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“Luffy! Over here!” Boa Hancock yelled, running over to him as he got off of the Mini Merry. Hancock had recently invited him over to Amazon Lily so that they could spend some time together, and she was overjoyed that he had come.

At first, Luffy didn’t really want to go there, but the moment that she mentioned that she was holding a feast in his honor, he decided to come along. Nami was the only member of his crew that accompanied him to the island. Robin wanted to stay back and read a book, and the others weren’t allowed to come along since they were men.

The only male that was on the island was Luffy. All others would be dealt with severely. Sanji had to be tied up before he left as well to make sure that he wouldn’t try to sneak away to the island.

“Hancock, it’s so good to see you!” Luffy yelled, hugging her without warning, causing her eyes to turn into hearts before letting her go.

“Luffy! I-I-I’ve been waiting for you,” she said shyly, unable to look at him in the eye to help calm herself down. Today was the day she was going to make Luffy announce his feelings for her. She needed to steel herself. She had the perfect plan, and nothing could get in her way.

“So, you’re the infamous Hancock,” Nami said, gaining the attention of the Snake Princess. “Luffy’s told me all about you.”

“Haah? And you are?” Hancock said coldly to Nami, looking how scarcely dressed that she was next to her Luffy.

“Oh, that’s right, we haven’t been formally introduced yet,” Nami said, holding out her hand. “My name’s Nami. I’m Luffy’s navigator.”

“Uh-huh,” Hancock said, looking away from her and back to Luffy. “Luffy, why is she here?” Hancock asked him.

“Well, you said that you were throwing a party in my honor. I asked Nami to come along since she’s a girl. I left everyone else on the ship,” he said back to her with an innocent smile. She knew that she couldn’t be mad at him, but she could at this wench that was trying to steal Luffy away from her.

“Do you really think that you can barge in here and interrupt my time with Luffy?” she asked, leaning backward, so she faced the sky above her, looking down on Nami so much that she was looking up.

“Um, Luffy, I think that your girlfriend here is a bit intense,” Nami said, a bit confused with Hancock’s awkward attitude change.

“Hehehehe! Don’t worry about it,” Luffy said, laughing it off. “That’s just how she is. Come on, let’s go eat!” he yelled happily, grabbing Hancock’s hand and dragging her back to the city.

“She thinks I’m his girlfriend~,” Hancock said with delight under her breath. Perhaps she could think of a different punishment for this sensible girl. And she would have to make sure that she never washed her hand ever again!

“Luffy, you’re here!” Marguerite, her friends, the snake sisters, and the rest of the girls yelled, seeing Luffy drag Hancock along with him. Each one of them blushed, wishing their princess luck.

“So, you have returned,” Gloriosa the Elder Nyon said to her, seeing the three of them walk towards them. “And who might be this young lady behind you?”

“Hi, I’m Nami, a member of Luffy’s crew; thank you for taking care of him,” she said, bowing her head. It’s not often that you meet people that would be willing to take care of Luffy for two years.

“It is a pleasure to meet you,” the girls said to her, greeting Nami to their city.

“Alright enough with the pleasantries,” Hancock said to them. “My darling Luffy is hungry!” Hancock ordered them to begin the feast.

“Yes Snake Princess!” the other women of Amazon Lily yelled, running around to bring out the food for the feast.

“While we wait, would someone please help this woman change,” Hancock said, pointing over to Nami. We can’t have a guest looking like that. You Marguerite, let her borrow some of your clothes.”

“Yes, Snake Princess!” Marguerite said to her, going over to Nami.

“Um, I’m fine there is no need for you to go out of your way for me,” Nami said to them, feeling a bit of hostility from Hancock.

“You dare refuse my generous offer!?” Hancock yelled, leaning back to look down at her once more. “A worm like you should be grateful for my generosity!”

“Come on, Nami, just do it,” Luffy said to her. “Can’t you see that she’s trying to be nice to you,” he said to her, not realizing that Hancock just wanted some more alone time with him.

“Alright, if you insist,” Nami said, following Marguerite, giving Hancock the alone time she wanted with Luffy while everything was being brought out for him.

“Luffy, it’s been so long, have you…have you missed me?” Hancock shyly asked him.

“Of course, I have!” Luffy said happily to her. “You all helped me out so much, and I still haven’t done anything to repay you girls yet.”

“Well, if you want to repay me, you could accept my mar-mar-marriage proposal!” she said, unable to hold back her anticipation any longer.

“The answer is still no,” Luffy said to her. “My goal is to become the King of The Pirates. I don’t have time for marriage.”

“Oh, okay,” Hancock said, holding back her tears. It hurt her knowing that Luffy didn’t feel about her that way yet, but after tonight he would be head over heels for her.

“You know, I don’t know why, but I actually feel quite confident wearing this,” Nami said, walking back with Marguerite while wearing a spare set of her clothes.

“That’s the point of the way we dress,” Marguerite said back to her. “We don’t have to worry about monstrous men looking at us, so we may show off our bodies with pride.”

“But Luffy’s a man,” Nami said to her.

