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“I won’t be defeated so easily this time!” Vivian Wong the Asia Queen of Dueling yelled at Yugi Moto the King of Games!

Two years had passed since they lasted dueled at the Kaiba Corp Gran Prix, and she was here to get her revenge. If anyone deserves to hold the title of the new Queen of Games it was her. Luckily for her Kaiba Corp was hosting another tournament in their newly reconstructed virtual world. Here the duels were about to go to a whole new level!

Vivian spent these past two years training just to defeat Yugi. She would make sure that she would win and receive what Yugi had promised her before the match had begun. If he one he could eat at any of her restaurants he wanted for free for the rest of his life. To be honest being the King of Games did not pay well, outside of winning what few tournaments that were held every year and most of them didn’t pay him. Though if Yugi lost he would have to become her “love slave” just as she wanted him to do two years ago, but his foolish friends interfered with her plans.

“I admit Vivian you’ve gotten a lot better,” Yugi said to her. “But this duel is over! Dark Magician attack her Kung Fu Nyan Nyan and end this duel!”

“Ohohohoho!” Vivian started laughing to Yugi confusion.

“What’s so funny!?” Yugi yelled not understanding what was going on.

“You are,” Vivian said to him. “This duel wasn’t even a challenge this time around.”

“What are you talking about!? I‘m about to win!” Yugioh yelled at her.

“Oh, really now?” Vivian said calmly to him. “I activate Magical Cylinder! This means that you take the damage of your own monster's attack! Meaning I win!”

“Noo! It can’t be, Yugi said, falling to his knees. How could he lose. Was he really nothing without the pharaoh?

“Pathetic,” Vivian said looking over at the man that she once admired. He wasn’t suited to be her love slave in the state he was in. Though there was another way that he could fulfill parts of their promise with each other. It was lucky for her that she knew several people that helped designed Kaiba’s virtual world. She was given “privileges” that others were not.

“Kung Fu Nyan Nyan use your special technique on the former King of Games,” Vivian commanded her monster, surprising Yugi that she was still there even after the duel ended.

“What the hell is going on!?” Yugi yelled at her as Kung Fu Nyan Nyan began to charge up her Ki. “Why is your monster still on the field! You cheated didn’t you! There is no way that I coul-”

Before Yugi could finish asking his list of questions Kung Fu Nyan Nyan attacked him with an open palm strike, knocking him straight to the ground.  Vivian smiles as she see the virus she implanted into Kung Fu Nyan Nyan  enter Yugi’s avatar. She looked for to the changes that were about to occur in both his avatar and real-life body. This was going to be fun.

“Ugh, what the hell was that?” Yugi asked as he slowly picked himself up, all at the same time same his body started to feel weird.

“Vivian what d-did y-y-y-you do-do-do-do-do!” Yugi’ avatar body started to glitch, freezing him in place and his body started to slowly change. He grew taller as his waistline grew smaller, though his hips and ass began bigger, starting to give him a perfect curvy body. He was shocked as a pair of C-cup breasts grew on his chest. He face became more feminine until it looked exactly like Vivian’s!

As his iconic hair started to change into hers, he could feel his manhood disappeared from his real body, which couldn’t be seen in the virtual world. All that remained from Yugi’s original avatar were his old clothes.

Yugi was beyond speechless. This had to be some sort of trick right? Though if it was what was the feeling off loss when she felt her manhood retracked into her body. What would happen if he logged out right now? What was the current state of his body?

“Kung Fu Nyan Nyan get our new Chinese beauty out of those hideous clothes!” Vivian ordered her monster and within seconds she was tearing Yugi clothes to shreds!

“Eeeekkkkk!!!” Yugi yelled, letting out a high-pitched scream as she tried covering her naked body. Though that was unnecessary she Kaiba Corp made it so that no one could be make in the virtual world. Right now it looked like Yugi was  wearing a sexy black one-piece swimsuit.


