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“N-Natsu I…I l-love you~,” Wendy said to Natsu behind the guild.

“I love you too~,” Natsu said back to her, answering her without hesitation.

“R-really~!!” Wendy said in excitement. Was this actually happening!? Was he actually accepting her love that she had kept bottled up all this time?

“Of course~! You’re like a little sister to me, how can I not love you~,” Natsu said to her, clearly not understanding what she meant.

“Y-yeah…like a sister…” Wendy was distraught as she made her way back into the guild. She loved him with every fiber of her soul, but he didn’t. He saw her as nothing more than a child. It was pathetic…she was pathetic~. 

“Sniff,” tears started to run down her face as she began to cry.

“Huh? Wendy? What’s wrong?” Cana asked from her table, taking a drink of the alcohol in her mug.

“Sniff, it’s nothing,” Wendy said, wiping her tears, hoping that Cana wouldn’t notice any more of this. Though being the woman that she was there was no way that Cana would leave her alone.

“Now, now, seeing that you’re crying, it can’t be nothing~,” Cana said sweetly to her, standing up from her seat. “Come here~. Sit down and tell me everyone~,” she said, gently sitting Wendy down in the seat across from her.

“You promise that you won’t laugh~?” Wendy asked her, feeling self-conscious about what just happened. Though Cana has been there for her before, so hopefully she could be there for her now as well.

“I promise~,” Cana said back to her, wondering what or who made Wendy cry. She wouldn’t forgive them.

“I confessed to Natsu,” Wendy said to Cana.

“Ack-ack! You what!?” Cana yelled, almost choking on her drink.

“I confessed to Natsu, but he turned me down,” Wendy said as Cana began to wipe her face. “He said that he loved me like his sister, not as a woman. I may look like this, but I’m an adult too. I can’t believe that he sees me only as a child. It’s not fair. I know that Lucy likes him, but it’s not fair that he only looks at her.”

“Wendy it’s not your fault,” Cana said to her, thinking up a plan. Natsu was a fool not to see the way that Wendy felt for him. She wanted to make him pay and there was a great method to do so~. She had been saving this card for a special occasion and it would seem that now was the right time to use it~. “It’s Natsu’s~. If he can’t see the great woman that you are then that‘s on him, not on you~.”

“B-but I want him to love me~,” Wendy said as her tears continued to flow down her cheeks.

“Then you need to show him that you are the mature woman that you know you are~,” Cana said to her summoning a glass of what looked like juice in front of Wendy. “Drink this to help yourself calm down~.”

“Thanks, Cana~,” Wendy said, slowly drinking the “juice” to Cana’s delight. “I wish that I could be as confident as you.”

“But you can~,” Cana said to her. “All you need is two things~. A boast in your confidence and a change in how you look~.”

“Is there something wrong with how I look~?” Wendy asked Cana, her face getting flushed while her mind started to feel fuzzy for some reason.

“Yes and no,” Cana said back to her. “You look just fine the way you are, but that’s if I’m talking to a child. Sweetie, you’re 18 now and you still dress the same way you did when you joined the guild. Besides your need to express yourself more, this is your biggest issue.”

“Really~? Hic! I didn’t know, hic!” Wendy said back to Cana, her mind was a mess right now since Cana gave her not juice, but alcohol. And it wasn’t the cheap shit, but the good shit that Cana saved for special occasions~.

“That’s right, but luckily I can help~,” Cana said to her, half-drunk herself. “I can give you a makeover that will make Natsu see you in a new light. When I’m done the scared childlike Wendy will be gone~

“Hic! Let’s do it! Hic!” Wendy yelled out, currently drunk after only a few sips. She was such a lightweight that it was cute, but with Cana’s help that soon wouldn’t be a problem~.

“That’s my girl, now come with me to my place~,” Cana said, bringing her drunk friend with her back to her home.

Once they were there, Cana wasted no time stripping Wendy down and replacing her childlike clothes with her own.

“Um Cana, I don’t think that this, hic…is going to work,” Wendy said, looking at herself in Cana’s mirror. “These don’t fight me at all. Hic!” Wendy was willing to do anything to make Natsu love her, but she wasn’t so show that wearing Cana’s clothes would help.

While she may have been drunk she wasn’t foolish enough to believe that these clothes would help. She was currently wearing her pants, bra, and even panties, but she didn’t feel more mature or confident at all.

