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*There is NSFW Content in this story. Please do not read unless you are comfortable with NSFW Content. All characters are 18+.*

“And that is why your honor my client is not guilty of any crimes!” Phoenix Wright yelled to the judge.

“Hmm, under most circumstances your client would have gone to jail for murder, but thanks to you it would seem that yet another innocent person goes free. As for the matter of the false testimony from Miss May, we will have to reschedule another hearing for next month,” the judge said. “Court dismissed.”

“Phoenix thank you so much~!” Maya yelled hugging Phoenix with all of her might. If it wasn’t for him she would have gone to jail while being framed for murdering her sister.

“Don’t mention it~,” Phoenix said back to her. “Though this isn’t over until the real killer is brought to justice.” Phoenix knew that the culprit was Redd White and he had all the evidence he needed to make sure that he and his accomplice went away for a long time.

“You better get home,” Phoenix said, knowing that they were being watched.

“Thank you again~!!” Maya said as they left the courtroom.

“You can come out now,” Phoenix said, watching Maya get into a cab.

“Oh, so you did notice me~,” April May said, coming out from behind Phoenix. “Fufufu~. It would seem that I underestimated you yet again~,” she said, jiggling her breasts in front of his face.

“What is it that you want?” Phoenix asked her, trying to ignore her advances.

“I just want to talk~,” April said to him, pressing her fat breasts up against his chest.

“Then talk,” Phoenix said, pushing her away to her disappointment. Most men would be putty in her hands after that, though it would seem that Mr. White was right about him. She would have to go to plan B.

“Sigh, you really are no fun~,” April said with a pout, “I’m here to offer you a deal~.”

“A deal? What sort of deal could a criminal like you offer me?” Phoenix asked, confused by what her motives were.

“Well I would like to tell you but I don’t think it’s quite safe to talk here~,” she said, cautiously looking around as if someone was watching her, drawing in Phoenix’s interest in her. “How about we go get something to eat handsome~,” she said, latching onto his arm.

“What are you-”

“Shh! Just play along,” April said to him, forcing him to walk with her. “Mr. White has eyes everywhere. I could get in real trouble if I talk to you, so we need this to look like I’m trying to service you~.”

“Fine, but this is only for pretend,” Phoenix said, disappointed that he let himself get caught in this mess, but he could tell that whatever she had to tell him could easily help him take down Redd White.

“Goodie~!! Follow me~!!” April happily said, dragging him along with her to what looked like an Italian restaurant.

“What are we doing here?” Phoenix asked her, curious as to why she would drag him all the way down here.

“To eat, silly~!!!” she said as if mocking him as they were seated at a table.

“Fine I’ll have the risotto,” Phoenix said to the waiter.

“And so will I~,” April said to the waiter. “Oh, and if you would be a dear,” she said whispering the rest in his ear so that Phoenix couldn’t hear while handing him a bottle of medicine before he left.

“What was that about?” Phoenix asked, suspicious of her current actions.

“Do you really want to know~?” April asked, blushing from ear to ear.

“If you don’t tell me then I’ll leave,” he said to her standing up. “You brought me here to talk, so it’s either you talk or I walk.”

“…Fine,” April said reluctantly. “They’re dietary pills. I have them mixed into my food in order to keep my figure I’m 23 and I’m not getting any younger. I need every edge that I can get.”

“…Sorry, that was rude of me,” Phoenix said back to her. He was taught to be respectful to women and it would seem that he had spoken too rashly. “But now I must urge you to tell me why you brought me hear.”

“You deserve that much,” April said, a sorrowful gaze taking over her face as she talked. “You were right, my testimony was false. It wasn’t Maya who murder Mia.”

“Then who was it?” Phoenix asked, waiting for her to tell him that it was Redd White. With the evidence that he already had, mixed with the tape recorder he had playing right now there is no way that Redd can worm his way out of this one.

“Your food is served~,” the waiter said coming back only mere minutes after they made their orders, and placed their food on the table. If Phoenix wasn’t distracted by hearing what April had t say then he would have noticed that something strange was going on here, but it was already too late the moment he took his first bite.

Bering the brilliant man that he was, Phoenix was also ignorant. He still had yet to see through April May’s subpar acting and he didn’t even realize that the restaurant that she brought him to was one owned by Redd White. He had fallen into their trap and he was going to pay the price for trying to go against them~.

“So...who was it?” Phoenix asked, eating more of his food.

“It was you~,” April said to him, getting rid of her act seeing that he had already begun to eat.


“What did you just say?” Phoenix asked, dropping his fork onto the plat, noticing that his body was getting warmer for some reason. “How dare you accuse me of killing my mentor when it was Redd White!!!” he yelled at her unable to control his anger.

“Did you really think that I would say that it was Mr. White that killed her?” April said to him.

