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“That motherfucker! How dare he do that to me!” Irina Jelavić yelled out in frustration, biting her nails. Her initial attempt to assassinate Korosensei ended in failure and not just any failure. He utterly humiliated her in front of those brats. Her pride as an assassin was damaged by this failure.

Though as a professional there was no way that she was going to let it end like this. She realized now that her normal methods wouldn’t work on this monster, so she needed to up her game. What she needed was a reliable backup, but there was no way that she could rely on those bratty students or Karasuma for help. Though there was one student that caught her eye.

Nagisa Shiota was the only one of them that actually seemed competent. The intel that he gave her did help her at the time. She knew that out of everyone else, this boy had the actual potential to become an assassin. Though at his current stage he wasn’t quite at her level yet.

Luckily for her, she knew of the perfect method for helping Nagisa unlock his full potential. All she had to do was call in a few favors~.

“Hello, is this Dr. Son? It’s Irina, I do believe that you remember my last visit.”

“W-why of course~!” the Dr. said on the other end of the call. “Does this mean that you accepted my proposal?”

“Hmm, I don’t know if I should~,” Irina said, toying with him. “There are many other men that are trying to get me to accept their proposals as well. What can you do for me that will make me look your way instead of theirs~?”

“I’ll do anything you want!” the Dr. yelled on the other end of the call. “Just name it and it’s yours!”

“Oh my, what a very forcible man you are~,” Irina said, knowing that she had this fool right where she wanted him. “Well, if you insist, there is actually something that I’ve had my eyes on since the moment we met~.”

“You don’t mean that do you?” the Dr. asked back.

“Why of course I do~,” Irina said to him. “It was really that only thing that interested in that excuse you call a lab. I want that.”

“But I could lose my job if I give it to you. Not to mention I need a viable sample of DNA for it to work.” The Dr. seemed a little resistant to giving it to her, but she knew in the end it would be hers.

“Really~? And here you just said that you would do anything for me. This is why men like you always lose out on good quality women. Perhaps I can just ask Dr. Mento for it. Now he’s a man that can be relied on~,” she said, licking her lips. Mento was an oaf, but he was hung like a horse.

“No, no, no! I can do it. I can do it!” the Dr. said, afraid that he would lose this chance he had with her. “But to make it work, I need the DNA of the donor you want to be used.”

“That’s easy then. I’m quite sure that I left a soaked pair of panties there the last time I was there, so just use mine,” Irina said to him. “Oh, and if you could get it here by tomorrow morning that would be great~. I’ll send you the address, and don’t you dare fail me, or I’ll just have to pay Dr. Mento a visit personally~,” she said before hanging up the phone. Now all she had to do now was wait.

When the next morning arrived, she was happy to see a package was already sitting on her desk. It would seem that Dr. Son did as she had asked, now all that was left was tying up a few loose ends. She texted her informant in the FBI the location of the lab as well as a list of all the illegal activities that they were involved in. One small lab meant nothing to her, but it would be a problem if Dr. Son came for her.

Irina then patiently waited until the end of the brat's physical education class to make her move. She even made sure to seductively flirt with Korosensei to get her something to drink from the other side of the world. This would give her just enough time to do what she needed to do.

“Oh Nagisa, could I have a word with you for a second~?” she asked as the other students were making their way back inside the classroom. “I have something to talk to you about~,” she said acting as if she was depressed.

“Sure Bitch-sensei,” Nagisa said, using the nickname that the class gave her for being such a bitch to them. “What wrong?” he asked as she led him behind the storage shed. “If it’s about yesterday, I’m- mmppphhh!”

Without a moment's hesitation, she used her Kiss of Death on him, striking him with ten “Hits,” as she shoved her tongue down his throat.

“B-bitch…sensei, w-what was…what was that?” Nagisa asked her. He felt extremely dizzy right now and he was feeling a sensation that he had never felt before. In fact, he might have liked it.

“Pathetic. How could you let your guard down like that?” Irina said to him, mocking the naïve young boy. “I may be your teacher, but I am also an assassin. Allowing me to get this close could have cost you your life.”

“I-it could?” Nagisa asked, still feeling strange and for some reason oddly compliant with her words. Little did he know that the lipstick that Irina was wearing would make him almost completely open to any suggestion she gave him for the next five minutes. She used this lipstick a lot whenever she was trying to seduce a rich old man and steal his fortune.

Seeing that her plan was working, Irina grabbed the back of Nagisa’s head and then shoved his face right into her fat breasts, smothering him.

“You know Nagisa, you really stand out among the rest of your classmates~,” Irina said, starting to flirt with him.

“I…. I do?” Nagisa asked, doing his best not to suffocate.

“Of course you do~,” she said back to him. “In my professional opinion, you are the only one in that class of rejects that has a sure-fire chance at becoming an assassin. Unfortunately for you, there’s not enough time to train you the normal way.”

“It really is a shame, but if you would like I could help you. I could transform and mold you into the perfect assassin.”

“Really?” Nagisa asked in his dazed state, eagerly listening to everything she was saying to him.

“Of course, I can help you~,” she said, overjoyed that her plan was going so smoothly unlike with that bastard Korosensei. “Though if I do help you there is no going back. Do you really want to be a pro assassin just like me~?”

“I do,” Nagisa said in his dazed state, not completely understanding what he agreed to, but he was going to find out shortly.

“Perfect~!” Irina said, releasing him from her cleavage prison. She then pulled out a container containing a shiny purple liquid in it from the back of her cleavage, placing it firmly in Nagisa’s hands. “If you drink this then, you will become just like me, a pro assassin~.”

“Yeah…. I’ll drink it,” Nagisa said, believing her words, opening up the container, and drinking the contents without question. Though the moment that he did his body started to feel weird.