“What are you talking about? You look amazing~,” Cana said, standing behind her. True her clothes didn’t fit Wendy yet, but they soon would~. “Here, close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so. If you do then I'm certain that you will see yourself as a whole new person and Natsu will definitely look your way~.”

“Hic! A-alright~,” Wendy said, a bit skeptical of Cana’s words, but even so, she did as she was told to do, closing her eyes. This was for Natsu, she had to do it.

“Fufufufu~. Don’t worry sweety, you’ll love the way you look~,” Cana said to her, pulling out another card. This was the one that she had planned to use on Wendy. It would help this poor girl in more ways than one~. Now, it was time to begin.

“Nnnnhh~!!!” Cana I feel, hic! Strange,” Wendy said, feeling her body become warmer.

“Don’t worry sweetie, that’s just your inner beauty trying to come out~,” Cana said to her, watching as Wendy’s hair slowly started to turn from blue to brown, just like hers. “Don’t fight it and let it happen~.”

“Hic! If you say so~,” Wendy said, a tad bit scared of what was happening, but she knew that Cana only wanted to help her so she would trust her. Though little did she know that her skin was slowly becoming darker as well, becoming tan just like Cana’s.

“That’s right just listen to my voice~,” Cana said, eagerly watching as Wendy grew taller, and her arms became longer. “You are a beautiful and mature woman, one that most women dream to be~. Even Natsu won’t be able to resist~.”

“I, hic, am?” Wendy asked, feeling compelled to listen to Cana’s words. Natsu would love her. This is exactly what she wanted~. She couldn’t wait for him to hold her in his arms while Lucy stared at them in envy as she did in the past.

“Yes, you are~,” Cana said whispering into her ear while brushing her hair. “You’re outgoing and brave, and you love to show off in more ways than one~. You never shy away from love and express your feelings without a moment’s hesitation~.”

“Nnnn, yes, that’s, hic! The woman that I want to be~,” Wendy said, now the same age as Cana, with an almost identical face. Cana’s spare clothes nice fit her properly and her body felt really good right now. It was almost as if she was a different person altogether.

“No, that’s the woman you’re about to be~,” Cana said as she began to grope her new twin's sensitive breasts~.

“Ahhhh~!!!! Canna w-what are you doing~!?” Wendy yelled out almost opening her eyes, but for some reason, she could, not knowing that it was Cana’s magic that kept them like that,

“I’m showing you how it feels to be a woman~,” Cana said to her, knowing that with each grope and pinch of her breasts, they slowly became bigger and bigger. “You’ve been hiding your breasts away for so long that you can no longer recognize their feelings ~. It’s alright~. Never again will you have to hide them, they are beautiful, and you deserve to show them off~. Isn’t that right~.”

“Ahhh~!!! Y-yeah…I s-should-ahhh~!!!” Wendy yelled moaning out her answer as her small flat chest was completely transformed into a pair of D-cup breasts. At the same time, Wendy’s mind was slowly being manipulated by Cana’s magic, making her more and more agreeable to Cana’s words. She had even begun to hope that Natsu would grope them for her as well. Oh, what a naughty girl she was becoming~.

“Good girl~,” Cana said to her, happy with the end results. “You may open your eyes now~.”

“Alright,” Wendy said to her, opening her eyes that changed from blue to brown as they opened, completing her transformation~.”

“So, what do you think~?” Cana asked her, eager to witness her reaction.

“…Amazing!” Wendy said, lacing her hand against the mirror, admiring her new appearance in the mirror. “I can’t believe that I look…look so sexy~! Cana what did you do to me?” she asked, not even realizing that this wasn’t her true form because she was still drunk and thought that this was nothing more than a dream~.

“Nothing much~. I just released the true you~,” Cana said to her. Now let’s go have some fun~.

“A-alright~,” Wendy said as Cana took her to one of her favorite bars to drink. For the rest of the night Cana and Wendy continued to drink without care, forgetting all about their worries and fears.

“H-huh? What happened last night?” Wendy asked herself, waking up in a pile of empty bottles next to Cana. “Cana? What happened?”

“Ugh, Wendy. Damn you sure know how to party~,” Cana said getting to her feet. “I never thought that a goodie-two-shoes like yourself would be able to party as much as I could. Well as my twin there really was no denying that you always had it in you~.”

