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*Warning this story has NSFW content. This story takes place several years after Naruto Shippuden ends. He is the legal age for this story. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

“What’s going on? Let go of me!” Naruto yelled, trying to free himself from the clutches of Black Zetsu who had abducted him from his home in the middle of the night.

“Quiet now, our queen is waiting~,” Black Zetsu said, finally releasing Naruto in front of a white and gold altar! Standing at the top of it was none other than a statue of Kaguya Otsutsuki, the most beautiful woman in all of history.

“Fufufufu~. You have done well Zetsu~.” Kaguya said back to her minion, through the statue. While she was currently sealed away she could still direct her orders to Black Zetsu with the power she had. Though it would take her time to undo her seal. The first step is one that she was seeing right now.

Naruto tried to activate his jutsu but for some reason, they didn’t work. Little did he know that he was trapped in a space where only Kaguya and her chosen could use their power. Though soon enough he would be the first of her servants.

“What do you want with me!” Naruto yelled at Black Zetsu, unable to hear Kayuga’s voice just yet. And he was unable to move by the mere presence of her statue.

“There is no need for yelling~,” Black Zetsu said to Naruto, picking up a cup that was filled with a strange red liquid. “My queen has waited so long to find the one that can properly lead her people, and serve her with all of her heart. You are lucky to be chosen as the first one of many~. To think that you were so close this entire time~.

“Get off of me! I’ll never serve your master!” Naruto yelled defiantly at Black Zetsu, but that only made Black Zetsu that much more eager to make him belong to their queen.

“Silly mortal, you have been chosen for a higher calling~. Now sit back and enjoy the ride~,” Black Zetsu said before forcing the cup filled with a liquified form of Kaguya’s chakra into Naruto’s mouth, forcing him to drink all of it in one go.

“Ack-ack! W-what the hell was that!?” Naruto yelled at Black Zetsu, his body already starting to feel strange. It was almost as if there was some outside force changing his body from the inside. And he was right. Kaguya’s plan was to turn Naruto into the first of her servants, the first of her brides~. There was nothing that he could do to resist as there was no turning back now.

“Ahhhhh~!!!” Naruto let out a sudden moan as he felt a wave of ecstasy wash all over his body! In a matter of seconds, he began to slowly grow taller and his skin became smoother.

“Don’t worry, soon you won’t even want to turn back~,” Black Zetsu said, teasing him as they saw drool drip down from his lips, he was perfect for their queen~. His eyes slowly turned into a Byakugan and Rinne-Sharingan, releasing a wave of energy throughout his body. He had received quite a deal of chakra from the tailed beasts, but it was nothing like this.

“P-please… please stop~!” Naruto begged as his skin started to turn the same pale grey as Kaguya’s. All at the same time, his short spikey blonde hair started to grow longer, slowly turning white in the process.

“Stop~? We have only just begun~?” Black Zetsu said as Naruto’s chest started to hurt. It started to slowly swell up until he was gifted with gorgeous F-cup breasts, only one size lower than Kaguya’s~.

“N-no~! P-please! I don’t want this!” Naruto yelled as his face became more feminine and his lips became fuller. He could feel his manhood start to tingle as it became smaller and smaller with each second that passed by. All he or rather she could do was cry tears of despair as her manhood ceased to exist~.

“Say what you want, but there is no doubt that soon you will~,” Black Zetsu said, stripping Naruto of her now torn clothes. At the same time, a pair of sexy nun clothes appeared right next to them.

“Nnnnh~!!!” Naruto moaned as a pair of horns just like Kaguya’s grew on top of her head. Besides her breasts being slightly smaller than Kaguya, and the marking on her face, Naruto now looked just like Kaguya, much to her despair. Though the transformation still had one more step to go before it was complete~.

“Ahhhhh~!!!” Naruto let out a cute scream as Black Zetsu pulled up a sexy black thong into her new crotch, making sure that it was in there nice and tight. Then they hooked on a bra to Naruto’s fat breasts that were clearly a size too small for her, while at the same time groping her breasts.

“Ahhhhhhhh~!!!” Naruto moaned over and over again with each squeeze Black Zetsu gave her new sensitive breasts. As she did, her mind become fuzzier and fuzzier. Black Zetsu then forced Naruto into her new nun dress and she shoved her tongue straight down Naruto’s throat!

“That’s it~. Fall into the vast ocean of my love~,” Kaguya lovingly said to Naruto through her mind. Her connection was now strong enough for her to talk to Naruto just as she did Zetsu.

