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*This is a fun ABDL and Twinning story for My Hero Academia. It does not represent underage sexual content. If you are not a fan of ABDL or twinning stories then please do not read past this point. For those that do decide to read past this point, they understand that this is supposed to be a fun story and nothing more. All characters are 18 years old.*

“Everything looks as clear as it can be,” Momo said to Shoto as they walked the streets of the neighborhood that they were assigned. Their entire class had been ordered to patrol a local neighborhood of their choosing with the help of their assigned partner. For this assignment, Momo Yaoyorozu and Shot were paired together.

“I’m glad that it didn’t take too long,” Shoto responded back to her. “I bet that if I were with anyone else, it would have taken me twice as long because I would have to cover for them.”

“That’s what I like about working with you,” Momo said to him. “Your decisiveness and ability to do the work is what will make you a great hero.”

“Don’t forget to compliment yourself,” Shoto said, looking back at her. “Thanks to your genius-level intellect and quick-thinking skills we were able to get our patrol done this fast. There is no need to sell yourself short here.”

“W-well I’m not that bright,” she said nervously trying to hide her flushed expression. “I just like to think ahead is all.”

“I would call what you do, much more than that,” Shoto said, complimenting her some more. I’m honestly lucky to have you as my partner.”

“Thanks,” Momo said, looking at him with a longing gaze, unbeknownst to him.

“Alright we should head back to school to give our report,” Shoto said, leading his way back to the school.

“Um, about that… I have a personal errand to take care of near here.” Momo sounded a bit anxious, but she knew what she had to do.

“Well, I got some time. If you need some help I’m open.” Shoto could see that something was troubling Momo and as her friend, he wanted to do something to help her.

“No, it’s fine, I think that I will be alright, and besides it’s probably for the better that you don’t come along. I wouldn’t want you to get caught up in this. I have a job to take care of the enemy of all women. I would be remiss if you were hurt because of me. Though if you would be kind enough to submit my report as well that would be a great deal of help.”

It was clear to Shoto that she wanted to do this alone and she did seem confident in whatever it was so he decided to let it slide. “Sure thing, and I’ll be sure to see you tomorrow, maybe then you can tell me about this.”

“Perhaps I will~,” Momo said, walking in the opposite direction Shoto was going.

Once they could no longer see each other Shoto made his way back to the school, handing in both his and Momo’s report. The teacher praised them both for the fine work and detail they put down, saying that it was the best report yet. It was a shame that Momo couldn’t hear any of these praises for her. Shoto knew that she would blush in embarrassment if she did.

On his way over to the men’s locker room, he saw Mineta dressed in all black and he was acting strangely. He wanted to call out to Mineta, but before he could Mineta dashed right into the woman’s locker room. Knowing that Mineta was up to no good, Shoto reluctantly followed after him.

When he got inside he saw that Mineta had already opened up Momo’s locker and was about to grab her spare hero uniform.

“Mineta what the hell are you doing!?” Shoto yelled at him.

Upon seeing Shoto there, Mineta accidentally knocked Momo’s spare hero uniform to the ground from its hanger and immediately fled from the scene by jumping out the open window of the locker room.

Seeing Momo’s red leotard that barely covered anything, on the ground Shoto sighed. He was disappointed in Mineta. They were training to become heroes and he was using his time to be a perv.

Knowing that Mineta would most likely come back he decided to put the uniform somewhere out of sight so it could be found. He would have to tell Momo about this later.

The moment that he picked out the leotard a jolt of electricity ran throughout his body causing him to fall flat down on his ass. Not only that, but Shoto watched in horror as his clothes disintegrated in front of him, leaving him naked on the ground!

It was then that his transformation began. His body began to shrink and his hair exploded outward becoming blessed with more volume and a silkier feel. As it turned black Shoto could feel a surge of ecstasy wash over his body.

His body became softer and more petite, forming feminine curves. His skin become softer and he could feel his burn mark fade away. It didn’t take long after that for his lips to become fuller and for his nails to grow out as well.

As his hips, thighs, and ass began to balloon outward a pair of C-cup breasts grew on his chest, and second, later he started to cry, feeling his manhood wither away welcoming her to the wonders of womanhood.

Looking across at the body-length mirror in the room she saw that she looked just like Momo and was completely naked! Scared and confused she reluctantly put on the only clothes that she could, Momo’s spare hero uniform.

She felt embarrassed sliding the tight red leotard over her very sensitive body. Looking at herself in the mirror she felt more embarrassed than she did a few seconds before. How on Earth did Momo wear this without being embarrassed all the time?
Shoto soon found herself unable to look away, in fact, she started to feel aroused just by looking at herself. It wasn’t long before she started to grope her new breasts and tight ass, moaning in pleasure with Momo’s voice to her disbelief. She couldn’t believe that she was turning into a pervert!