“Twin? What are you talking about?” Wendy asked, standing up in front of the mirror and to her surprise, the reflection that she saw was none other than Cana’s. “What the heck is this!?” Wendy yelled almost falling back onto the ground but Cana caught her.

“Don’t you remember~?” Cana said to her. “This is what you asked for~. I helped you unlock your true form as an elegant woman~.”

“B-but why…why do I look like you?” Wendy asked a bit scared of what was happening right now. Yesterday was a blur but she did remember having fun. In fact, she had the most fun that she had ever had yesterday, or at least that was what it felt like.

“Because that is what you desired~,” Cana said, whispering into her ear. “You looked up to me so much that you have always wanted to be like me. You have always wanted to be my twin sister. And look at you now~. You’re just like me~. I know you love it~. You love the confidence that you are feeling right now. Don’t worry there is no need to fear it as this is who you were always meant to be~.”

“It is?” Wendy asked, feeling as if the words that Cana spoke were the truth, but there was still a small part of her that was resisting. She wanted Natsu to love her, but did she really want this?

“It is~,” Cana said to her. “And if you don’t believe me, you should ask Natsu out once more, but this time not as Wendy the child, but Wrena, my lovely and beautiful twin sister. If he is a true man then there is no way that he wouldn’t agree to go out with you~.”

“You’re right!” Wendy or rather Wrena said back to her new twin. She had loved Natsu for far too long now. If he couldn’t love her because she was a child, then so be it. But if he couldn’t love her as she was now, then he was just a child himself. “Let’s go~!”

Little did Wrena know, but the magic that Cana used on her yesterday, did not just turn her into Cana’s twin. It also affected her mind, making her more compliant with Cana’s words and desires.

Wrena and Cana made their way over to the guild and when they did the entire guild stood there in silence watching the two sisters walk in. Each one of them was confused as to why there were two Cana’s, but none of them dared to say anything.

“Natsu~! Over here~!” Wrena said, seeing that Natsu was at the bar all by himself. This was her chance to show him the new and improved version of her.

Cana left her by herself, watching from a nearby table to see what decision her sister would come to. For the longest time Cana had wanted a twin sister and Wendy was always the perfect candidate, but now she was wondering if she should go further. Though being the generous sister that she was, she would leave that up to Wrena.

“Huh? Cana what’s up?” Natsu asked her, not realizing that he was talking to Wendy right now, but she was going to reveal that truth in just a second~.

“Sorry, but you’re wrong~,” Wrena said to him. “It’s me Wrena, don’t you remember~? Or would you rather that I call myself Wendy?” she said, happy to tease the one she loved.

“Wendy? Cana there is no way that you are Wendy and what’s with this whole deal of calling yourself Wrena?” Natsu asked her, not believing a word that she said, thinking that it was some sort of joke.

“Oh Natsu, that airhead personality of yours is one of the reasons that I fell in love with you~,” Wrena said to him, jiggling her breasts in front of his face in an attempt to attract him. “Here let me prove it to you~,” she said whispering the next part in his ears which was something that was only known between the two of them.

“N-no why…it can’t be!” Natsu yelled out in shock, disturbing everyone else around them. “Wendy, why would you do this to yourself?”

“Because I knew that you would never love me the way that I loved you~,” Wrena said to him. “You could never love me as a woman because you saw me as no more than a child, but now that I’m a woman we can be together~. Isn’t this wonderful~.”

“No…it’s not wonderful,” Natsu said back to her. “I never wanted to change yourself for me. I thought you were perfect the way that you were. I’m sorry, but I don’t think that I can love you in the way that you want me to.”

“…That’s fine,” Wrena said to him, realizing that Natsu was just like she once was, a child. He needed to grow up if he was ever going to love her and she knew exactly how to do so~. “Would it be alright if we remain as friends?” she asked using Cana’s card magic that she inherited from her to create a glass of alcohol for Natsu.

“Sure,” Natsu said to his friend, not realizing that this was all a part of her plan. Both her and her sister were eager to see the end results. The spell that they were going to using on him was meant for those of the same gender. It would be very interesting to see how this all turns out~.

“Hic! Wow that drink was, hic, strong~,” Natsu said, getting a bit flustered. “What-”


“Oh my, let us help you up~,” Wrena said to Natsu as she and Cana helped him to his feet.

