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“Wahhh! Wahhhh! Wahhh!” The sounds of a baby crying echo from the baby monitor. Beni had woken up today to the uncomfortable feeling that she messed her diapie again. All she could do to express her discomfort was cry and hope that her mommy would change her soon.

Ever since Beni gave in to her baby urges, she has been much happier, though there were times like this when she wished that she was a big girl again…. Wait was she ever a big girl? It was hard for her to tell apart what was real and what was a part of her imagination these days.


Beni heard the door to her nursery creak open and looked over, hoping to see her mommy, but instead, the person she saw was none other than Hibana, the Captain of Company 5. Beni felt scared enough to wet her already messy diapie as Hibana confidently strolled into the new nursery that was made by her mommy just for her.

“My, my, what do we have here?” Hibana asked, with a sadistic smirk across her face. “There just so much pink in this room that it’s hard to tell if you were ever a man. Your new mommy must be trying to raise you to be a proper girl now, isn’t she?”

She went around the nursery and began to poke around, picking up Beni’s toys and laughing at how childish they were. “Aww is this big bear the one you have mushy time with?” she asked, looking straight at Mr. Bear.

“I bet your mommy loves when you play with him now doesn’t she,” Hibana said, mocking Beni, who felt more uncomfortable by the second. She noisily made her way, into the room making a mess out of things with a sadistic grin across her face, causing Beni to start to whimper for her to stop.

“Aww, is the former Captain of Company 7 feeling uncomfortable?” she asked, letting Beni know that she knew who she was all along. You were so strong and brave before. It’s quite hilarious to see you like this now.”

“Yup! That’s right, little Beni, I know who you are, and so does the rest of the Fire Force. Your mommy is quite generous with the pictures and videos of your diapered butt.”

“Nnnnnnnh!” Beni started to cry, knowing that it was pointless for her to go back now. There was no way that she could ever live with such humiliation.

“And there we have it,” Hibana said to her with an evil grin. “There’s that last bit of the real Benimaru still holding on, right there. Your mommy didn’t want to believe that it was still there, but I knew it was too good to be true. So little diapered Beni, how does it feel to know that in the eyes of the world you are nothing more than a baby?” she asked, mocking her.

“Just seeing you like this brightens up my day. It really does, and what a long day it will be~,” she said cheerfully, looming over the crib to see a scared whimpering baby Beni. She delightfully started at Beni’s bulging, thick, messy diaper. It was obvious to her that Beni was eagerly waiting for her mommy to come in and change her, but unfortunately for her, that wasn’t going to happen.

“Today we get to spend the whole day together, isn’t that great~!” she said to Beni’s dismay. “Your mommy is busy with work today and knows that an adorable little angel like yourself needs to be taken care of 24/7. She hired me as a babysitter just for you. What a caring mommy you have~.”

“Nnnnnnnh!” Beni whimpered once more as Hibana dropped the bars of the crib and picked her up with no effort at all.

“Now let’s get you changed,” she said, placing Beni on the changing table. Beni wanted to fight back, but her mommy told her that good girls did not make a fuss when getting their diapie changed, or else it wouldn’t get changed at all.

Hibana unbuttoned the buttons to Beni’s cute pink onesie diaper flap before slipping it off of her, revealing her massive stinky bulging diaper.

“Oh, my lord, there is no way that someone that was once the Waka could ever have a diaper this messy,” she said, pressing her hand down on Beni’s diapie, mushing all the inside around it. Beni was uncomfortable but did her best to stay still so she wouldn’t cause trouble for her mommy. Mommy hired a babysitter for her because she loves her. There was no way that she could cause any trouble for her.

“Aww, does the baby like this?” she mockingly asked the baby, smushing down on her diapie some more.

“Nnnnnnh!” Beni started to grow as it started to feel hood, but the moment that she did, Hibana stopped.

“Hah, I knew it! You are nothing more than a horny giant adult baby, aren’t you,” she said, taking off the tabs to the diaper before taking it off and throwing it in the dirty diaper trash. “Oh my, what a little or should I say big stinker you are. What has your mommy been feeding you?” she asked, continuing her humiliation of little Beni.

“You know that no one actually liked you before your change,” she said, wiping Beni down. You were always so arrogant, and you never knew how to read the room. People only ever looked up to up because they feared you. You were an emotionally unstable person that could snap at any moment. Aren’t you glad that your mommy helped you fix that problem? Now you can be as rowdy or naughty as you want, and no one will get hurt.”

“You have to admit that you are so much better off as a baby. Just look at all you have now. People adore you and want to pamper you the moment they lay their eyes on you. No one fears you anymore. Your mommy treasures you deeply, giving you everything you could ever need.”

