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“Fufufufu~,” Finally you’re mine~,” Kaguya said to the unconscious Sailor Moon (Usagi).

Usagi and the other sailor scouts had tried to stop Kaguya from claiming and freezing the Earth, but they all failed. Usagi and Ami were captured while the rest were left behind to deal with Kaguya’s Snow Dancers.

The reason why Usagi was taken in by Kaguya was simple, it was because from the moment that Kaguya laid her eyes on her she knew that she was the one. She was the one that had the right to be like her, to be perfect~!

“…Ugh... my head… where am I?” Usagi asked herself, slowly regaining consciousness. When she finally realized where she was she noticed that she was lying on a fluffy white bed, wearing a long white dress with no top, a long flowing skirt, and a transparent shawl along with a beautiful intricate headpiece. The crystal that was located on her skirt was similar to the comet shard that was just like Kaguya’s.

“My, my, it would seem as if my lovely daughter has finally woken up~,” Kaguya said, eager to see the girl stare back into her eyes.

“…Daughter?” Usagi asked, confused by what she just heard.

“Aww, someone must be a bit of a sleepyhead ~!” Kaguya said teasing the girl. Come now, don’t make mommy upset~.”

“You’re not my mother!” Usagi yelled trying to up to her feet but the length of the dress made her trip, and falling face-first into the bed~!

“Fufufufufu~. What a lovely child you are~,” Kaguya said back to her unable to hold herself back from letting out a small laugh. “I’m going to enjoy making you into the perfect daughter~.”

“Shut up!” Usagi yelled at her. “Moon Prism Power… huh what’s going on? Why isn’t my transformation working?” Usagi asked herself, noticing that nothing happened.

“Fufufufu~. Silly daughter, with the power that mommy has gifted you there, should be no reason to transform. Though that being said I guess that there is still one transformation for you to complete and trust me when I say that you’re going to absolutely love it~.”


Without warning, Kaguya gently kissed her daughter on her forehead. And the moment that she did, Usagi’s face started to feel cold. In fact, it wasn’t just her face that started to feel could, but it was her entire body as well!

“Ugh! W-w-what a-are y-y-you doing to m-m-me?” Usagi asked, unable to talk properly thanks to the cold.

“Aww, is my little baby cold~,” here let mommy fix that for you~,” Kaguya said before kissing Usagi on the forehead again. This time inside of feeling cold her body started to feel warm until she couldn’t feel the cold at all.

Little did Usagi, know that her body was still getting colder and even the bedsheets beneath her had started to freeze! The only reason that she didn’t realize this was that her soon-to-be mother made this cold body temperature normal for her. Kaguya was a kind and gentle mother, there was no way that she would ever let any harm come to her daughter. She was just going to tease her a bit while she transformed. Once her transformation is finished there would be nothing stopping her from spoiling and pampering her daughter with so much love~!”

“T-thank you,” Usagi said, unable to look this woman in the face. Usagi knew that she was the enemy and that if she didn’t stop her the entire world would be doomed, so why wasn’t she attacking her right now? Was it her lack of powers, or was it something more?

“Fufufufu~.” Kaguya let out another motherly laugh as she saw Usagi’s hair slowly start to turn white just like hers. The spell that she cast onto Usagi when she woke up was already taking effect and there was nothing that Usagi or anyone else could do to stop her from accomplishing her goal~!

“…No… this isn’t right! What are you doing to me!?” Usagi yelled, seeing that her skin had become as pale as snow just like Kaguya’s! It was at that moment she could even see her hair start to turn white as well!

“Silly daughter, it would seem that you are in need of some extra education when this is all done~,” Kaguya said, knowing that this was just another one of Usagi’s or rather Kaori’s temper tantrums. She wanted to be strict with her daughter, but she could never bring herself to harm her and it would seem that this was the end outcome. Perhaps aging her up into an adult will more than makeup for her daughter's lack of maturity~.


“No! Stop it!” Usagi yelled, noticing that her face had already started to change form, as it began to look like a younger version of Kaguya’s face! Though her resistance now would do nothing to change the fact that Usagi/Kaori was hers~.

“Nnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!” Usagi grunted in pain as her body started to grow older, forcing her to become taller. She was not only an inch shorter than her soon-to-be mother~. Though the changes to her body didn’t stop three.

Before she knew it, her eyes were pure white just like Kaguya’s. Her breasts started to expand outward, as well as her hips and ass, allowing her to have the semblance of the body which she had always dreamed for. Though this was by no means the way that she had intended to acquire it.

“No, no, no! What have you done to me!?” Usagi yelled as her soon-to-be mother used her ice magic to create a mirror of ice above their heads and on the ceiling.

“My dear, precious daughter, I have done nothing but return you to who you should have always been~,” Kaguya said, slowly sliding her hand down Usagi’s cheek.


“You bitch!” Usagi yelled in pure rage, slapping Kaguya’s hand away.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~.” Kaguya was displeased that her daughter did not accept her transformation with open arms. It would seem that she would have to force her daughter to love her~.