While Shoto was busy pleasuring herself she failed to notice that Momo had walked in seconds before and had seen the disgusting display before her. This pervert was already trying to have their way with her body.

“Ehem!” Momo, grabbed Shoto’s attention, placing her hands on her hips, observing the piece of human garbage before her with a disgusted glare. She never thought that she could hate someone as much as this, but it would seem that she was wrong.

“Momo thank god you’re here!” Shoto yelled happy to see Momo since she might be able to help him if he explained what happened. “Listen I was-mmmpphh!”

Momo had zero patience for the pervert before her. Using her creation quirk she created a tie and a gag, which she had just shoved into the pervert’s mouth. Then before the pervert could do anything she tied them up and pinned them to the ground!

“Mmmppphh! Mmmmppppphhhhh!” Shoto wanted to explain to her that she had this all wrong, but it would seem that she didn’t want to hear her out at all. Shoto tried to use her icy hot quirk to free herself from her binds, but to her dismay, she found that in her current form her quirk didn’t work at all! She was completely helpless to whatever fate that Momo had in store for her.

“As the Vice President It is my job to uphold the morals of class 1-A,’” Momo said to Shoto. “For far too long you have been able to get away with far too much. The teachers don’t even seem to try stopping you anymore. Well Mineta you’ll be happy to know that I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Shoto’s eyes went wide. She had mistaken him for Mineta! This was planned for him! “Mmmmmpppphhh!” Shoto wanted to explain to her that she got the wrong person, but she couldn’t do anything with the gag in her mouth.

“Oh, I bet you’re wondering why you look like me. Allow me to explain. I went down to the costume development department and had a little chat with them. Using my family’s money and influence I was about to convince them to make this little trap of mine, using my spare hero uniform.”

“Any male that touched my spare uniform would instantly be turned into me. Mineta I have known for a while now that you sniff our spare uniforms so this was the perfect trap for you. Now thanks to your foolishness I am now finally about to stop you, the pervert that plagues all women.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I have no plans on handing you over to the teachers. They don’t have the strength to do what needs to be done. Congratulations, today is the first day of your Reform Education~.”

Shoto tried squirming away from Momo. This was the first time that she has felt any sense of fear in a while and knew that a hellish experience awaited her.

“Now, now, there is no running,” Momo said, grabbing Shot’s leg so she couldn’t get too far. She then used her creation quirk to create a giant box big enough for a human to fit inside and a pretty princess dolly model after the princess hero that all young girls loved.

Without warning, Momo stuffed the tied and gaged Shoto inside the giant box, and then threw the dolly in there with her. This pervert needed to be shown the purity of a woman before they could begin her new education.

Momo then created a dolly, using it to pick up the box with Shoto trapped inside of it, before rolling out of the school.

Shoto was scared out of his mind, trapped in the darkness with a creepy pair of doll eyes looking back at him as he was being taken to an unknown place. After a few minutes had passed Shoto heard the sound of a car door opening and seconds later Mom’s butlers shoved the boxed Shoto into the car before it began to drive off, without anyone at U.A. realizing what had happened.

Shot lost track of time as she cried in the box. She had foolishly tried to stop Mineta, and now she was going to receive his punishment for it. It wasn’t fair!

Eventually, she felt the car stop, and she could feel her box being lifted up again before being carried in the dolly to another location. It didn’t take long after that for her to be blinded by the bright light as the box opened up and she was dumped out by Momo, who still did not look pleased at all.

Looking around Shoto saw that she was in a room made for a princess! This had to be Momo’s room. To be honest this is exactly how Shoto always thought it would look like, though he was disappointed that her first time her was as a girl and Momo’s captive.

“Ugh, disgusting,” Momo said, looking down to the unforgivable messy state that her double was in. This would not stand. She immediately dragged the still tied and gagged Shoto to her vanity mirror, and didn’t waste any time roughly brushing her silky long black hair until it became a giant spikey ponytail with a giant strand that hung down on one side of Shoto’s face, using all of her expensive gels and hairsprays that she used every day for herself.

“There that’s much better,” Momo said, proud of herself that her copy was now permanently sporting the same hairstyle as her. “Hmm, there still seems to be something missing… wait that’s it!” she said, pulling out several yellow utility belts like the ones she wore, attaching them to Shoto’s hips and right above his fat breasts. Before she was finished she firmly place a magnetic bookshelf on the back of Shot’s new hip utility belt with a magnetic book clinging to it.

