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“There has to be a textbook or history book around here that can explain what is happening,” Lilith said to herself, searching through her belongings. For the past two weeks, she had been looking for any clue on how to break the short stack bimbo curse placed on Eda, Rain, and even Luz.

Eda and Rain were horny brain dead bimbos that didn’t even see a problem with their current appearances, while Luz was fine with how things were. She wasn’t anywhere near of a bimbo as those too were, but her desire to stay, as she would call it, “thicc,” for Amity kept her from reversing the spell she cast on herself.

Lilith knew that she used a glyph to transform herself, and if she could just find one of those, then she would be able to find a way to turn all of them back. There could even be a chance that she could cure those that call themselves the Short Stack Coven, led by Eberwolf and Kikimora.

“Hootsifer, whatever am I going to do?” she asked Hootie, who sat beside her.

“Well, Lulu, I don’t know,” he said to her. “Everyone seems happier like this, and it doesn’t seem like they even want to change back. The only one I have seen upset about this is you.”

“Hootsifer, can’t you see that my dearest sister and my family need my help? But I don’t know what to do,” Lilith said, holding her knees to her chest in despair.

“Well, if you can’t beat them, join them,” Hootie said to her.

“Hootsifer, even if I wanted to join them, I can’t for two reasons,” Lilith said, looking straight at him. The first is that no one would ever want to see a short-stacked version of me walking around. I’m not as popular as Eda or Rain. They saved the world. I just watched. And secondly, I don’t even know the spell or glyph combo to change myself, nor do I think I want to.”

“Lulu, you are the prettiest witch on the Boiling Isle. You are my princess!” Hootie said to her, making her blush.

“Thank you, Hootsifer, but I’m far too old to be playing princess,” Lilith said, brushing off what he said as a joke.

“Lulu can’t see what I see in her,” Hootie said, going somewhere else into the house, coming back a minute later. “You just need to break out of your shell,” he said, placing a bimbo glyph with a princess tiara on it

“Hootsifer, where did you get this!?” Lilith said, shocked to see the glyph laid out in front of her.

“I made it myself after watching Luz do it many times before,” he said, proud of himself. “I even added a special feature to it. You should use it, Lulu, and show everyone how great you are~.”

“Hootsifer, I don’t know,” Lilith said back to him. “I don’t think I should do this.”

“I’m sorry, Lulu, but this is for your own good,” Hootie said, picking up the glyph and placing it on her forehead before activating it!

“Hootsifer, what did you just do?” Lilith asked as her mind started to become fuzzier.

“It’s okay, Lulu, just relax and let it happen,” Hootie said as her body started to glow pink, starting her transformation.

Lilith started to become shorter, shrinking down to a third of her original height, causing her ass and hips to explode outward. Her once flat chest now expanded out all the way to a pair of I-cup breasts!

“Hootsifer this-this, this is amazing!” Lilith yelled back to him, fondling her new fat ass tits, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. Lilith was too distracted by the pleasure to even notice that her once renowned intelligence was draining away. Though her transformation did stop there.

Her hair started to turn a bright shade of pink, poofing outward as the conditioner she used to keep her hair straight disappeared. Her wrinkles disappeared, and Lilith began to become younger until she was all the way back in her early twenties.

Before everything was complete, a cute princess tiara appeared on her head, filling her thoughts with cute and fluffy thoughts. Her clothes transformed into a cute short skirt princess dress which showed off her princess-themed panties for all to see.

“Like OMG, Hootsifer, your like totes amazing,” Lilith said to him, talking like the bimbo she now was. “I should have totes listened to you earlier, thanks,” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now it’s like time to go greet my subjects. Come my dear knight!” she yelled, picking up Porta Hootie and running out of the Owl House for everyone to see the new her.

She did remember something about there being a Short Stack Coven, perhaps she could find her subjects there, or perhaps they are waiting for her to grace them with her presence.


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