Before Usagi could do anything, Kaguya touched the headpiece made completely out of ice on top of Usagi’s head and it instantly froze to her skull, making it impossible for her to take off!

“What the hell!? Get this thing off me!” Usagi yelled, trying to take the headpiece off, but it was no use. The headpiece could only be removed by her mother and her mother had no intention of letting her go~.

“Shh, it’s alright Kaori, mommy is here~,” Kaguya said to her daughter as the headpiece slowly did its job, deleting Usagi’s memories and replacing them with Kaori’s, the only daughter of Kaguya and her sole heir.

“M-mo-no…no… I-I won’t fall for… for this trick!” Usa-Kaori tried her best to fight back against her new memories.

“Aww sweety this is no trick~,” Kaguya sweetly said to her daughter, hugging her against her will. “Mommy is here~.”

“N-no…I…. I... mommy~,” Kaori’s new memories were too powerful for her to resist. Her mother truly loved her and wanted to make sure that her daughter felt safe and was properly taken care of.

“That’s my girl~,” Kaguya said, lifting her daughter’s chin up. It was time to show her daughter how much she cared. “Mommy has a surprise for you~,” she said as two of her Snow Dancers dragged in Ami who clearly didn’t want to be there.

“Let me go you monsters!” Ami yelled, struggling to get free, unaware that Kaori’s eyes were locked onto hers.

“Mommy she’s perfect~!” Kaori screamed with joy, jumping out of the bed before landing right in front of Ami.

“Huh? Who are you?” Ami asked, unaware that the woman in front of her was her best friend Usgai!

“Ami-chan~! It’s me Kaori~!” she said eagerly to her, knowing exactly why her mommy had brought this girl for her. She was getting to be the proper age to marry, and Ami clearly was the perfect choice, but it would seem that she needed a few “improvements,” before she did make Ami her bride~.

“…Wait… no…. it can’t be!” Ami yelled, realizing what had happened to Usagi after they were separated. “You bitch what have you done to her!?” Ami yelled, trying her best to attack Kaguya, but it was pointless.

“Tsk, tsk, such foul language among you human girls~,” Kaguya said back to her. “Don’t worry though, your mother-in-law will make sure that you are properly educated~. Though before that, let’s get you properly dressed~.”


With a single snap of her fingers, Ami's clothes had transformed into the exact same dress that Kaguya and Kaori were wearing~!

“Wahhh!!!! What the hell is this!? It shows off way too much!” Ami yelled, scared that she was forced to wear such risky attire. The icy headpiece sat heavily on her head.

“Aww, I think you look cute~,” Kaori said to her.

“Usagi, I know that you are still in there, please, don’t do this!” Ami begged, fearing the worst.

“Don’t worry sweety, I promise that you’ll love it~,” Kaori said, using her ice magic to create a ring around Ami’s ring finger. “Now sit back and relax~,” Kaori said before going in and kissing Ami with a loving kiss~.

“Mmmmmmmmm~!!!” Ami moaned, feeling Kaori’s icy cold lips against her own. She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t deny that she kind of liked it~.

“Fufufu~,” Kaguya giggled to herself as she watched Ami’s skin slowly turn as pale as snow just like theirs. It wasn’t long after that, Ami’s hair started to turn pure white, just like hers.

“Mmmmmmm~!!!!” Ami moaned again when she realized that her body had started to grow older, as she became taller, until she was the exact same size as they were.

Ami wanted to fight back, but she knew that if she left Kaori's embrace the cold would overtake her and she would be helpless. She had to bear through this until she had the opportunity to escape. Though unfortunately for her, that opportunity would never come~.

“Nnnnnnnnn~!!!!” Kaori and Ami moaned at that same time as Ami’s breasts, hips and ass started to expand outward. There was nothing that she could do to stop it. Though that was to say if she wanted to stop it.

All of her life Ami tried to be the most intelligent person in the room. Though deep down she wanted nothing more than to be pretty just like the other girls, and now thanks to her transformation she was better than them! No one could compete with her beauty besides Kaguya and Kaori.

“Fufufufuu~,” Kaguya laughed, seeing Ami’s flushed face. This was perfect~. She knew that Ami was the best match for her daughter~. Now all that was left was to fix her naughty little mind.


Using their magic together, Kaguya and Kaori touched the icy headpiece, permanently freezing it to Ami’s head as they implanted new memories into Ami’s or rather Kasumi’s mind~. There was nothing that she could do to stop this~.

“Nnnnnn~!!!!” Ami tried to struggle, but she soon lost the will to fight back. There was no point in fighting this. This was for the best and they all knew it~.

Kasumi quickly gave in to her new memories and decided to throw away her old life. She was perfect like this and she was finally with the one that she loved~.

“Kaori, I love you~,” Kasumi said, kissing her lover.

“And I you~,” Kaori said back to her. There was nothing keeping them apart now. They could finally be together.

Though this moment of happiness did not last for long.


All of a sudden Sailor Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and Chibi Moon stormed their way into the room!

“Usagi! Ami! We’re here to save you!” All of the girls yelled, not knowing what kind of mess they had just walked themselves into.