 “Mr. White is a great man, one that you could never hope to be. You were jealous of him and hated him so much. You saw how your mentor was getting close to him. The woman you loved bedding another man. It made you so heartbroken that you decided to kill her. Your plan was to be the righteous hero lawyer that saves her sister from conviction while providing false evidence to frame Mr. White for the murder~.”

“What!? I did no such…such…thing. Ugh, what’s going on?” Phoenix asked himself, starting to feel dizzy, not noticing that all the extra hair across his body had started to fall off.

“Fufufu~. But of course, you did, or at least that is what we’ll tell them~. Oh and it would seem that the medicine that Mr. White provided me is starting to kick in~,” April said, walking over to him, and slowly caressing his chest~.

“Nnnnn~! What are you doing~?” Phoenix asked, his body was getting even warmer and his chest started to feel sensitive.

“Oh my~, I’m waiting for your transformation to start~,” April said, tearing open Phoenix’s shirt as she groped his slowly swelling chest.

“Stop! Or I’ll…what? Why? Why won’t my body-nnnnnn- move!?” Phoenix yelled, unable to keep himself from moaning from the pleasure he was feeling.

“Why would I ever stop~?” April asked him. “Because of you Mr. White had to go to such great lengths to hide his crimes, create false evidence to frame you, and procure this lovely medicine that will turn you into my lovely obedient little twin sister~.”

“W-what!?” Phoenix yelled realizing that April’s voice was coming out of his mouth. He could feel his spikey hair slowly start to grow out, growing so long that it bent and became curly down his shoulders, as he noticed it becoming as pink. He was scared when he started talking, realizing that his lips become larger, smeared with cute pink lipstick and his cheeks were smoother now.

“No! Stop this! I’ll forfeit the case! Don’t-ahhhh~!!! Don’t do this!” he yelled unable to hold himself back, moaning from pleasure as his newly formed breasts started to get bigger by the second. He didn’t want this. He did want to look like some dumb pink bimbo!

“ Aww, down't be wike that~!" April said making her voice childish and cute as she did to fool all the ignorant horny men around her. “Hehe, don’t you wike it!~?” she asked raising her arms upward to let her breasts jiggle and bounce right in Phoenix's face.

“What are you doing to me!?” Phoenix yelled at April.

“I’m just helping you get ready for your new job, hehehehe~. You’ll wike it very much~,” she said giggling at the progress she has made with him so far~.

“What on Earth are you-ack-ack! What the hell was-ack that!” he yelled as she forced him to swallow another pill against his will, by shoving her tongue down his throat, making his heart race~.

“Fufufu~. And now there is no going back, Wrighty boy~,” she said mocking him as she licked her lips.

Before he knew it he could feel his suit start to become loose as his body began to change even further. His shoulder shrunk down, becoming less broad. His waist became narrower as his body fat was redistributed to his new fat breasts that pushed open his shirt, popping out two buttons as they jiggled and bounced for April's delight~.

“No! Wike stop this!” Phoenix yelled, unable to talk properly feeling the pleasurable sensation of his hips and thighs thickening, becoming much rounder and plumper, while his legs remained slim and dainty. His once flat ass started to grow, becoming rounder and more pronounced against his pants, tearing at certain areas~.

“Hehehe, wike why do we need to stwop~. The fun is just starting~,” April said, mocking him, seeing the tiny bulge in his pants wither away into nothing, welcoming her to the wonders of being a woman~.

"No...no no, no!" Phoenix yelled, tears forming in her eyes.

“Hehehe~. Look at that tiny thing shrinking away~,” April said mocking his ever-shrinking manhood. “Aren’t you glad that you’ll never have to see that thing again~?” she asked, mocking him some more~.

“Nnnnghh!!!” Phoenix growled in frustration.

“Hehehe~,” April giggled at the former attorney. Phoenix looked exactly like her in terms of proportions, hair color/style, and eyes. Though there were two things that made them different. The first is her twin’s awful taste in fashion and her expression. She had to fix this~.

April pulled out a hand mirror from her purse and held it up for Phoenix to she the new and improved her. “Hehehe~. Lookie here cutie!. That’s right, you’re my adorable twin sister~. Oooh but what’s this~? You’re wearing such a ridiculously oversized outfit and it’s wike totes not your color~.

“April what did you do!? Turn me back you bitch!” Phoenix yelled at her, still unable to realize the truth of the situation she was in. There was no going back for her.

“Now, now~ that is no way for my twin to act~. You’ll never attract any cute guys with a personality like that~,” April said treating Phoenix as some sort of spoiled child. “You need to be as cute as possible, wike this silly~” she said, mocking him before winking and sticking her tongue out, assuming her ditzy jiggling breast pose that she used when flirting with cute and handsome guys~.

“Listen here sister, all you need to be is cute. Being cute is all that matters, Even if you are the most rotten, spoiled and evil bitch in the world so long as we are cute weak-minded men will bend to our will~. Even Mr. White is helpless against my cuteness~. Go on tell me what you need to be~.”