Naruto’s mind was a mess, lost in the pleasure that she was experiencing. Why was she fighting this when it felt so good? Why resist, when becoming one of Kaguya’s brides felt so good~? She needed to serve Kaguya and show her dedication to her before it was too late.

As Black Zetsu placed the nun’s habit over Naruto’s head, Naruto became fully devoted to her. In her mind now there was nothing more important than serving her queen~.

“Fufufu~. My dear Natsumi, you certainly turned out quite well~,” Kaguya said to Natsumi from her seal. “I do believe that you know what to do now~.”

“Thank you, mistress, I shall act according to your will~,” Natsumi said to Kaguya’s statue, standing over a wet part of the ground~.

“Zetsu bring the others that you have~,” Natsumi said to Black Zetsu. She was now the voice of Kaguya and they would obey.

Within seconds of receiving the order, Black Zetsu returned with Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, and Shizune. All of them bound from head to foot to keep them from fighting back.

“Lovely~,” Natsumi said back to Black Zetsu. “These five will do nicely~.”

“Mmmmmmpphhhh!!!!” Sakura grunted as she tried to escape from Black Zetsu.

“Hmm~. Zetsu be a dear and let that one speak~,” Natsumi said, interested to see what her former crush had to say. It was obvious that she must be in awe of the statue of her queen before her~.

“You bitch! Where the hell have you taken us!” Sakura yelled at Natsumi, much to everyone’s surprise. To use such vulgar language in front of their queen how dare she! “I’ll kill yo-”


“How dare you speak to your queen like that,” Natsumi said, anger filled in her eyes. “I ought to kill you where you stand.” No one insults her queen and gets away with it, no one.

“Now, now, let’s not be too hasty now~,” Kaguya said to Natsumi in her mind, stopping her from killing one of her soon-to-be brides. “This one just requires a bit more attention is all~. Show her some love and see if she changes her mind then~.”

“Yes my queen~,” Natsumi said back to her. She was a fool for trying to act with her queen’s command. Her queen knew what was best and it was her job to enforce it!

“Come here,” Natsumi said to Sakura who was brought to her feet by Black Zetsu against her will. “I acted too rashly, I am terribly sorry~.”

“Sorry? I don’t need your apology! I need you to send us home before this gets messy!” Sakura yelled at her, trying to sound tough even though there was nothing that she could do in this situation.

“Go home~? Sweetie this is your new home~,” Natsumi said to the poor girl as she caressed her cheek. “Though as a bride of Kaguya such language will not be tolerated. You have been chosen and that means that you must hold yourself up high in the position you have been blessed with~.”

“B-bride?” Sakura slowly asked her, now understanding that there definitely something not right here. “I’m not going to be anyone’s bride you fucking psycho!!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you just need a bit of motivation is all~,” Natsumi said, determined to “fix” Sakura’s attitude.

“Nnnh~!!” Sakura moaned as Natsumi began to grope her breasts. Naughty girls like her needed to be shown their queen’s grace before they could accept her love.

“Ahhh~!!! S-stop this~!” Sakura moaned, and her body started to feel warmer as Natsumi rubbed her flat chest.

“Fufufu~. It’s fun to deal with someone so defiant~,” Natsumi said to her. As the head nun, this job was perfect for her. “It makes me that much more overjoyed when they finally fall into my grasp. It’s so much different from when I was turned~. I was much more willing because I knew deep down that this was what I had always wanted~.”

“Nnnnh~!!! W-what are you… wait those markings… it can’t be!?” Sakura yelled, realizing that the one that Natsumi was none other than Naruto! “Naruto what the hell happened to you!?” Sakura yelled while the other girls were helpless to do anything right now.

“Something wonderful~,” Natsumi said to her. Now let’s get you a bit more comfortable~.”


Natsumi ripped off Sakura’s clothes before shoving her tongue down her throat.

“Nnnnnhhhh~!!!” Sakura moaned out in pleasure as Natsumi forced Kaguya’s chakra inside of her, while at the same time continuing to grope her breasts which were now to the other girl's surprise, growing!

“That’s right, be a good girl and accept her love~,” Natsumi said as Sakura’s skin turned grey like hers. Unlike Naruto who took much more effort to change, because of his chakra, these girls would be easy for Natsumi to change.

“Nnnnnnhhhh~!!!” Sakura moaned again as her breasts grew up into D-cup breasts! All her life Sakura was made fun of by the other girls for having small breasts, but they were anything but small now! This was amazing! Was this the love and blessing that Kaguya promised her brides?

