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“Playmaker I knew that I would find you here!” Blue Angel yelled, landing in front of Playmaker.

“Blue Angel? What are you doing here?” Playmaker asked confused why this idol-obsessed girl bothered to come to him. “Don’t you have better things to do than waste your time bothering me?”

“That blunt attitude of yours is why you’ll never get a girlfriend,” Blue Angel said to him, angry that he was still looking down on her after everything they had been through together. She wasn’t just going to stand aside and let him treat her as if she was nothing. She still remembered how he treated her when they first met and she wasn’t going to let him get away with it. She was going to make him pay.

“I doubt that matters,” he said, trying to sound cool while holding his anger back. How dare that tomboy idol say that he’ll never get a girlfriend. Ugh, he hated that he had to listen to her pointless bickering. Almost all of his allies didn’t take things seriously. He had a goal, and they were only getting in the way.

“Hmph! Just what a loser like you would say!” Blue Angel yelled at him. “You’ve always looked down on me for being a dueling idol, but now everything is about to change!”

“What are you talking about?” Playmaker asked, confused about what she was talking about. He did dislike that she was nothing more than a cute dueling idol, but he never said that to her face.

“Hiya’ folks~! It’s your favorite dueling idol Blue Angel here and with me is none of there than the one and only Playmaker~!!

“I am sad to inform you all that today is not a happy meeting~. Playmaker over here thinks that dueling idols are a waste of time and aren’t even true duelists! That’s right, how dare he say something like that when he doesn’t even realize what it means to be an idol. All he does is duel. He cares nothing for the fans that support him!”

“Do I have to care?” Playmaker asked her, annoyed that she was making this entire conversation between them public for everyone to see. “I never asked for fans. I never wanted fans.”

“You see that folks! He doesn’t care!” Blue Angel yelled hyping up the crowd of people watching her live stream to hate him even more. He was despicable and everyone had to right to know it. Blue Angel wasn’t going to sit back and let him treat people like this. He needed to be punished and there was one surefire way that she knew how.

“Don’t worry though I will make sure that Playmaker learns the error of his ways and repents for treating us all like trash! I will make him suffer~!!!” The crowd watching the live stream started to cheer realizing that Playmaker was a piece of shit. So what if he was a good duelist? He didn’t care about anyone but himself.

“What are you implying?” Playmaker asked, seconds away from leaving. He wasn’t going to stay quiet in front of this humiliation for too much longer.

“Playmaker I challenge you to a duel!” Blue Angel yelled pointing her index finger straight at him. “If I win you have to suffer the consequences for treating me and your fans like trash! I will make you take back what you said about being a dueling idol! It’s not a waste of time! Being an idol brings smiles and hope to everyone!”

“Fine I accept your duel and if I win then your life as an idol will be over,” Playmaker said, knowing that this would be an easy win for him, but little did he know that Blue Angel came prepared. She had no intention of losing~.

“…N-no…no way!” Playmaker yelled, falling to his knees. She beat him in three turns! She didn’t even try. Was she hiding her talent all this time? Did she do this just to make him look like a fool?

“Hah! I won~!” Blue Angel yelled, giving a pose to the crowd as they cheered her name. “Now you have no other choice but to admit that you were wrong about dueling idols~,” she said looking down at her defeated foe.

“Grrrr…fine. Being a dueling idol isn’t a waste of time,” Playmaker said reluctantly without meaning a single word of what he said to her.

“What? That’s it?” Blue Angel said, unimpressed by his lackluster apology. “You call that an apology!” she yelled at him.

“Hey, I apologized,” Playmaker said back to her. “You never said that I had to be honest in my apology. So if that is all you want I’m out of here,” he said getting on his duel board.

“WAIT!” Blue Angel yelled out to him and her fans. “What did all of you think about Playmaker's so-called apology? Yeah, that’s right, it sucks. He didn’t mean a word of it and that means that he still hasn’t learned his lesson. What do you all say? Should I try a different method in making him learn his way?”


Even without being able to hear her fans chant for her to do it she already knew what she had to do. Blue Angel pulled out her whip and immediately used it to restrain Playmaker.

