished that all of this was nothing more than a nightmare. Though it wasn’t.

Eventually night came and Gigi was forced back into the Tyler sisters room where she was forced to make a difficult position.

“Alright little sis, it’s time for you to decide,” Grace said as both she and Gloria laid down seductively on their beds. “You can either chose to slept in my bed tonight or Gloria’s. What’s it going to be?”

“Like, for realizes?” Gigi said back in shock, while Grace and Gloria smiled back at her pleased to see that their training was already taking an effect on her. It wouldn’t be long before she fully accepted her new life as their youngest sister.

“I like can’t do that!” Gigi said to them. “Your both girls I could like totes never.”

“Just shut up and pick already,” Gloria said back to him. “If you don’t we’ll change you up like a dog,” she said pointing out a dog collar that was laying on her nightstand.

“Don’t be shy little sis,” Grace said to Gigi, encouraging her to lay with her. “We’re all girls here, there is nothing for us to be embarrassed about.”

“But I-”

“Just pick already!” Gloria yelled at Gigi, giving her a threatening look, which made Gigi crawl into Grace’s bed without anymore resistance. That night she cried herself to sleep, while Grace held her cut little sister.

-One Week Later-

“Like OMG that shower was just the best,” Grace said, as she, Gloria and Gigi left the showers. None of them bothered to use a towel. Gloria and Grace did this out of choice and Gigi was forced to follow her sisters lead.

Grace and Gloria didn’t even care that Gigi used to be a guy and could see their naked bodies. In fact they were more interested in hers than their own.

“OMG! Her ass got bigger again!” Graced squealed with joy as she began to squeeze Gigi’s ass.

“And for some reason her tits are a few centimeters smaller than ours,” Gloria said, playfully groping Gigi’s tits, much to her pleasure.

“Ahhhh,…, please, ahhh, stop this,” Gigi moaned in pleasure, trying to resist but in the end failing like always. Her new body was way more sensitive than her old one, so she got turned on very easily.

While her body craved this pleasure after an entire week of their “training” her mind did not. She still remembered that her real name was Yuya, not Gigi. While her mannerisms and attitude had been slowly changed into that of a Tyler sister she couldn’t forget her past.

“It would seem that the serum we gave her is reacting to her mental state,” Gloria said. “Her tits are a bit smaller because she is our younger sister, and her ass is bigger because she a bit of a masochist. I knew that she had a perverted mind since the moment that we laid our eyes on her,” she said as the three of them slowly got dressed.

While Gloria and Grace wore very risky panties, Gigi was once again forced to wear very childish panties. This time they had little chibi Amazoness Princess’s on them. They gave her childish panties to make sure that she understood her place, plus she looked totes adorb, in them.

During this past week Gloria and Grace trained their new sister in each and every way to become a “mean girl” like them. This first started with her vocabulary and mannerisms, which were much easier for her to learn that they had initially thought.

Then there was getting their little sister into more feminine interests. Though since she was already a natural born sissy at heart, they knew that she would be a quick study. They started her out with fashion, forcing her to wear each one of their clothes, from casual, school and even swimsuits.

While this was happening they made sure to take picture of her in each outfit to mock her latter. They had initially planned to help her go shopping for her own clothes, but at the time her documentation was still being taken care of by a friend of their that owed them a favor.

After that they had her read a dozen or so fashion magazines to help her understand what it meant to be a girl and then they forced to her watch romance movies with them. Surprisingly Gigi got into the movies more than they did, and cried at the end of each movie.

Finally when it came to dueling Gigi was now at the top of her game, practically a master at using the Amazoness deck that her loving sisters gave to her.

“Spunk yes!” Gigi yelled out with joy as she defeated a member of the Obelisk Force. “Big sister’s did you she I like totally won that dule easily!” she yelled out no longer noticing that her manner of speech was just like their now.

“OMG! Girl you totes did!” Grace yelled, giving her younger sister a high five, She was so proud of the skilled and stylish duelist that she was becoming.