Vivian snapped her fingers and Kung Fu Nyan Nyan began to dress Yugi, forcing her to where a tight yellow cheongsam and thong up her fat ass, Kung Fu Nyan Nyan began to style her hair against her will, pulling her new long black hair into Ox horns before covering them with silk brocades and ribbons. To finish off her new look Kung Fu Nyan Nyan pierced her ears with yellow oriental piercings while covering her with exotic makeup on her lips and eyes.

She was left speechless as Kung Fu Nyan Nyan pulled out a mirror out of nowhere, forcing Yugi to see the new her.

“OMG! You look perfect!” Vivian said looking at her new slave. She never expected her to turn out this well. I can’t wait to have some fun with you, but first I need to explain everything to you. An ignorant slave is a bad slave!”

“So once we log out of this virtual world we’re heading straight for the airport so we can head back to China together. And don’t worry about not having a passport, we’re taking my personal jet so I control who comes aboard. Besides I doubt that anyone could say no to a beauty such as yourself.”

“From there I’ll need you to help me out with my acting career, model career and even help out as a chef in my mine restaurant. Though that might be too much. I guess I’ll have to hire you a few tutors to teach you everything. Though it shouldn’t take you too long to master your classes, as your new body will definitely show you the way.”

“During your training period I’ll make my debut as the new Queen of Games, traveling around the world to solidify my ascension. If they ask for you I’ll just tell them that you retired or something. No one really wants to interview the loser.”

“What th-what the hell are you talking about!?” Yugi yelled at her, stopping for a second after realizing her voice was so high pitched. She barely understand any of Vivian’s rambling and what answers.

“Tu-turn me back to normal right now!” Yugi yelled at her, her voice stuttering whenever she heard her new voice. “I never agreed to this you cheater!” Yugi yelled at her, thinking that the only way that she could have beaten her was by cheating.

 “Sorry, but that’s a no can do,” Vivian said to you. That virus I used to change you avatar in an identical version of myself was one of a kind. Besides it would do you no good now that your real-life body has finished up changing as well. Worry not, one of my attendants will prepare you some new attire.”

“Y-you lie!” Yugi yelled at her, not believing a word that she said.

“Oh, I can assure you that I am not lying, Vivian said to her. “I’m pretty sure that you were able to feel that tiny dick of yours recede into your body, am I right?

“No! It can’t be!” Yugi yelled up in despair as tears started rolling down her eyes.

“Awe, there’ no need to cry,” Vivian said, walking over to Yugi. “I’ll be over shortly to pick you up. And you don’t have to worry about your grandfather he’s being informed of this right now. In fact it would seem that he is more than happy to have  a hot Chinese woman as his daughter. I’m certain  that hell be buying all of your future photoshoots and movies later on.”

Yugi couldn’t say anything to deny her, because she was probably telling her the truth. All she could do was stare at Vivian with an exaggerated stupid expression on face that felt oddly natural for her to make to show how speechless she was.

“Don’t worry you’ll eventually learn to love the new you. Until then just be patient and wait for me. Oh and remember to not try to run away. If you do then I’ll have to use force and you wouldn’t like that,” Vivian said before logging out of the game. She was already in her private limousine towards Yugi’s house. Right now one of her attendants was already making preparations for them.

Back in Yugi’s bedroom he or rather she was shocked to she that she looked just like she did in the game, except of her clothes which were still her old ones, but now torn all over. She couldn’t even see a trace of her old self as she looked into the mirror. All she could see was Vivian.

“Grandpa! I need your help!” Yugi yelled, but there was no response. A few seconds later Vivian Wong opened the door to her bedroom as if she owned the place. Without warning she ripped off Yugi’s clothes!

“Eeekkkkk!” Yugi screamed in fear as she stripped her down. Embarrassed and afraid Yugi could do nothing as she was forced to experience the same humiliation that she did in the virtual world.

Vivian forced a thing black thong over Yugi’s fat ass, smacking her ass, when Yugi tried to resist. She didn’t bother giving Yugi a bra as she forced a tight yellow cheongsam dress on her that rubbed against her sensitive breasts.