“Sorry but you’re not going anywhere!” Blue Angel yelled at Playmaker while posing for her fans.

“What are you doing!? Let me go!” Playmaker yelled, trying to escape from her whip, but his struggles were in vain. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. I gave you a chance to apologize and you already ruined that chance~,” Blue Angel said, bending down next to him. “Why can’t you understand that dueling idols are essential for everyone? In a sense, you’re also an idol or at least you were before you threw away all your fans. Everyone that is watching this stream now knows what kind of person you are. There may be some people that will still decide to follow you, but your reputation will never recover~.”

“Look at this everyone~! Playmaker tried to run away~! I think that he needs to be taught a proper lesson about what it means to be an idol. I think the best way to do so is to make him into everyone’s favorite idol, ME~!!!”

Everyone watching the live stream and even Playmaker was stunned silent from what they just heard. Though they wouldn’t have to wait for an explanation since Blue Angel would never do that to her fans~

“Oh that’s right~ I never did show any of you this before~,” she said standing up and showing off her right hand which was glowing blue for some reason. “I have the unique ability as an idol to punish rude people just like Playmaker and make them learn their lesson and this time I have the perfect punishment in mind. For you younger viewers please look away for the next several minutes while I help this new idol get ready. As for those that are 18 or older like me, please watch as Playmaker gets what he deserves~.”

“Blue Angel what the hell are you planning to do!?” Playmaker yelled at her, struggling to get free, but it was no use. He was helpless as she pulled him over onto her lap. Blue Angel had eagerly been awaiting this~.


“What the heck!? A spanking? You can’t hurt me by doing that!” Playmaker yelled at her as she continued to spank him hard on his ass with her glowing hand.


“We’ll see about that~,” Blue Angel said, spanking him harder, finally starting to see small glitches appear on Playmaker's avatar. “You need to apologize!”


“Fuck you!” Playmaker said, surprised that he was actually starting to feel some pain in his ass.


“APOLOGIZE!” She yelled, spanking him harder, watching the glitches to spread across his entire lower body, replacing his pants with her cute fluffy idol skirt.

“Ouch! What the hell are you doing to me!?” Playmaker yelled, feeling the smacks on his ass become much sharper than they were before, this time actually causing him pain. “Why does my ass feel drafty!? Why is it jiggling!?” Playmaker asked, scared and confused by what he couldn’t see happening to his body, though the viewers could and they were loving it~!


“QUIET!” Blue Angel yelled, spanking the naughty girly boy some more. She needed to make this femboy feel her wrath!


“Owww!!! Owww!!! Stop! Stop it!” Playmaker yelled, starting to feel really frustrated with how much pain he was feeling, not even noticing that his shoes and socks had glitched into Blue Angel's cute stockings and shoes.

“Not until you apologize properly!” Blue angel yelled seeing his shitt become the top half of her dress.


“Ahhhhh!!! P-please! Please stop! Owwww!!!! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Playmaker yelled unable to bare the pain for much longer.

“Nope, not good enough!” Blue Angel yelled at her soon-to-be twin, knowing that she still wasn’t being sincere with her apology just yet.


“I-I’m sor-sorry!” Playmaker yelled, tears rolling down her eyes as her face glitched to become Blue Angel’s face. “W-wait…m-my…my voice…” Playmaker was stunned releasing that it was Blue Angel’s voice that was coming out of her mouth, Though the surprises were only beginning for her. Before she could hear what Blue Angel had to say next she saw a pair of cute giant blue twin tails dangling next to her head. “My body… you bitch! What did you do!?” She yelled, freaking out as she finally realized that something happened to her body while Blue Angel was spanking her.

“That’s no way for an idol to talk!” Blue Angel yelled. While her twin’s physical appearance may have changed her mind was still as rude and arrogant as ever. It would seem that she needed even further punishment~.


“There, done~,” Blue Angel said to herself, feeling satisfied from relieving so much anger juts now. “Now don’t you feel much better~? I know I do~,” she said teasing Playmaker who wouldn’t dare open her mouth out of fear of another spanking.