“Not bad,” Gloria said, completing Gigi for her win, though she wanted to mess with her sister a bit more, before letting her bask in her victory. “Oh, my Gigi, your face is so red after that duel are you alright?”

“I feel totes fine,” Gigi asked confused by what her sister was talking about.

“Well if you’re feeling fine than it must be that, right Grace,” Gloria said to Grace who quickly understood what her sister was plotting.

“Could it be, Gigi di you have a crush on that boy you just beat?” Grace asked, smugly point over to the Obelisk Force guy that Gigi just beat.

“What!? Like no way!” Gigi yelled trying to deny it, but her face became more flushed as she thought about the passion that he displayed in their duel. Perhaps he could have the same kind of passion for her.

“OMG! She does!” Grace yelled, happy to see that her sister was starting to take an interest in boys.

“Girl you go over there and you ask him out right now,” Gloria said to her.

“But what if he says no,” Gigi said, worried that she wasn’t good enough.

“Girl if he says no, well make sure to deal with him,” Grace said, with Gloria nodding her head in agreement, before pushing Gigi toward the guy.

Once over there Gigi and the boy began talking for several minutes. She giggled a few times, laughing at his jokes and making sure that she mentioned how handsome he looked and that he excited her. She used everything that her sisters taught her. In the end when the boy left and she made her way back to her sisters, she smiled with joy showing them that he had given her his number.

“OMG! Congrats girl!” Grace yelled before hugging her sister.

“Spunk yes!” Gigi yelled with joy. “Like thank you girls so much!”

“Don’t mention it,” Glorias said to her proud of her sister. “But if your happy with just a phone number from some random guy, you’re going to love this,” she said handing Gigi her official Duel Academy identification card.

Gigi Tyler  Duel Academy

Age: 18   Deck: Amazoness

Sex: F

“With this you are almost an official member of our family,” Gloria said to Gigi, who was excited to see her name officially said Gigi Tyler. “Though before we can celebrate officially adding you as our sister, there is one last small test to prove that you are loyal to the family.”

“I’ll totes do it,” Gigi said to her. After living with her sisters for an entire week she didn’t want to go back to Yuya. True they did force her into this new form of hers, but they gave her something that she never really had as Yuya, a family. She never had sisters before and she truly loved being a mean girl. She refused to give up this life.

“That a good girl,” Gloria said to her. “Now go get some rest we have a lot to do tomorrow.”

The next day Gloria and Grace lead Gigi back to where the Lancers/Resistance’s base was located, eager to finish their business with them.

“Hello boys,” Gloria said, leading the way into their base with Grace and Gigi following after her.

“You how dare you come back here after taking Yuya away from us!” Sylvio Sawatari yelled at the three girls. “We’ll make the two of you and the new girl next to you make you tell us what you’ve done with him!”

“Wait it’s-” Gigi wanted to tell them that she was actually Yuya, but Gloria gave her one threatening look and she instantly shut he mouth. What her sisters said was law, she learned that the hard way.

Grace then started to grope Gigi’s butt, signaling her to do as they discussed the night before.

“Ugh, like what kind of loser do you think you are,” Gigi said, putting on her mean girl persona. “Ugly little twerps like you are even worse than that loser, what’s his face, Yuga or something.”

“His name’s Yuya!” Sylvio yelled at her, not knowing that he was actually yelling at his friend.

“I don’t care,” Gigi said flipping her hair back. “This resistance of yours is pathetic. You have a fat ass, pretty boy, ninja wannabe and edgy boy. What losers.”

“Now, now, sister,” Gloria said to her. “That’s an insult to losers. If Yuya was a loser and they are worse than he was that just makes them pathetic.”

“Like OMG, we should just turn all of them into brainwashed little fangirls like the others,” Grace said. “At least then they would be useful.”

“When you mess with the Tyler sisters your gonna be slammed with glam!” The three of them yelled in perfect harmony. From this moment onward Yuya was no more. She was officially recognized as the newest Tyler sister. Though she didn’t have to worry too much about her former friends. They would soon see the light just as she had and become lovely girls like her. Perhaps she could be in charge of their “training,” at least then they would still be in her life.


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