“Now tell me, isn’t this what you always wanted? To be a beautiful girl just like me, isn’t it wonderful?” she asked Shoto before taking out her gag and presenting her copy to the giant mirror placed in her room.

Upon seeing her new self again, Shoto couldn’t help placing her arms under her new fat breasts to not only ease the burden of them but to try and comfort herself as well. Her expression was filled with a pure look of embarrassment and disdain. She had never felt this embarrassed and humiliated before. This was a nightmare. If any of the other guys found out about this she would never hear the end of it.

“Mo…Momo it’s me Shoto,” she said to Momo, hoping that she would listen to her words. When she didn’t hear anything back from her, she assumed that she could keep speaking.

“I saw Mineta trying to do some creepy shit with your spare uniform, and I managed to stop him, but when he ran away he knocked the uniform down on the ground. I was trying to hide it so he wouldn’t find it. I was going to tell you about all of this the first chance I got, but your costume zapped me, turning me into you. Please you have to believe me, I’m not Mineta.”

“Oh, I already know your not Mineta.” Momo said back to Shoto to her surprise. I found out that it was you Shoto during the car ride over to my family’s mansion. Did you really think I wouldn’t have security camera’s in place to see who enters and leaves the girl's locker room from both the front and the windows?”

“Besides if you were Mineta you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from groping my, well actually your breasts right now. Though I’m sure that you got enough of that earlier now didn’t you?”

“I’m disappointed that a fellow recommended student is such a disgusting pervert, and here I thought you were different. Here I thought you could have been the one, but after seeing your perverted face and hearing your oversexualized moans, I have lost all faith in you.”

“Momo, you don’t understand-”

“Quiet,” she said cutting Shoto off before she could explain herself, and she found herself doing exactly as Momo told her. She wanted to talk to prove her innocence, but her body wouldn’t let her.

“Despite your perverted nature, I have decided to help you. From today forth you are now a member of the prestigious Yaoyorozu family, as my new younger twin sister. Thanks to your change you no longer have access to your original quirk. Though you do now have access to mine, but  it is useless in your current state since you lack the knowledge to use it.”

“Thanks to the uniform you are now wearing, you will be compelled to listen to your new older sister and your new parents. You should be glad that they allowed me to do this. It is a great honor to be a member of our family. Though to be a member of this family, looks are not enough. To be a member of the Yaoyorozu household, you must both look and act the part.”

“In order to make you a full-fledged member of the family we must first have you undergo my special “reform education,” course, starting at the very beginning. Though before we can proceed to that, it is time to punish the one who is deemed a pervert in the eyes of all women,” Momo said to her newly appointed sister.

“It’s time to begin purging all, of those erotic thoughts out of your mind. Now my dear Shoto assume the Yaoyorozu position of discipline,” she said ordering Shoto, who was surprised that her body was moving on its own. Shoto didn’t have any idea what this position of discipline was, but before she knew it she was already bending over and thrusting her fat leotard butt out into the air.

Using her quirk, Momo created a giant wooden paddle for Shoto’s punishment.

“Now repeat after me. I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! You must repeat this every time you receive a smack on your fat ass. Do I make myself clear?’

“Yes,” Shoto said in embarrassment.

“Yes, what?” Momo asked to make sure that her humiliation would sink in even deeper.

“Yes…big sister.”


Without warning, Momo used the paddle to smack Shoto right in her right bouncy ass. Tears started to form in Shoto’s eyes, and she wanted to protest, but she couldn’t.

“I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect!” Her body talked without her consent, forcing her to repeat that hamulating phrase. Though if she thought that she was done with just one smack, she was sorely wrong.


“I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister. I will reflect!”

Forced to say it over and over again, Shoto started to break down in tears. This wasn’t fair! She didn’t deserve this! Why did she have to be punished for Mineta’s crimes!?


“I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect! I’m sorry big sister, I will reflect!”

Eventually, when Momo saw that Shoto’s ass was red enough, she tossed the paddle aside. This was only the first step, and she was sure going to enjoy this next part.

While Shoto was preoccupied with rubbing her hands on her poor, abused, and beat red ass, over the red leotard that did nothing to protect her or soften the blow, Momo loomed over her. She placed her right hand on top of Shoto’s sore ass and then used her quirk to create a diaper right under her leotard.


Upon feeling this new warm and soft sensation over her ass, Shoto went down and touched it, filling the room with one giant crinkle. She could say a single word to express her embarrassment at this very moment.

“Perfect! Don’t you look just adorable right now,” Momo said, mocking Shoto. “And I bet your ass feels a bit better now, doesn’t it?”