“Very good~. See everyone, all of my hard work finally paid off~,” she said to her eager fans. “Now it’s time to show this cutie what she one for surviving the first stage in her re-eduction into a proper idol~!” she yelled summoning a full-body digital mirror in front of them.

To Playmaker's horror the reflection from the mirror displayed two cute duel idols, both of them being Blue Angel. Blue Angel grinned seeing her twin’s cute and scared expression. Now finally Playmaker would begin to learn her lesson~.

“Now aren’t you just the cutest~,” Blue Angel said, whispering into Playmaker's ear, teasing her new twin. No, you be a good girl and stay quiet for a bit unless you want another hundred spankings~.”


“Good girl~,” Blue Angel said, happy to see that her twin knew her place, well at least for now~.

“Attention everyone as you all can see Playmaker is no more~!!!” Blue Angel announced to all of her fans, giving them all a lovely pose for them to admire. “I have used my special ability to transform her into my twin in order to show her the error of her ways~!! And not only that but I’ve permanently locked her account no matter what she does she’ll never be able to change her avatar back to the way it once was. This is what she deserves right? …Wrong! She deserves even more punishment don’t you agree~!!” she yelled to her fans getting them more hyped up for what she was about to do next.

“Not only does she deserve her avatar locked as the “foolish” duel idol that she lost to, which was me~. She also needs to learn what it means to be an idol whether she wants to or not~! Playmaker get your cute butt over here and pose with me~!” Blue Angel yelled knowing that Playmaker could no longer disobey her since her transformation was complete.

“Yes ma’am~!!!” Playmaker yelled ecstatically, jumping to her feet. She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t. It was as if her body was listening to Blue Angel’s commands rather than hers. Against her will she was forced to match all of the poses that Blue Angel made for her fans currently watching.

“Fufufu~, go on try to resist all you like, it won’t make a difference~,” Blue Angel smugly said whispering into Playmaker’s ear. “I control everything you do and say while you're using my avatar~. There is no way that you can escape~.”

“Isn’t she just great everyone~!?” Blue Angel yelled out to her fans who were having the time of their lives. “Come on everyone let’s greet her with a round of appluase~!!” she yelled to her fans who couldn’t help themselves from cheering for her new twin.

“And how about a word from our new duel idol~,” she said tossing Playmaker a microphone for her to address her future fans. “Go on sweetie~, tell them all how very excited you are for your duel idol debut as my apprentice~!”

Apprentice? There was no way that she could agree to be her apprentice. Looking like her was bad enough, and it sucked even more that she would have to delete her entire account after this but announcing that she wanted to be a duel idol apprentice, that was impossible.

“Hiya’ everyone~! I am totes sorry for how I acted before~. I can see now that I hurt all of your feelings. Thanks to Blue Angel I finally understand that what I have always wanted to be was a dueling idol. I took my frustration out on her and all of you. I am terribly sorry. I am so excited and grateful for Blue Angel to take me under her wing and make me her apprentice. I promise that I will do my very best to become a great idol so please support me~!!!”

What? No! She didn’t want to say that! Why couldn’t she stop herself from talking like an aspiring idol? She didn’t want this! Please make it stop!

No matter how much she struggled it was no use. Blue Angel laughed at her twin seeing the fear of fate etched into her eyes.

“Apology accepted~!” Blue Angel yelled hugging Playmaker innocently for her fans. “It’s great to see that you understand what you did wrong and that you want to change~. Everyone, we should give Playmaker here our full support~. Thank each and every one of you that stayed and watched me punish this rude duelist, and make her learn her lesson. There is a lot of training for us to do before the next stream. So as always let the angel guide your next draw and we’ll see you next time~.” She said, waving goodbye cutely to her fans while forcing Playmaker to do the same.

“Ugh, thank god it’s finally over,” Playmaker said, feeling that she was finally in control of her body again, while Blue Angel was finishing turning off the cameras. “How on Earth can you let yourself act  like that all the time?”

“Don’t worry I will make sure that you learn how to act like that as well~,” Blue Angel said to Playmaker in a dark tone, looking at her with an icy glare. “You’re right it is hard to maintain the cute act for my fans, but I do so because they care about me and I care about them. That is the spirit of a true idol.”

