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*Warning this story has NSFW content. This story involves plush suits. All characters are the legal age for this story. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

“Dude I can’t believe that your sister still likes Bratz,” Mark said to his best friend Owen as they walked down the street toward their favorite arcade. “It’s ridiculous to think that she would like something so outdated.

“Hey, I can’t determine what she likes to watch,” Owen said back to his best friend. “I’ve tried destroying her toys and changing the tv when I can, but she doesn’t understand that, and still watches that crap. Hell, the other day I saw here fill out a form for one of those meet the Bratz in-person events.”

“Dude that is pathetic!” Mark yelled, glad as all hell that he didn’t have a stupid little sister like that.

“I know-”


“What the-mmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!” Owen heard some strange plush rustle from behind him and tried to turn around, but when he did he was instantly grabbed from behind by three pillowy plush Bratz Girls!!!

The first one that grabbed him draped her large pillowy blonde ponytail over his chest, making it impossible for him to move. Her name was Zoe. Then the one with blonde plushy ponytail hair known as Ashley and the one with brunette plush ponytail hair known as Claire grabbed his arms!!!

“Congratulations on begin chosen~!” The plushy blonde girl that was holding me said, before dragging me away. I tried my best to escape, but there was nothing that I could do to escape from their pillowy plush hold.

“Muhahahahahahahahahahahaha~!!!!!” The three cute Bratz Plush Girls manically laughed as they dragged Owen away. All at the same time, Mark was stunned silent as he watched them drag Owen into a nearby alleyway.

“Heheehehe~! You’re like totes going to love this~!” Claire said to Owen.

“Being a plush is just the best~!” said Ashley.

“Hehehehehe~! Try not to struggle too much~,” Zoe said, taking Owen away!

Once Mark regained his senses Mark ran as fast as he could over to the alleyway, but once he got there he was shocked to see that there was no one there.

Meanwhile inside the building next to the always Owen was still struggling to be freed by his plushy captors. Seeing that the small man was trying his best to escape the plushy Bratz decided to release him if only just for a few minutes~.

“You mother fuckers! What the hell are you doing!?” Owen yelled at the pillowy plush Bratz girls that were over twice his size! Their entire bodies were made out of the same pillowy plush material and that include their hair which was so big and plushy that one could easily lose themselves in the embrace of sleep.

“Aww, he’s so cute~!” Zoe said to him, leaning closer to him, her giant pink plush lips inches away from his face.

“Like he is totes perfect~!” Claire said,” turning on the lights to reveal that they were all inside a Bratz-themed dress-up room. It was filled with nothing but plush clothing and designer plush bags~!

“He like totes is~!” Ashley said in agreement, bringing out a piece of paper that he couldn’t read. “And it says here that we can do whatever it takes to make him perfect~!”

“What the hell are you freaks talking about!?” Owen yelled, confused by what was going on right now. “What is that in your hands!?”


“Aww~, it looks like he’s cranky~.” Zoe said to her friends. “Here let us explain what is going so that we can properly educate you on your new life~!”

“New life? What the hell are you bitches on about?” Owen asked them.


Zoe slapped Owen softly in the face with her plushy hands.

“That’s a big no-no,” she said to him. “As a future Bratz girl that kind of language is naughty and will not be tolerated ~!”

“She’s like totes right~,” Claire said to Owen.

“Like what a dummy~!” Ashley said, mocking him.

“Shut the hell up!” Owen yelled at the plushy Bratz.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, it would seem like little Sara was right~,” Zoe said, looking at the paper.

“Huh? How the fuck do you know my sister’s name?”

“That’s easy silly~!” Claire said back to him. “It’s because she asked us to transform her dirty big old brother into a cute and hot Bratz Girl~!”

“You freaks have to be crazy to think that I will ever let you do something like that to me!” Owen yelled at them.

“Aww, sweety it’s cute that you think that you have a choice in this matter~,” Zoe said to him. “You may be 18, but your mommy still has a say in what you do in your life and she eagerly agreed to this as well~. There is no escaping your fate and you’re going to look totes cute, squished inside our plushy selves~!”

“Like hell, I’ll ever allow that!” Owen yelled at them, jumping to his feet. “I’ll kill you bitches before I let that happen!”


The plushy Claire and the plushy Zoe grabbed Owen, their plushy pink lips touching the side of his face as he tried his hardest to escape, but it was now used. He could struggle all he wanted to, but his fate was sealed. There was nothing that he could do to escape his soon-to-be pillowy prison~!

“Fufufu~. It’s cute that you think that you can escape from this~,” Ashley said, teasing the poor boy that would soon belong solely to her~.

“Let go of me!” Owen yelled! “I don’t want this!