“Aww, it’s alright. Babies like you don’t need to talk, it’s better if you just sit there and listen. As I said before, today begins the start of your training. You will be thoroughly taught the Yaoyorozu education curriculum, just as I was taught from when I was in diapers myself.”

“In order to give you the proper experience, you shall start in diapers as well. Only when you prove yourself, they will come off. And I don’t want to hear any complaining. If you didn’t want this, you should have never messed with my clothes, to begin with.”

“Though being the little baby that you are, it’s obvious that you wanted to be like your big sister so much that you stole my clothes,” Momo said, mocking Shoto, who was powerless to do anything right now.

She knew that if she even tried to resist of throw a tantrum, she would be punished, and she would do anything to make sure that she didn’t receive any more spankings. It was best for her to remain silent.

“That’s a good girl~!” Momo happily said, taking Shoto’s silence as her confirmation that everything she just said was the truth. She loved when babies like Shoto told the truth. It was time to reward her. Using her quick once more, she created an adult-size high chair with adjustable straps to keep the big baby from making a fuss.

“Alright, come to big sister,” Momo said, lifting Shoto up with ease, and strapping her right into the highchair so she could move her hands or feet. “Aren’t you glad? It’s feeding time~! A baby like you can’t start her education on an empty stomach now, can they?” Momo said, continuing to mock Shoto.

Fear spread across Shoto’s face when Momo pulled out a giant jar of green and orange paste. She knew instantly that whatever it was, it was probably worse than actual baby food!

“This right here is the Yaoyorozu family baby food recipe that is highly nutritious and stimulates the brain. Babies like you who lack common sense can benefit greatly from this. Unfortunately for you, the taste is not that good,” she said, scooping out a spoonful of the paste. “Now open wide for the airplane~.”

Momo continued to mock and humiliate Shoto as she force-fed the helpless baby with the special baby food. The food itself was a mix of mushy carrots, broccoli, and other flavors of sourness that wanted to make Shoto gag every time it was stuffed into her mouth.

Ten full minutes of force-feeding had passed before the jar was empty.

“Ug, no, no more,” Shoto whined in Momo’s voice. “Please, no more, it’s too nasty. I’ll do anything, just no more~.”

“Sorry little sis, no can do,” Momo happily said to her. “Starting now, this will be your diet three times a day, seven days a week~! I know it’s nasty, but it’s for your own good.”

“Ugh~!” feeling extremely bloated and sick, all Shoto could do was grown in displeasure.


When Momo finally freed Shoto from the highchair, her stomach gurgled ominously, and she started to feel queasy.

“Oh, it looks like it’s almost time~!” Momo said excitedly. “The Yaoyorozu family baby food diet can make babies poop fast. As my mother always said, a poopy baby was a happy baby~. Now sit back and relax. Trust me, if you do, you’ll feel so much better.”

“Nnnnnnnnh!” Shoto grunted, trying to hold it in, but as the seconds passed, she knew that it was hopeless, soiling her diaper just like a baby!

“No…no, no, no! Wahhhhhhhhhh!” The shock from soiling her diaper like a baby was too much for her to bear, and she started to bawl her eyes out just like an actual baby!

“Shh! Hush now, sweety,” Momo said to comfort the whinny baby. “There is nothing wrong with a baby of the Yaoyorozu family going poopy in their diaper. You did a good job, now lay back and let big sister change you out of that stinky thing~.”

Momo happily hummed to herself as she easily changed Shoto out of her soiled diaper before creating a fresh new one with her quirk, placing it right under her leotard as she did before.

All Shoto could do was try to wipe away her tears and pray that nobody finds out about this humiliation. She doubted that she could handle such stress. She wanted to deny all of this and think of this as nothing more than a dream, but she couldn’t. She unconsciously put her arms around her breasts to lighten the burden of not wearing a bra.

“Alright, come with me,” Momo said, immediately grabbing her arms and pulling Shoto to her feet before dragging her out of the room. She then forcibly led Shoto into another room that was ginormous and, by the looks of it, designed to look like a classroom.

“Sit down at the desk,” Momo said, directing her to the only student desk in the room, which was placed right in front of Momo’s teacher’s desk. Momo then began to place a thick notebook, a few heavy sets of textbooks, and a stack of pens on Shoto’s desk.  

“You and I will be taking time off from attending class 1-A. Thanks to my family’s influence, no one will find out who you are. But if you anger me in any way, I will reveal this to everyone. Do you understand?”

“Yes, big sister,” Shoto said reluctantly.  

“Good, I’m happy to hear that. Now let’s go over what you will be doing from now on,” Momo said to her sister. “During this time that you are not attending U.A., you will listen to lecture after lecture on all the various subjects that a lady of the Yaoyorozu is expected to memorize and perform daily.”

