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The day quickly past for Kirito and company after that, and he was once again hanging out with Silica who wanted to have a picnic with him. She had spent the entire night before preparing this meal and had made sure to tell Sinon in advance that she wanted some alone time with Kirito. While she wasn’t that confident in her cooking skill, she was still determined to make him a nice meal.

“Wow…this is amazing,” Kirito said to Silica.

“Is there something wrong?” Silica asked him, seeing that he looked distracted by something at the moment.

“Oh… it’s nothing,” he said back to her. Though in truth today was the day that he started to realize that he was shrinking. He figured it out when his shoes started to feel looser on him and the clothes that he got yesterday were getting loose on him already. Though for some reason no one else seemed to notice. It was odd. He was going to wait one more day before actually testing people to see if they were realizing that he was shrinking.

“The food is just so good that I couldn’t help but be stunned for a few seconds,” he said making up a quick lie.

“Thanks~!” Silica said, happy that he liked it, still oblivious to what was going on. “I spent a lot of time making it all so please eat as much as you would like~,” she said, pushing more food toward him.

“Thanks,” Kirito said, unable to say no to her.

The next day Kirito woke up and his new height was now 155cm! He was almost Silica’s height now. She was 145cm, making her only 10cm shorter than he was. He made sure that he wasn’t going crazy by actually using a tape measure to see what actual height he was and based on what he learned he was shrinking 2.5cm every day.

“…Kirito, what’s going on?” Silica asked, surprised that he was calling her so early in the morning.

“Hey Silica, are you free to meet up with me today?” Kirito asked her over the phone. “I need to check something with you real fast,”

“Sure… no problem,” Silica said, slightly confused why Kirito wanted to see her.

They met with each other an hour later at the park, just like Kirito had instructed her.

“Silica I need you to look at me very carefully right now,” he said to her in the most serious tone that he could. “Do you notice anything different about me?”

“Kirito what are you talking about?” Silica asked him, confused by what he was talking about.

“I mean, do I look any shorter than I usually do?” he asked her, getting straight to the point.

“Kirito is this some sort of prank?” Silica asked him. “You’ve always been this height. I know that you’re a bit short for your age, but that doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you,” she said, trying to make him feel better.

“Yeah… it’s just a prank…” Kirito didn’t know why no one else but him has noticed his change, but he was forming a theory as to why this was happening to him, but he still couldn’t be sure.

After that, he left and went back home where Suguha was waiting for him. She spent last night waiting in line to try out the new Vr demo that everyone was testing out right now.

“Hey bro, what’s with the long face?” she asked him, seeing him enter the house.

“Suguha have I always been this short?” he asked her. She was his sister, so there was no way that she wouldn’t notice what was happening to him.

“Hmm, you don’t look any different to me,” she said to him, dropping the card to the Vr demo onto the ground, which Kirito prompting picked up.

“It can’t be?” he said to himself realizing that his theory might be correct, but he would have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

The next day Kirito woke up before noon and called the number on the card that he was given.

“…Hello, yes I’m calling to lodge in a complaint,” Kirito said to the person on the other end of the phone.

“Of course sir, please tell us the nature of your complaint,” the person asked. This was the ten call that they had received today and they were making excellent data.

“Ten days ago I used one of your Vr pods and I felt it shock me several times. Ever since then, I have been losing 2.5cm every day, and I’m almost 150cm now. I know this has something to do with you. I need you to fix this right now.”

“I’m sorry sir, but our pods can’t do that to people,” the person said back to him. “Please cease these senseless jokes. This is a busy line.”

“Joke? Do you really think that I’m calling to make a joke?” Kirito asked getting ticked off with them. “For some reason, everyone I know doesn’t seem to notice this change and the only thing that they have in common is that they used these pods. What are you people planning?”

“Sir, we do not like being slandered or made fun of so please do not call this number again,” they said before hanging up on Kirito.

“So, which one was that?” the operator next to them asked.

“Number 68, the one that accidentally messed up their height,” the person said back to their co-worker. “He’s almost 150cm already, and the people around him have no clue what’s going on. It’s actually working. Who were you on the phone with?”

“Number 63. they thought it would be funny to put in their bio that they were a 21-year-old girl. Pfft, what a moron!”

“You said it! God, I love our job. Oh shit! It’s number 69 calling in, let’s see just how bad they fucked up~!”

While the operators were having fun discussing the effects of the pods on their less-than-willing test subjects, Kirito was still at home wondering what he was going to do next.

He had no idea what was going on in the shadows and he probably never would.

The next day Kirito agreed to meet with Sinon and Silica again. Right now, he was already 150cm and Sinon was arrogantly looming over him.