“That’s what they all say at first~,” Claire said mocking the boy. “The plush feels good~. You should be asked our hosts what they think~,” Claire said as both hers and Zoe’s mouths ripped open revealing that there were two men around his age trapped inside the pillowy plush Bratz!

“Plush feels warm~. Plush feels safe~.” “I love being a cute and hot plushy Bratz Girl. I love looking fabulous~!”

The two young men’s minds were broken. There was nothing that they could do to fight back against the inevitable. They were Owen’s future, what he was to become after his fusing~.

“You fucking monsters!” Owen yelled, getting scared for his life. “Let me go!” he yelled trying to fight back more and more.

“Sweety that is no way to talk to your new body~,” Ashely said as she forcibly stripped Owen down, making him butt naked as his clothes would no longer be needed.

“You’ll never turn me into them! Never!” Owen yelled, seeing that Claire and Zoe's hand closed their mouths, hiding their captives back into their bodies~.

“We’ll see about that~,” Ashely said back to Owen. She had seen others like him before and had helped her Bratz sisters make them their mindless pillowy prisoners all the same. It was only a matter of time now~.


Ashley unzipped her back and flipped her around as Clair and Zoe giggled, forcing him to walk forward, one step at a time. Owen tried to fight back with all of his might, but their plushy arms were stronger than he could have imagined. Within seconds his right foot entered Ashley’s pillowy plush leg. It was warm, thick, and pillowy, but that wasn’t the worst of it. The moment that his bare skin touched the inside of the skinsuit, Owen’s skin began to merge with the soft plush~! Just like the others, he would soon be one with them forever~

“No! Stop this!” Owen yelled, realizing what was happening but it was pointless for him to fight back. His left foot entered Ashley’s plush leg, her tan skin overpowering his pale white skin and when it did his legs started to go numb from the padded softness!

“No!” Owen yelled breaking his right arm away from Zoe, trying to punch her in the face! He had to try to fight this! Though his attempt was in vain as Zoe instantly grabbed him and shoved him further against the plushy inside of Ashely's body, much to Ashely's delight. This is what she wanted, to be like her Bratz sisters

After a few moments of being held in its pillowy plush embrace Owen’s time his dick became rock hard, pressing against the inside of Ashely’s plush body, which embraced his dick in a warm pillowy embrace much to Ashely's delight~!

“Oh my~. She is going to be a perfect plushy prisoner~,” Zoe said, her fat plushy lips, rubbing against Owen’s face as she talked~.

“She is going to totes toes adorbs in the new fall line-up~,” Claire said, talking about fashion.

“Oh my, someone is a naughty boy~,” Ashley said, teasing her plushy prisoner as she sealed around his hips and ass. Now when people saw her or rather them, they would only see her fat pillowy plush ass swaying as they walked~. It was so soft and big that Claire and Zoe couldn’t resist coping a feel~.


“Nnnnnnhhhh~!!! Yeah, that feels nice doesn’t it~?” Ashely asked her plushy prisoner. There was no use lying to her as she could feel his tiny little dick twitch from the attention she was getting.

“No! This isn’t what I want!” Owen screamed at her. He wasn’t this type of person! He didn’t want to be a pillowy plush Bratz Girl! What the hell was she doing to him!? “Please let me go~!” he yelled scared that he was feeling even more aroused right now!

He used what free movement he could to try to rip off the suit, but it was stronger than anything that he’s ever seen before!


“Fufufu~. Someone wanted to be pampered don’t they~,” Claire said, seeing him struggle, teasing the boy, as he continued to try to take the suit off. Though he would have to stop fighting back as soon his or rather her destiny would be complete. There was never a boy that had ever escaped their love and Owen wasn’t about to be the first.

Zoe and Claire happily forced Owen's hands inside Ashley’s arms and within seconds she had taken control of Owen's arms and hands for herself~.  Now there was nothing that he could do to fight back~. …Oh my what’s this~?

The moment that Owen's hands went numb his dick become even harder, though not larger! It was begging for attention. He didn’t want to give in, but Ashely knew how to deal with his type. As her pillowy plush D-breasts merged with his chest she began to rub the fluffy bulge forming on their crotch. She rubbed it over and over and over again. Each rub sent waves of pleasure throughout Owen’s body, making his mind fuzzier with each rub as well. Though he was determined to fight back with everything that he had!

“Ahhhh~!!! That feels good doesn’t it~?” Ashely said mocking Owen, feeling his dick become harder and harder with each rub~. “Why resist~? You know that this is for the best~. Being a plushy Bratz is who you were always meant to be~,” she said continuing her rubbing with her right hand as she started to grope their plushy right fat tit with her left hand. Owen's mind was getting fuzzier and fuzzier, but he still refused to give in!

“You bitch! I’ll… I’ll kill you for this!” Owen yelled to Ashley’s surprise. Usually, boys like him would have given in, but it was not uncommon to see fighters like him~.