“This will include high-level mathematics, physics, and architecture knowledge, as well as etiquette on how a young lady is supposed to move, talk, and write when dealing with high society. Do you have any questions?”

“…” Shoto couldn’t even respond. She thought that her father was strict, but Momo was taking this to a whole new level.  

“Good,” Momo said happily, knowing that teaching someone as obedient as Shoto is far easy than teaching Mineta, though he will have to be dealt with eventually as well. “I will do my utmost best to teach you since I love teaching. I reward hard workers, but if you dare try to slack off, you will be spanked.”

Upon hearing that, Shoto’s hands unconsciously went back to her still beat red diapered, covered ass. She knew that she had to be good for Momo no matter what.

“Alright, now that you understand, let’s begin!” Momo said with her hands on her hips, confidently standing in front of the Yaoyorozu family scroll. “Now repeat after me the Yaoyorozu family motto. Strive for learning everything.….”

Shoto did as she was told, and the lesson began. After several hours of listening to Momo’s lectures before she was allowed to go to her new room and rest. The interior was just like Momo's except for one tiny difference. In the center of the room was a giant adult-sized baby crib inside of a bed.  

Shoto tried to resist, but before she knew it, Momo’s maids had stripped her down and put her into an All Might baby onesie before placing her into the crib. Too tired to even resist, Shoto passed out the moment her head hit the pillow.  

“Wakey, wakey~,” Momo said to Shoto, waking up her baby sister the next morning.  

“Huh? What time is it?” Shoto asked her, looking at the clock to see that it was 5 am in the morning. She tried to go back to sleep, but Momo dragged her out of her crib before she could.  

“It’s time to begin our morning jog,” Momo said to her. “A good bit of exercise will wake you right up. Though before that, I think that you need a change,” she said, pointing down to Shoto’s sagging wet diaper.  

“No, I-I-I didn’t… I couldn’t!” Shoto was embarrassed. How on Earth could she wet herself in her sleep and not realize it!? “I can’t go out like this!”

“Aww, it’s alright,” Momo said, leading Shoto over and onto a changing table. “Big sister will be sure to fix you right up~.” Momo removed Shoto’s onesie and then proceeded to change her wet diaper before creating a new one for her to wear and then placing it on her. To Shoto’s surprise, it felt thicker and poufier than before.  

Momo then put her dear baby sister into her red leotard hero uniform, utility belts, and bookcase. And finally, to complete the look, Momo helped Shoto style her hair into her spiky ponytail again.

“I love doing this for you, but you will need to learn how to style your hair for yourself one day. Now get your diapered butt moving. We got work to do.  

Momo forced Shoto to follow after her, making sure that she knew the consequences of trying to run. Right now, she was only a temporary baby. If she didn’t want to become a baby full-time, then she had better be good.

The two of them soon started jogging out of the mansion grounds. Though after barely running one kilometer Shoto was already exhausted. Momo thought that it was ridiculous seeing her body do so poorly.

During the run, she yelled at Shoto to pick up the pace, but she never could never seem to catch up to her. Her new breasts and fat ass wouldn’t stop bouncing with each step she took, causing her to become aware of her new form, and her new body required more energy than she thought.  

Not to mention that she felt super embarrassed, wearing the tight red leotard. Though the worst part was the diaper which was soaked in her sweat already. The warm feeling between her legs was constantly distracting her. She was just glad that since it was so early that no one else was around to see her in such an unbecoming state.  

After another half hour of running, the two of them finished, taking a few minutes to rest at a nearby park.

“Alright, let’s start doing some stretches~,” Momo said to Shoto, who was still busy trying to catch her breath. “It’s best to make sure that your body is in perfect condition, don’t you agree?”

“Yes….... yes, big sister,” Shoto said, gasping for air, before following her sister's lead and copying all the stretches that she did. To her surprise, Momo’s body was much more flexible than her old body. It could stretch and bend in places that she could have never dreamed of before in her old body.  

“Now some jumping jacks~,” Momo said, aware of Shoto’s sagging diaper filled with sweat that anyone else would think was soiled.  


Shoto could only curse in her head, knowing that Momo wanted to humiliate her some more. Her face turned red as she did the jumping jack. Each one she did, her breasts bounced up and down, and her diaper was being squished over and over again. The warm feeling around her crotch was so embarrassing for her.  

She was also getting tired way too fast because she didn’t know how to properly pace herself in her new body. She wanted to beg Momo to slow down, but that wouldn’t be possible.