“Luffy is a different case,” Marguerite said to her. “He is the one that our princess chose, and besides, it’s Luffy. There’s no way that he would harm us.”

“I guess that you are right,” Nami said to her. “Luffy isn’t that kind of person.”

“Nami, your back just in time!” Luffy yelled as Hancock led him towards the main table, which held the majority amount of food.

Nami was led up to the front table where she, Marguerite, her friends, snake sisters, Luffy, and Hancock sat. Luffy was already busy eating, but Hancock wished to hold a small speech for her people.

“Today, we welcome Luffy and his companion to our city,” she said, addressing the other girls that wanted to get close to see Luffy and the woman he foolishly brought with him. “Please treat his companion well while I do the same for Luffy.” She made it clear to her people that Luffy was off-limits. He belonged to her, and after tonight nothing could change that.

“Woah! This food is amazing!” Luffy yelled, scarfing down every piece of food in front of him.

“Thank you, I made it myself,” Hancock said proudly. She spent day after day testing out new recipes to satisfy Luffy’s stomach.

While Luffy was busy eating, he failed to notice that the food he was eating was poisoned by Hancock herself. Hancock knew that Luffy’s eyes would never set upon her so long as he was chasing after the One Piece.

She wanted to wait for him to come around, she really did, but with each passing day, her desire to monopolize Luffy for herself just grew and grew. There was nothing that she could do. There were days when she awoke to find that her sheets were soaked. She spoke to this with Elder Nyon, but she just sighed, saying that it was a part of her lovesickness.

She took drastic measures to find the one person with the devil fruit that she knew could help her. She found the owner of the Twin Twin fruit and used their power to help her.

“Wow, that was amazing!” Luffy said to Hancock. “I’m stuffed,” he said, patting his comically large gut.

“I’m so glad that you enjoyed it,” she said cheerfully. “Oh my, look at the time. It’s already dark out, I believe that you and your crew member should stay here for the night,” she said to them.

“Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt,” Nami said back to her, but Hancock just ignored her.

“Yeah, sure, I don’t mind,” Luffy said back to her, feeling a bit strange all of a sudden. “Hey Hancock, do you have any place I can take a nap?”

“Of course I do,” Hancock cheerfully said, leading Luffy back to her castle. “You girls can keep the crew member company while I’m gone,” she said, not caring to remember Nami’s name. Finally, she could be alone with Luffy and watch the beautiful transformation that she had waited oh so long for.

“Hey, uh, Hancock, you didn’t put anything strange in that food you gave me, did you?” Luffy asked her, as he started to sweat all over.

“Of course not,” Hancock said to him, though that was a lie. The owner of the Twin Twin fruit could create food that would slowly transform people into the person that they come into contact with upon being eaten. It would not only change their appearance but would even change their mind as well.”

It was hard enough to find this devil fruit user and even more so to convince them to help her, but it was worth it. Luffy’s transformation into her lovely twin was about to begin.

“Though you do look a bit sweaty, here, use my bath,” she said, opening the doors to her giant bath.

“Th-thanks,” Luffy said to her, walking inside, not noticing that his hair had started to become longer and that the scar on his face had already vanished.

Luffy stripped down and entered the steamy bath, giving a sigh of relief, feeling the nice warm water against his skin. It felt like it was healing him. Though in truth, it was the power of the Twin Twin fruit that was doing just that. The giant scar that he had on his chest healed completely, leaving behind no trace that it was ever there, to begin with. ‘


Luffy looked over to see that Hancock and just entered the bath wearing nothing but a towel. She slowly walked toward him, and he turned away in embarrassment for some reason. It was odd since he was never too concerned about it when it happened last time.

“I-I-I came here to help you bathe,” Hancock said nervously to him, seeing that his hair was now twice the length it was before and that all of his scars were now gone.

“Alright, sure,” Luffy said, finding himself unable to say no to her offer.

Hancock slowly got into the bath, taking off her towel as she did. From there, she started to touch his back as he started to grow to her since, and his mind became fuzzier.

She began to grope his chest, allowing a pair of breasts to start to form, becoming bigger and bigger with each grope until they were the same size as hers.

“Nnnnnnnh~!” Luffy let out a moan of pleasure to both of their surprises, turning Boa on even more. She took the initiative and began to rub his hips, ass, and thighs, making her as thick as her.

“Nnnnnnh~! Ahhhhh~!”

Luffy, who was already overcome with the ecstasy he was experiencing, didn’t even care. All that was left was to get rid of his manhood, and he, no she, would be all hers. Hancock began to see to the removal of Luffy’s manhood. Luffy was now an exact replica of Hancock, and all that was left was to help her become the queen that she was.

After Luffy’s complete transformation into a girl, she passed out. Hancock brought her back to their bed and dress her up in her new sexy lingerie. When her new twin wakes, all that will be on her mind is her.

And just as she said when Luffy woke up, the first person that she went to look for was Hancock. Though when she did, she saw her reflection in the mirror and got distracted by her beauty. To her, her life as Luffy the pirate was nothing more than a dream. She was Boa Luffy, Boa Hancock’s twin, and lover.

