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*Warning this story has NSFW content. All characters are 18+, legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*

A month had passed since Fairy Tail defeated the Spriggans, and everyone was having fun at the guild like always. Though the consequences of defeating Zeref were about to hit Natsu head-on.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Out of nowhere, a black flame appeared on Natsu’s head before engulfing his entire body! As he screamed out in pain many other members of the guild tried to help him, but it was no use.

Happy, Lucy and the others watched in horror as a pair of black horns grew out of Natsu’s head as his pink hair became darker. His arms and legs become pitch black and the whites of his eyes did so as well.

As the fire began to die down, Natsu's mind began to change into that of E.N.D’s. Though as it did., it learned from Natsu’s memories that Zeref had already passed. His purpose was no more. There was nothing left for him.

Though as the fire disappeared he saw four women of extraordinary beauty standing before him in a vision. His carnal instincts as a demon began to take over. If there was no longer a purpose for his existence then he would make one for himself. What defines a demon better than destruction and power.

“Natsu?” Happy asked, taking a few steps closer to his friend. “Are you alright?”

“Interesting,” E.N.D said, looking at the talking blue cat that stood before him. “You should be quaking in my presence, yet you dare ask if I’m alright. I shall grant you a reward for your bravery. You shall become my first servant,” he said creating a ring of black fire around Happy, and before anyone could do anything Happy was completely engulfed in the flames.

Seconds later when the flames died down the small and cute Happy was no more. Standing on all fours was a dark blue lion, his eyes bright red. Whatever loyalty he had to Natsu was now magnified ten-fold to E.N.D, but this was at the cost of his humanity.

“Natsu what have you done!?” Lucy yelled at him while the other members of the guild were too shocked to even speak. None of them thought that he could do something so horrid to Happy, his best friend.

“What, all I did was give the cat a much-needed power boast,” E.N.D said. He wasn’t Natsu, so there was no point in acting like that fool. Why care about the pathetic relationships that he once had when he could easily take what he wanted by force. There was no one that could stop him.

“Turn him back right now!” Lucy yelled at him.

“And what will you do if I say no?” E.N.D asked her, with a smug look on his face.


Without hesitation, Lucy smacked E.N.D in the face, though it did nothing more than assume him.

“My, you are a feisty one,” E.N.D said, grabbing her hand to keep her from running away. “I have decided that you will not only be one of my Four Nuns of The Apocalypse but my queen as well.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Lucy asked, struggling to break free, but she stopped the moment that E.N.D forcibly started to make out with her. She tried to break free, but it was pointless.

At the same time, E.N.D used his magic to transform her.

Lucy’s clothes were the first to go as a black nun’s habit appeared on her head. Then her shirt transformed into a black corset, and two shoulder pads shaped like bone hands appeared. A long red cape flowed down from her back. Her skirt disappear to reveal a pair of sexy black panties and a garter belt which was attached to a pair of high-rise boots. Finally, a skull mask appeared over her face.

Confused and scared by her change in attire, Lucy panicked trying to take off the clothes. Though as she did a pair of vampire fangs grew from her teeth. Her mind started to become clouded until there was only one thing that made sense to her. She had to obey E.N.D. he was her lord, her master, her lover.

To her all that mattered was making sure that he got what he desired and right now that was her. She had to give everything she owned to him. From today onwards she solely existed to fulfill his desires.

“Rise my Nun of Death and serve your new master,” E.N.D said, holding out his hand for his new queen to grab. “From today onwards you shall be only second to me and me alone.”

“As you command my love,” Lucy said, bowing to her king.

“You beast make sure that no one leaves this guild,” E.N.D said referring to Happy. “It is time to sort the trash,” he said looking at the remaining guild members that were there.

“Pathetic,” E.N.D said, looking over the members of Fairy Tail that were there. “None of you are even with my time. Everyone here can’t even be compared to a bug. It’s time that your insignificant existence ends here,” he said creating a black flame in his hand, though he stopped once he saw the scene before him.