“Hurry up you diaper pervert! Faster!” Momo yelled loud enough so that if there was anyone around, they would hear her. She refused to let her baby sister slow down for any reason. She needed to be able to match her rep pace perfectly! “Keep it up or do you want to stay in that diaper even longer!?”  

Shoto did as she was told and sped up, filling her diaper with even more sweat. They continued doing various exercises until Momo decided that they were done. Being the nice big sister that she was, she decided to give Shoto a minute's rest before forcing her baby sister to jog back to the mansion with her. At this point in time, there were several joggers that saw them running, each one staring at the saggy diaper being held up by her leotard.  

“Huff, huff, huff, please now more~,” Shoto begged, collapsing onto the ground the moment they were inside the mansion's gates.  

“Don’t worry, little baby, there is now more exercise for now,” Momo said to her relief. Though it is time for someone to have their baby breakfast~! And I prepared your favorite~,”

“No, no, no! I refuse! I can’t take this anymore! I’m leaving!” Shoto yelled at her.  

“I’m sorry, my dear baby sister, but that was the wrong choice,” Momo said back to her in a dark tone.  

“You can’t keep me here! I don’t care if the others find out! At least then they’ll know what kind of psycho you are!”

“Hmm, it would seem that the baby still doesn’t know her place,” Momo said, disappointed in her. “And here I thought you would be easy to tame. It would seem that someone needs to spend more time as a baby than I thought.”


Momo snapped her fingers and seconds later two maids appeared behind Shoto and began to forcibly drag her back to the mansion.  

“Stop! You can’t do this to me!” Shoto yelled, trying to escape, but her strength was no match for the maids.

“I do hope you like that sweaty diaper of yours, because you’ll be wearing it for the rest of the day as your punishment,” Momo said, watching Shoto struggle to her amusement. Now it was time to start her real training~.

Six months had passed since that day, and Shoto had undergone months of humiliating baby treatment, tough lectures, etiquette practice, and difficult physical workouts, each one reforming her mind into the youngest daughter of the Yaoyorozu family.  

Not to mention that today was the day! After six long grueling months, today was finally the day. It was time for her life to change! It was time for her to “graduate” in the eyes of the Yaoyorozu.

“As you know, it is only possible for you to get out of that diaper and stop eating the special baby food until just pass a trail determined by your caretaker. Since I am your caretaker, I will be the one to administer and grade your test.”

“For your test, you must create a metal bar from your chest to pass. When I was a young kid I was also given this test, so it is only fair that you receive the same test. I made sure that you were properly prepared for this, making you study over and over again to learn what to do, so now all it comes down to is a matter of skill. Now, if you would, show me what you can do.”  

“Yes, big sister,” Shoto said to her confidently. She had been training months for this very moment. She wouldn’t fail here. She would finally be a big girl!  

Using all of her concentration and utilizing ever that she has learned up till now managed to successfully create the metal bar. Seeing that she did it she started to jump up and down, too excited to care how silly she looked. She even failed to notice that she was acting like happy, bubbly and bouncing Momo whenever her sister got excited.  

“Yah! I did it! I did it!  Big sister, look! I did it!” Shoto happily yelled to her.

“You did a wonderful job,” Momo said, walking over to her younger sister. “Now sit back down so you may receive your reward.”

Finally, Shoto was freed from her diaper prison after six long months of being treated like a baby. She was now as perfect as her sister wanted her to be! This was the best day ever!

“Thank you, big sister!” Shoto yelled, hugging Momo, who had just taken off her diaper. “I couldn’t have done this without you!”

“Oh, my sweet Shoto, of course, you can’t,” Momo said to her. “You need me more than you realize, but don’t worry because we’ll never be apart now. Though unfortunately for the two of us, it is time for us to head back to Class 1-A tomorrow. They were nice enough to let us take our classes from home during your transition, but now it is time for us to go back.”

“Wait… back to Class 1-A?” she asked her nervously. She had stopped celebrating the moment that she realized that she would be going back to school as Momo’s twin younger sister!

“Big sister, I can’t. Everyone will make fun of me!” Shoto screamed, holding her big sister for comfort.  

“Shh, there, there, it’ll be fine,” Momo said, patting her naïve sister's head. “The only ones that know of your change are the teachers and your father. When my family told him what had happened, he didn’t spare second thought, immediately disowning you. Thanks to that, my family was officially able to adopt you.”

“When we told the teachers this, we told them that this was all voluntary. You wanted this, didn’t you? I mean if you didn’t, that means that we kidnapped and forced you to be my younger sister, but that surely isn’t the case now, is it?”

“Of course, big sister! I wanted this from the bottom of my heart! I have always wanted to be your little sister from the day I first meet you! Thank you for freeing me from the shackles of my old life!”