“Girls, it would seem that he needs a little extra attention~,” Ashely said to Claire and Zoe who had made their way in front of Owen.


“Aww, he’s like totes shy~,” Clair said, moving in closer to him before kissing him on his face with her pillowy plush staticky pink lips! The moment that she did, a shock of pleasure spread across Owen’s body! There was nothing that he could do to escape them.

“Hehehehehe~. There is no use resisting this~,” Zoe said, laughing at him before kissing Owen with her pillowy plush staticky pink lips! When she did another jolt of pleasure spread across his body. “Soon we’ll brainwash you into an adorable and hot plush Bratz Girl~!”

Owen’s mind was swirling right now. He knew that he had to fight this, but why? Why was he fighting this? This felt nice and safe~. There was no reason for him to leave. There was no reason for him to fight~. All he had to do was accept his fate~.  …No! That isn’t who he is!

“Yes, that’s right~,” Ashely said as she began to zip herself up, sealing Owen inside of her forever, believing that they fight was over. “Just relax~. It feels good right~?”

“N-no… No! I refuse!” Owen yelled still trying to resist the urge to submit to Ashley and become a Bratz. His mind was fading and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold on for.

“Fufufufufu~,” Ashely arrogantly laughed at the poor boy’s last attempt to fight back. It was cute, but what she was going to do next was impossible for him to stop~.


Ashely grabbed her giant pillowy plush head and slowly placed it over Owen’s face! When she did, Owen could see her devious Bratty pillowy plush smile directed at him from inside of her head. He could see her eagerly looming over him as her blue pillowy plush eyes started to cover his own. He could feel her intentions and lust burn into his mind, taking full control of Owen's body and mind, leaving him nothing but a passenger.

When she was fully attached to his face her head and the rest of her body were sealed together, never to be opened ever again~. She stretched out her plush mouth and firmly placed Owen's face there, so that not only could he see what so was doing while controlling his body and showing everyone that she had the strongest ninja in the world under her control~! He would forever be clenched in between her pink pillowy plush lips and he could see her hot pink pillowy plush lips squeezing his face!

“No… no…” Owen said, trying to resist, but he couldn’t. Ashley was eagerly waiting to being his brainwashing. There was nothing that he could do to stop it. He was always meant to be her and she was going to prove that to him~.

“Hahahahaha~! You plushy fool there is no fighting back~!” Claire yelled at him, kissing him again.

“We’re like, totes, going to have fun turning you into our mindless pillowy plush prisoner~!" Zoe said, teasing him, before giving him another fluffy kiss, making his mind go more numb.

“You’re like totes going to love being me~!” Ashely eagerly said, knowing n that Owen’s mind would soon break. “Now let’s get ready for your training~. We’re going to need some extra time to train you~,” she said as her Batz sisters continued to kiss him, causing his mind to go blank. It was time for him to become one of them and they knew.

In his confused state, the pillowy plush girls brought out a PowerPoint to teach Owen about being a girl, fashion trends and why being a pillowy plush Bratz Girl was the best thing that had -ever happened to him and that there was nothing that he could do to change that. It took them a full 3 hours to break him, but once they did it was worth it~.

“Nnnnnnnhhhh~!!!! Feels good! Feels good~!” Owen yelled his mind completely broken, thinking about nothing else besides boys, fashion, and his hit pillowy plush body! He had already cummed 5 times inside his soft and sexy Ashley pillowy plush, much to her delight~!

“Very, good~. Very good~,” Ashley said, seeing that her host was now ready to serve her forever~! Now let’s get a third-party opinion about how we look~,” Ashely said, leading him out the door back into the alleyway.

“Owen! Owen where are you!?” Mark yelled, still searching for his best friend after all this time. He tried calling the police to help him, but they thought that he was crazy and hung up. Mark had been desperately searching for him and was about to give up, but then he heard something.


Mark turned around and to his horror, he saw that the three Bratz girls had returned, but that wasn’t what scared him. Stuck between the Bratz Girl with the pillowy plush blonde ponytail’s bright hot plush pink lips was Owen!

“Owen!? What the hell have they done to you!?” Mark asked, taking a few steps back out of fear. His best friend had become some sort of mindless pillowy plush prisoner based on the expression on his face!

“Like he’s a cutie~,” Owen said to Mark’s horror.

“I agree~,” Ashly said, agreeing with her brainwashed host.

“We should like totes take him~,’ Claire said.

“Like totally~!” Zoe said. “Tiffany is still, searching for a host~. We should like totes bring him to her~.”

“Like totally,” the other two plush girls and Owen said as they slowly made their way toward Mark.

“Wait… what are you doing? Stay back! No! I said stay back!” Mark yelled as the pillowy plush Bratz grabbed him, to make him one of them as well~.


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