“You can try to deny it, but you soon come to realize that this is your life now. I’m going to make you learn just how hard it is to be a duel idol so that you can be just like me. Go on log out dare you. Even your real body has been changed to help you understand what you must become. Enjoy yourself for now, because your training will begin soon,” she said logging off, giving Playmaker full control of her body again.

“Ugh, this is so messed up~,” Playmaker said, looking at her reflection in the mirror that Blue Angel left there. She swayed her fluffy skirt while looking at her new girly idol clothes. She had Blue Angel’s giant blue twin tails that were held in place by a pair of adorable heart-shaped hair clips, and she even had a pair of cute heart shaped earrings. She was wearing Blue Angel’s complete idol uniform including her wings, blue and white dress, and shoes. Not only that but she even had a cute tattoo on her cheek. She was so girly now that she couldn’t bear to look at herself in the mirror any longer Still refusing to accept her reality she decided to log out so that she could delete her account.

“Ugh, my body. Why does it feel so weird?” Playmaker asked themselves not noticing that it was still high-pitched like Blue Angel’s. For some reason, Playmaker's real-life body felt smaller and lighter. In addition, their legs felt a tad bit cold almost as if nothing was covering them. Though that couldn’t be the case since he always wore pants…right?

Feeling an odd sense of dreed, Playmaker looked down and saw that they were wearing a cute female school uniform from his school in place of his uniform. There was no way that this was possible right? This had to be some sort of trick. Though it wasn’t. Blue Angel kept true to her promise.

Sacred and confused Playmaker ran over to the closest mirror that she could find, almost passing out after what she saw. She was now an exact version of Blue Angel’s real-life body, Aoi! She even check and to her despair, even her manhood was gone. She was trapped as a high school girl! She fell to her knees knowing that her life would never be to same. Her avatar was one thing, but this was her physical body. What was she going to do?

-1 Week Later-

A full week had passed since Playmaker was forcibly turned into a girl by Blue Angel. She had wanted nothing more than to storm her way to Aoi while she was in school and force her to change her back, but for some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. It wasn’t that she couldn’t do it, it was more like her body wouldn’t let her. Ever since her change she had felt different. It was almost as if her confidence in herself was slowly fading away as she become timider each day.

She felt scared to be out in public where people could see her and for some reason, she felt that if she actually properly thought about what she did wrong then Blue Angel might forgive her. Though she couldn’t bring herself to leave her home or even log into VRAINS. It frightened her too much to be seen as someone else. Playmaker knew that she couldn’t be so timid and reserved forever. She needed to find Blue Angel and kindly ask for her to turn her back, not realizing that her thought process was changing to be more like Aoi’s now.

During this week of solitude, Playmaker stayed indoors, exploring and getting used to her new body. Luckily for her, she lived alone, and missing classes was never a big deal for her while she was a boy. Everything that they taught at that school couldn’t compare to what she already knew.

After the first few days, Playmaker started to feel more comfortable in her new body, but she felt…she felt dead inside. She didn’t feel right because she wasn’t in VRAINS. Even before as a guy she would prefer being in VRAINS rather than the real world because it was there that she felt more like herself. It was there that she felt alive. Unfortunately for her one of the main reasons why she didn’t log onto VRAINS during this week was the issue with her avatar. She was pretty good when it came to programming VRAINS software and normally she could have just deleted her account and loaded up a backup to fix her avatar problem, but no matter what she tried it was impossible for her to do so.

Whatever Blue Angel did block her out of most of her backup accounts and the ones that she could access had already re-coded the avatar into Blue Angel. Something like this should have not been possible. And to make things even worse when she tried to create a new account it wouldn’t let her. This meant that there was no way she could enter VRAINS and not look like Blue Angel. Though she knew that she didn’t have a choice in the matter. Playmaker didn’t want to be stuck inside either of Aoi’s forms, but she knew that if she didn’t meet with Blue Angel then there would be no chance of her changing back to normal. She had to go back into VRAINS and become Blue Angel once more. …And no, it’s not because she was jealous that her avatar could wear cute clothes and she couldn’t~!

