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“Lucy Heartfilia thank you for coming~,” Hisui said, watching Lucy be escorted into the throne room.

“You’re majesty it is my honor,” Lucy said, trying her best to keep up with the proper etiquette, since the last time Natsu was here he made yet another mess for the guild to clean up. She needed to be on her best behavior.

“Relax a bit Lucy,” Hisui said back to her. “If I wanted to be treated like a queen I would have made my guards stay here with us. I purposely sent that request to you so I could ask you for a favor or rather give you an order~.”

“What do you mean?” Lucy asked, slightly confused about what Hisui wanted from her.

“People think being a Queen is easy, but it’s not. Sometimes I just want to relax, but I am never given that chance. I’m sick and tired of all this constant paperwork and not to mention the constant complaints that I get about all of the magic guilds in Fiore. I want a break.”

“Sorry about that your majesty,” Lucy said, back to her, knowing that the main source of her problems was Fairy Tail. “The other members of Fairy Tail can be a bit rowdy, but I can do my best to calm them down if you would like.

“Lucy you don’t have to call me that, just call me Hisui,” she said, walking down from her throne towards Lucy. “We’ve already been through a lot together so it’s not like we’re strangers. And you don’t have to worry, because soon that small royal status that separates us will be no more~.”

“What do you mean?” Lucy asked, starting to feel a bit creeped out by what was going on here.


All of a sudden Lucy was engulfed in that in a flash of white light.

“Hisui-san, what just happened?” Lucy asked as her eyes started to adjust from the flash. Though for some reason clothes felt a lot heavier.

“Over here beautiful~,” Hisui, said back to her, grabbing her hands and slowly leading Lucy to a body-length mirror that she prepared just for Lucy.

“What the heck is this!?” Lucy yelled confused by her current appearance. Lucy was now wearing a white and gold gothic-style queens dress, in addition to a lovely diamond-encrusted white heel, making her loom like a queen.

“Yes! It worked~!!!” Hisui yelled ecstatically, looking at her soon-to-be twin. The flash of light was caused by none of Hisui herself. It was the result of an ancient spell that would slowly turn their target into their twin.

“What the heck is this!?” Lucy yelled scared out of her mind by what was happening.

“Fufufu~. Now Lucy that is no way for a queen to act~,” Hisui said to her.

“What are you talking about? I’m not a queen,” Lucy said to her, still confused why she was the only one affected by the flash of light.

“But of course you are~,” Hisui said to her. “From my royal decree from this day henceforth you are now Emerald Fiore, my twin sister and body double~. With your help, I can finally have a few days in the week to myself.”

“As you wish dear sister~,” Lucy said, giving Hisui a small curtsy. Though Lucy didn’t do this of her free will. There was something wrong going on here and it had to be whatever spell Hisui used on her. “…I didn’t say that,” Lucy said scared about what was to happen next. “What the hell have you done to me!?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Emerald that is not the kind of language that a queen should be using,” Hisui said scolding her. “As a refined lady you must do better~.”

“Y-yes sister~,” Lucy, or rather Emerald said against her will once more. It was clear to her now that Hisui was the one giving the demands and she would have to obey whether she wanted to or not.

“That’s a good girl~,” Hisui said to her, eager to begin her twin's training. As for her current appearance that would slowly change throughout the course of the day. “Now I know that all of this may seem a tad bit confusing and perhaps even scary to you, but rest assured that I am here for you~. All you need to do is quietly obey and allow yourself to become my sister~.”

“Hisui I have no idea why you're doing this, but please just stop before this gets out of hand,” Lucy said to her. “Please tell me that this is just some sort of prank.”

“Emerald please be a good girl and accept this or I will have to force you to~,” Hisui said, smiling at her, but that only made Lucy more scared of her. This wasn’t the Hisui that she knew…right?

“I’ll never do as you say!” Lucy yelled at her, trying to grab her keys, but before she could her body stopped moving as it was now completely under Hisui’s control.