“Nnnnnnnnhhhhhhh!!!!” Nagisa fell to his knees as his body started to feel warmer. In his currently dazed state, he didn’t realize what was going on. In fact, he was even unaware of the changes taking place in his body right now. His bones started to crack and break as he became taller. His long blue hair grew even longer, becoming wavy as it changed from blue to blonde.

He started to age as his body become more feminine and then without, realizing it he was pleasuring himself. A pair of I-cup breasts appeared on his chest. He started to grope them, pleasuring himself more. It was long before his dick started to grow smaller and smaller, receding into his body as her ass, hips, and thighs ballooned outward, blessing her with a gorgeous bubble butt.

As she unconsciously fingered her new pussy, she was still unaware that she was now a sexy older blonde foreign woman, and that woman was none other than Bitch-sensei herself.

As Nagisa’s transformation was almost complete Irina placed a black choker around her neck, transforming Nagisa’s clothes into exact duplicates of her own. Nagisa looked perfect. Now all she had to do was convince her new twin that this is her new life now~.

When the transformation finished Nagisa was still holding the empty container as Irina help her to her feet. The effects of her lipstick were wearing off and Nagisa's head started to become clear again.

“Huh? What’s going on?” Nagisa asked himself, unaware of what happened during the past few minutes. “Bitch-sensei? Since when did you get shorter?” Nagisa asked, seeing that Irina was now eyes level with him. And why was she looking so smug at him? What was going on?

Irina said nothing, arrogantly looking at her new twin. She wanted nothing more than to see the embarrassed expression she will make when she realizes what happened to her.

“Huh? Why does my body feel off? I feel off-balanced, my head, chest, and ass feel uncomfortably heavy right now. What the hell is- what the hell!” Nagisa yelled still not realizing that her voice had changed as well. When she looked down, she was greeted with a pair of large tits that were wrapped around Bitch-sensei’s, black lace bra, and white outfit, which Nagisa realized now revealed way too much skin.

She then noticed that there were blonde locks of hair near her new fat tits and that’s when she finally noticed the empty container in her hands. She finally put two and two together, realizing what Bitch-sensei had tricked her into doing. Her face right now displayed the same shocked facial expression that Bitch-sensei would have, almost as if it was a new natural impulse.

“Pfft! Hahahahahahahah!” After seeing Nagisa’s shocked reaction Irina couldn’t stop laughing at her. She knew that this serum would change Nagisa’s age and appearance to look like her, but she never thought that it would copy her expressions and inmate urges. Though that probably explained why Nagisa couldn’t help but pleasure herself during the transformation. She would have to make sure to show her twin how to properly use her new body later tonight~.

“Irina, what have you done~? How dare you do this to- wait no, why can’t I~?” Nagisa stopped when she realized that even her voice, tone, and mannerisms have become just like Bitch-sensei’s. She sound mature, and confident, but what made her cringe every time that she talked was just how much it made her sound like a bitchy person.

This was humiliating for Nagisa, but Irina was only starting with what she had planned. She soon stopped laughing and decided that she could have her fun later. For now, all that mattered was getting Nagisa up to speed.”

“Irina what have-”

“Your tedious questions can wait until later~,” Irina said, cutting Nagisa off in a bitchy manner before she could ask her question. “From now on you work for me, and there will be no disobeying me. From now on you will be acting as the most convincing body double so that we can assassinate Korosensei.”

“Yesterday I was far too rash, and I didn’t prepare myself as I should have. I’ve had nothing but easy marks for a while now, so actually coming across a challenge like this was unexpected~,” she said biting the base of her lips.

Though I will admit that it was because of your information that I was able to get as far as I did last time. I wasn’t lying when I said that you are the only one in that class of rejects that has a surefire chance of becoming an assassin. I know without a doubt that that you can perform an excellent job gathering recon data as my body double~,” she said, seductively lifting up Nagisa’s chin. Her lips were only an inch away from her own.

“I know that this might seem like too much for you to handle but worry not. We’ll be taking this job very slow and steady this time~. There is no reason for us to rush into this~. I’ll make sure to teach you how to move, talk and even think as I do. This is the least that we have to do to fool that bastard Korosensei.”

“What are you saying!?” Nagisa yelled at her. “I cannot be your body double! It’s impossible! You have to turn me back!”

“Oh~? Do I really~?” Irina asked running her fingers down Nagisa’s sensitive tits. “You are under the assumption that I need to ask for your permission, but you are dead wrong. I call the shots around here and you will do what I say~,” she said gripping her twin's fat ass, leaning in closer to Nagisa who could now feel the heat of her breath on her skin, which started to turn her on some more.

“You’ll be stuck in this body until the job is done~. There is no backing out now~. Only I know of the scientist that has the antidote to change you back. It’s not even something Korosensei could make~.” She was lying to him since by now that scientist was most likely imprisoned or dead, but what does it matter? Nagisa would learn that her new body was the one that she was always meant to have.

“But I-”


“I’m so glad you understand~,” Irina said, slapping her twin on her fat ass before turning away from her. “I’m too tired to work today, so I’m just going to leave the teaching of my class to you~.”

“But I don’t know how~!?” Nagisa whined, sounding like a spoiled little bitch, which put a smile across Irina’s face.

“Well, then I guess you had better learn how~,” Irina said to her, turning around to face her twin, before pulling her closer to her. “If you ever want to go back to being a boy, then you best do as I say. Oh, and don’t worry. Today’s lesson plan is already done and waiting for you on my or should I say our desk~.”

“Plus, if you’re a good girl I promise that we can have some more fun tonight~,” she said leaving it up to Nagisa’s pervy imagination. “Now run along your horny little bitch, your students are waiting, and we both know what Korosensei does to those that are tardy~.”

