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“Mary, when did you learn how to do that!?” Bee asked in shock. Raven never taught her anything cool like shooting icicles out of her hands. It was not fair that Mary had this power all to herself.

“…Um, just now?” Mary said, sounding confused.

“W-what do y-you mean that my body t-temperature in increasing?” Bee heard Milagro ask Pino. Several seconds later, her hands ignited with fire!

“Ahhhhh! Someone help me” Milagro started to scream for help as she ran around Bee’s room. Threatening to burn down her entire room.

“Milagro, calm down!” Bee tried to calm Mora down while she thought of a spell to help them, but she was having difficulties concentrating.


All of a sudden, Milagro waster covered head to toe with water that Mary used to help her friend.

“Th-anks,” Milagro said to Mary as she moved her wet hair out of her eyes.

“Milagro, you weren’t able to do that before, right?” Mary asked her, and she replied by shaking her head no while Bee used her magic to draw her off.

“OMG! Bee, do you know what this means!?” Mary asked her excitedly.

“I don’t think so,” Bee said back to her.

“When you cast your spell, you must have inadvertently given us the same magical powers as the Sailor Scouts we are dressed as! I have water magic power because I’m dressed as Sailor Mercury, and Milagro has fire magic powers because she’s dressed as Sailor Mars. That must mean that since you’re dressed up as Sailor Jupiter, you have lightning magical powers!”

“What, that’s impossible,” Bee said to her. “There is no way that I’m that powerful! Besides, I can’t even summon any-”


“Wow,” Bee said as tiny little sparks of electricity jumped around in her hands. “This I am amazing.”

“We’re just like the actual Sailor Scouts!” Mary yelled excitedly.

“Pino agrees as well,” Milagro said to them, “She says that these new powers will improve our performance rate by 80%.”

“Bee, this is the best gift that you could have ever given us! How did you do it?” Mary asked her.

“I don’t know. I’m sure that I did the spell right. I never thought that we’d get powers from it.”

“Girls, it’s dinner time,” Zatanna said, using her magic to project her voice into Bee’s room.


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