“Ahhh~!” Yugi could help but moaned in pleasure, as she experienced a for of sexual pleasure that she never could have as a man. Her mind started to get dizzy as she had to force herself not to fondle her fat breasts, which were oddly a cup size higher than they were in the virtual world.

Vivian shoved Yugi onto her bed, pulling at her long black hair, styling it into ox horns and adding in silk/ribbon coverings. Then out of her purse she pulled out her own portable ear-piercing gun and pierced Yugi’ ears against her will.

Yugi squirmed and struggled against Vivian as she began applying her make up, but Vivian had dealt with girls like her before. She grabbed Yugi’s chin and held her head in place to put the finishing touches on her.

“There, perfect,” Vivian said, forcing Yugi to see herself in the mirror once more.

“Pl-please turn me back!” Yugi begged as she got her knees. “You can’t do this to me! I don’t want to be a girl and I don’t want to go to China! There’s no way that my grandpa would let you take me! I am the King of Games! People will look for me! Kaiba will look for me!”

“Awe, it’s cute you think that you’re still the King of Games after our duel was live-streamed across the world, though the rest was hidden for your sake,” Vivian said to Yugi.

“As for your grandfather he doesn’t mind. He knows that you’ll live a much better life with me than you ever could with him. Oh and Kaiba, by the time he finds out anything I’ll be ready for him.”

“No! I won’t go! You can’t make me!” Yugi yelled at her, still resistant to upholding her end of the beat. Such a sore loser, to think that she was the King of Games until recently. “I’ll fight you if I have to!”

“Oh really now,” Vivian said before quickly moving behind Yugi and then using a precise kung Fu kick on her back, temporarily making it unable for her to move. Vivian then forced Yugi over her lap, flipping up the back of her dress to reveal that the black thing Vivian just put her in was already being eaten by her fat ass.


“What a naughty girl you are, trying to back out of your end of the bet” Vivian said, spanking Yugi on her fat ass. “Bad girls like you need to learn that there are consequences for trying to go back on your word!”

“Ahhh! Pl-please stop!” Yugi yelled out in desperation. “It-it’s not fair! Ahhh! I am th-the K-king of Games!” she yelled as her ass became redder and she was unable to hold back her tears and screams of pain as she started stuttering out her words.


“You still think that this is unfair?” Vivian asked her. “I’ll show you unfair,” she said continuing to smack Yugi’s ass despite her complaints.

“No, no, no! Stahp it! It-it hurts!” Yugi was balling hers eyes out like a child. “I’ll be good, I’ll go to China, no more! No more!” she cried, finally saying what Vivian wanted to hear.

Vivian covered Yugi’s fat red ass with her dress again and the princess carried the still un able to move Yugi out of her former home. She carried her into her limousine and then turned back to where Grandpa was waiting for them.

“Don’t worry, once she gets settle I promise that we will come back to take care of you once more,” Vivian said before snapping her fingers, seconds latter a sexy Chinese maid came out from the limousine and bowed to Grandpa. “Until then she shall take care of all your personal needs. And don’t be afraid to aske her for anything even if it is anything inappropriate, since she will do it without question.”

Grandpa watch as Vivian entered the limousine, showcasing her fat ass for him as she did. Grandpa watched as the limo drove away to the airport. He may have lost a grandson today, but he gained two granddaughters and so much more. He couldn’t wait for those two fine Chinese kung fu women to come back for he. Though until then he might as well have some fun with the gift he had already been given. 

-1 week later-

“It’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fair!” Yugi now Mei Wong yelled in frustration, throwing yet another temper tantrum after losing to Vivian again. 

Just like in the virtual world, her in Vivian’s private hotel which she owned in China, they had another duel, involving a new wager. The wager was simple; if Mei won Vivian would turn her back into a man, but if Vivian won then Mei would have to train in kung fu with her every morning.