Once she logged herself back in as Blue she wanted to look around for Blue Angel, but it would seem that she found her. The moment that Playmaker logged in Blue Angel was already there waiting for her.

“And what did I say everyone~!? I told you all that she would be back~!” Blue Angel announced to her fans while doing another live stream. “Playmaker I just knew that you couldn’t stay away~! I knew that you couldn’t resist being an idol. Now let’s being with some cute poses for all the Blue Angel fans out there~!”

“Yes, ma’am~!” Playmaker eagerly said, unable to control her body while she was being forced to do pose after pose. Cutesy and lovely poses were forced upon her as she couldn’t stop herself from smiling like a dumb idol for all of her fans. …Wait! No! They weren’t her fans! They were Blue Angel’s fans!

“Hehehehe~! Great job~!!” Blue Angel said, seeing her apprentice happily join her with her possess, though she knew that from the inside of her body, Playmaker was screaming for her to stop this. Too bad for her that this was only just the beginning!

“Now you need to learn how to pose with your monsters~!!” she yelled summoning three of her cute and girly Trickstar monsters to the field~. Then before Playmaker could do anything the three girly Trickstar monsters dragged her away to pose for her fans while they took posters of her. At this point, Playmaker was given control of her body again, but she knew better than to disobey.


“Nnnnn~.” Playmaker groaned, not daring to make another peep. The tall blonde Trickstar monster Holly Angel was standing behind her and she would constantly whip her butt hard if she messes up a pose, and she has already done that three times already. She didn’t want to experience any more whips or spankings, but little did she know that she would be receiving a lot through the course of her training.

“….” Trickstar Holly Angel looked at the girl that dared to look like her mistress. If she dared think that looking like the beautiful Blue Angel was easy then she was dead wrong. It filled her with joy every time that Playmaker messed up because she was able to whip her ass as punishment~.

“Hehehehehehehehe~!!!” The two other Trickstar monster girls next to Playmaker laughed as their leader punished her. Their laughing only made Playmaker understand that there was no escape. Her fate was decided by Blue Angel now.



“Thank each and every one of you that stayed and watched me so Playmaker the art of posing~. There is a lot of training for us to do before the next stream. So as always let the angel guide your next draw and we’ll see you next time~.” She said, waving goodbye cutely to her fans while forcing Playmaker to do the same.

Once the cameras were off Playmaker fell to her knees rubbing her swollen digital ass, with small tears forming in her eyes.

“Pffft~!! Pathetic! Already down after a few whips~!” Blue Angel said, mocking her. “You’ll never be a proper duel idol unless you try harder~.”

“I don’t want to be a duel idol you stupid bitch!” Playmaker yelled at her, jumping to her feet. “I have had enough of your stupid bullshit! I demand a rematch! If I win you have to return both my avatar and my body back to normal!”

“Fufufu~. Fine I will agree to your little rematch~,” Blue Angel said to him, pissed off by how arrogant she was being. “But if you lose to me again you’ll face a worse punishment since you are not satisfied with being my cute little body double and apprentice

“Agreed!” Playmaker yelled getting ready to duel. “Huh? What the hell is this!?” she asked, shocked to see that her entire deck was replaced with Trickstar deck.

“Hmm? What’s wrong? Already chickening out?” Blue Angel smugly asked her, knowing what was happening. “Are you really that scared to use a deck that you’re not comfortable with? This deck was the one that defeat you first after all~. And besides, there is no way that a duel idol would ever use your old deck. Think of your new deck as a gift from me to you~. Or me to me, since we are supposed to be the same~.

“Fine, let’s duel,” Playmaker said, trying to remain to calm out the outside, but on the inside, she was panicking. She had no experience using these cards. There was no way that she could win, but it wasn’t like she could give up now.

“…No…s-stop…” Playmaker cried knowing what was going to happen next. Her rematch duel against Blue Angel was going horribly for her. She had no idea what was the best way to play with a Trickstar deck, and against someone who was a pro at using them like Blue Angel, the outcome was clear for all to see.