“Natsu please stop this!” Lisanna yelled jumping out from behind the counter at the bar. She had seen everything so far and couldn’t believe her own two eyes.

“Natsu this is wrong and you know it! The Natsu that I know would never try to harm his friends. He would never harm Happy or turn Lucy into that,” she said trying to get through to him, but it was no use. Natsu was never real, to begin with. He was nothing more than the outer shell of E.N.D that was always meant to be discarded when the time came.

“How dare you speak to your new king like that!” Lucy yelled bringing out her whip, prepared to beat Lisanna into submission.

“That’s enough,” E.N.D said, stopping Lucy. “She has a fire that is filled with justice. She’s overflowing with love for others. It would be better if that love for them dried out and she would solely love me,” he said sadistically to them.

“I will never love the person that you are right now!” Lisanna yelled, transforming into her catgirl beast mode. “I will defeat you and turn the three of you back!” she yelled charging straight at E.N.D.

Though unfortunately for her she was just too slow. Within seconds E.N.D had her pinned to the floor, using his magic to forcibly change her. Lisanna's beast magic was instantly canceled by E.N.D’s leaving her with nothing but a black bikini, and a nun’s habit that appeared on her head. As her skin began to turn a sickly shade of green, and the white in her eyes began to turn black, all of her excess weight from her body disappeared.

“No, please! I don’t want this!” Lisanna yelled, trying to resist the mental changes. Unlike Lucy, she wasn’t given the proper distraction to ease the pain away. This was her punishment for defying his will.

“Please. I’ll be… be good,” she said, slowly losing her resistance. “I will….I will s…. I will serve my king,” Lisanna said obediently, her mind now completely broken.

“Rise my Nun of Famine and prove your worth to your master,” E.N.D said to her.

“As you wish my king,” Lisanna obediently said before turning around to the people that she once protected. “All of that love you have for one another is wasted on you,” Lisanna said holding out her hand as red particles began to flow out of their bodies. Within seconds everyone there had turned grey, all of their love had been taken from them. It now resided in Lisanna who would only give it to her master.

“Good,” E.N.D said please with the loyalty his Nuns were showing to him.

“Beast search the guild. If you find anyone else here, bring them to me. There is a special reward for the cowards that sit back and watched their friends die. Isn’t that right Wendy?” E.N.D said, revealing that he knew Wendy was her this entire time hiding from him in fear.

“Your punishment can wait though. Beast it would seem that we have another guest to attend to,” he said looking at the entrance to the guild as it swung open to allow Mirajane to enter.

“Sorry I’m late Lisanna,” Mirajane said, while too busy looking at the groceries in her hands. “The market was packed full today and several of the stalls wer-”

Mirajane bumped right into E.N.D, still unaware of the stat that the guild was in.

“Oh Natsu, I’m sorry… wait you look different… wait are those demon horns!?” she yelled jumping back from him, dropping the groceries on the ground, finally seeing the unconscious, possibly dead bodies of her guildmates.

“Natsu what is the meaning of this!?” she yelled at him, noticing the state that Happy, Lucy, and Lisanna were in.

“Natsu, Natsu, Natsu, how many times will I have to say it before it sticks?” E.N.D sad annoyed. “The name is E.N.D, and I am none other than your new king.

“King?” Mirajane said back to him confused. “You can call yourself whatever you want because soon I will cure you of your sickness!” she yelled transforming into her Satan form. “I know what it feels like to let your demon take control, and that means that I’m the only one qualified to help you!” she yelled attacking him, but the moment that she got close to him her body stopped.

“What’s happening? Why can’t I move?” she asked herself as her body reverted to its original form.

“As a person that frequently transforms into demons it almost assuming to see that you yourself do not understand what your body already does,” E.N.D said, mocking her. “You are in sense already a demon, and I am the king of all demons, meaning that whether you accept it or not I am your king, your master. Though according to you I am sick. How about I share this sickness with you so that you may understand how I feel.”

