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*Warning this story has NSFW content. These scenes involve Nastu and Irene and they are 18+, legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same.  If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

“Finally the girl is asleep~,” Irene Belserion said, taking control of Wendy’s body after she had fallen asleep. Ever since the war between Fairy Tail and the Spriggans, Irene had been living inside Wendy as a spirit. This was only temporary since Wendy was the only viable host in the area for her to possess. Though she knew that she couldn’t stay in her for long. Wendy was nothing more than a child. She wasn’t capable of utilizing Irene’s full power. Even so, that didn’t mean that she didn’t think of this as a waste.

Wendy was in a guild filled with extraordinary wizards and Irene could feel that her true host was around. She could feel them. It took her a while, but she soon realized that this person was none other than 21-year-old Natsu Dragneel, the son of the Fire Dragon King, Igneel. He was the perfect host body for her. Yet the main problem was making sure that no one would get in her way.

Irene waited and waited for the perfect chance to make her move and now was that time. Everyone was asleep and Happy was with Carla thanks to Irene subtly making Wendy come up with the idea that the two of them should spend some time together.

“Hmm?” For a second as Irene was leaving the Fairy Tail dormitory, she could have sworn that she had sensed something, but she realized that she must have been mistaken. This happened every now and then to Wendy’s immature magic.

Irene made her way through the still night before reaching Natsu’s home. Using her enchantment magic she made she that no one was around before entering, while at the same time transforming herself into a more comfortable appearance~.

“Zzzzzzz…fuck you Gray...zzzzz…I win again…hehehe~,” Natsu said in his sleep as Irene slowly walked inside.

“How cute~,” Irene said, preparing to make him “hers”. “Now let’s have some-”

“Huh? Wendy? What are you doing here?” Natsu asked, waking up after he started to smell Wendy’s scent enter his home.

“N-Natsu-san? What am I doing here?” Irene said, trying her best to sound like the naive Wendy.

“Pfft~! Sounds like you were sleepwalking~!” Natsu said to her, falling for her ruse. It was great that she was dealing with an idiot. “Hmm? Though the dorms are really far from here, I’m surprised that you made it all the way out here.”

“Y-yeah…I am too~,” Irene said, worried that Natsu was a bit more intelligent than he seemed.

“It’s alright~. How about I take you-hmm…Wendy, why are you wearing that?” Natsu asked, curious why she was wearing a black risqué version of the typical witch's garb.

“Oh screw this,” Irene said, realizing that it was foolish for her to even try to fool him. Before Natsu could figure out what was going on Irene touched him on his bare chest, activating her enchantment magic to begin her spell.


Wendy’s body fell to the ground, completely unconscious and Irene's transparent spirit rose up from it to Natsu’s surprise.

“What the hell!? What have you done to Wendy!?” Natsu yelled, getting ready to attack, but it was pointless, Irene’s magic had already started to take effect. It was time for her to have some fun~.

“Fufufu~. Foolish boy, dearest Wendy is fine~. Her role to play is over and she shall be rewarded for her hard work shortly~. But first I do believe that you have something I want~.”

“What are you talking about~?” Natsu asked, having no clue what she meant.

“That body of yours~ it’s quite perfect for me~,” Irene said floating around Natsu who soon found that he couldn’t bring himself to attack her. “I have waited far too long to reclaim my form and now is the time~.”

“What have you done to me!? Why can’t I move!?” Natsu yelled, trying his hardest to fight back, but Irene’s magic was too strong for him to break.

“Fufufu~. Struggle all you like, there is no point in doing so~,” Irene said to him, finishing up examining his body. “Your body should be perfect to host my spirit. And trust me when I say that this is a great honor~.”

“Stop! What are you doing!?” Natsu yelled as Irene used her magic to make all of Natsu’s clothes disappear without a trace!

“Shh~, that’s enough from you~,” Irene said, making sure that Natsu couldn’t say another word thanks to her magic. “Now, let’s begin~,” she said, slowly running her fingers up Natsu’s stomach, using her magic to make it much smoother, removing his abs in the process.

Natsu could only watch in fear as Irene did the same to his arms and legs, feeling his body slowly become more sensitive and feminine. Though if he thought that this was bad, then he most certainly wasn’t ready for what Irene had planned for him next~.

“Mmmmpphhh!!!” Irene shoved her tongue down his throat, using her enchantment magic to make him feel like it was actually there as she twisted around and around in his throat, causing his mind to start to become fuzzy~.