“Have fun~,” Irina said walking back to her car. All Nagisa could do was default into another exaggerated Bitch-sensei expression of despair, watching the bitch with the fat ass strut right out of the school grounds.

Flustered and confused, Nagisa slowly made her way back to the classroom. She was still not used to walking around in her new body and her new high heels and mini skirt which threaten to expose her moist pussy and thong did not make it easier for her.

“Miss Irina, there you are,” Korosensei said, coming out of nowhere the moment she was about to open up the door to the classroom.

“K-Korsensei~!?” Nagisa yelled, out, losing her cool.

“I brought the drink you requested,” he said giving her a pervy smile, staring directly into her cleavage as he handed her what seemed to be a piping hot coffee.

“Oh my~. Aren’t you just the sweetest~? Thank you~,” Nagisa said, trying her best to act like Bitch-sensei. “Well, I do have to get to class, the students are waiting for me~.”

“Of course,” Korosensei said to her, handing her the coffee before disappearing again.

Nagisa then slowly and awkwardly made her way into the classroom, trying her best to keep her balance and make sure that she didn’t spill the coffee. She almost messed up and tried walking to her desk, but she caught herself and went over to the teacher's desk where Irina’s lesson plan was laid out for her.

She hated her current situation, but she knew that she didn’t have any choice if Bitch-sensei was telling her the truth. She needed to do what she was told and start acting as Bitch-sensei would.

Filled with the determination to get this done, Nagisa faced the class. As she did, she didn’t even notice that her body had the unconscious urge to place her hand on her wide hips in a feminine pose. When she opened up the lesson plan, she had to hold herself back from cringing in front of the class.

Nagisa had hoped that today was study hall, but to her disappointment, it was a detailed plan for today’s English language lesson. There were detailed instructions from Irina that told her that she actively use several risqué lines in English, and make the class say them with her.

On the final page of the lesson plan, the was a note from Bitch-sensei. She was threatening to teach the class exactly as she would or else, she would never turn her back.

To Nagisa’s surprise as well as cringe, she found herself naturally writing and speaking in perfect English. Her new body knew what to do and she had no other choice but to let it take the lead.

“Class repeat after me: You are incredible in bed~, she said in her new exotic English voice. Though to her disappointment, no one in the class did as she asked.

“I said repeat after me: You are incredible in bed~,” she said a second time, demanding that the class followed along. She didn’t like this any more than they did, but she feared what Bitch-sensei would do to her if she didn’t listen to her.

You are incredible in bed~!” the class said repeating after her.

Would you like to have a drink~,” she said using another risqué phrase.

Would you like to have a drink~!” the class repeated after her.

The room is getting dizzy, please take me to my room~,” she said, reading the next phrase.

The room is getting dizzy, please take me to my room~!” The class said back to her.

Thank you very much~. Would you like me to show you a good time~?” Nagisa said, knowing that knowledge of these phrases we fit to teach children.

Thank you very much~. Would you like me to show you a good time~?” The class said, feeling embarrassed as they said it.

Nagisa continued to give the class more and more risqué phrases to practice with. The whole time that she did she was stunned that her new body felt so natural with Bitch-sensei’s style of teaching. She actually found teaching somewhat enjoyable.

Luckily for her, she got so distracted with teaching that before she knew it class was almost over. Just a few minutes left, and she could finally be free. Though it wasn’t long before someone asked the question that was on everyone’s mind.

“Hey Bitch-sensei where is Nagisa at?” one of the students asked her.

“Yeah Bitch-sensei what did you do to him?” another student asked

“Bitch-sensei can you teach us more…normal English phrases..?” another student asked.

Nagisa could hardly focus on each of their questions as Bitch-sensei didn’t tell her what to do if this question was asked. She had no excuse for why “Nagisa,” was missing.

“Bitch-sensei!” “Bitch-sensei!” Bitch-sensei!”

Every time her classmates called her Bitch-sensei, she couldn’t help but start losing her temper. It was as if they were driving daggers into her skull every time they said it!

It wasn’t long after that, Nagisa couldn’t hold back the urge to let her temper loose.

“You little fucking brats! Shut the fuck up before I have you turned into some old freaks sex doll! I will kill each one of you if I have to!” Nagisa couldn’t help but yell at and threaten her classmates. It was as if the name Bitch-sensei acted like some sort of trigger word for her.

“Just try it Bitch-sensei!!!” her classmates yelled at her, throwing stuff at her, causing her to become more infuriated!

“You little fucking shits! Do you know how much this top cost!? You’re fucking dead if it stains!” Nagisa yelled at them, not even understanding the meaning of her words. She didn’t know how much her top cost, but it just felt like the right thing to yell at the time.

The back-and-forth yelling with her classmates throwing things at her lasted for the next several minutes before the class bell rang, causing everyone to stop. Her classmates cheerfully left one by one, leaving her to slowly regain control over her emotions.

Nagisa stood there in silence for a few seconds, shocked that she was naturally responding the same way that Bitch-sensei would in this situation. How powerful was the drug that Bitch-sensei gave her? Would she really be able to be cured at this point? Hopefully, it didn’t get any worse than this. The only bright side to this whole mess was that she was saved from trying to make up a random excuse for what happened to “Nagisa,” for now.

Nagisa made her way out of the classroom and outside only to be greeted by the real Bitch-sensei, who had just driven up to her in her fancy sports car.

“Get in bitch, it’s time to go home~,’ she said to Nagisa, who had little choice but to obey her. She couldn’t go home in the current state that she was in, and she feared what would happen if she was found walking the streets looking like this.

Once she got into the car, Irina then drove Nagisa all the way down to her home in the countryside that she bought when she came here to kill Korosensei.

“Make yourself at home, because you will be here for a while now~,” Irina said to her twin. “I managed to convince that fool Korosensei to allow me to homeschool “Nagisa,” at my home. I told him that you were the best student that he had and that you needed personal time to be trained one on one by a pro~.”