Mei accepted the duel thinking that since they weren’t in the virtual world that she would win, though unfortunately she had to use a copy of Vivian’s deck. It was foolish for her to think that she could win against someone else using a deck that they weren’t familiar with. Though it was even more foolish for her to believe that there was a way for her to change back, when Vivian had already told her that there wasn’t.

“It’s not fair!” Mei yelled at Vivian. “I have know idea how to use these stupid Kung Fu cards! I want my deck back! You’re a cheater!”

“That doesn’t change the fact that you lost,” Vivian said, not giving into Mei’s tantrum. Her new twin had to learn that yelling and screaming wouldn’t get her what she wanted. “Though if you want to go back on your word you could, though you would have to face the consequences of doing so,” she said reminding her what happened last time. Mei instinctively touched her fat ass. It was still sore from last time, and there was no way that she wanted to experience that again.

“Alright, I will learn kung fu,” Mei said reluctantly to Vivian.

“Great!” Vivian said with joy. She knew that her twin would eventually give in, it was only a matter of time. “Alrighty, now you get some sleep, we start training early in the morning!”

Mei did as Vivian asked, but being woken up by a giant gong before sunrise was easier said than done. She was tired and groggy from not getting her usual eight hours of sleep, but Vivian wasn’t going to go easy on her just for that.

“Today begins your first day as my kung fu student,” Vivian said to Mei, who was still rubbing her eyes. “It is important for everyone that bears the last name Wong. As my sister slave you must be as proficient in kung fu as I am. Any performance less than I say is acceptable will be met with discipline! Do you understand?”

“Yes sister,” Mei said reluctantly, just wanted to get this all over with.

“Good, girl. Now put this on, she said tossing Mei a sexy red one-piece swimsuit. “Since you have the same body as I do there is no need for you to do muscle training for now. What needs to be done is making you understand the movements that you are required to know to become a kung fu master like myself. So for that we are going back into the virtual world.”

“And the swimsuit? Mei asked, embarrassed by just thinking of wearing it.

“Because we are using specially made virtual reality tanks which will make our bodies feel like we are actually there. These won’t be on the market for a while, but let’s just say that your new sister has her ways. Now put that on or am I going to be forced to put it on you? Dies this naughty girl really want her fat ass to eat her swimsuit like it eats her thongs?”

“I’ll put it on,” Mei said being compliant with her sister’s demands, stripping in front of her which has been a set custom between them. Vivian wanted to make sure that Mei was trying to hide anything from her, so this was a necessary step for them to take.

Once changed into her embarrassing swimsuit, Vivian helped Mei into the new virtual reality pod, which was filled with this weird clear slime which was cool to the touch. Vivian explained that while their body was submerged in the slime they will feel as if they are actually there.

Once inside the Virtual World Vivian wasted no time in summoning her Kung Fu Nyan Nyan monster out again. She was there with exact instructions to help teach Mei Wong.

“Alright you two have fun~!” Vivian said laying back on a beach chair that popped out of nowhere. She was going to enjoy watching her sisters training.

“Like this?” Mei asked trying to copy Kung Fu Nyan Nyan stance.

“Hmmph!” Kung Fu Nyan Nyan grunted as she gave her new pupil a thumbs up. While she may not be able to talk that didn’t mean that she couldn’t her opinion. 

Several hours pasted by after that, with each stance becoming harder and harder to do. Mei could feel her muscles become sore as she was forced to bend her body in stance that she didn’t even know where popular.

“Can we please stop?” Mei begged stopping her stance before Kung Fu Nyan Nyan gave her permission. This made her anger, and without warning Kung Fu Nyan Nyan flipped Mei over onto her knee and started spanking her.


“Oh, sorry about that!” Vivian yelled at her. “I forgot to mention that every time you refuse to follow her lead or fail to properly do the stance that she shows you, you’ll receive three spankings on you fat ass! She will continue to spank you until you are able to do the stance perfectly!”

“This isn’t fair~!” Mei complained to Vivian as she did another stance that Kung Fu Nyan Nyan told her to do. “I was the King of Games~! Why do I have to do this?”