“No can do~!!” Blue Angel yelled back to her. “You agreed to this duel so it is only right that you have the guts to finish it~! Trickstar Lycoris’ attack her directly and win the game~!” she yelled to both of her monsters who began to hold hands with one another, cutely dancing with each other before appearing right in front of Playmaker. Before she could do anything, they forced her to grab their hands before spinning around in a joined circle, dancing as they picked up speed. She began to become dizzy in their rosy tornado before they eventually sent her flying high in the air in defeat!

Playmaker landed on the ground head first, showing off her pure white panties for all to see. This was the most humiliation that she had ever experienced and her new punishment hadn’t even started yet.

“Pfft! Hahahahaha~!!! You better hide those cute panties of yours~!” Blue Angel yelled, mocking her twin as she walked over to her. “How does it feel to lose once again~.

“N-no!” Playmaker screamed out in terror, covering her panties. “No! I didn’t lose~!” Playmaker yelled like a brat. It would seem that her mentality was a mess right now after receiving such a heavy blow to the head that she couldn't act straight.

“Wahhh! You cheated!” Playmaker yelled, crying like a baby. “You ruined my body! It hurts like hell and I don’t even remember how I looked before! This is all your fault! I should have won that duel! I want a rematch! And if I win…uh….if I…if I win you have to…no, why can’t I remember? This isn’t fair! Why can’t I remember!?” she yelled, crying like a brat some more. While you could never get physically hurt in VRAINS you could mentally, and currently, Playmaker was experiencing the effects of a concussion right now.

“Ugh, pathetic,” Blue Angel said, rolling her eyes in disgust. How could she have ever thought that Playmaker could be a duel idol? She needed to start at the beginning. She needed to start as an accessory for an idol~. “You are a shitty duelist. In fact, I’ve never seen one as bad as you. You must have been cheating to win all your duels before. Oh and guess what this is the second time that you lost to me~. And do you know what that means~?”

“No! stop it! I don’t wanna~” Playmaker yelled like a whiny brat, trying to crawl away from Blue Angel but it was no use. There was nothing that she could do to escape her punishment. No amount of crying or whining like a little brat would save her either. It was time that she finally understands her place~.

“Come on out Trickstar Holly Angel~!” Blue Angel yelled summoning her blonde whip-carrying Trickstar monster in front of Playmaker.

“No! Not you!” Playmaker yelled, remembering the photo shoot that she was forced to do before her duel. Her ass still stung from last time. Out of all the monsters Blue Angel had why did it have to be her? She didn’t want to be forced to maintain her perfect idol poses as she did before. There had to be a way to escape, there just had to. Though if Playmaker was in the right mind she would have tried to sign out by now.

“Hehehehe~,” Trickstar Holly Angel’s expression turned dark as her eyes began to glow. A smug evil grin was etched across her face. She knew exactly why her mistress summoned her and she couldn’t hold herself back from the gift she was given. Without wasting even a second she pounced on the girl that dared to think that she could be like her mistress~.

“No! Stop! What are you doing!? This isn’t fair! I should have won! You should be doing this to her!” Playmaker yelled as Trickstar Holly Angel bound her tightly to keep her from escaping before showing her into her fat breasts~ This was where naughty children like her belonged~.

“Trickstar Holly Angel if you would~,” Blue Angel said, ready to watch as Playmaker receives her punishment.

Trickstar Holly Angel nodded in response as she began to glow along with Playmaker’s current avatar body.

“No! Let go of me! Wahhhhh! I don’t want this! I want my body back~!!!!” Playmaker whined and screamed, trying her best to worm away from Trickstar Holly Angel, but it was foolish for her to even try. Though she still continued to struggle as both of them started to glitch. Slowly Playmaker and Trickstar Holly Angel started to fuse together. Her body could no longer escape. Blue Angel smiled, knowing that it was time for her new Trickstar to begin her training, so it would be best to let Trickstar Holly Angel have her fun~.

“Please! Blue Angel stop this! I’m sorry! I’m sorry okay! Duel idols are amazing! I am very grateful that you wanted to make me your apprentice! Please let me go and I’ll do whatever you ask!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Poor, poor, Playmaker. I already gave you that chance, but you decided to throw it away. I tried to help you, yet you foolishly were rude to me. Though worry not I am sure that this time you will definitely learn your lesson~.”