After six months of punishments, brainwashing, and humiliation, Shoto’s mind had become warped, believing that this was what she had wanted all along. There was nothing wrong with her sister forcing her into a diaper o make her learn her place. That was just the Yaoyorozu way of doing things.  

“There is no need to worry about anything,” Momo said to her. “Big sister will make sure that no one bullies you or else they’ll have to face my wrath. Now let’s go eat some dinner. I believe that lobster would be good. What do you think?”

“I will eat whatever big sister wants me to eat,” Shoto said to her. After eating nothing but that disgusting baby food for the past six months, she was glad to eat anything else.”

“Alright, lobster it is. Come on, let’s go~,” Momo said, dragging her sister out of the room.

Later that night, Shoto found herself unable t sleep. She was nervous thinking about what would happen if they found out it was her. What if they made fun of her? What if big sister was wrong?

Trying her best not to think about it, Shoto did what she always did when she got nervous. Study. Oddly enough, evening without Momo training her to like it, she found joy in studying. It was almost as if Momo’s love for studying rubbed off on her. It was thanks to her sister that in the past six months her intelligence had risen quite quickly. She truly was blessed to have Momo as her teacher.  

Shoto found peace when she studied. It was almost as if she was able to throw away all of her troubles. Nothing could bother her when she studied. As of now there wasn’t a single day where her face wasn’t deep into a book.  

She hoped that her classmates would enjoy studying with her. If they did, then maybe she could finally forget about who she once was.

The night passed quickly for her, and the next day Shoto and Momo were at the front of Class 1-A for all to see.

“Today we welcome back Momo from her long-excused absence and her twin sister Soso Yaoyorozu,” Mr. Aizawa said to the class.

“Wait, Momo has a sister!” She’s so cute, kero!” “What are you talking about? They look identical!” “Miss Soso, my name is Ida. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” “SHUT THE FUCKUP!”

The whole class was in an uproar learning that Momo had a twin sister. None of them had even heard of her before.

“Starting today, she will be taking Shoto’s place in our class since he is no longer in Japan. Upon influence of Endeavor, he was forced to leave U.A.,” Mr. Aizawa said to the class. “Soso herself is a gifted student that was recommended to join U.A. from both the board and her family’s influence. She even possesses the same type of quirk as Momo, making her a valuable asset. Please treat her with kindness. Your first period of the day will be a free period so you can get to know each other. While I’m asleep, none of you should bother me unless it’s an emergency,” he said before crawling into his sleeping bag.

Momo led Soso to her seat and the moment she sat down she was swarmed by her classmates. Each one of them wanted to introduce themselves and asked her what she liked to do for fun.

“I love studying!” Soso said ecstatically to them. “I love the feel of the paper in my finger, the knowledge that you can learn. I love the….” Soso soon found herself in a Momo-style bouncy mode where she couldn’t help by ranting about the joys of studying and how much she loved it.

“I also like drinking tea and helping others gain new levels of knowledge. Do you guys want to study with me!?”

“Um, I good.” “I have some things that I have to do.” “ I think my mom is calling me.” “I have to use the bathroom.”

Seeing that Soso was practically like another Momo, they started to back away, knowing just how intense her study sessions could be.

Later in the day the entire class was required to partake in an outdoors exercise. Mr. Aizawa explained to them that it would be a game of team tag. One team of taggers and the other of runners. Each student was allowed to use their quirk, and to make things even more interesting, Momo and Soso were placed on opposing teams since they had the same quirk. This way both teams could benefit the same.

Momo was placed on the running team while Momo was placed on the tagging team. This was finally time for Soso to show Momo what she could really do!

Soso began running, hoping to find a place to hide. As she ran, she remembered back to when she was first turned and couldn’t properly run in her new form. Now she was much more comfortable running at this point, though still a bit self-conscious about her breasts bouncing every time she moved. Following her sister's instructions, she zipped down her gym shirt, showing off her breasts and sports bra so her creations could come out.  

At this point, she was still limited to creating metal rods, and she had still yet to master the Yaoyorozu weapon martial arts. Momo said that she was doing a good job, but it would take her some time to master it. This made her much weaker since all she could do to defend herself was swing a metal rod randomly. Truthfully she sometimes wished that she would still have her fire and ice abilities.

For now she reasoned that it would be best for her to focus on running so no one could catch her before the timer ran out. This should have been a simple task. It should have been.

“Hehehe~. I found you~,” Mineta creepily emerged from the trees with his sticky purple balls out, licking his lips. “I never knew that Momo had a sister. I wonder if you two use the same shampoo~?”