“Oh my, it would seem that someone is asking for extra punishment,” Vivian said, taking a drinking out of a virtual coconut. “For every spanking you get in the virtual world, you’ll receive a spanking in the real world as well, so automatically that makes three. Oh and before you complain again, I’ll let you know that for every time you complain I will multiple the current amount of spanks by two.”

Mei’s embarrassing training continued after that with her holding back her complaints. Though that didn’t stop her from messing up every other stance that she tried to do from then on. When it was finally over Mei couldn’t help cry knowing that because of her strict monster of a master she would have to bear more than a hundred spanks from her sister.

-6 months later-

6 months had passed since the start of Mei Wong’s embarrassing new life. After enduring hundreds of kung fu lessons from her master Kung Fu Nyan Nyan, she was now decent at it. Vivian even said that she could be classified as an intermediate at it, though when compared to her Mei was nothing more than a novice.

This small compliment that Mei received from her sisters gave her the courage top challenge her sister to a duel for her freedom. Though like their duels before there was always a cost. If Mei won then she would be able to go back to plain Yugi Muto the former King of Games. Though if she lost she would have to start her acting career under Vivian’s strict guidance. As the Queen of Games twin sister it was a given that she had to appear in media like her sister.

Though just like her previous attempts before she lost once more, and in three turns at that. It was clear to both Vivian and her sister that Mei was no where near her old skill level at dueling after spending 6 months with thoughts of kung fu training instead of dueling. 

Mei Wong was speechless of her utter loss. If any of her former friends were here they would be ashamed of her. Mei was so shocked that she didn’t even bother to resist as her whisked her away into their private limo. She didn’t even resist when she was stripped down and put her into a sexy black Chinese dress as they drove to the filming studio that Vivian set up for Mei’s first acting gig. Her sister would love acting as much as she does and eventually Vivian and Mei would stare in a movie with them in it together.

-1 year later-

A year had past since that day, and Mei had stared in many movies and shows since then. The work was hard, but she found it oddly enjoyable.

Mei skipped down the hall towards her dressing room as she just finished up the last day of filming for her new movie. It was a Chinese Kung Fu Romance film where Mei played the part of a strong female kung fu artist that had to protect a handsome male office worker from a bunch of gangsters.  

Out of all the acting jobs she’s had so far, this one was by far her favorite. Being able to act in the same studio as that hunk was worth it. Whenever Mei had scenes together with him she had to hold herself back from blushing, though that didn’t stop her from admiring him from afar.

Though there was a time that they had to cancel a full day of shooting because Mei fell sick. Though this was just an excuse she made up after having a massive nosebleed from seeing him shirtless.

Since today was the last day that they were working together, she made sure to give him her private number so they could set up jobs together in the future. Though because of Mei’s position as Vivian’s twin she mainly did kung fu movies.

At first she did them because Vivian wanted her to, but then she learned that all of her kung fu training that Vivian forced on her, helped these jobs go a lot smoother and increased the quality of the film. This mean that she was getting greater recognition as an actress. And because of that she was also earning more money than she ever could as Yugi Muto. She no longer had to survive off of tournament money to live and she even had money leftover when everything was said and done.

“Ohohohoho~!” Mei let out an arrogant haughty laugh after reading the next movie that her sister set up for her.

Over this past year Mei has unknowingly to herself has become more and more like Vivian. Her taste in food, clothes, dueling cards, hobbies, men, and not to mention that her personality was becoming just as arrogant as her twins.

Though there was still a piece of Yugi left inside of her that wanted to escape. A piece of her that knew that she should be fighting these changes inside of her, but could not resist. Though upon seeing that the movie script was called the Birth Of A Sister And The Rise Of a Queen she was reminded what Vivian did to her, reigniting her urge to resist one last time.

Once she returned home, instead of having her congratulatory dinner with her sister she challenged her to a duel for her freedom, one last time, before her mind was completely taken over by Vivian’s influence.