“Nnghh…” Phoenix growled. “C-cute…cuteness is…is a-all that m-matters. I m-must be…a rott-rotten bitch-nnghhh! St-stop!” Phoenix yelled, barley able to regain control of herself. It was as if there was a part of her that was trying to take control and make her just like April.

“That’s a good girl~,” April said mocking him. “Don’t you love being cute~? Though you must be upset right now, unable to wear something that fits your cute bimbo personality~.”

“Y-yes?” Phoenix said, unable to tell if she wanted to look cute or if it was April tricking her into wanting it.

“Very good~. And you’re in luck big sister has a spare set of clothes just for you~,” April said,, grinning as she brought out a cute pink box that had her pink dress jacket, white shirt, white skirt, and pink heels inside of it. “Those clothes of yours are way too big~ look they’re even slipping of you right now~. You won’t be able to be cute and sexy in that~. Go on~ put on your new uniform so sister can show you how to strut that fat ass, hehehe~.

"No...I won’t…I don’t want to wear s-such…such clothes...."Phoenix tried to fight the changes in her mind, but they were already in control and they would soon fix that attitude of hers~.

“Oooh? So does that mean that you want to go outside naked~?" April giggled at her bimbo twin sister~. “Go on, wear them, they’re cuute~

"Nngh...c-cute…nngh..." Phoenix could resist any longer slowly slipping out if all her clothes all the way down as April giggled before handing Phoenix her first article of cute clothing, a pure white thong, which Phoenix didn’t hesitate to put on.

“Hehehe~!!! This is so much fun~!” April laughed watching as her twin slipped on her pure white bra which was obviously a size too small, showing a bit of her nipples~. April enjoyed watching her sister dress herself in her spare clothes, imagining her as her own personal dress up doll. “That’s right you look so cute and sexy right now, keep it up~,” she said to her twin, handing her a white dress shirt.

“S-exy and cute…sexy and cute~,” Phoenix mumbled to herself, wearing the shirt just as April did with her cleavage for all to view~. She didn’t even hesitate to put the tight white office skirt over her fat ass, which showed off her beautiful and sexy curves even more~.

“Almost done sweetie~. You’re looking cute as hell~,” April said, handing her twin her favorite pink office jacket who put it in without question. “And for now, the heels~. Oooh~, this is my favorite part~,” April squealed, placing her cute pink heart-shaped heels on her twin.

“Eeeeee~!!! You’re wike perfect~!!!” April squealed once more. “Give me a pose~!!

“Wike this~?” Phoenix asked, doing multiple different poses that showed off her new fat breasts, ass, and curves~.

“OMG YES! You’re the cutest~!!!” April yelled hugging her sister.

“Hehehe~, wike thanks~,” Phoenix said, bending over slightly, hands up to her face winking with her tongue out, and her chest jiggling. It was the perfect pose for the new bimbo secretary of Bluecorp.

“You’re perrrfecct~!!” April said, hugging her once more. “Now you’re ready to meet Mr. White and start your new position~. Mr. White will make sure to take care of this whole murder thing, but that means that you need a new name. How does Trix sound~?”

“Wike that’s toes perrrfecct~!!” Trix said copying her sister. “I wike can’t wait to help the boss in any way that I can~!!!”

“Fufufu~. Wike you’re totes ready~,” April said glad that she had such a cute sister. “Now let’s go shopping~. It’s but one get one half off today and we definitely need to build up your closet~.”

“OMG! Sister that sounds amazing~! Wike can we go pick out some cute and sexy lingerie for the boys~. Oh and what about going to the club to flirt with some hotties~?” Trix eagerly asked her sister.

“You wike totes read my mind~!” April said to her sister. “And look I have the company card on me~ We can totes go all out~!!!”

“Yes~!!! This is wike the best day ever~!!!” Trix yelled, grabbing her sister before dragging her along for the best shopping spree she had ever been on~.

-1 Month Later-

“The verdict has been made,” The judge said to the court. “Mr. White of Bluecorp is found innocent thanks to the fine detective work of his cute secretaries April May and Trix May.”

“OMG~!!! Sister wike we totes did it~!!” Trix said hugging her sister. “We saved Mr. White and showed the world who that mean old Mr. Wrighty got what he deserved~”

“Wike, we toes did~!!!” April said hugging her twin, squeezing their breasts together. “Hehehehe~!!!:”

“Quiet you two, it’s almost over,” Mr. White said. “I’ll give the two of you a proper reward when we get home for now stay quiet.”

“Yes Mr. White~!!”

“It is thanks to these two that an innocent man can go free,” the judge said thanking them again “And thanks to them we know who the real killer is, Phoenix Wright. While he remains at large he is not free. He will be found, and proper justice shall be served.”




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