“Fufufu~. Good girl~,” Natsumi said, as Sakura’s pink hair turned white and a pair of horns grew out of her head proving that she was also a head nun. Only those with horns were allowed to be called head nuns as they were the favorite sisters and brides of Kaguya. “That’s it, just accept who you are already~. I know that you’ll love it~.”

Did she love this? Is this what she wanted? Did she want to become a loyal bride of Kaguya just like Naruto? If she did, would she be granted even more gifts? Of course, she would, Kaguya was perfect in every way. She would take care of those that served her

“K-Kaguya… Kaguya is… is the queen~,” Sakura said, as Kaguya’s chakra easily corrupted her mind. Her previous violent personality was now replaced with one that only thought of serving and worshiping her queen~. Her transformation finished as her eyes became a Byakugan and a Rinne-Sharingan.

“That’s right you see the light now~,” Natsumi said to her.

“I’m sorry for my insolence!” Sakura yelled, realizing that she was disrespecting her queen earlier. “I do not deserve her love!!!” she yelled falling to her knees when Black Zetsu let go of her.

“Hush now my sister~,” Natsumi said, holding out her hand for her new sister. “Our queen does not harbor any ill intent to those that repent. You have seen the light and for that she is grateful. Please sister take it upon yourself to wear the sacred garb and worship our queen alongside me~.”

“Thank you sister Natsumi~!” Sakura said, now instinctively knowing the head nun’s name. She rose to her feet now a devote worshiper of Kaguya, pulling her black thong up even tighter than Natsumi’s, before putting her bra on and then nun’s dress. She felt fulfilled and whole as she placed the nun’s habit over her head.

Looking back at her frightened friends she could tell that they would soon understand Kaguya’s love just as much as she had.

“Sister Sakura please tell us who you would have shown the light next~,” Natsumi said to her.

“I believe that Ino would serve us greatly~,” Sakura said, knowing that Ino could use a tad bit more in the breasts department and her queen would most certainly bless her as well~.

“Zetsu if you would~,” Natsumi said to Black Zetsu who did as he was told. Kaguya who watched everything from her seal was most overjoyed at the progression of her brides~.

“Naruto, Sakura, please you have to snap out of this you hav-mmmmppphhh!!!” Before Ino could finish her sentence Natsumi shoved her tongue down her throat as she began to grope her flat ass.

Slowly her blonde hair turned white and her skin turned grey as her body was filled with Kaguya’s chakra. She tried to fight it, but Kaguya’s chakra was so intense that there was nothing that she could do to stop it.

“Nnnnnhhh~!!!!” Ino moaned out as she felt her mind to start to become free as every worry she ever had started to disappear from her mind.


Just as she did with Sakura, Natsumi ripped off all of Ino’s clothes, continuing to grope her ass while Sakura groped her small breasts. And just as Sakura had foreseen Ino was blessed by their queen, but it wasn’t for her breasts. As Natsumi continued to grope her ass it started to grow and her hips started to expand. Within seconds Ino had a lovely bubble butt which would eventually serve as Kaguya’s chair~.

As her Byakugan and Rinne-Sharingan came in Ino had already given in. She quickly realized that everything she had ever wanted to meant nothing in the face of her queen. She was born to be her bride and there was nothing else that she would rather be. This was her perfect life.

As Sakura helped sister Ino into her nun’s dress, Natsumi decided to deal with the next girl on her own.

“Oh Hinata my dear, how are you~?” Natsumi asked Hinata, who was crying her eyes out, seeing three of her friends like this.

“N-N-Naruto please… please snap out of this!” Hinata begged the one she loved. “I love you! Please! Please stop this!”

“Hinata I love you as well~,” Natsumi said to her surprise. “In fact, I love all of my chosen sisters of The Brides of Kaguya~. Trust me, soon you will love our queen and us just as much~!”

“N-no! I-mmppph~!!!” Natsumi began to forcibly make out with Hinata, something that she had wished for a long time, but right now she couldn’t enjoy it. As her skin turned grey and her hair turned white all she could do was cry tears of despair and moan out in pleasure as she was defiled by the one she loved.

Kaguya’s chakra was so strong that every part of Hinata’s body was enhanced! Her breasts which were quite big, to begin with, grew all the way into H-cup breasts, on size bigger than Kaguya’s!”


Natsumi ripped off her clothes as her ass expanded out into a fat bubble butt and her new horns grew on top of her head, making her the third head nun of Kaguya. However, unlike Ino and Sakura, Hinata was still fighting her change, even as a Rinne-Sharingan appeared in her left eye.