“Are you sure that you wish to do this?” Vivian asked her sister. She had hoped that a year and a half of “training” her, she would be the perfect sister. Though it would seem that she underestimated the former King of Games.

“Just duel me already!” Mei yelled pulling out her duel disk. “If I win you have to turn me back and allow me to reclaim my title as the King of Games!”

“Fine,” Vivian said to her arrogant sister. “But if I win you have to give up on these challenges once and for all! You’ll be nothing more than my cute obedient tsundere sister and you will learn jhow to cook Chinese cuisine under my tutelage.”

“Deal!” Mei yelled as they started the duel, but the moment that she drew her card, she had no idea what to do next. Her deck was filled with cards that her sister choose for her, but besides that she didn’t even remember ho to properly play the game.

She had spent almost two years of her life practicing kung fu and working as an actress and model. She didn’t have time to card games. There was no room left in her life for it. Because of her lack of skill, Mei ended up forfeiting the duel on her first turn!

“Ohohohohohoho~! Vivian arrogantly laughed at Mei as she went down on her knees and surrendered to her. Look at the great and powerful former King of Games, how far he has fallen.  

“I-it’s not fair,” Mei pouted to Vivian. “You gave me cards I didn’t understand. I want to try again!” Mei whined, knowing that it was pointless, because even if she had different cards the outcome would be the same for her. There was no way that she could ever beat her sister.

Tears started to well up in Mei’s eyes as she finally accepted that Yugi Muto was gone for good. She was and forever will be Mei Wong, Vivian Wong’s cute, adorable and sexy tsundere younger twin sister.

“Aww, it’s okay,” Vivian said, walking over and embracing her sister. “For now you should leave the cards to me. You can’t be good at everything, though I guess when there is time I can give you a few pointers so we can have friendly sister duels with each other.”

“R-really?” Mei asked as Vivian wiped her tears away.

“Of course, we can,” Vivian said back to ger. “We’re sisters, we have to stick together. Though for now you should stick at what you’re good at, and do you know what that is?”

“Doing whatever you tell me I’m good at,” Mei said, understanding now that her sister has always known what was best for her. She was never King of Games material; besides it was the pharaoh that one their most important duels for them. She was just riding his coattails.

“That’s right, now be a good girl and follow me to the kitchen,” Vivian said to her before dragging her to the kitchen where her  Chinese cuisine cooking training would take place.

Vivian smiled as she looked at her sister knowing that she could do this with ease at well. Mei had so much potential as Vivian’s younger sister and Vivian was the only on that could help bring that talent out for her.

-6 months later-

It has officially been over 2 years since Yugi was turned into Mei Wong, and almost everyone across the world has forgotten about Yugi Muto besides his closets friends who had no luck tracking him down since he disappeared. While they were all surprised when Vivian announced that she had a younger twin sister to the world, none of them were able to put the pieces together.

“Hmm, not bad,” Mei Wong said to herself as she tasted her latest Chinese cuisine dish that she had just created. During the course of six months Vivian ran her through a strict cooking training regime whenever they had time.

While reluctant at first, Vivian was able to set her sister straight with her strict teaching methods and disciplinary spankings for every cooking mistake made. It did not matter to Vivian that her sister had no cooking experience before this. What mattered to her was making sure that her sister was perfect.

Though it did take a long while before Vivian signed off on her training. Now Mei was allowed to cook her own specially made dishes, which she tried to impress her sister with. Though as of now none of her attempts had succeeded, but she was certain that if she could just figure out what she was missing for this dish than she would definitely earn her sisters’ praise. Though she only wanted it so that her cooking skills could be recognized, not just because she wanted to lay head first on her sisters lap pillow reward for doing a good job.

As Mei continued to taste test her dish, adding small amounts of different seasoning to each spoonful she had, she couldn’t help but reminisce about her past as Yugi Muto.  

She had heard that Joey finally fulfilled his dream, becoming a pro duelist. Currently he’s in the lower tiers, but he’s making his way up. As for Tea she became a dancer living out her dreams in New York City.  