“He even allowed me to take a break from being a teacher for the next month, so I could spend more time with you~. This will give me, plenty enough time to drill every bit of knowledge that I have into you~. Once I do, you’ll be perfect~.”

“No! I don’t want to be fucking perfect!” Nagisa yelled at her, finally losing her cool. She couldn’t hold her temper back any longer, and she was actually doing quite a good job since this body wasn’t able to hold back much anger to begin with.

“Turn me back right now!” Nagisa yelled, demanding her to listen to her. “Give me the antidote right now Bitch-sensei! I hate being you! Your life is fucking terrible! Now one respects you and I refuse to learn to live my life as a bitch just like you!”

“I have… I…” Nagisa realized all too late that she should have never said any of this to Bitch-sensei. Knowing that she fucked up she wanted to quickly apologize, but Irina wasn’t going to listen.

Irina effortlessly grabbed Nagisa and forced her over onto her lap. Nagisa tried to resist, but her lack of experience with heels put her at a serve disadvantage.

“Well, it seems that someone is quite eager to begin their first lesson~!” Irina happily said to Nagisa, who was quite baffled in how she was caught so easily. “The first lesson is simple, so I’m sure that you will be able to understand it easily~. Learning your new name~.”

“I know that I said it was simple, but there are still people out there that refuse to learn,” she said sounding disappointed. “For that reason, I’m going to spank you hard on your new sexy fat ass one hundred times and in response, you have to say in English; “My name is only ever Irina Jelavić! I’m sorry!”. You have to say this for each spanking you’re given to make sure that you know who you are~”

“Though if you say the wrong name even once, we’ll have to restart the count and try again~.” Irina was going to have fun with this. “Alright now let’s see if you were listening~.”


“What’s your name~?”

“I’m Nagisa Shiota, student of class 3-E!”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~,” Irina said disappointed. “It would seem that you’re going to be a tough nut to crack~. Let’s go again~.”


“What’s your name~?”

“I’m Nagisa Shiota, student of class 3-E!”

“No, again~!” she said happily. She would show Nagisa her place even if it took her all night~!


“What’s your name~?”

“I’m Nagisa Shiota, student of class 3-E!”

Nagisa continued to defy her for the first fifty spankings! It wasn’t until the fifty-first that she started to break.


“What’s your name~?”

My…my name is only ever Irina Jelavić! I’m sorry!” she cried up, tears flowing down her eyes.

“That’s a good girl~. Now there’s only ninety-nine more to go~.”


“Stop this you fucking bitch!” Nagisa made it to a total of sixty-seven spankings before she lost her temper and swore at Irina.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~. You were so close, it looks like we have to start again~,” Irina said, mocking Nagisa.

“N-no! Please no more! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Nagisa yelled, begging for forgiveness.

“Sorry, but you know the rules~,” Irina said back to her, not sounding sorry at all.


After the painful lesson, Nagisa was finally free from her lap. She fell down to the ground, too afraid to even touch her beat-red, throbbing ass. She couldn’t stop herself from crying as she bit her lip in frustration.

“Ohohohohoho~! Now wasn’t that fun~?” Irina asked, making fun of Nagisa. She was able to relieve herself of so much stress thanks to Nagisa's new Irina-sized fat ass.

Nagisa wanted to yell and shout at her, but she couldn’t. It was annoying but her spanking lesson did its job. Nagisa was now obedient to Irina-sensei. She couldn’t even think “Bitch-sensei,” let alone say it. She realized that she hated it as well and would get angry and bitchy if she heard someone else say it as well.

Thanks to her “lesson,” all that will ever come out of her mouth and thoughts now was Irina Jelavić. That is who she was and who the woman that turned her was.

Nagisa awoke the next day with her large sexy butt still beat read and still in pain, but Irina didn’t care. It wouldn’t be so bad if she would have just accepted her lesson in the first place.

“Alright, for today's lesson I need to teach you how to walk~,” Irina said, pointing out the fact that Nagisa could barely stay on her feet while wearing heels. “If you are going to be me then you can’t walk around like some naïve young girl that is trying on heels for the first time.”

“How you walk tells people what kind of person you are. If you continue to walk like you are right now, then no one will respect you. You need to show that you are confident and strong. Here watch me.”

“Irina showed Nagisa the proper way to walk, strutting down the hall while shaking her hips with one hand on her hips. She purposely allowed her fat breast to bounce with each and every step she took. All at the same time she kept a stern expression on her face to show that she was interested in no one and that they should be interested in her.

“The key to mastering how to walk like this is to believe that everyone around you is inferior because they are. No one is better than you. When you walk into a room you instantly become the center of attention. You are the queen and everyone else is your adoring subjects~.”

“But that walk looks like an arrogant… walk,” Nagisa said to her. She wanted to say that it looked like an arrogant bitch walk, but after her lesson, the word “bitch,” was now censored in her mind.

“That’s exactly the point,” Irina said to her. “The point of this lesson is to show you that you can be arrogant. With your beauty, it is your right to be arrogant~. Now try and copy what I just did~.”

“Al-alright,” Nagisa said to her, trying to awkwardly imitate her, but she failed almost instantly, falling flat on her ass!

“You little bitch! How could you fail at something so simple!” Irina yelled in a bitchy manner, furious at Nagisa, for not even making it a few feet before falling down. “A little bitch like you needs more punishment!” she yelled flipping Nagisa over on her back before she could get up, and started spanking her already beat ass.


“How dare you treat me like this! I am investing my precious time to teach you to be an excellent assassin like me, but you’re clearly not taking it fucking seriously!”


“P-please! Irina stop! I’m sorry! I’ll do better! I promise!”