“How’s it going short stuff?” Sinon asked, teasing him since he was so much shorter compared to her now. In her mind, she has always teased and made fun of Kirton whenever she had the chance, so there was no reason for her to stop now.

“How's the weather down there? Does the little kid won’t a popsicle?” Sinon asked teasing him some more. While Kirito was the same age as her, she found it hilarious to treat him like he was a little kid. In fact, to her, he looked no older than Silica who was only 13 years old.

“Did you really call me over here just to make fun of me?” Kirito asked her, annoyed that all of his friends and family believed that this was the norm.

“Sinon, I think you should stop,” Silica said, trying to stand up for Kirito. “He can’t help that he’s smaller than you. It’s not his fault and you shouldn’t make fun of him for it,” she said. Kirito was short just like her. The short squad needed to stay together. …Wait was Kirito ever part of the short squad? …Yeah, of course he was.

For a second there Silica believe that Kirito used to be way taller than her and Sinon, but there was no way that could be true. Kirito has always been short, what was she thinking?

“Come to one Silica, don’t you think that it’s funny?” Sinon asked her. “He’s my age but is practically the same height as you are. It’s hilarious. Just look at him, wearing clothes that don’t properly fit him, even though we helped him get some ones that fit a few days ago.”

“Sinon you’re being mean~!” Silica said, getting frustrated with Sinon’s attitude towards Kirito. She had been taking it way too far lately and would not stand for it.

“It’s fine,” Kirito said to her, too depressed with his own situation to care. “If that was the only reason why you wanted me to come down here, I’m going to go back home,” he said to them walking away.

Silica and Sinon watched in silence as he left. Neither of them could even begin to understand what was going through his mind right now.

Later that night Silica decided to call Kirito and make sure that he was doing alright. She didn’t feel right about what happened today and wanted to make up for it.

“…Silica what’s up?” Kirito asked, tired after what happened today. All he wanted to do was rest, but he couldn’t deny Silica, who had always eagerly tried to help him.

“Kirito are you alright?” Silica asked him, worried that she did something wrong, but she didn’t. Silica had been nothing but kind to him this entire time.

“I’m fine,” Kirito said back to her. After he left, he had some time to think about everything that happened. He knew that there was nothing he could do at this point to change what was happening to him, but he wasn’t going to let it determine his life. It was just going to take a bit longer for him to get used to it. At least he wasn’t getting younger as well, that would suck.

“Think that I need a change of pace is all,” he said to her.”

“Oh, if that’s the case, how about coming over to my place tomorrow?” Silica asked him. It was a bit rash of her to ask him this and normally she would have never asked him this, but today she felt like she had a shot!

“Sure,” Kirito said to her. He had never been to Silica’s place, and it would definitely be a change of pace for him.

The next day Kirito left his house in his now baggy clothes. He only had 2.5cm to go before he was 1.45cam. To be honest, he looked like a middle schooler now, but with his baggy clothes, he looked much younger.

By the time he made it to Silica’s place, he had to explain to three different people that he wasn’t a lost child but a grown 17-year-old man. Lucky for him he brought his id with him, or else no one would have believed him.


Upon hearing her doorbell ring, Silica jumped out of her bed and ran downstairs to open the front door.

“Kirito you actually came!” Silica said happy to see him. She was actually worried that he would decide not to come.

“Thanks for having me,” Kirito said, being allowed inside.

“Oh my, do we have a guest~?” Silica’s gorgeous and stacked mother said walking into the hall. Hopefully, Silica would grow up to be just as beautiful as her, size and all~.

“Mom this is Kirito, the one that saved everyone from SAO,” Silica said introducing her to him.

“Oh my, so you were the one that saved my precious daughter~! I can’t thank you enough~,” she said hugging Kirito before he could react, smothering him inside her fat breasts.

“Mom~! You’re suffocating him!” Silica yelled, pulling her mom away from him. To be honest she was jealous that her mother was able to do that to him. She hoped that hers would grow bigger soon.

“I’m sorry~,” she said back to Kirito. “I just didn’t know the best way to thank you. …Hmm, excuse e for asking, but do you enjoy wearing such baggy clothes~?” she asked him, taking note of his current appearance.

“Not usually,” Kirito said back to her. “Something strange has been happening to all of my clothing and they ended up like this, and I currently don’t have the spare cash to buy myself new clothes again.”

Kirito knew that it wasn’t his clothes that were changing, but him. Though he knew that no one would believe him, so he continued with this small white lie.

“Well now that just won’t do~,” her mother said to him. “Hmm, that could work,” she said to herself, noticing how her daughter and Kirito were about the same height. He was only a bit taller than her, but that would be fine.