There was no way that she could ever accept this. Naruto was the one that she loved, not this sexy woman making out with her.

“But her soul is still the same~,” Kaguya’s voice said to her. Since Hinata was a head nun she was allowed to her Kaguya speak to her, blessing her with the knowledge that everything was as it was supposed to be~.

“You love Naruto and Naruto is Natsumi. Natsumi loves you so you should love her~,” Kaguya said before disappearing.

Hinata’s mind became fuzzy as she began to question if her que-Kaguya was right. She couldn’t deny still being attracted to Naruto even if she was now Natsumi, but was she betraying herself by loving her? No, she wasn’t! Her love for Natsumi would remain the same and as brides of Kaguya, they could love each other even more. This was perfect. Her queen had given her a gift unlike any other!

“Good girl~,” Natsumi said to sister Hinata, who finally accepted Kaguya as her queen. She then spent the next few intimate moments helping her new sister put on her extra tight thong and bra, leaving the dress and habit to sister Sakura and Ino to help her with.

“Hmm, it would seem that there are only two of you left~,” Natsumi said, as she, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata, looked over at Tenten and Shizune.

“Zetsu release them. I do believe that they have some final words for us~,” Natsumi said to Black Zetsu knowing that these two would be fun~.

“Mistress Natsumi please turn me into one of your sisters!” Tenten yelled getting on her hands and knees begging to be turned. All of her life she had felt like an outcast, never knowing if she actually belonged. But after seeing her friends get turned into the brides of Kaguya she knew that this is what she wanted as well. She could finally be a part of something bigger than herself and people would notice her~!

“My, my, quite the eager one,” Natsumi said before shoving her tongue down Tenten’s throat and letting Kaguya’s chakra flow through her. “Such a good girl like you needs some special attention~. Sisters if you would~,” Natsumi said, handing the slowly changing Tenten to the others. She was about to be rewarded ever so greatly for her devout faith~.

“As for you, what do you have to say~?” Natsumi asked Shizune, who looked calm oddly enough. “Lady Tsunade won’t let you get away with this! Even if you do turn me, she will find a way to bring me back!”

“My, my, such faith~,” Natsumi said to her, getting closer to her. “It’s a shame that you are placing it in the wrong person. Here let me remind you who your faith should belong to~,” she to her misguided sister.


Natsumi wasted no time ripping off her clothes to show her the way~.

“Ahhhhhh~!!!” Shizune moaned out in pleasure as Natsumi began to pinch her nipples before shoving her tongue down her throat! Compared to the other girls Shizune’s chakra levels were much lower. While she was good at manipulating it, she could do nothing to stop Kaguya’s chakra from taking over.

Just like the others, her skin turned grey, and her hair turned white. She was even blessed with the Byakugan and Rinne-Sharingan. Though those were the only blessings that she was given. Unlike the others, her body proportions remained the same as the punishment for having fair in someone that was beneath the one that should be her queen.

Her mind became fuzzy as she experienced memories of Tsunade being a worthless human being. Memoires that Shizune thought she moved past but were living in the back of her mind. At the same time, she started to feel a longing for someone to tell her what to do.

Aa Natsumi pleased her, she was forced to stare at the elegant statue of Kaguya. For some reason, she felt a strange warmth to it, almost as if she was drawn to it. Was Natsumi right? Should she be placing her faith in Kaguya rather than Tsunade? In all honesty, Tsunade hadn’t done much for her, but Kaguya could. She could be granted sisterhood, and love, both of which she had always longed for. Perhaps it would be best just to give in~.

Seeing that Shizune now placed her faith in their queen, Natsumi helped her get dressed back into her nun’s dress. She was very submissive during the process which made Natsumi happy.

“My sisters we are finally unified under a singular mindset~!” Natsumi said, standing on the altar, before all the girls, with Sakura and Hinata by her side. While she turned Shizune, Tenten finished her transformation as well.

“Our queen requires our loyalty and love. We are her brides and we must spread her image and beauty throughout the world until the day comes when she may finally break through the demon's seal and bless us with her presence~!”

“We must increase her brides so that she may rise~! Sister Shizune will go back to the Leaf, and spy on Tsunade while looking for more brides. Sister Tenten and Ino shall travel far and wide, spreading the love of our queen! Sisters Sakura and Hinata you shall stay with me to help prepare for our queen’s arrival. As head nuns, we are responsible to make sure that everything goes according to our queen’s wishes.

“All hail Kaguya~!!! All Serve the queen~!!!”


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