“All you do is whine and complain!” Irina yelled back at her. “Do you really think a fucking apology like this is going to fix everything!?”


“I’m really sorry! I’ll do better! Please no more!” Nagisa cried, tears running down her cheeks.


“You fucking better,” Irina said, pulling Nagisa to her feet. If you don’t master walking today, I’ll make sure to shove a metal dildo up your ass, and maybe then you’ll learn to walk straight. Are we clear?”

“Yes Irina-sensei,” Nagisa said, willing to do whatever she wanted her to do so long as she didn’t have to receive more spankings.

For the rest of the day, Nagisa dedicated herself to her walking training. Whenever she messed up, she was punished for it, but she had no other choice, but to keep trying, fearing what would happen to her tomorrow if she failed.

Finally, she eventually got it right with a few hours left to spare. With all of her practice and spankings, Irina Jelavic’s way of walking was ingrained into her body and mind. She could now naturally walk like Irina no, and even if she wanted to, she could no longer walk any other way, as her body refused to listen to her.

Even her facial expression mirrored that of Irina’s, stuck in her stern bitchy expression as she strutted around. The two of them started strutting together in sync and Nagisa couldn’t stop even if she wanted to. Her body knew better, now all that was left was making her mind learn as well.

“Finally~,” Irina said to her, as they continued strutting around. “You can finally walk like a pro assassin~,” she said complimenting her twin. Though Nagisa hated herself for being able to walk like this. She hated acting like Irina and more, so she hated how seductive she looked, bouncing her tits and ass with every step she took. She just wanted to go back to being her old self, but she knew that Irina had no immediate plans of doing so.

The next day was the start of Nagisa’s lessons in flirting. To be a professional assassin this was a skill that she needed to learn.

“Alright for today’s lesson we will be practicing with this~,” she said pulling out a cardboard cutout of Korosensei. “Now watch~,” she said, starting her presentation.

“Kyaaaaaa~!!! Oh my, I am so sorry~,” Irina said as she purposely tripped into the cardboard, pushing her fat tits into it. “Korosensei, you’re so big and strong, I wish I was as strong as you~,” she said holding her finger up to her lips to slightly tease the cutout, sounding like a complete airheaded bimbo. “If you want, I could repay you latter~,” she said, winking at the cutout before turning away.

“See it’s as simple as that~. You just need to act weak, present some skin, and then offer a special reward with a seductive wink. About ninety percent of the time, I have used this technique it has worked easily. Now you try~.”

“Irina-sensei it’s impossible~,” Nagisa whined, knowing that she could never act like that.

“Haaah!? Is this little bitch trying to disobey me again!?” Irina said to her.

“No-no-no! I can do it!” Nagisa said, trying her best to imitate Irina.

“Ahhh! Oh, uh, Korosensei, t-thank you for helping m-me. You-you’re quite strong. We should have l-lunch~!”

Nagisa was so embarrassed by pressing her fat tits against the cardboard cutout of her teacher and acting like a slut. Though unfortunately for her, her embarrassment made her botch up her lines.”

“What the fuck was that!?” Irina yelled at her in a bitchy manner, losing her temper once more. “You sounded like a dumb fucking novice! A stupid dumb bitch like you needs to learn how to flirt the hard way!”

“W-wait! Irina-sensei! I can try again! I can- wahhhh!!” Nagisa screamed as Irina flipped her over and started to spank her now swollen beat red ass.


“Please stop! No more! I’ll be good! I’ll be good!”

“Spout all the lies you want you stupid little bitch, but don’t expect me to believe them!” Irina yelled, continuing to spank her twin. The only way that she would ever learn was the hard way.


“Now try it again~,” Irina said to her, wondering if she should bring out the paddle next.

For the next several hours, Nagisa was forced to practice flirting with the cardboard cutout of her teacher until she got it right. By the time she was done, she found herself able to naturally go into the same fake “flirt mode,” with Irina. They were now completely in sync with one another and could effortlessly flirt with the cardboard cutout, making Nagisa cringe inside her head.

Irina while being a strict bitch with Nagisa’s training decided that Nagisa’s next lesson would be somewhat of an award as well. She needed to show Nagisa how to be confident in her new body, since it was her lack of confidence that was resulting in all of her punishments, though Irina was enjoying them herself.

When the next day arrived, Irina forced her into her car and drove Nagisa down to the beach.

“Irina-sensei why are we here?” Nagisa asked, looking around nervous that people were staring at her.

“We’re here because you lack confidence in yourself and the new sexy body you now have~,” she said dragging Nagisa into a beach shop. “Today is the day that I make you confident and proud for who you are. Your new body is nothing to be ashamed of and you need to learn that with a trial by fire~,” she said, pushing Nagisa into the women’s changing room.

“Now strip~,” Irina said to her without hesitation.

“B-but, we’re in public!” Nagisa shouted, scared that other people would see her. She was barely comfortable looking at her body while she was at Irina’s place and most of the time she did her best to keep her eyes closed so she wouldn’t see anything.

“That’s what’s the woman’s changing room is for sweety~,” Irina said, mocking Nagisa. “Now off with the clothes~!” she yelled at her twin eager to see her reaction.

“Do I have to do it in front of you?” Nagisa asked, feeling uncomfortable having someone else watch her strip down.

“I wasn’t asking for your opinion!” Irina yelled at her dumb bimbo butt twin. “Now strip!”

“A-alright~,” Nagisa, reluctantly said, stripping down until she was butt naked in front of a body-length mirror.

“Open your eyes!” Irina yelled forcing Nagisa’s eyes open!

Nagisa blushed in embarrassment trying to cover her giant tits with her hands but failing miserably.

“Don’t you see, just how lovely you look~?” Irina told her. “Now, put this on,” she said handing Nagisa a very risqué swimsuit. “I’ll be wearing the same one since we are now twins, so don’t try to cover anything I don’t~.”