“I mean, look at this room. I know that the majority of your mind is a baby’s right now, but this is premium baby loot right here. Actually, babies don’t even get half of what you have here. Though unlike you, they’ll grow out of being babies eventually.”

“And look, she even got rid of your nasty-wasty little pep-wee, didn’t she?” Hibana said, looking down at Beni’s womanhood. She wasn’t a man anymore, and perhaps she never was. Having a little itty-bitty thing down there wasn’t enough to convince anyone that she was a man.

Tears started to form in Beni’s eyes as Hibana put her in a new massive white diapie. She needed to make sure that she knew when the baby decided to be naughty.

“You will never hold the same respect that you thought you once had,” Hibana said to her, sitting her up. “You’re the laughingstock of the Fire Force now. The strongest Fire Force soldier was reduced to a diaper girl. It’s hilarious.”

“Nnnnnnh, no, I stwrong,” Beni said definitely to her, lisping in protest.

“Are you really strong? Or are you just trying to fool yourself into thinking that you are,” Hibana said to her. “All your life, people have said you were strong, but that’s only because they wanted to be nice. They saw a big sissy baby like try their hardest, only to fail, time and time again. Eventually, they started t call you the strongest and had you hang out with teenagers that would pretend to look up to you. Go on. If you think hard enough, you can see that I speak the truth.”

“No, I-” Beni tried to deny her words, feeling her old self start to resurface, but she couldn’t remember it properly. Was she as really as strong as she thought she was? Was she really a great warrior? Was she even a guy before… no she was a girl, not a guy. Her mommy loves her as a girl so that is what she is. She was a brave warrior for mommy.

“Come on, try to fight back. I know you can do it,” Hibana said, mocking the baby. “Here, maybe if you drink out of your baba you’ll feel better,” she said, holding up Beni’s bottle filled with warm milk and fast-acting laxatives mixed into it.

“Abab baba! Hehehe!” Beni reverted back to her baby impulses upon seeing her baba. She loved her baba because it was filled with mommy’s yummy milk.

“That’s right here you go,” Hibana said, placing Beni on the ground with her baba in her hands. Beni started to drink the milk without hesitation, not even bothering to question if Hibana had done something to it, just like the gullible baby she was.


All of a sudden, Beni’s stomach started to feel weird. Thanks to her mommy’s training, she crawled on the way over to Mr. Bear and mounted him. As she did, she released all of the pressure, completely messing her brand new diaper, as she started to play the Mush Mush Game that her mommy taught her. To play the game, she had to rub her messing diaper up a down on Mr. Bear until she made splugies!

“Oh, my lord, she is actually doing it!” Hibana said in disbelief as the tiny adult with the mind of a baby rubbed her messy diaper up and down on her teddy bear over and over until she relieved herself. It was so adorable! She wished she could have seen Iris or even Shinra like this.

When Beni was finally done, she felt herself get picked up into the air by Hibana, who put her over her leg. While what she did was quite cute, this baby had just ruined a perfectly new diaper and needed to be punished!


Hibana began to smack Beni right and her mushy diapered butt.

“Wahhhhh! Waghhhi! Dahpt wit! Stawpt wit!” Beni yelled, bawling her eyes out. Her mommy never punished her for doing what she was supposed to do. It wasn’t fair! She hated her babysitter she hated her!


“Wahhhhh! Mommy! Mommy! Wahhhhh!”

“Aww, look at that, some big and strong warrior you are,” Hibana said, mocking the baby. She loved this, humiliating the man that once thought of her and everyone else as inferior. She was going to break the very last piece of defiance in Beni and prove that she is and always will be nothing more than a diapered brat!


“Strong people don’t cry from a small bit of pain like this. Strong people don’t mess their diapie’s just because of a bit of laxatives, and strong people most certainly do not scream out for their mommy to protect them. Only little babies like yourself would ever think about doing those things.”

“I bay-be?” Beni asked start to further question who she was and what she was.

“That’s right~,” Hibana said playfully mocking he, as she stopped spanking her. “You are a baby; it looks like you do have a semblance of a brain in there. You’ve always been a baby with an overactive imagination, believing that you were some strong warrior to make your mommy proud of you.

“I did?” Beni asked, even more, confused than before. ‘Was her past nothing more than her imagination that she got swallowed up in? Was anything of this even real? Was it nothing more than a dream?

…Yeah, that’s right, she was nothing more than a cute little girl that had been pampered by her mommy since she was born. She wasn’t a strong or powerful man but a weak and frail little baby girl that needed constant attention. Beni started to suck her thumb, going to her comfort place.

“That’s right,” Hibana said lovingly to her. “You might as well start over. Maybe you’ll be respected as a girl this time around. Or maybe you’ll just remain a baby, either way I will get what I came for,” she said as the last bit of power that Beni had left containing the remnants of her adult mind started to leave her body.