E.N.D created a black crow mask out of thin air and placed it on Mirajane’s face. The moment that he did a nun’s habit appeared on her head and a black goo-like substance began to spread across her body, pleasuring her as it did. It didn’t stop until it was covering almost her entire body, leaving her head alone.

Once it was set Mirajane began to feel E.N.D’s will try to corrupt her. She knew how to resist this level of mental manipulation. Or at least so she thought. Thanks to the demons that were already inside of her, her mental resistance was weaker than even Happy’s. It only took several seconds for her to become one of E.N.D’s loyal subjects.

“Rise, my Nun of Pestilence,” E.N.D’s said holding out his hand for her to grab. “Soon the world will crumble at the sicknesses you will create, but before that, there is still, one last Nun that has yet to join us. I believe that she should be arriving just about now.”

The moment he said that I sword came flying straight at his face, though it was pointless as he easily blocked the attack.

“Natsu!” Erza yelled charging into the guild. Her anger clearly visible across her face. “What have you done!” she yelled at him in rage. “I swear if you hurt Wendy you’re going to pay!”

“And why would I hurt Wendy?” E.N.D asked, looking over to where Wendy was hiding, He had his beast make sure that she wouldn’t try to run away. “I have big plans for her. Almost as big as the ones that I have planned for you,” he arrogantly said to her, treating her like she wasn’t even a threat to him.

“Wendy told me that you changed through a Lacrima message,” Erza said, looking straight at him, not bothering to look at her former friends. “She said that you had turned into E.N.D. I didn’t want to believe it, but after seeing it for myself I can already see that you are too far gone. In order to save everyone else, you must be put down. It’s what Natsu would have wanted!” she yelled charging at him.

“Natsu was weak,” E.N.D said, blocking her onslaught of attacks. “His foolish friendships dragged him down. Powerful, but never the strongest. He wasted our potential,” he said knocking Erza’s sword from her hands, but she immediately replaced it with another one.

“He was not weak!” Erza yelled, tears forming in her eyes! “He was one of the strongest people that I knew! He only wanted to be strong to protect those that he loved! He never did it for the power!”

“That’s why he was weak!” E.N.D said grabbing her by the throat, keeping her from escaping. “Why should I have to care for those that are obviously beneath me?”

“Because… it’s who you…are,” Erza said struggling to breathe.

“Not anymore,” he said as he used his magic to seal her mouth. “Loyal soldiers should not ask questions, and just do as they’re told.

E.N.D’s magic began to engulf Ezra’s body, placing her into a sexy black armor made for a battle princess. When the nun’s habit appeared on her head she tried to scream out in pain, but couldn’t. little by little her mind was being rewritten to become nothing more than an obedient warrior that would cut down her king’s enemies.

“Rise, my Nun of War,’ E.N.D said, most impressed with his new Nuns of the Apocalypse. Each one of them was specifically made to serve him.

“Now I do believe that there is a child that needs to be punished,” he said as the five of them walked over to the counter where both Wendy and Carla were hiding.

“You stay away from her you monster!” Carla yelled, standing between them.

“I don’t have the patience to deal with you,” he said engulfing Carla in the same black flames as he did to happy. When the flames dispersed a white lioness with dark red eyes was left in her place. “Even a beast of mine deserves a mate as well don’t you think?”

“Natsu how could you!?” Wendy yelled at him crying her eyes out. “She was my friend! Your friend!”

“Naive girl, do you really think that I would ever see a filthy cat as one of my friends?” E.N.D said preparing to attack her, but all of a sudden Lucy got in his way.

“Wait, my love, I have a better idea,” she said, catching his interest.

“And what is it that my beautiful queen has thought of?” E.N.D asked her.

“I want her,” Lucy said pointing at Wendy. “I want her to be our daughter. She’s too cute to be disposed of, don’t you agree?”