“Noooooo!” Soso ran away as fast as she could from Mineta. Both the thoughts of fear and humiliation filled her mind. She didn’t want to get near that perverted creep, but she hated that she had to run away from such a weakling like Mineta! It appalled her that he was such a threatening enemy now.

Seeing that his prey had started to run away, Mineta leaped into the air at the exact moment Soso slowed down to pull a metal rod to swipe at him. Unfortunately for Soso, she was too slow, and what happened next would be in her nightmares for the rest of her life.

Mineta managed to avoid the metal rod but ended up accidentally landing right on top of Soso, knocking her to the ground! Though that wasn’t the worst part. Soso felt a strange warmth on her lips only to see that sees Mineta's lips were locked in with her own! That pervy bastard managed to live out every perverts dream! He stole her first kiss with an accidental kiss!

Mineta passed out from pleasure that his first kiss was with such a hot girl. Soso followed after him, passing out from pure shock that her first kiss was with Mineta, of all people. When she finally woke up she was in the infirmary and Mineta was no where to be seen,. She learned that later on that it was her big sister that brought her to the infirmary and was the last person to see Mineta before he disappeared.

One week had passed since she had started attending U.A. as Soso Yaoyorozu. Today was the day that she was being sent out after class to begin her internship work since she was the only one that wasn’t around for it. Momo managed to go back to class from time to time during her training.

Though luckily for her, she was allowed to bring one of her maids to act as her attendant during her internship. She was going to need one since the hero that she wanted to inter under was none other than Uwabami, who Momo interned with before.  

“Miss, we are here,” the maid with giant purple balls as hair styled in the shape of pigtails said to her. This maid was, in fact, Mineta. After seeing what Mineta did to her sister, Momo had enough. She used all of her resources to transform Mineta into a girl, send her through rigorous training sessions and she commissioned and electric collar to her neck and a voice corrector to her face. This would make sure that Mineta would think or try to do anything pervy while serving Soso and to make sure that she would always speak respectfully to her mistress even when she would try shouting insulting. Such a punishment was a blessing for Mineta because Momo could have made things much worse for her.

Once inside Soso soon realized that she wasn’t sent to Uwabami to train  as a hero, but instead to train hero beauty and style.

Without warning, Uwabami dragged Soso down to one of their photoshoot and commercial shoots for the entire day against her will. In the end, Soso actually managed to appear in a hair product commercial with Uwabami, with all of her hair curled up, much to her dismay. She knew that her sister would make fun of her for this later.  

After the shoot was over, Uwabami dragged her to the changing room, leaving Mineta outside before she proceeded to spank the girl on her fat ass as a job well done, right as she started to change her clothes. Soso, unfortunately, didn’t feel any reaction to seeing the naked woman standing before her. She was one of the girls now after all.

“You have a future in this industry,” Uwabami,” said to her, stuffing her business card into Soso’s cleavage. “Give me a call when you’re ready,” she said, walking out in nothing but a micro bikini for her next shoot.

All Soso could do was look at the card and wonder what the future would bring.

A few years later Soso and Momo had officially graduated U.A. and are now working together. During these few years, Soso realized that she wasn’t all to good with her creation quirk. Besides creating metal bars, she mainly used it to create clothes.

She decided to take Uwabami up on her offer and actually enjoys modeling with her. Uwabami was super nice and somewhat spoiled her.

Though just like all heroes, this was just a side job for her. After realizing that she didn’t have enough power to be a hero, she ended up as Momo’s sidekick. Soso handled all of the logistics and marketing the publicity for the Yaoyorozu Dou, as they were called, while Momo did the actual fieldwork. There were only serval occasions so far that she’s actually had to leave the safety of her office.

She was very grateful for all the time she spent with her sister, honing their intellect. If she hadn’t, there was no way that she would be able to help run their hero firm.

Tonight was just another normal day for her. She got dressed in a lovely pink dress and styled her hair, befitting high society, in order to attend a party as a member of the Yaoyorozu family.

She calmly stood there as many rich men started to offer her deal for her and her sister, yet none of them were to her taste. These men were just perverts like the rest, so she was always more inclined to deal with the women while building connections. Call it sexist, if you will, but she grew a strong disdain for men after what happened with Mineta, who was still stuck working as her obedient maid. There was no way that they would ever free her.

As the night continued, she found herself sitting down at a table with several other women drinking tea. She never once thought that this would be her life. Only a few years ago, she was still Shoto, but that felt like so long ago. To think that this all started over a simple locker-room misunderstanding.

She was more of a mascot than she was a hero or sidekick, but that didn’t matter since she had a loving sister by her side. She would have to concern herself with the past later as it would seem that another spoiled rich girl came to greet her. It was time to make yet another connection for her precious family.


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