“What are you- what the heck! No! Stop! I don’t want this!” Playmaker yelled as both she and Trickstar Holly Angel were being sucked back into her card. “Blue Angel, please! Please!”

Blue Angel didn’t respond this time. Instead she just smugly smiled and waved goodbye to them as they were finished being sucked in. The last thing she saw was Playmaker's whinny bitch face. Oh, it was going to be so much fun when she comes back after being properly trained~.

“Ugh, where am I?” Playmaker asked herself slowly waking up inside Trickstar Holly Angel card.

Once they were inside Trickstar Holly Angel wasted no time getting Playmaker ready for her humiliation. She let go of the bear hug, freeing Playmaker from her body, and then dragged her up to her idol stage before restraining her arms and legs with keeping her floating in the air. Playmaker had just awoken when she finished her preparations~.

“Hehehehehe~,” she laughed at him, knowing that this next part would be fun~.

“You stupid monster let me go!” Playmaker yelled at her, still, still as stubborn as always. Her act from before was fake and Blue Angel knew it.

“Hmmm~?” Trickstar Holly Angel smiled at Playmaker with a menacing glare before her hands started to glow red. Finally, it was time. Her hands have been waiting for this ever since she whipped this bitch’s ass the first time~.


“Eeeee!!! S-stop it~!!!!” Playmaker screamed out like the little girl that she was. She was pathetic, only six smacks and she was already crying and begging for forgiveness. How pathetic was she?

“Hehehehe~” Trickstar Holly Angel giggle seeing the pathetic state that the once great Playmaker was in, and she was glad that this was only the beginning~. She gleefully watched as Playmaker’s avatar started to glitch as it did during her transformation into Blue Angel~.


“Owww!!! Owww!!! Stop! Stop it Please!” Playmaker yelled, this time noticing the glitches that were happening across her body, starting with her blue hair turning blonde replacing her twin tails with a nice long ponytail, while her body slowly started to become taller.


“Ahhhh~!!!” Playmaker moaned out as her face was reconfigured into Trickstar Holly Angel’s, giving her a much more mature appearance in comparison to Blue Angel. Her lips were much plumper and her face was covered with makeup, making her feel even worse than when she was Blue Angel.

“No! Please! No more!” she yelled seeing her breasts start to slowly grow bigger. She wasted allowed to have an innocent and cute form anymore. It was time that she started to attract even more attention.


“Ahhhhhhh~!!!” Playmaker moaned as her new fat breasts started to jiggle up and down with each spanking she received. They were much more sensitive than they were when she was Blue Angel and Trickstar Holly Angel knew it.


“Nnnnnhhh~!!!” Playmaker tried to stop herself from moaning, starting to feel good from all her spanking as her ass expanded outward becoming a thick and sexy bubble butt. “Please…no more~,” Playmaker said crying as she started to give up her fight. Trickstar Holly Angel was glad to see that she was learning, but there was still much more that she had to do~.

“Noooooo!!!” Playmaker screamed when a tight and sexy new idol outfit with a pair of wings that showcased her cleavage and a pair of headphones was forced onto her. Finally, her Blue Angel tattoo was replaced with a blue heart tattoo on her opposite cheek.

Trickstar Holly Angel finally stopped spanking Playmaker when she was satisfied with how much she had transformed into her clone.

“Come along now~,” she said, revealing that she could actually talk before dragging her new twin over to the front of the empty idol stage. “Watch closely,: she said, doing several different idol poses. “Now you copy and pose just as I do,” she said in a dark tone which made Playmaker fear what she would do to her if she dare try and refuse.

“L-like this?” Playmaker asked, trying her best to do the pose that Trickstar Holly Angel did, but she did it so wrong that she instantly pissed off Trickstar Holly Angel.

“You stupid bitch!” Trickstar Holly Angel yelled at her, forcing her over her knees. “How dare you treat being an idol’s life light!”