“I will neither confirm nor that,” E.N.D said to her. “But a king who doesn’t listen to the first request of his new queen is no true king at all. Though to have such a disobedient daughter will not do.”

“Then if I may suggest,” Lucy said whispering the rest into his ear, putting a smile across his face.

“Oh my dear queen that is most devious of you,” E.N.D said, looking sadistically at Wendy.

“Stay back!” Wendy yelled trying the attack him, but if the other girls were hopeless against him what chance did she really have?

“Quiet,” E.N.D said, putting his hand over her head. “So long as you don’t try to fit it then it won’t hurt at all. E.N.D used his magic on Wendy beaning her transformation.

A pair of dark blue dog ears grew on top of her head while a fluffy dark blue tail grew out of the base of her spine. Her white dress turned pitch black. As a collar appeared around her neck with the dig tag that said Wendy on it her mental changes began.

“No! No please stop!” Wendy yelled out in pain as the memories of her friends began to disappear from her mind one by one. “Natsu please! Lucy help me! Erza save me!”

“Wendy yelled out for help to each one of her friends but it was no use. Once all of her useless memories were disposed of new ones began to replace them. Ones of her being raised by both E.N.D and Lucy, with the three other Nun’s acting as her aunts.

Once Wendy finally stopped fighting the changes, E.N.D held out his hand to her.

“Who am I?” he asked to make sure that the process was a success.

“You are N… papa?” Wendy asked, her mind was a complete mess trying to sort through all of her now jumbled memories.

“That’s right,” E.N.D said, pulling her up to her feet. “Now who’s ready to take over this guild. I was thinking that we do it as a family.”

“I think that’s a lovely idea, my love,” Lucy said, clinging up next to his arm.

“Good, because I do believe that we have some guests to attend to,” E.N.D said as the door to the guildhall swung open and all the remaining guild members came charging at them.

-1 Week Later-

In a matter of only a week, the Fairy Tail guild was destroyed by E.N.D and his for Nuns of The Apocalypse. To be honest it took them only a day to defeat most of them.

The weaker members of the guild were turned into E.N.D’s loyal slaves, while the stronger ones like Laxus and Gajeel were turned into crazed beasts under the command of his Nun of War.

Many of the women, such as Levy and Cana, were turned into disciples of the Nuns. They were their hands and feet, doing whatever was told of them. Their bodies were hidden in black ribs and their faces were hidden behind white masks. This was to make sure that the people knew that the only women worthy to loom at were the Nuns and the king’s innocent daughter.

One of the main reasons that the guild did not fall within the first day, was because of one pesky individual, Gray Fullbuster. It was thanks to his one-of-a-kind demon slayer magic that he proved too hard for E.N.D’s Nuns to capture.

He tried to lead a resistance against E.N.D, but it was no use. One by one all that supported him were taken care of until there was only him and Juvia left behind.

Juvia wanting to give Gray the chance to flee allowed herself to be captured, but that only resulted in Gray giving himself up for her freedom, what a funny thing love was.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Gray screamed in pain as one of E.N.D’s disciples tortured him. “You bastard! You promised that you would let her go!” he yelled at E.N.D.

“I did say that she would be let go,” E.N.D smugly said to him. “Though who am I to stop her if she wishes to stay?” he said ripping off the disciple's mask revealing that it was none other than Juvia!

“Juvia! Wake up! It’s me, Gray! You’re free now, the nightmare is over,” Gray said to her hoping that she was still in there somewhere, but the sad truth was that she wasn’t.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Juvia began to torture him again without even batting an eye as E.N.D went back to his throne, where his daughter and Nuns of The Apocalypse waited for him.

“You did it, my love,” Lucy said giving him a light kiss on the lips, as she sat down in his. “The Fairy Tail guild is no more, now what should we do?”

“A simple guild cannot satisfy my hunger,” E.N.D said to her. “For me to be satisfied only the entire world shall suffice!”


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