As for Tristen, Mei hadn’t heard anything about him. The last time she saw him, he was rejected by Serenity and drove off on his motorcycle, she hoped that he was oaky. Duke’s Dungeon Dice monster game was a hit among kids younger than thirteen, and he seemed to be doing good for himself.

All of her friend were lining their dreams, though was she living her dream? Two years ago she was still the King of games, but was she really happy back then? Was she actually living in a nightmare right now as nothing more than Vivian’s slave sister?

Her passion for duel monsters was completely gone. It was filled in with her new passion for kung fu, acting, modeling and cooking. She found joy doing as her sister asked her to do. She remembered that the last time that she touched a card was two years ago when Vivian and her had to rush back to Japan to help Grandpa, who twisted his back.

Though in the end, it was just a trick set up by him so that he could see his granddaughters again, while “accidentally” groping their breasts and asses. That little pervert loved having tow famous granddaughters. Not only did it increase the fame of his game shop, but whenever they visited he always managed to cope a feel.

The last time they met Grandpa was asking Vivian for yet another you to service him as the last one quit after she got fed up with his constant sexual harassment.


“Oww!” Mei yelled, jumping to her feet as Vivian kicked her twin in her fat ass, snapping Mei out of her thoughts. “What was that for?” Mei whined as she rubbed her sore ass.

“You were daydreaming again,” Vivian told her.  “Hurry up or we’re going to be late,” she said tossing Mei a sexy short strapless red dress.

“Late for what?” Mei asked her sister confused by what she was talking about.

“Our double date,” Vivian said to her sister like it was obvious. “I’ve been telling you about this for weeks. You must have not heard me while working on those recipes again.”

“Sorry about that,” Mei said back to Vivian. “I just lost track of time,” she said striping down right there , showing her dear sister her tight black thong and black nipple pasties on her tits, before putting the dress on.

“So who’s the guy, some hot actor right?” Mei asked, excited to she who her sister had in store for her this time.

“Sorry, but I called dibs on him,” Vivian said to her sisters disappointment. “Though don’t worry, I have the perfect guy in store for you.”

“What does he do for a living?” Mei asked, curious about who this new mystery man was.

“He’s a successful duelist, unlike someone we know,” Vivian said, mocking Mei for what she once was and how far she had fallen since then.

“A duelist I don’t think I can,” Mei said, reluctant to date someone that would remind her of her past.

“Oh, but I’m pretty sure that you will,” Vivian said to her sister, knowing that she couldn’t deny her. “And besides I think that you’ll absolutely love this guy. Not only is he a successful duelist, he’s also rich and runs his own company. And guess what he’s only 20 years old, a few years younger than us. He’s absolutely boyfriend material! Though there is one slight problem, he seems to have an odd obsession with white dragons, he even modeled a jet plane after one.

Upon hearing this Mei’s face turned bright red, realizing that her sister wanted her to become the girlfriend of Seto Kaiba!

“No, no, no! I can’t,” Mei said getting flustered. After spending two years as Vivian’s sister she realized that Kaiba was her dream guy. She even had multiple wet dreams about him recently.

“There’s no way that I could like someone like that,” Mei said, trying to hide her true feelings, but Vivian already knew about her sisters crush on Kaiba. In fact she set this date up with them knowing that, and to make things even more spicy between them, she told him Mei’s true identity and surprisingly enough Kaiba was ecstatic! Her sister and Kaiba together would make the world’s strongest power couple in the world!

“Aww, it’s cute that you’re trying to deny it,” Viviana said before she disabled Mei’s movements by placing an acupuncture needle into the back of her neck. She then princess carried her beautiful sister in their limo to meet their dates.

“Stop let me go! I don’t want to date a guy! I can’t let him see me like this!” Mei yelled acting like a brat while trying to hide her true feelings of embarrassment.

“Don’t worry sis, I’m sure that your attitude will change once you come face to face with your new prince.”