“Fufufufufufufuufufufu~, I do believe that it will be us that will be saving you~,” the three of them, elegantly standing up. Kaguya had known that the other scouts would come for their friends, and she had made sure to come prepared~.


The three of them snapped their fingers at the same time and when they did several Snow Dancers appeared and pinned all of the girls down except for Saturn and Chibi Moon. They were too small, so they were just held in place since Kaguya was afraid of hurting them. Plus seeing that one of them was her grandchild, there was no way that she could be so rough with her.

“Let us go you witch!” Sailor Mars yelled at her, trying to use her flames to escape, but it was no use, none of their powers would work in Kaguya’s presence besides those that she wished~.

“Tsk, tsk, that is no way to talk to your new master~,” Kaguya said back to her.

“What the hell are you talking about? How dare you do this to us!” Sailor Pluto yelled. It would seem that these stupid Sailor Scouts did not realize the danger that they were in. Though fortunately for them, Kaguya, Kaori, and Kasumi were gentle masters. All they asked in return was complete obedience!

“Let us go right now!” Sailor Saturn yelled, not aware that she was one of the two girls there that were going to be spared, and instead be rewarded with a gracious gift.

“Don’t worry, there is nothing to few little ones~,” Kaori and Kasumi said to Saturn and Chibi Moon, slowly caressing the two cute girls, faces.


Kaguya was fed up with looking at the other Sailor Scouts and made sure that she wouldn’t have to deal with them ever again~.

The Snow Dancers that were holding the girls down suddenly fused together with the Sailor Scouts! Within seconds they were transformed into mindless Snow Dancers themselves~.

They were transformed into slime humanoid creatures with bodies made out of ice. Their new hair reached only to their noses at the front and slowly floated around them. And they all now had clear icy blue eyes. Each one of them now had semi-transparent skirts that went down to their ankles. Their hands had these strange small balls on the ends of their fingers, and their high-heeled shoes had the same balls on their toes.

“Mistresses what are your commands~,” the new Snow Dancers asked Kaguya, Kaori, and Kasumi while Saturn and Chibi Moon watch in horror what happened to their friends!

“No!!!!!” What have you done!?” Chibi yelled out scared of what just happened to them! Was she next!? Was she going to become just like them!?

“It’s okay sweety, your mommies are here~,” Kaori and Kasumi said, hugging her tenderly in their arms.

“M-mommy?” Chibi Moon slowly asked, while Saturn seeing that she was no longer held against her will, tried to run away, but she accidentally backed straight into Kaguya.

“Fufufufufufufu~,” Kaguya laughed, embracing the small child. While she may not be her grandchild, she would make an excellent companion for her~.

“No… I-I…” Saturn wasn’t able to do anything as a smaller headpiece similar to Kaguya’s made of pure ice was placed on top of both hers and Chibi Moon's heads! The moment that it was placed, the headpiece permanently froze itself to the girl's skulls and two pretty, fluffy, princess dresses appeared on the two girls!

“Wahhhh!” The two girls screamed out of embarrassment, but that embarrassment soon turned to wonder as the headpieces started to mess with the two girls' minds~. Their skin slowly started to turn snow white as their body temperature increased.

Saturn’s height became shorter as she was becoming younger, and the change didn’t stop until she was the same height and age as Chibi Moon. Their hair turned pure like the others and it was long before new memories began to fill their minds. And since they were both just ignorant children there was no way for them to resist.

Memoires of being Kairi, the spoiled daughter of Kasumi and Kaori began to fill Chibi Moon's mind. She loved her mommies and her doting grandmother. She was the princess and what she wanted goes!

As for Saturn, memories of being Keiko began to fill her mind. She was Kairi’s best friend. She was just as spoiled as she was and couldn’t help but always want to her way. While she wasn’t their daughter, Kasumi and Kaori still loved her very much. They were all a family and there was nothing that could ever be done to split them apart.

“Fufufufufufufu~. Ladies, I do believe that it is now time for us to have some fun~,” Kaguya said, happy that she finally had the family of her dreams. Now all that was left was to continue where she left off and make this world hers~.

-2 Months Later-


“Young Miss please don’t run in the halls~!” one of the former Sailor Scouts now turned Snow Dancer begged, seeing Kairi make a mess of things again.

“Shut up servant!” Kairi yelled at her while chasing her frozen kitty Luna.


“Know your place!” Keiko yelled, showing the Snow Dancer to the ground while helping her best friend. Their memories ruled this world, there was no way that they would ever take orders from their servants!

During these past 2 months, the Earth was frozen and Kaguya, Kaori, and Kasumi ruled. Though to be honest Kaguya did most of the work to allow her children and grandchildren to have their fun. Yes, that is right, during these two months, Kaori and Kasumi officially adopted Keiko into their family~!

“Mommy! The servant is talking back again!” Kairi said, running into Kaori’s arms while Keiko ran into Kasumi’s arms.

“Oh, our precious angels how dare they do that to you~,” Kaori said to them. “They need to be punished; don’t you agree~.”

“Indeed, I do~,” Kasumi said to her lover. “They were going to have some fun with their servants tonight, but first it was time for their precious angels to take their naps~.


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