“That’s right~, it’s best if you don’t resist~,” Irene said, taking her tongue out of Natsu’s mouth their salvia still connected, symbolizing their fate~. “Trust me, this is for the best~. You weren’t utilizing your body properly~,” she said, slowly caressing Natsu’s cheeks, making them smoother and more feminine.


“Now, now~, there is no need to fear, this is for your own good~,” Irene said, seeing the look filled with hatred directed at her. “We only just started, but I’m sure that you’ve started to enjoy yourself~. Look~, even your little dragon is standing up, begging for attention~. Fufufufu~, worry not I’ll make sure to deal with that before we’re done~,” she said teasing him.

“…” Natsu couldn’t say a word no matter how hard he tried. He was helpless and Irene knew it. If only Wendy would wake up, then he might have a chance to escape. Though that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

“Mmmmph~!!” Natsu let out a small moan of pleasure as Irene shoved her tongue back into his mouth, slowly twisting it around making him feel even more pleasure than before. Irene felt ecstatic, hearing his moans, of pleasure escape his mouth. She could tell that he wanted to resist it, but she wouldn’t let him. Using another enchantment, she made his body even more sensitive.

“Nnnnnnhhhh~!!!” Natsu moaned out, feeling a shockwave of pleasure spread across his body as Irene began to pinch his bright pink nipples. She shoved her tongue even deeper, making Natsu want to gag, but his body wouldn’t let him.

“Nnnnnhhhh~!!!” Natsu continued to moan as his lips started to swell and his moans started to become more high-pitched. All while Irene continued to forcibly make out with him and pinch his ever-sensitive nipples~.

“Go on~, accept it already~, there is nothing to fear~,” Irene said licking her lips. She continued to pinch and grope his chest slowly allowing it to increase in size, already starting to form a nice supple pair of breasts~.

“Tell me how does this feel~?” Irene asked, curious about how Natsu was feeling. He had been given enough time to enjoy himself in silence and now it was time for him to express himself~.

“Ahh-y-you…you bit-ahhhh~!!!” Natsu tried to speak, but Irene’s constant squeezing of his new sensitive and growing breasts made it hard to concentrate on anything else.

“Awww~, you shouldn’t speak to yourself like that~,” Irene said, teasing Natsu even more.

“Ahhhh~!!! W-what…what are yo-ahhhhhh~!!!” Natsu moaned out in pleasure as his breasts soon grew even bigger than Lucy’s! Which was almost impossible to imagine since Lucy had P-cup breasts and now he had U-cup breasts!

“Nice and fat, just the way I like them~,” Irene said, jiggling Natsu’s new fat tits up and now, making him feel even more pleasure. “Hmm, your figure is turning out nicely, but there is still the issue with that hair of yours, so ugly. Here let me fix that~,” she said slowly brushing Natsu’s hair with her fingers and with each brush Natsu’s spikey pink hair began to straighten out, growing longer and turning a deep scarlet red. By the time she was done, Natsu’s entire upper body had looked exactly like her own~.

“Perfect~. Don’t you just feel wonderful~,” Irene said, mocking the poor young man. “Go on~, tell me how you feel~?”

“Ugh, I f-feel…I feel g…n-no….I…” Natsu was doing his best to resist her influence, but he could feel his desire to fight back weakening all while a desire to become just like Irene was forming in his mind~.

“That’s right~. You like this don’t you~. You want to be beautiful~. You want to be sexy~. You want to be just like me~,” Irene said, constantly using her enchantment to weaken Natsu’s mind. He would soon be hers and she knew it~.

“I…I want to be b-bea-beautiful…s-sexy~. I w-want…I want to be…you…” Natsu was losing his sense of self the further this went on. It was almost over for him and now it was time for Irene to finish her job~.”

“That’s a good boy, or should I say girl~?” Irene said to Natsu, teasing him. It was fun toying with her new host and soon they would be one~. “Now let’s finish your transformation shall we~,” she said.