-1 Hour Later-

“Hold still,” Vivian said, as she finished applying Mei’s make up.

“But what if he makes fun of me? What if he doesn’t think I’m hot enough?” Mei asked her sister.

“Girl you have got to stop worrying,” Vivian said to comfort her sister. “If Kaiba is a real man he’ll ask to marry you after this. If he doesn’t it’s clear that he swings the other way. Oh we’re here,” Vivian said as the limo stopped on front of a café.

“This is your stop,” Vivian said to her, giving her sister a kiss on the check for good luck. “My dates taking place 10 minutes away from here. If you need me don’t be afraid to call. Are we clear?”

“Yes sister,” Mei said as Vivian smacked her fat ass the moment that she left the limo. “Bye! And remember to have fun!” she yelled as the limo drove off.

Once outside she saw Kaiba wearing a lovely white suit. The moment he saw her he started walking over to her.

Mei’s heart started beating faster and her face turned bright red. She never noticed how much of a hunk he was before. Why could see never see his appeal as a man?

“Yugi,” Kaiba said as he got close to her. She hadn’t been called that name for almost 2 years, though the moment he said it, Mei could see rose petals falling before her eyes as Kaiba embrace her in his arms.

“Yugi, I have been waiting for this day for a long time,” he said inches away from her face, causing her nose to bleed as she imagined this man forcing her down on his bed, ravaging her ion each and every possible way.

“Oh Kaiba, are you certain we should be doing this here?” Mei asked, embarrassed of what the people around her would think.

She started to feel dizzy thanks to the loss of blood and tried to get Kaiba to catch her, oddly enough he avoided her.

“Yugi what the hell is your problem?” Kaiba asked, breaking Mei out of her fantasy. “Why the hell are you losing so much blood when I just asked you to play a card game?”

“Oh… you were talking about a card game,” Mei said disappointed that she expected anything from Kaiba.

“Of course I was, what the hell did you think I came here for?” Kaiba asked before tossing Mei a duel disk with her original deck which she lost 2 years ago. “I spent 2 years trying to find you after you gave up you Duel Monster’s Championship title to the same bimbo that you look exactly like.”

“Seriously when you went missing I was actually a bit worried about you, but it would seem that you were living the good life as her pet! You owe me this duel Yugi so don’t you dare back down on me now!”

Mei was speechless right now. For 2 years she spent training herself into the hot, sexy, and multitalented Chinese woman that she is today and he didn’t even have the common decency to call her hot? This dumbass seriously asked her of all people to play a card game, thinking that she was the same duelist as before!

Mei was furious at him. He just stomped all over her pride as a woman and she would not take that laying down! She was going to make this foolish man regret treating her like this!

Mei put on her duel disk after texting her sister to come back with support. One way or another he would see things her way. He would acknowledge her as his queen and he would worship her for her beauty!

“Fine Kaiba if I win then I’ll have you acknowledge my beauty!” Mei yelled at him, though he didn’t seem to care, was he actually playing for the other team?

Kaiba took his turn first and then using a special combo summoned out all three Blue Eyes White Dragon’s put on the field before ending his turn. Mei started her tun, but as soon as she did she realized that she wasn’t any good at card game despite being the former King of Games. She was now just Mei Wong, Vivian Wong’s sexy Chinese younger twin sister that loved kung fu, acting, modeling and cooking. There wasn’t even a trace of Yugi left in her at this point.  

“Come on started your turn already!” Kaiba yelled at her, only causing the poor girl to start to cry.

“I-I-I don’t know how~!” Mei cried as she feel to her knees forfeiting the duel right there and then, tears forming in her eyes. Where was her big sister? She promised that she would protect her.’

“Pathetic,” Kaiba said looming over her. “The Yugi I know I is long dead. You aren’t worth my time.”

“Well if my dear sister can’t satisfy you, I’m sure that I can fill the part,” Vivian said appearing behind Mei to her rescue. “Though let’s make things a bit more interesting. What would you say to have a small bet with me~?”


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