“Ahhhhh~!!! I’m sorry! I’m-ahhhhh, sorry!” Playmaker yelled unable to stop herself from moaning in pleasure as Trickstar Holly Angel spanked her.


“Being an idol is a battle! It’s a war for survival where everyone is against you! You must always seek perfection in everything if you want to survive in this industry!”


“Yes, yes! I understand!” Playmaker yelled, finally accepting that this was her life now.

“Good girl~,” Trickstar Holly Angel said to her. “From now on your new life begins. I shall mold you into the perfect idol duel monster just like me. Every day we shall train, waiting for mistress Blue Angel to summon us.”

“As of now you are no longer a human, so don’t even think of returning to the real world as that is no longer an option. You are an idol duel monster and nothing can be done to change that. Your real-life body has already disappeared. And luckily because of this you no longer need to live like a human. You no longer have to worry about logging out to eat, drink, sleep, etc. As duel monsters, we can now spend 24/7 in your training to make you the perfect idol~. Now let’s begin~.


Six whole months have passed since Playmaker's disappearance, and Blue Angel was having the time of her life. She was hosting yet another celebrity duel, streaming her latest game for all of her precious fans. She was now the number one duel idol in the world and it was all thanks to her taking down Playmaker. Thanks to that her career had been on the rise this entire time and no one could stop her.

“I link summon everyone's favorite Trickstar Holly Angel Sisters!” Blue Angel yelled out summoning Trickstar Holly Angel(D) and her twin sister Trickstar Holly Angel(M). Trickstar Holly Angel(D) elegantly appeared on the dueling field as all idols should, while her sister did not. Trickstar Holly Angel(D) dragged Trickstar Holly Angel(M) who was bound and restrained by her whip out of the card.

“Yahhhhhhhhh~!!!!!” All Blue Angels fans cheered when they saw this because each and every one of them knew that Trickstar Holly Angel(M) was formally Playmaker and they loved it~!!

When Trickstar Holly Angel(D) first showed Blue Angel her bound twin she couldn’t help but snugly laugh at the former Playmaker. She knew that she couldn’t just keep this information to herself and she decided to share it with the entire world~.

“Trickstar Holly Angel Sisters attack my opponent directly and win the duel!” Blue Angel yelled to her monsters.

Upon hearing her command Trickstar Holly Angel(D) freed her twin from her whip restraint. Trickstar Holly Angel(D) gave her twin a cold harsh glare to make sure that she didn’t try any un-idol-like while making her understand her place.

Trickstar Holly Angel(M) understand what her sister meant and decided to obey, it was the only idol-like thing that she could do. She accepted the whip that her sister handed her and knew what her sister was telling her to do. She would have to attack for her sister since she was cemented at the bottom in the hierarchy of all Trickstar duel monsters. For a second though she almost hesitated with the whip in her hands. She could take revenge! She could-!


Seeing what her sister was thinking Trickstar Holly Angel(D) gave her a hard spank from behind to remind her of her place. Before grabbing her and forcing her twin to begin the embarrassing idol choreography dance attack that she forced her to memorize before finally swinging the whip at the duelist ending the game.

Seeing that the duel was over, Trickstar Holly Angel(M) wanted nothing more than to beg Blue Angel to free her from her hell, but Trickstar Holly Angel(D) wouldn’t allow that. She liked to have a masochist twin sister that couldn’t defy her. So a single cold glare from her ended Trickstar Holly Angel(M)’s hope for escape. This was all thanks to the six months of “training” and “educated” that they experienced together. Thanks to that she was able to sap away any defiance from her twin with a singular look.

Trickstar Holly Angel(M) knew that her time was almost up so she decided to meekly hand her twin sister back her whip which she instantly used to bind her again. When that was done Trickstar Holly Angel(D) walked her sister straight back into the card. It was time for her to begin their next stage in more humiliating and demeaning strict idol training~.

“Pfft~! Hahahahahahahaha~!!!!” Blue Angel could only laugh at Trickstar Holly Angel(M) knowing that even if she asked her if she wanted to change back her answer would be no. The life of an idol is a hard one and Trickstar Holly Angel(M) just happened to learn that way in one of the hardest ways~.



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