“Ahhhh~!!!!” Natsu moaned out in pleasure as his manhood was being taken away from him and his flat ass was being turned into a fat bouncy bubble butt. “P-plea-ahhh~!!! No-ahhhhh~!!!” Natsu continued to moan out in pleasure as his or rather her manhood was taken away, welcoming her to the wonders of being a woman~. Seeing that her new body was now perfect, Irene, couldn’t help herself from letting her tongue enter her new body’s cave of wonders~.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh~!!!!!” Natsu’s mind was a mess. She didn’t understand what Irene was doing to her, but she couldn’t deny that she liked it. No, she loved it! Feeling this kind of pleasure was something only a woman like Irene could give her. She needed this! She wanted this!”

“M-moreeee~ Moreee~!!! Make mommy feel good~!!!” Natsu yelled as Irene started to enchant her body onto her. There was nothing more that she could do to stop this. Her fate was sealed~.

“Good girl~,” Irene said, licking her lips, and examining her new body. “Finally, you are ready~. Finally, you are ready for use to become one~. You want my body~. You want to be me~. You want to be one~.”

“I want to be you~,” Natsu said, completely under her trance now. “This is all she ever could want. There was no greater honor than to become one with Irene. She was foolish to try and resist before.

“Very good~,” Irene said before entering her new host~.

“Ahhhhhh~!!!!” The moment that her spirit entered Natsu’s body an eruption of pleasure surged through their body, making them empty all of the content form their cave of wonder onto the ground~.

“Fufufufu~!!!! Finally, we are one~!!” Irene and Natsu said at the same time. Both of their consciousness’ existed at the same time. Irene was in control of their body while Natsu was eagerly watching her take control. This was the best day in her entire life~.

“Now let’s get into something more comfortable~,” they said, using their magic to recreate her outfit before looking at herself in the mirror.

Standing in the reflection was a voluptuous woman with thickly braided bow-adorned, scarlet hair. Her vibrant red lipstick and plump lips showcased her maturity and sexiness~. She wore a black top with a diamond cutout exposing her fat cleavage for all to see and her skirt was set up into two pieces, showcasing her thicc thighs. Her arms were draped in sexy black gloves with claw-like extensions and she wore black thigh-high boots with heels. She wore a  black witch's hat that was much larger than her head which also possessed dreadlock designs. Her staff appeared in her hand and she knew that her transformation was complete.

Both Natsu and herself were more than eager to test their new body out and it would seem that a perfect specimen had just arrived or had rather been there for quite some time, but Irene’s enchantment kept her from moving.

“Erza our dear daughter~, we have been waiting for you~,” Irene and Natsu said, watching Erza enter Natsu’s home. “I felt your presence while I was leaving earlier and my suspicions were confirmed when I left dear Wendy’s body~. How did you like watching us become one~? How did you like watching~? Go on don’t be shy~.”

“How dare you do that to Natsu!” Erza yelled at her, summoning her sword. “Free Natsu right now and undo his transformation!”

“Fufufufufu~. It’s cute that you believe that you can defeat us in our current state,” Irene and Natsu said mocking Erza. “We are much more powerful than when we last fought. But fear not, we didn’t come here to fight~.”

“Then give Natsu back and leave,” Erza said, refusing to believe a word that her mother said to her.

“I’m sorry, but that would be impossible for me to do~,” they said back to her. “Natsu has fully committed herself to be my host. There is no reason for her to give up as this is her choice~. And besides, even if I do release her, the transformation will remain. Natsu will forever look as we do. There is nothing that can be done to change her back. It would be easier just to accept things as they are and allow us to start again~.”

“What are you talking about?” Erza asked, confused by what her mother was talking about.

“I’m saying that you should give us a chance to be the mother that you have always needed and deserved~,” they said to her, opening up their arms to give her a warm hug. Though this only seemed to make Erza more wary and skeptical of her mother.

“You’re insane if you think that I want any relationship with you!” Erza yelled at her, knowing that trusting her mother meant death. She only went after Wendy and Natsu because she couldn’t take Erza as a host.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, we know that it is a bit late for us to start acting like a mother for you, and that is why we thought of a solution that benefits everyone here~,” Irene and Natsu said to her.

“What are you talking about?” Erza asked, for some reason feeling weird, as Irene used her magic to make Erza weaker.

“What we need is a redo,” they said to her. “We wholeheartedly believe that all of us in this room need to restart and begin again. Though starting from where you’re both babies would be a bit much, so 10 years old would seem to work~.”

“What are you doing to me? Why can’t I properly lift my sword?” Erza asked, struggling to keep her sword up in the air. “What are you talking about being 10 years old? And what do you mean both of us?”