Irina stripped in front of Nagisa without any hesitation, causing Nagisa to blush, seeing her naked body, which was identical to her own. Though unlike her, Irina’s ass beat red and swollen. Her ass was sure going to make one hell of an attraction at the beach.

Nagisa struggled to put the swimsuit on since there was barely any fabric, to begin with.


“What the hell are you doing!?” Irina yelled at her, spanking Nagisa’s ass a few times. She was frustrated that Nagisa was still awkward with dressing like a female, even though she had done so for the past few days.

“If you don’t learn to dress the exact same way that I do I’ll make sure that you’ll walk around with the most uncomfortable wedgie for the next week! You need to learn how to perfect dress like me or how else will you ever fool Korosensei!?”

“I’m trying my best,” Nagisa said trying to put her top on, but Irina refused to wait any longer, tightly strapping the top half to her giant tits and making the bottom ride up her fat swollen ass!

Once they were done getting changed, they stepped out of the changing room and right onto the beach where they instantly became the center of attraction. The two of them were wearing a sexy and skimpy black and pink swimsuit with a pink towel wrapped around their waists.

“Alright, today's lesson is quite easy,” Irina said looking at her twin, unable to deny that her swollen ass made her look totes sexier than herself. “Today we are going to relax at the beach and help you feel more comfortable with your new sexy body. You have the talent to master every skill that I teach you, but you need to be more confident in yourself to do so.”

“Now let’s go~!” Irina said dragging Nagisa along with her onto the beach. All at the same time Nagisa couldn’t help but cringe knowing that she looked like a cliché blonde bimbo bombshell, who was at the beach to be stared at by sexy beefy men.

A few hours had passed since they arrived at the beach and Nagisa still didn’t feel comfortable in her new body. She was trying to relax, but she couldn’t help but worry. It didn’t help that she could practically feel the lustful stares of the men at the beach.

“Ugh! It's not that fucking hard~!” Irina complained to Nagisa in a bitchy fashion. “Why the fuck are you focusing on the things around you, when all that should concern you is yourself? Here watch how a pro does it~.”

Irina grabbed her ice-cold drink and stuffed it right between her cleavage, put on her designer sunglasses, and then pulled out the newest trending fashion magazine to read while she worked on her tan.

“Now you do exactly as I did,” Irina said, taking a sip of her drink.

“Alright,” Nagisa said, doing her best to mimic Irina. And to her surprise, she didn’t feel uncomfortable doing this at all. In fact, it was very comfortable and relaxing. She even found the fashion magazine very engaging. Plus having her drink right between her cleavage felt amazing. She felt like this was her favorite drink in the world, despite never drinking it before today. Though little did she know that there were some traces of alcohol in it.

She felt like now was the best time to work on her tan as well, not noticing that her thinking was becoming more and more like Irina’s every second.

As the two sexy bombshells relaxed in their chairs, reading their magazines and drinking their ice-cold drinks, they couldn’t help but attract a crowd of people. The crowd stared at them in awe, but none of them even had the courage to approach them since they were way out of their league.

Nagisa didn’t even realize that she had been relaxing like this for the next several hours since she had started to come to terms that her new body looked and felt way more comfortable than her old one.

When they finally left the beach and changed back into their default sexy white teacher outfits Nagisa didn’t hesitate to get naked and get dressed on her own. Irina herself was quite shocked by how fast Nagisa became accustomed to her new body.


“My, my, looks like this little bitch is finally comfortable in her own skin~,” Irina said, complimenting Nagisa in a bitchy way. She was happy that Nagisa now finally appreciated her sexy body, as well as becoming more comfortable with her own. In fact, Nagisa felt a little good after Irina spanked her this time. It would seem that she was slowly developing a new kink.

Though this didn’t stop Nagisa from cringing inside her head, from realizing that her new older foreign blonde woman’s body felt more natural than her original one.

The next day was finally the day that Nagisa’s actual assassin training, though when Irina came to get her, she was surprised to see that Nagisa was actually contemplating what thong she should wear for her training! It was actually quite cute to see her act this way.

Once they were dressed and outside, Nagisa couldn’t hold back her excitement as she saw Irina pull out all sorts of different weapons and gear that she would practice with under Irina’s watchful gaze. Each piece of equipment that she brought out was tailored specifically for Irina to use, making it so that Nagisa would be the only one that could learn her techniques.

As the training progressed throughout the day, Irina could see that Nagisa was decent, but decent wasn’t enough. She needed to be perfect!

“You stupid bitch! Do you really think that’s enough to impress me!?” Irina yelled at her in a bitchy mood, before bending Nagisa over and beginning to spank her fat ass! At the rate she was going Nagisa’s ass may actually remain swollen for the rest of her life. Though is that really something that she should be complaining about~?


“Mmmmph~!” Nagisa did her best to endure her spankings, but it became harder and harder to hold back her sexual moans with each smack she received. Irina could tell that her twin was starting to enjoy this, so she would need to develop new methods of punishing her later. For now, she had to focus on her training.

Irina had zero patience when it came to third-rate assassins. They were blights to the assassin world and made a mockery out of the whole profession. There was no way that she would let her twin/apprentice become a third-rate assassin.

“I am I top-tier assassin and I won’t have my bitch of an apprentice and body double be anything less,” she said to Nagisa. “We will do this the right way, or we won’t do this at all! Cry and beg all you want, but I won’t hold back on you!”

Though despite her bitchy claims, she was actually a good teacher. She spent her time showing Nagisa step by step how to use guns, knives, poisons, and explosives just as she would.

Any time that they were forced to stop or take any other sort of deviation from her lesson she would proceed with spanking Nagisa some more, which only made her more eager to please Irina, cringing to herself that she hated started to wish for spankings as a reward rather than a punishment.