Putting on one of her sexy Chinese-style dresses and then began to search for her lover. She searched around her palace looking for her lover, asking all of the girls that she saw if they knew where she was.

Distraught that she could not find her lover, she went back to her room, and to her surprise, Hancock was already there waiting for her. She was wearing a sexy dark purple dress while lying on the bed, covered in roses, hearts, and sweets.”

“Luffy, my darling, I have been waiting for you~,” Hancock said seductively to her twin. Hancock realized that so long as she loved Luffy, they could never have a normal relationship. He was too free, and she was too shy around him. By turning Luffy into her twin and showing her how much she cared about her, she got rid of both of those problems.

“Oh my, it would seem that my dear Hancock has been a bit naughty~,” Luffy said back to her. “Holding out on some sweets, are we? We can’t be having your thighs get any bigger, or I will as well,” she said, slowly moving closer t her, caressing Hancock’s cheeks when she got close enough.

“Well, how about you help me burn off the extra calories?” Hancock asked her, which instantly initiated Luffy to make out with her lover, which soon led to them making love to one another.

They spent the next several hours making love to one another and then cuddling in each other’s arms. Hancock was so happy that her dream had come true, and Luffy was disappointed in herself that she never tried to accept Hancock’s feelings before this.

“My princesses, I have urgent news,” a guard came barging t their room. Hancock made sure that the entire island knew of her plan to make Luffy hers so they did their best to make sure that they made her feel as if she had always been here.

“What is it?” Luffy asked, sounding as cold as Hancock. “A pirate named Nami has snuck into our city and was planning to steal from us.

“Bring her to the arena,” Luffy said, no longer remembering who Nami was.

“As you wish, my princesses,” the guard said, bowing her head before leaving.

“Ugh, what a bother,” Luffy said to Hancock. “This thief will be punished for interrupting us.”

 “Indeed, she will, my love,” Hancock said as they both got ready, putting on the same sexy purple Chinese-style dress. Before heading off to the arena. Once there, they sat on top of their snake thrones and arrogantly looked down at Nami, who was tied up by Marguerite and her friends.

“A mere bug like you dares to try to steal from us?” Luffy yelled at her. “How dare you! I should have my lover turn you to stone right here and now,” she said angrily at Nami.

“Now, now, my dear Luffy, perhaps there is another way,” Hancock said back to her, remembering that Nami was wise enough to call her Luffy’s girlfriend. For that reason alone, she deserved at least a chance.

“Wait! Luffy, is that you!?” Nami yelled back at them in confusion. Luffy, what’s going on!?”

“Haah!? You dare address me as if you know me!? An insignificant insect like you is not even worried to stare at my feet, let alone know my name!” she yelled at Nami, looking down at her so much that she was looking up, just like her lover. Hancock smiled at her for looking down at their former crewmate with such grace and elegance.

“Luffy, it’s me, Nami! What did they do to you!?” Nami yelled, confused about why they were doing this. “Chopper can fix this; just come back to the ship with me!”’

“There is a ship with more of you in it!?” Luffy yelled, furious that such an upstart group of pirates could get this close to her island.

“Now, now, my love,” Hancock said, calming Luffy down. “I have the perfect punishment prepared for her.”


Hancock snapped her fingers, and then a group of women brought out the food from last night. It was the same food that was cursed by the Twin Twin fruit eater.

“If you wish to be forgiven, eat the food. If not, you will be turned to stone like the rest.”

Not wanting to be turned to stone, Nami did as she was told and ate the food, but she was surprised when nothing happened. She had expected that soothing would happen to her, but nothing did.

“There, I ate your food. Are you happy now!” Nami yelled back at them.

“Very,” Hancock said back to her. “Marguerite, because of your service, I grant you the right to have this one as your sister. Please begin.”

“Thank you, princesses. I accept this gift,” Marguerite said as he began to turn Nami into her twin sister.

With just a mere touch, Nami’s hair had grown shorter, and her vibrant orange hair had turned blonde. Her facial features began to change, and so did her breasts, ass, hips, and thighs, expanding to the same sizes as Marguerite’s. Nami tried to struggle, but the other girls held her down as Luffy and Hancock watched a new sister of Amazon Lily be born.

“Luffy, please st-stop this!” Nami pleaded as her memories of Nami the Straw Hat Pirate was taken away from her. And in their place, her mind was filled with her, filling with new ones of being Marguerite’s loyal and dutiful twin sister.

A few minutes later, Nami’s transformation was now complete, and she was now nothing more than Marguerite’s twin and a loyal member of the Amazon Lily people.

“My princesses, this humble girl asks for your forgiveness,” she said, bowing her head to them.

“You are forgiven, dear sister,” Luffy said to Nami, allowing her to raise her head. She was one of them now, and now she knew her place.

“Marguerite, you and your sister, go fetch the rest of their crew,” Hancock and Luffy said to them. “It is time that we invite them to join our family as well.”

 “Yes, Snake Princesses!” Marguerite and her twin Nami said eagerly at the same time. It was finally time for the Amazons to take control of man’s world.


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