“Are you looking for these~?” Hisui asked Lucy, holding up all of her gate keys~. “Did you forget that I was a celestial wizard as well~? And to make things fun I have the perfect girl in mind to help you get in shape. Though first let’s do something about that hair~. Open Gate Of The Crab, Cancer~!!”

“My queen you have called~,” Cancer said, now obediently serving Hisui.

“Fix up the sorry excuse of hair that lays on my sister's head. Blonde is not her color, make it the same shade of green as mine~,” Hisui said, ordering over Cancer as if by sending nature.

“Cancer stop! Stop!” Lucy yelled at him, but he would no longer obey her orders. His mistress was the queen of Fiore and her twin sister, the latter who still hadn’t come to terms with her own identity.


“And done~! You are perfect~!” Cancer said before disappearing. He had successfully turned Lucy's straight blonde hair into the same wavy green hair that Hisui had.

“You look absolutely lovely~, Hisui said to Lucy, seeing that her face and body had already slowly started to match her own. “Doesn’t my dear sister Emerald look absolutely amazing~?”

“Yes, she does~,” Virgo said, appearing behind Hisui, ready to serve her new mistress.

“Virgo, please help me!” Lucy yelled, unable to move.

“I am sorry miss, but until my mistress says otherwise, I cannot help you,” Virgo said back to her.

“But I am your mistress!” Lucy yelled, pissed off that even Virgo was treating her like a stranger. Cancer didn’t even say a word to her. Was it like this for all of her spirits?

“Sorry miss, but only mistress Hisui and Emerald can refer to themselves as my mistress. Virgo said back to her. “You must accept your true self before I can acknowledge you~.”

“Very well said~,” Hisui said, agreeing with Virgo. “It would seem that my sister has been out of the palace for so long that she forgot who she was. Let’s help remind her who she really is~. Now come along dear sister, you must be hungry from your trip.”

“Of course sister, I’m famished~,” Emerald said, forcing Lucy’s body to follow Hisui and Virgo to the dining hall where a gorgeous meal had been prepared for the two of them.

“Oh my, look~.” “It’s her~.” “She’s so pretty~.” “Look, she’s wearing the gown that I picked out~! This is the best day ever~!” “The queen is so lucky to have such a cute twin.”

“…” Lucy couldn’t help but blush from all the compliments that the maids were giving her as she walked by them. No one at Fairy Tail even bother to call her cute or to even look at her like she was pretty. This was a nice feeling, but it would have to end…or did it? No there was no way that she could think this way. Hisui must be messing with her. There was no way that she could ever assume that she could live this sort of life.

“Come sit down and eat dearest sister~,” Hisui said, sitting down at the table. “I had the chef prepare your favorite~.

“I guess I could, Lucy said, once again in control. If this was one of Hisui’s pranks there was no need for her to worry that much. If she did as Hisui said then there would be a chance of her being turned back to normal.

“Good~, now please enjoy~,” Hisui said, urging Lucy to eat. This food was specially made for her. It would be a waste if she decided not to eat.

“Oh my~!! This is amazing~!” Lucy said, amazed by how good the food was. This may have been one of her favorite dishes, but the taste was nothing like she had ever had before.

“Fufufu~. I knew that you would like it~,” Hisui said, glad to see that her plan was working. “Though dear sister it may be bold of me to say, but you are using the wrong silverware for that dish~.”

“I am!?” Lucy said as Emerald’s personality started to take control, not noticing the maid squeal with joy, seeing her act all cute like this.

“Here miss, let me help~,” Virgo said, handing Lucy the proper tableware making her blush from embarrassment.

“Fufufu~. It’s alright dearest sister. It’s been a while since you’ve been back to the palace. It’s natural that you would make a few mistakes~. Don’t worry, you’ll definitely get the hang of it~,” Hisui said, knowing that the more that they treated Lucy like the queen she was, the more that her true personality, Emerald would take control.

The magic that Hisui used on Lucy was slowly changing reality, making it so that Lucy Heartfilia never existed. Soon only Emerald would remain, though with the longing for a singular person to be hers.

“Thank you…sister~,” Lucy said, doing her best to eat the way that she was expected to eat. Hisui believed in her and if it was just to keep off this prank of hers then there shouldn’t be a problem in doing so.

