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Orochimaru was curious why she was led here before going to the room, but once the female Anbu pointed at the glass, she was so glad that she was there. Fast asleep on the bed was Sasuke wearing the pink gothic lolita dress and blonde wig!

“About an hour after you left, it would seem that he got curious and started rifling through your bag,” the female Anbu said to her. It didn’t take him long to start wearing it and acting like a cute little girl. It was quite adorable.”

“So precious!” Orochimaru squealed in delight.

“Don’t worry, only the female members are aware of this,” the female Anbu said to her. “Lord Danzo and the men have been left in the dark about this as they wouldn’t understand to appeal of tsundere sissy boys.”

“Agreed,” Orochimaru said, happy to find an ally among some of the other women here. “Cute sissy boys like him are the best. I’m so glad that I decided to become his mommy.”

“While I can’t say that I trust you, we do share the same tastes,” said the female Anbu. “That does make us comrades. Here take this,” she said, handing Orochimaru a business card.

“What’s this?” Orochimaru asked, seeing that there was only an address written on it.

“This is the location where the girls like us go to have some fun. It’s only open during the weekends, but I’m sure that you’ll love it. After you finish off your trial period and parole, you should stop down, and if you want, you could bring the boy as well. I am sure that all the other girls would love to see him again.”

“Well, if you insist,” Orochimaru said, thinking about all the fun she would be having in the future.

“Oh, look at that. He’s awake,” she said, pointing to the glass. Orochimaru and the female Anbu member watched in glee as Sasuke woke up. His face instantly turned red after realizing that he had passed out wearing a pink dress. He looked around worriedly to see if Orochimaru or anyone else was there, still not realizing that there was a one-way mirror in the room. He then quickly took off the dress shoving it back into the bag along with the wig before putting his normal clothes back on and then lying back down on the bed.

His embarrassed face was just too cute. It was so fun that her new son was a closet tsundere sissy. She was definitely going to have fun with this.

A few minutes later, Orochimaru made her way back into the room, and she saw how Sasuke pretended to wake up when she came in.

“It took you long enough,” he said to her, sitting up I the bed as she placed the bags down on the table.

“I’m sorry, I just got lost sightseeing, is all,” Orochimaru said to him. “It’s been a few years since I have stepped foot in the Leaf that I just couldn’t help myself, and I ended up looking around way more than I should have. But I managed to get you some things,” she said, pointing to the bags.

Sasuke walked over to the bags and start to search instead of the. To be honest, he was surprised by how many sweets she had bought. His parents only let him have sweets on his birthday. And the toys, there were too many toys to even count! Sasuke had spent his childhood training to impress his family, so he never actually had time to play with toys before.

Sasuke opened the third and final bag, expecting there to be some other cool stuff in there, but he was taken back when he pulled out a giant bra!

“Oops, that’s mine,” Orochimaru said to him, snatching the bra and bag away from the embarrassed young man. “Sorry, I didn’t have too many clothes, so I had to buy myself a few essentials for now,” she said, putting them back into the bag.



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