“Come with me~,” she said dragging Kirito all the way to Silica’s room much to her embarrassment since she had yet to clean everything up yet.

“Mom what are we doing in my room~,” Silica said, constantly looking back from Kirito to her room, to her mother.

“Calm down sweety, mommy thought of something to help your friend~,” she said before rifling through Silica’s dresser, finding the clothes that she normally didn’t wear.

“Here we are~!” she said triumphantly, pulling out a few sets of clothes. “Please try these on~,” she said placing the clothes on Silica’s bed.

“Wait, what are you talking about?” Kirito asked, confused by what Silica’s mother was saying.

“These clothes, you should wear them~,” she eagerly said to him.

“But they’re…. they’re girl clothes!” Kirito said, shocked that she wanted him to wear Silica’s clothes.

“Oh~,” she said to herself with a devilish grin across her face. “Don’t worry there are only pants and shirts there,” she said to him. “They’re a bit girly, but they should work for you given that you two are almost the same height~. What did you think that I would try to get you to wear her skirts and dresses~?”

“No…I….” Kirito was too embarrassed to admit that she was right.

“It’s alright sweety~,” she said, treating him like a child despite knowing his age. “I won’t force you to wear those if you don’t want to. So please at least try these clothes on and tell me what you think~,” she said dragging Silica out of her own room so Kirito could change.

To his relief, the clothes that Silica’s mother brought out from him, weren’t that bad. While the pants he was given did give off a girly vibe when he looked at himself in the mirror, they were much more comfortable than his previous pair. As for the shirt, it was a little girly pink t-shirt, that made him embarrassed to look at himself.

“OMG! You look so cute~!” Silica’s mother yelled, unable to hold herself back from hugging the small boy, once again smothering him with her breasts.

“Mother~!” Silica yelled, once again saving Kirito from her mother's breasts.

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help myself~,” she said looking at Kirito with a loving gaze.

“Those clothes suit you so well, but I don’t believe that you are feeling too comfortable in them, are you?” she asked him.

“Yeah,” he said back to her. “While it was nice of you to let me wear these, I find it awkward to wear the clothes of a female friend.”

“That is fine~. There is nothing wrong with feeling a tad bit embarrassed,” she said to him. “For that reason, let’s not keep you in those clothes for long~! Alright, you two it’s time to go shopping~!”

“Huh!?” Kirito and Silica were both shocked as she dragged the two of them to her car and brought them straight to the mall.

“What are we doing here?” Kirito asked her as she brought them inside a clothing store.

“Can’t you see, we’re getting you some new clothes~,” she said to him.”

“But I don’t have the money to get them myself,” he said, trying to remind her what he told her earlier.

“That’s fine, because today, I’m buying, so pick out whatever you like~,” Silica’s mother said to him.

“Are you serious?” Kirito asked her, concerned since he didn’t want to take advantage of her.

“Of course I am~,” she happily said to him. “Silica please help him~.”

“Hello madam,” an employee of the store said, coming over to meet her. “I can see that you are shopping for clothes for your two lovely daughters. They seem to be looking at clothes in the male department. The female department is over there.”

“Oh my~,” Silica’s mother said, back to the employee. “I’m afraid that you are wrong about two things. The first is that while he is quite cute like a girl right now, he is a boy. Secondly, while I do adore him for saving my daughter, I alas am not his mother. Please don’t go amusing things,” she said loud enough for Kirito to here. He was surprised that she stood up for him and didn’t make fun of him. She truly was Silica’s mother, always kind and caring to those she knows.

After Kirito was done picking out some clothes Silica’s mother brought them back to their home. At this point, Kirito was already dressed normally as he could be given his current size.

“Thank you,” Kirito said to Silica’s mother as she was cooking dinner.

“For what?” Silica’s mother asked him.

“For standing up for me and buying me these clothes, thank you,” Kirito said to her.

“You don’t need to be thankful for that,” she said to him. “It’s only natural that I do these things for you,” she said to his confusion.

While she knew that she wasn’t his mother, she couldn’t help but desire him as a son. He was cute, adorable, and respectful. He was a truly kind boy that any mother would be proud to have as their child.

“Now freshen up, dinner is almost done,” she said to him.

For the rest of the night, Kirito spent having fun with Silica’s family. It truly was a wonder why he never went here before. When it was finally time for him to head back home Silica’s mother insisted on driving Kirito home because she was worried for his safety.

“Thanks again,” Kirito said as she let him out in front of his home.

“Don’t mention it sweety~,” she said to him. “Oh, and before I go, take this~,” she said handing him a small box. “Give this to your girlfriend, but don’t open it~.”

“Alright thanks,” Kirito said going inside and passing out the moment that his head touched his pillow.


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