Irina even had Nagisa practice to stuff guns, ammo, knives, and small bottles of poison in her cleavage. Nagisa herself was baffled at just how much stuff she could store between her breasts.

By the end of the day, the naïve Nagisa had made remarkable progress to the point where she was now sparring with Irina, testing their skills with knives. It was shocking to both of them, but neither one could beat the other, they were at the exact same skill level.

The timer Irina set for their training finally went off and they stopped. Finally, Nagisa’s training was almost complete~.

“Ohohohohohohohoho~!!!” Irina let out an arrogant bitchy laugh to celebrate her success in making an effective body double.

“Ohohohohohohoho~!!!” Seeing, her master laugh, Nagisa became overcome with the urge to let out an arrogant bitchy laugh along with her. It was now completely natural for her to act like a natural badass bitch!

One more day passed after that and Nagisa’s training was almost complete. It was time for Irina to enact the final stage of her plan, before going after Korosensei, and it would be quite easy for her to do. All she had to do was copy over all of her life memories into Nagisa’s and overwrite her own.

“Alright sweety sit down~,” Irina said, forcing Nagisa into a chair and strapping her down so she couldn’t escape. She had been explained what would happen this morning, but she was still unsure about this.

“Irina-sensei, do I have to do this?” Nagisa asked her. “I don’t want to lose my memories.”

Nagisa tried to convince Irina to stop, but with one stern bitchy glare from her shut Nagisa right up.

“Do you really think that a little bitch like you has any say in the matter!?” Irina yelled at her. “If you even think about disobeying me you can forget about those spankings, I promised you!”

“What!? No!” Nagisa yelled. In these past several days she had become addicted to Irina’s spankings and desired them more and more. There was no way that she could live without them at this point.

“Then shut up and stay still,” she arrogantly said to her, placing a metal helmet that was developed by another one of her scientist contacts which was made especially for her. Once the helmet was firmly in place, she activated it.

Within seconds Nagisa started to remember memories that she never originally had. She tried to remember her past memories, but they were slowly slipping away from her. Instead, she was greeted with foreign memories of being a female assassin killing high-priority targets using nothing but her skills in seduction.

She was stuck reliving memory after memory of being nothing more than a sexy foreign blonde assassin who acted like an arrogant bitch when she wasn’t acting. So many scenes of her sharing a bed with both men and females filled her mind, causing her to become increasingly horny, soaking her panties in her precious love nectar.

After several minutes past Nagisa could no longer remember how her original body looked and she could only ever remember herself as the confidant bitchy blonde foreign female assassin she is now.

Her soul and image of herself were replaced with Irina Jelavic. Her clothes had transformed once again into a sexy white and green outfit, with a lacy bra and a thong that was eaten by her fat swollen ass.

When the helmet finished its job reprogramming Nagisa into Irina, her restraints were released, and she stood up. There was now only a tiny bit of “Nagisa,” left in the back of her mind, but mostly everything else was now Irene Jelavic.

She displayed herself with confidence, placing her hand on her hips, bouncing her fat breasts, and playing with her mane of blonde hair seductively. This is who she was, and this is who she would always be.

“Ohohohohohohoh~!!!” The two of them arrogantly laughed like the queen bitches that they were, knowing that the time to kill Korosensei was near.

A few weeks had passed since then and Irina Jelavic and her twin Irina Jelavic arrived back at the school. The two of them wasted no time arrogantly strutting inside, shaking their fat asses as they did, and it was pretty obvious that one of them had a much bigger ass than the other.

Once inside they shared a smoke. This was a habit for them when they needed to prepare themselves. Though deep inside her mind Nagisa didn’t want to smoke, but she was nothing more than a watcher, trapped inside her body while Irina was in control. Irina’s memories and bitchy personality were just too strong to resist, but there was a good portion of Nagisa that didn’t want to resist because secretly she liked being controlled and she loved being a bitch.

“I’ll stay back and observe from the shadows, to look for the perfect opportunity to assassinate that slimy bastard Korosensei,” the original Irina said to her twin. “All you need to do is play a convincing role as my body double and none will be the wiser.”

“Of course,” the new Irina arrogantly said back to her. “We are one and the same, so it is only natural that those little brats don’t notice a thing~.”

“Good, and there is no need to worry about “Nagisa,” I have already delivered a report that he went missing during the middle of his “home school,”. The official report will say that he ran away and hasn’t been seen since,” the original Irina said to her twin.

“Perfect,” the new Irina said, no longer caring who she once was. “That brat did us a favor and now that there are two of us there will be nothing to get in our way so that we can finally assassinate that filthy octopus alien thing that dares to call itself a teacher~.”

For the next few weeks, the new Irina fulfilled her role as their language teacher flawlessly. No one expected a thing, though she could tell that the male students were staring at her sexy fat swollen ass a lot more than they would the original Irina’s ass. She even started to flirt with Korosensei easily and flawlessly while looking for an opportunity for him to let his guard down, but he was a tough nut to crack.

All at the same time, Nagisa who was trapped inside the recesses of her mind cried out for help that would never come. She wanted to go back to her old body, more and more, realizing that the new Irina’s mind was slowly whittling away at what was left of her mind. She hated that the new Irina would use her body to show off her large breasts and cleavage while filtering in a seductive manner to give her alien teacher a drink.

A full month had passed after that, and the original Nagisa still couldn’t find any openings in her mind to escape and take control of her body again. She didn’t care if she was a woman now, and she didn’t care that she was just as much of a bitch as Irina was, all she wanted was control again, so she could be properly “punished,” for her misdeeds.

However, it would seem that any chance that could have existed for Nagisa to escape was now gone as the original Irina became impatient and decided that they should enact their plan today. The new Irina saw no problem with that, and they soon began their operation.