“Let’s help you sober up a bit~,” Cana said, leading the now-drunk Natsu to an empty room in the back of the guild with the help of her sister before locking the door and preparing her card.

“Cana? What are, hic, you doing?” Natsu asked but it was too late. Before he could say anything else Cana had started to use the card on him.

“Shh~,” just close your eyes and listen to the sound of my voice,” Wrena said to him, forcing his eyes close. She loved this, Natsu was at her mercy and it turned her on. Finally, that foolish boy that couldn’t see her true appeal belonged to her.

“What are you doing to me?” Natsu asked, feeling his body start to warm up, unable to see the slight glow coming from his body.

“Don’t worry sweetie, we’re going to show you the inner beauty that you have been hiding from yourself this entire time~,” Cana said to her, watching as Natsu’s hair slowly started to turn from pink to brown, just like theirs. “That’s right, don’t fight it and let it happen~.”

“That’s right, don’t fight it and let it happen~,” Wrena said, eagerly watching as Natsu’s arms became smoother, slowly turning tan as his body became more feminine. “You are now a beautiful and mature woman, one that you knew you always wanted to be~.”

“N-no, I, hic! I’m a m-man?” Natsu tried saying, easily getting swayed by Cana’s and Wendy’s words.

“Yes, you are~. You can’t even deny it~,” Cana said whispering into his ear, while she and Wendy pressed their breast against his back. “You’re a sexy, beautiful woman that desires everyone’s attention~.”

“Nnnn~!!! Y-yes, I-I, hic, I want to be a woman~,” Natsu said, now with an almost identical face.

“That’s right~,” Wrena said as they slowly stripped him of all his clothes, revealing that he or rather she was a woman now~. “And what kind of woman would you be without the proper attire~,” she said, bringing out more of Cana’s spare clothes. Wrena and Cana wasted no time at all wedging Cana’s spare thing up Natsu’s ass and crotch as they giggled and laughed at their new triplet while forcing the rest of their clothes onto her.

“Ahhhh~!!!! This feels amazing~!!!” Natsu yelled, moaning as Wrena and Cana began to grope her sensitive chest~.

“That’s right, moan you horny bitch~,” Wrena said to her, knowing that with each grope and pinch of her breasts, they slowly became bigger and bigger. “This is what you have always wanted, nice, big, beautiful breasts that need to be shown off~. Isn’t that right~? You’ve always loved me just as much as I have loved you~. Together as sisters, we can embrace each other as one~.”

“Ahhh~!!! Y-yes…I s-should-show-ahhh~!!!” Natsu yelled moaning out her answer as her flat firm chest was completely transformed into a pair of D-cup breasts. At the same time, Natsu’s mind was slowly begin manipulated by Cana and Wrena’s magic, making her believe that they had always been sisters and that she was deeply in love with the two of them. This was her life, and nothing could change that~.

“Good girl~,” Wrena said to her, happy that she had another sister. “You may open your eyes now~.”

-3 Months Later-

“Hic! Another round!” Cana yelled, her table already filled with empty jugs of alcohol from her and her two sisters, Wrena, and Nana who were clingy to her side. Having sisters that looked and acted like her was the best~! It was even better when they shared a bed. Cana had a lot of “toys” and was most eager to share them~.

“Come on keep it coming~!” Nana yelled, her breasts jiggling as she finished her current drink. She never could have imagined life before this. Being a triplet of her beautiful sisters was the best. Wrena and Cana were the best big sisters that she could ever ask for. They spoiled her as the youngest triplet way too much. Though she couldn’t complain about that as they gave her extra pampering in bed~.

“Pfft~!! You sure that you want another~!?” Wrena yelled, laughing at the youngest triplet, holding a small shot glass in her cleavage for Nana to drink from. While they could all hold their liquor, Nana was the weakest among them, but she refused to stop. Wrena loved teasing Nana and couldn’t help but want to pamper her She was going to show her sister what it really meant to love someone. And judging by how much they were drinking they would probably have to repeat the same lesson again~.

“Bring it on~!!!” Nana yelled. She had officially become Cana and Wrena’s sister after that day 3 months ago and she could never be happier. Her sisters and booze were all she needed and now she was about to have even more fun! Getting drunk was the best!



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