“Wahhhh! Wahhh!” Beni started to cry, feeling as if the last piece of the past had started to leave her. Instantly she didn’t want to let it go, but deep down, Beni knew that it was for the best. There was no going back now.

Her body started to shrink until she became the actual size of a baby girl. Taking the chance given to her, Hibana absorbed the last bit of Beni’s power for herself, causing her breasts to shoot up by 3 cup sizes, making her almost as big as Maki and her hips to expand outward, giving her the ass, hips, and thighs that all women like her dreamed for.

Seeing that the diaper was too big for the baby now and she was all mess, Hibana quickly changed her out of her messy diaper and wiped her down. She knew that she had some time before her mommy came in, so she decided to have some fun. She changed baby Beni into a massive cute white diaper with unique laughing caricatures of the sun on the front and the moon on the back.

From there, she dressed up the little baby in all sorts of adorable little baby clothes that easily showed off her diaper bulge. Though as nothing more than a simple-minded baby, Beni was more than happy to shake her diapie up and down if requested by her babysitter. She had big boobies, so she had to be in charge.

Hibana had a blast chasing the little baby from swimsuit, to aonesie, to tutu dress all the way to a magical girl. With each costume that she tried on, Hibana made sure to take as many pictures as possible, both for her mommy and for herself. Such a cute little angel like this was only ever born once every blue moon.

Though if she had to say anything, her favorite outfit that she put baby Beni in was the onesie nun cosplay! She was so adorable that Hibana, for a split second, actually thought about making her Company 5’s official sister. She could easily defeat all of her enemies with her cuteness alone.

To trade strength for a diaper and cuteness. Such a concept would have never occurred to her before seeing baby Beni. She truly was a gift that kept on giving.

Hibana made Beni try on more costumed but knew that it was time. Wanting to make the special baby look extra cute, Hibana searched through their dressers until she found a pretty pink frilly princess dress with a built-in onesie that had ruffles on the back of it.

Beni was very complaint like the good baby that she was and let her nice babysitter place her in the dress. Beni could no longer talk, thanks to her being completely babified, but Hibana could tell that Beni was enjoying herself based on the goofy expression on her face.

“Is it done?” Maki asked, walking into the room, wearing nothing but a black thong, with her massive breasts bouncy up and down with each step, open for all to see.

“Oh yeah,” Hibana confidently said back to her. “Like taking candy from a baby,” she said, going over and embracing Maki, kissing her lightly on the cheek.

“It’s so hot seeing you like this,” Hibana, making out with Maki, grabbed her fat ass as she remembered the night of fun they had before. Maki recruited Hibana to help her to see if there was still a bit of the real Beni left, and thanks to her, it was finally gone, and Beni was all hers.

“No, you’re even hotter for reminding that dumb baby of her place,” Maki said, groping Hibana’s tits in exchange for Hibana grabbing her ass. She was overjoyed that Hibana had helped her with her predicament and that she had finally found a life partner to help her raise her new baby girl. Together they would make sure that Beni stands above all as the cutest thing in the world.

“It was simple,” Hibana said, going behind Maki and shaking her bare fat tits in front of the baby, who drooled while trying to reach for them. It would seem that the baby wanted some more milky, though her mommy wanted to tease her a bit more before helping her out.

“I just had to show her that before she was a baby, she was nothing. Before, she was an arrogant jerk, but now she was the precious little diaper princess of all Fire Force. Perhaps we could even give her a new job modeling fireproof diapers. I’m sure that she’ll be better at that job than her previous one.”

“OMG! You are totes right!” Maki yelled in agreement. “Would you like that little baby? Would you like showcasing your fat diapered but for the whole world to see?” she asked, mocking Beni.

“Hehehehe! Abudabagu!” Baby Beni giggled as she received attention from her two mommies, who couldn’t help but find her response hilarious!

“Hahahahahahahahahaha!” The two of them laughed as they loomed over the babbling diaper baby in front of them, who was still trying to reach for their breasts.

“This was the greatest gift of all time,” Maki said to Hibana. “What do you think about remaining this diapered brat, Beckimaru?”

“I love it!” Hibana said, delighted to humiliate little Beni even more with a name change. “Though I do think that there is something missing here.”

“Oh, and what would that be?” Maki asked, squeezing Hibana’s fat ass.

“Don’t you think that she’s a bit lonely with no one her age to play with,” Hibana said, thinking back to a previous thought that she had while groping Maki some more. “Don’t you think that she would appreciate some siblings?”

Hibana would love it if she could have a baby of her own like this. She was never the proper sister to her when they were growing up, but perhaps she would make a better mother. And since she had someone that she was interested in, they might find it more pleasant if they had to start over in diapers together.

“I do believe that you’re right,” Maki said, delighted with the idea. “So, who do you have in mind~?”


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