“Thank you for the lovely meal~,” Lucy said, politely placing her silverware down on the table before gently wiping her mouth. It felt so natural to her that she didn’t even question it.

“I am ever so glad that you enjoyed it~,” Hisui said to her, glad that her plan was working faster than she had hoped. She had expected that Lucy would be more resistant to becoming Emerald, though it would seem that it wasn’t the case at all~. “Now come along, we must change.”

“Why?” Lucy asked, no longer worried about how she looked, thinking that this was just another normal get-together with Hisui.

“For your dance lessons remember~?” Hisui said to her, helping Lucy to her feet. “Now come along there is not much time~. And do be sure t keep your back straight. We can’t let the servants look down upon you because you cannot walk properly.

“Yes, sister~!” Lucy said, confused as to why she felt like she need to impress Hisui and do whatever they said. Though to be honest it was better for her to do as her older twin sister said to her…wait when did Lucy start to refer to Hisui as her sister?

“And here were are~,” Hisui said as they entered her personal gowning room. Here Hisui would show Lucy the value of being a queen~. “Your posture was fine overall, but there will need to be some work done. Though for now, your walking skill shall suffice. I doubt that there mere common folk will notice,” Hisui said to Lucy, wondering which gown would best suit her. Though since their faces and bodies were exactly the same now.

“Wow~, these are beautiful!” Lucy yelled out in excitement, eager to wear these dresses, but there was no way that Hisui would agree to it.

“I know~,” Hisui said smugly to her. “Which one would you like to wear~?”

“What? I can actually wear one of these?” Lucy asked, confused as to why she was getting permission.

“Of course, you can~. In fact, you can wear them all~,” Hisui said, caressing her sister’s cheek. “These all belong to the both of us my dear Emerald. We are the queens of Fiore, there isn’t anything that we can’t wear. Besides I did tell you already that we would have to change for your dance lesson~.”

“Sister I-”

“Shh, that’s enough~,” Hisui said slowly helping her sister out of her dress while playfully teasing her as she did, not caring that Virgo was eagerly watching them~.

-1 Hour Later-

“There now don’t you look beautiful~,” Hisui said to her twin who was wearing a gorgeous white, green, and gold gown just like she was.”

“Thank you, sister,” Lucy, or rather Emerald said back to her twin sister. After expressing that level of “fun” with her sister there was nothing keeping her back from fully accepting her identity as Emerald. “Shall we dance~?”

“We shall~,” Hisui said, taking the lead as they began dancing, losing themselves in each other’s eyes~.


By the time the two of them realized what was happening they had already finished the dance in front of the crowd of members of different magic guilds were watching and applauding them each one of them enthralled by their beauty, while that was everyone expect for Natsu Dragneel who would rather eat than partake in any dancing.

“Thank you, thank you~,’ Hisui said to the crowd. “Today we celebrate the return of my sister who shall serve as queen alongside me~. Please allow her a few words~.”

“Thank you, dearest sister,” Emerald said, stepping forward for all to see. “I thank you all once more for coming. It has been a long time since I have been home, and it is nice to have such lovely company to be around. My sister has told me of all your exploits and I do wish you all great luck in your future endeavors. Please enjoy yourselves to your heart's content~!”

As the party went on no one dared go near the queens. Well, that was if you didn’t count Wendy. The moment she saw them Wendy couldn’t help but admire them. They were so elegant and beautiful. It was impossible for her to not want to be like them.

“Um, hi…I’m-”

You’re Wendy from Fairy Tail, right?” Hisui asked her as both she and Emerald were partaking in some tea.

“Wendy dear, please come sit with us,” Emeralad said, motioning Wendy to take the seat next to them.

“Th-thank you, your majesty~,” Wendy said, nervously as she sat down.

“Here have some tea, and cookies,” Hisui said, pouring Wendy a cup of earl grey while pushing the plate of cookies towards her. “And please there is no need for you to be formal around us~.”

“Thank you,” Wendy said back to them, slowly sipping her tea. “Um, how…how do I…be like you~?”