“Fufufu~. Even when it is said you still don’t understand. It would seem that we must have your second mother explain these things to you~,” they said teasing her.


“Second mother?” Ezra asked, her mind starting to feel fuzzy.

“Er-Erza-san?” Wendy asked, waking up in Natsu’s house for a reason she couldn’t remember. “What’s going on?”

“Wendy get away from her!” Erza yelled, hoping to save her friend. Though Wendy didn’t need saving as she was perfectly fine.

“Her?” Wendy asked looking confused for a second before turning around. “Irene-san~!!!” Wendy yelled, hugging Irene and Natsu without hesitation. A huge smile was spread across her face.

“Wendy what are you doing!?” Erza yelled, confused by what was happening. “She’s the enemy!”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Wendy asked Erza with a confused look etched across her face. “Irene-san is a really good person~. She’s the best and loves her very much~.”

“What the hell!? Irene what have you done to her!?” Erza yelled, furious by what she was seeing.

“We didn’t do anything~,” they said back to her, which was the truth since the two of them did nothing. It was Irene that used her enchantment magic on Wendy while still inside of her body to perceive her as a gentle and kind person. “Wendy just loves us for who we are~. She’s the kind person that you should aim to be Erza-chan~. You will do well to learn from your new mother”

“Mother?” Wendy asked, confused by what Irene meant.


“Shh now~,” Irene and Natsu said using their magic to temporarily make it so that she couldn’t talk or move. They would hate it if Erza made Wendy change her mind. “Yes Wendy, you and I are Ezra’s mothers. We’re twins remember~?”

“I…I’m your twin…and Ezra’s is my….my daughter~,” Wendy said, believing their words, not noticing that her dark blue hair was turning scarlet red from her roots, and that she was slowly getting taller.

“Yes, yes you are~,” they said to her, holding her tightly, eagerly watching as she slowly grew up, Her face started to slowly look more like theirs and even her tiny breasts were growing out nicely~. It was wonderful, their twin was turning out just the way that they hoped~.

“I love you sister, and I love you my dear daughter~,” Wendy said, easily accepting her new reality as Ezra’s mother thanks to months of Irene’s enchantment magic wearing down her mind, allowing her to become theirs~. “Sister, isn’t Erza just so adorable?” she asked, her fat ass now filling out her once loose-fitting clothes. Wendy now looked exactly like Irene and it terrified Erza.

“Your new mother asked you a question. Don’t you believe that you should respond~?” Irene and Natsu asked, holding their precious twin while returning Erza’s ability to speak.

“No! Wendy snap out of it!” Erza yelled at her. “You aren’t her sister! You are not my mother!! This is a trick! Get away from her!!!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, young lady how dare you talk to your mothers like that~?” Irene and Natsu said, scolding Erza. “Now apologize~,” they said using their enchantment magic on her.

“I…I’m sorry m-mo…mommy~…” Erza tried to fight it, but her mother’s magic was just too strong for her to resist, and the longer that she was under its influence the stronger it became.

“Erza, don’t you want to be my little precious daughter~?” Wendy asked her, upset that her cute little Erza was throwing a tantrum right now.

“I’m not your daughter!! And I’m not a child so don’t call me little!!” Erza yelled at her, still trying to get Wendy to snap out of it.

“Hmm? That’s odd. I only see a cute little girl from where I am~,” they said teasing her.

“What!? Why the hell am I a child again!? Erza yelled, scared and confused by what happened to her body. Though it was just another one of Irene’s enchantments to finally make her dear daughter look the age she truly was~.

“Aww, aren’t you just adorable~,” Irene, Natsu, and Wendy said to her. “You want a hug from your new family don’t you~?”

“H-hug? I…want….n-no I can’t…but family….I want l-love…” Erza continued to try and resist the urges brought forth by her mother's enchantments, but it was no use. They had already taken hold of her and in a few seconds she would be a cute and lovable daughter~.

“Come on sweetie~, tell mommy what you want~,” they said to her with a sweet tone, seeing that she was struggling.

“I…I w-want m-mommies to….to hug me~!” Erza nervously yelled running straight into their arms.

“There, there, that’s a good girl,” they said, continuing to hug the shy girl. “Now come along it’s time for us to go home~.”

“Okay mommy~,” Erza said, taking their mother's hands. This was their chance to finally have a loving family and those that try to take that away from them would face a terrible death.



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