“Oh Korosensei, could you help me~?” the new Irina asked Korosensei as he entered the faculty office.”

“Yes Miss Irina, what can I do for you?” Korosensei asked her in a polite manner, even though no one else would because of her bitchy attitude.

“There is a thing that I need in the old storage shed to use as an example for tomorrow’s class, but it’s too high up for me to reach and I’m afraid that I’ll drop it if I try to grab it. Can you help me~?” she asked displaying her cleavage for Korosensei to lustfully leer at.

“Of course~,” Korosensei said, following her to the storage shed.

Once they were inside, the new Irina locked the doors behind her, and the original Irina attacked him. However, just like with her original attempt, this attempt ended in failure as well. They both suffered the same fate that the original Irina had already experienced.

Within seconds both Irina were being groped and pleasured by Korosensei’s tentacles. Deep down Nagisa was humiliated that it came down to this, but eventually started to succumb to the pleasure. Korosensei then forced them both into female gym uniform bloomers, which clung tightly to their curves, and the new Nagisa’s swollen fat ass, which was about to turn the bloomers into a thong!

Both Irina were baffled that their plan failed and that they were now stuck in a hypnotic state of pleasure while forced to wear gym uniforms that were made for mere middle schoolers.

 As the two Irina’s stumbled their way out of the storage shed the students were there watching them. None of them were surprised that Irina failed, though they were surprised that there were two of them now. Though having two of her wasn’t any better than there just being one of them.

“You see students, having two of the same person doesn’t mean that you can succeed,” Korosensei said to his students. “They only had the same type of mindset, meaning they lack the possibility of thinking up anything else than what she could have come up with by herself.”

“Nnnnnnhhhh~.” “Mmmmmmhhhhh~” The two Irina’s couldn’t even retaliate at his words. All they could do was moan in pleasure.

“Come along students,” Korosensei said taking the students away. “Oh, and Miss Irina, it would be wonderful if we see Nagisa back in class soon~,” he said to them before leaving, letting them know that he knew that the second Irina was Nagisa the entire time.

Knowing that she lost, Irina decided that it would be best if she just cut her losses and turn Nagisa back to normal with the antidote that came with the serum.

“Drink up you little bitch,” Irina told her twin who did as she was told without question. Unfortunately for her, the antidote didn’t work the way that she expected it to. Nagisa was still trapped in Irina’s body, but her memories and control of her body did return to her.

“You fucking bitch!” Nagisa yelled at her. “Fix this right now you stupid bitch!” Nagisa yelled at her in a bitchy manner. While she could now say bitch again, she was still stuck with Irina’s bitchy arrogant personality ticks as well as her new fetish of being spanked.

“I uh, give me a second I have to make a call,” Irina said nervously running out of the room and straight to her car, leaving just like that. Now thanks to her Nagisa was stuck as an angry bitch in the school.

Knowing that there was nowhere else for her to go, Nagisa felt as if it was her duty to stay behind and help her classmates assassinate Korosensei. She managed to tell Korosensei what happened, and he eagerly agreed that she could take the place of the original Irina-sensei as the new language teacher since she now possessed all of Irina Jelavic’s knowledge, training, and skills.

“Alright everyone I have an announcement to make,” Nagisa said to the class when she walked in the next day. “I may look like her, but I am not the real Irina Jelavic, but your classmate Nagisa. Irina-sensei used a strange serum on me to transform me into a copy of herself. She then “trained,” me to be just like her, before copying her mind into my body. She was in control until recently, but I’m back. I may not be able to be your classmate  anymore, but I now have enough skills and knowledge to teach you, so please let me help you all kill Korosensei.”

“…PFFT!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!” The entire class started to laugh at Nagisa. It was clear that none of them believed her.

“Yeah right Bitch-sensei!” “There’s no way someone with a fat ass like yours could be Nagisa!” “Really Bitch-sensei!” “If you wanted to lie to us, you should have come up with something better Bitch-sensei.” “There’s no way that Nagisa could be a bitch like you!”

“Shut the fuck up, you little ingrates!” Nagisa yelled at them like a bitch, losing her temper. “You all should be fucking grateful that I decided to stay here and help your pathetic ass! And you! You’re just jealous that your ass is as flat as a board!”

The more she yelled at them the less and less believable her claim became. There was no way that a bitch like her could ever be Nagisa. Nagisa could only cringe in her mind, knowing that this will be a long year. It was clear that no one would believe her, and she was now officially Bitch-sensei.


Over a year has passed since Korosensei was killed, and everyone had to move on with their lives that included Nagisa, who had to adjust to her new life as Irina. Luckily for her Korosensei gave her one last gift to help her out with her new life.

Nowadays she spends her time as a strong, sexy, and flirty female assassin who was every man and woman’s wet dream. Though at this point her assassin career was more of a side gig for her. Today was the day that she finally got to see her boyfriend after a whole month. She was going to make sure to show him the new technique she learned later when they were in bed~.

“Oh Karasuma~!” Nagisa yelled out in a cutesy manner, seeing Tadaomi Karasuma walk towards her after getting off of his train. Over this past year, they had fallen in love with one another and have been going steady for a while now.

There was a part of Nagisa that told her that dating Karasuma was wrong, but she didn’t care as she felt amazing when they were together. She no longer cared about the original Irina either, because that dumb bitch ruined her chance to be with the best man in the world. All that mattered to her was making her lover the happiest man alive, speaking of which~.

The moment that they got close enough, Nagisa pressed her breasts against Karasuma’s sturdy chest and welcomed him back with her Kiss of Death, sticking him with a giant 40 “Hits.”

She could wait to tell him the good news, she thoughts as she touched her stomach. Though that will have to wait until after they go a few rounds~.