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“What a splendid duel,” Viper said, approaching the two of them, who felt drained after their intense duel. “This is what it means to duel! This is how you students shall learn, through actual experience! This year I am instituting Survival Duels between students! Each day you are required to duel and your dueling results will be sent back to me. We’ll see which one of you has what it takes to be the best of the best! You’re all dismissed!”

After the duel ended, Alice and Jesse went back to the roof to discuss their duel as well as alternate moves they could have made. All at the same time, Syrus Hassleberry, Chazz, Alexis, Mindy, Jasmine, and Aster watch the cute scene between them.

“No, this isn’t fair. It was supposed to be my time! Alice should be with me!” Syrus whined, which earned him a smack across the back of his head from Mindy and Jasmine.

“Alice doesn’t belong to you,” Mindy said, scolding him.

“Yeah, get a clue,” Jasmine said to him.

“Hmm, so it would seem that my princess has found love and not with a prince,” Aster said, looking over at the two of them together. “Well, it would seem that I am no longer needed for now. I’m going to head back to the Pro League. Call me if something interesting happens around here,” he said before casually walking off.

Their third year at Duel Academy had only just begun, but there was still much for them to do.

Later that night, all of the lights of the Obelisk Blue Boys Dorm were off, all except one.

“Omg! That was so fun!” Jesse said, taking off their shirt to reveal that their chest was covered in bandages. “I was so worried that she found realized it was me.”

“There was nothing for you to fear even if she did figure out if it was you,” Topaz Tiger said to him. “She would have excepted you with open arms, just as you did her.”

“Are you sure,” Jesse asked, slowly unwarping the bandages from their chest to reveal a supple pair of breasts.

“Why didn’t you tell her that you were Juliana anyway?” Amber Mammoth asked her.

“If I told her, then she would have thought that I’m a liar,” Juliana said, putting on her frilly pink nightgown. “I don’t want her to look at me with disgust.”

“Juliana, you just have to believe in yourself,” Amethyst Cat said, encouraging her,

Juliana laid down on her bed and hugged the costume-made Winged Dolly Kuriboh and Ruby Carbuncle plushies she had made after meeting with Alice.

“But she’s not into other girls; there’s no way that I can force m feelings onto her,” Juliana said, scared of what would happen after what happened last time with her last friend before Alice.

“You just have to be brave, like you always tell us,” Emerald Turtle said to her.

“You’re right, but I don’t know if I can actually do it,” Juliana said. “My mother helped me create the persona of Jesse Anderson so that I could live my life, but while I’m here, I can’t risk getting found out. I don’t know what to do~!”

Juliana stuffed her face into her plushies out of frustration.

“Well, no matter what you choose to do, whether you tell her or not, we will always stay by your side,” Crystal Pegasus said to Juliana.

“Juliana, don’t worry. I’m sure that Alice will love you just as much as you love her,” Ruby said to her. “Trust me, I have never been wrong before.”

“Ruby, that’s sweet of you, but love is a bit trickier than that,” Juliana said to the more childish of her beasts.

“No, no, she actually does like you,” Ruby said, trying to reassure Juliana. “Kuriboh told me that she feels the same way about you, but she just doesn’t know how to handle those feelings as you may be her first crush.”

“Wait, are you serious!?” Juliana yelled, sitting up as fast as she could.

“I am,” Ruby said back to her. “Does that mean that you and Alice are going to start dating soon? Will she become our second princess?”

“I-I-I don’t know!” Juliana yelled in embarrassment, her face turning red as she quickly hid under her sheets. “We’ll talk about this later; I’m-I’m going to sleep!” Juliana said, trying to end the conversation before she started to feel even more embarrassed.

While Alice and Juliana’s love story has yet to start, there are still many trials ahead of them before they may reach their happily ever after. Yugioh GX Alice: Homecoming Part 2 will start next month.


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