“You don’t have to be nervous dear,” Emerald said, caressing Wendy’s cheek. This girl was cute and just the type of girl that they were looking for~

Wendy was like an adorable little lamb, one that could easily be led to do whatever she wanted her to do. Though for someone as adorable as her that would be unwise. Emerald looked over to Hisui and it would seem that they were both in agreement.

“Um Emerald-san, what’s going on?” Wendy asked as she saw her body start to glow pink, not noticing that her hair was turning the same shade of green as theirs. “I feel weird.”

“Hush now,” Hisui said, putting her finger lightly over Wendy’s lips as she watched her new sister begin to transform.

Wendy’s dress transformed into a bright pink, frilly short dress. Her new green hair tied itself up into a bun to make her look more majestic. In addition, a pair of flat white heels appeared on her feet and a cute tiara was placed on top of her head.

Wendy stood there shocked by what happened, while Emerald and Hisui admired how cute their new little sister looked.

“Big sister… huh? Why can’t I say your name?” Wendy asked herself, trying to say Emerald’s name, but instead called her sister. “Sister, wha-” Wendy tried to call out Hisui’s name, but that turned out the same.

“What’s going on!” Wendy yelled, getting scared and confused by what was going on.

“Sweetie, calm down~, Hisui said to her. “Don’t you remember that we are your sisters~?

“Peridot doesn’t remember us. She must hate us~,” Emerald said, showing fake tears.

“Sister please don’t cry~,” Peridot said without thinking. She didn’t understand what was going on or why it felt natural for her to call them her sisters, but she couldn’t help herself from loving them.  It was because of this that neither Emerald or Hisui would have to worry as Peridot would soon assimilate as they had.

“That’s better,” Hisui said. She was overjoyed with how Peridot turned out and even more so to see how Emerald had already adapted to her. “Now finish your tea,” Hisui, sweetly said to her sister.

“There is still much that we have to do,” Emerald said, looking around at all of the guild members that were currently at the party. Most of them were disgusting men, none of which were worthy to look at them. Yet there was one man that both Emerald and her sister desired more than anything else.

“Sisters ~?” Peridot asked, innocently taking a small bite out of her cookie.

“Peridot do you have anyone here that you’re interested in~?” Emerald asked her little sister causing Peridot to blush.

“I do~,” Peridot said, still holding onto her memories as Wendy, but they were quickly disappearing. Though there was one person that she couldn’t take her mind off of.

“Peridot dear, I have a request for you,” Hisui said as both she and Hisui caressed their sister's cheek.

“What is it, sisters?” Peridot asked curiously as to why her two perfect older sisters needed her help.

“Please think about that special person with all your heart, while holding our hands~,’ Emerald said to her. “If you do we promise that something special will happen~.”

“If it’s for my sisters then I will not fail,” Peridot said with a bright smile across her face. She was now completely under their spell, as their cute, lovely, and loyal sister.

“That’s good to hear,” Hisui said, happy with how eager Peridot was to help. “Now let’s being~,” she said as they all began to hold hands.


Using the same magic that Hisui originally used on Emerald, the three sisters decided to change the world one last time.

“Um, sisters, what happened?” Peridot asked her sisters, not quite sure what she helped them do.

“Per-idot?” a white-haired girl with cat ears styled into a bun and an all-white dress approached Peridot timidly. For some reason, she felt that she had just woken up from a terrible dream, but her mind seemed to calm done when she saw Peridot.

“Opal~? Is that really you?” Peridot asked, calling her by her true name.

“It is~. Peridot!” Opal yelled as the two small princesses hugged each other. From now on their love would never be broken.

“Hahahaha~! Finally, those two decided to admit their feelings for one another~” King Crimson, formerly Natsu said, kissing his two queens on the lips before sitting between them.

Natsu’s memories and reality had been changed as well. He was now Crimson, the King of Fiore and the husband of both Emerald and Hisui. His life could not be any better.

“Fufufu~. This is all I ever wanted~,” Hisui said, looking at those closest to her. “A family~.”



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