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“Ahh,” isn’t this just the greatest? Erza asked Natsu with a sigh of relief as they entered the mixed bathhouse together.  

“It is,” Natsu said, agreeing with her. “I’ve been needing a chance to unwind before we start this mission. Which one was it again?” 

“Ugh, and sometimes I wonder what Lucy sees in you,” Erza jokingly said to him. “We’re here to capture a perverted alchemist that is wreaking havoc in this town. Though before we do that, let’s take some time to relax,” Erza said, dropping her towel onto the ground, revealing her entire sexy naked body for Natsu to see.  

Erza was by no means flustered about this, nor was she trying to seduce him. They have known each other for many years, and their bond was strong enough to handle a tad bit of nudity. Besides, she could look at someone she thought of as her own sibling in a lustful way. 

“Now, if you would wash my back, and then I ‘ll wash yours,” Erza said, sitting down on the stool in front of them.  

Natsu did as he asked. He was used to this kind of behavior from Erza by now after years of knowing her. While he did not deny that she was one of the most attractive women that he had ever seen, he knew better than to chase after her. He knew just how scary she could be and did not want to incur her wrath.  

“If only you were more obedient and calmer like this when you go out on other missions,” Erza said to him as he continued to scrub her back. “Hopefully, after this mission, you’ll finally learn to be less destructive.” 

Natsu let out a small groan. The truth was that he didn’t even want to go out on this mission. Erza forcibly dragged him with her on this request which should have easily done for herself, but she claimed that he needed “proper guidance,” it was ridiculous!  

So, what if he was a bit destructive and wild? He got the job each and every time!  It was Gray’s fault anyways! Though according to Erza, he was the one that needed “discipline,” and of course, he couldn’t refuse her knowing the consequences. He curses himself for allowing this to happen to him. He knew he should have run when he had the chance.  

“Good, now it’s your turn,” Erza said, swapping places with Natsu, beginning to wash his back. Her giant breasts rubbed up against his body, making his face turn re from embarrassment. He may have wanted not to see her in a sexual way, but he was still a guy and couldn’t help it! 

Once they were done washing each other’s back, they entered the bath and came out feeling refreshed. They got themselves dressed and headed off to the last known location of the alchemist on the outskirts of the nearby forest. 

When Natsu and Erza arrived at the forest, they began searching for clues to try and track down the pervert alchemist. Though since neither one of them had any form of detection magic, it was going to take a while, especially since Natsu couldn’t seem to smell anything in this area. Usually, his nose would be a great asset for them in this situation, but unfortunately, not today.  

After a few hours of searching the forest, Erza made the call for them to search for the alchemist back in the town, assuming that they might have just missed her. Though the moment that Erza turned around to head back, the pervert alchemist appeared right in front of her. 

She had breasts larger than Erza’s and long black hair that was tied up in braids. She would have been a knockout beauty if it weren’t for her creepy dorky-looking glasses and that plain black robe she was wearing.  

For months she has been using her alchemy potions to terrorize the locals of the area. Erza and Natsu knew that they had to take her down. 

Erza tried to attack her, but when she did, she was shocked that the girl in front of her was just a well-designed mannequin! Erza and Natsu looked around to see where she could be but could find her. 

Then all of a sudden, the alchemist caught Erza off guard, bursting out of the ground right beneath her! Before Erza could react, she cut off a tiny piece of her red hair, putting it into a potion vial bottle, before running start to Natsu.  

Natsu tried to respond to her, but before he could do anything, the potion vile was already being shoved down his throat as she forced him to drink it. He tried to get her off, but she was stronger and faster than either of them had realized.  

“Kekekekekekekeke!” The alchemist started cackling like a manic as she jumped off of Natsu and ran back into the forest. The two of them were speechless. Neither of them knew what that woman did or why she attacked them. Though it would seem that Natsu was fine after drinking that potion, though a bit disgusted that he was forced to drink Erza’s hair.  

“We should head back for now,” Erza said to Natsu. She could see that he was a bit traumatized after what had just happened. Plus, she wanted to make sure that what he drank wasn’t some weird slow, acting poison. 

“Alright, whatever you say,” Natsu said, agreeing with her plan. He wasn’t in the mood to try to catch that pervert now anyway. Not to mention he was worried that if he got too close, she would force another weird potion down his throat. He just wanted to take a nap and forget about this. “I’ll call the guild and let them know that it’ll be another day to finish this quest,” he said, bringing out his lacrima phone.  

“….Hello? Mira, it’s Natsu; we had a slight complication,” Natsu started to say to her. He began to tell her about what happened with the pervert alchemist. When he was about halfway through telling her what happened, his body lit up with a bright white light, and the next thing Erza saw was herself standing before her. However, it would seem that Natsu himself had yet to even notice said change.  

“Alright, we’ll see you soon, and yes, my voice is fine. It’s just probably the effect of the potion,” he said, ending up the call. When he looked over, he saw that Erza was staring at him, speechless with a mind-blown look on her face.  

“Erza wh- why is my voice… red hair?” Natsu asked himself as he started to notice that his voice was higher, as well as noticing that there was red hair in his or rather her vision. Natsu slowly looked down to see that there was now giant cleavage on her chest with the same armor as Ezra’s covering it! 

“What the fuck is this!?” Natsu screamed out, dropping the phone onto the ground. 

“I don’t know!” Erza yelled back to him, panicking as well. She never knew that there was magic that could perfectly clone someone like this. What the hell were they going to do!? 


-Later that night- 


It took a while, but Erza finally managed to get Natsu back to the inn, but that didn’t stop her new twin from panicking. Natsu was walking back and forth in the room, wearing her standard armor and going back and forth about whether or not she should touch her new breasts.  

“This can’t be happening! This can’t be happening!” Natsu said over and over to herself, wanting to believe that this was just a bad dream. There was no way that she was an exact duplicate of Erza with tits as big as Lucy’s! Not to mention that in her current state, she couldn’t use her magic anymore. She was completely defenseless! This just had to be a dream; it had to.  

“Natsu, it’s alright, calm down,” Erza said, forcing her twin to sit down on the bed. “It’s going to be alright,” she said, trying to calm her twin down. “We will find a way to turn you back to normal, but in your current state, going after that alchemist is too dangerous. We’ll have to quit this request for now and regroup at the guild. I’m sure that if we explain the situation to them, everyone will be more than willing to help so that we can think up new ways of catching the pervert alchemist. It will only be a matter of time before we catch them.” 

“Are you really sure?” Natsu asked, trying her best to calm down.  

“I am,” Erza said, reassuring him. “And in the meantime, I have an idea for what you can do to help as a distraction. Training.” 

“Training?” Natsu asked her, skeptical of her idea. 

“I know my body better than anyone, and since you have my body, for now, it would be best if I train you to know how to use it,” Erza said to her twin. “I will teach you how to fight like me, so you aren’t so useless and helpless in your new body. So, what do you say?” 

“Well, if it means that I won’t be a burden to anyone while I’m stuck like this, then I guess I will do it,” Natsu said, agreeing with her idea.  

“Alright then, first things, first,” Erza said, eager to share her teachings with Natsu. “I want you to use my armor re-equip magic. We need to see what kind of magic you have now, if any,” she said to him, explaining what he had to do to try using it.  

“Okay, here goes,” Natsu said, trying to use Erza’s magic. To both of their surprise, Natsu’s clothes lit up, transforming her clothes! It was a success! Natsu could actually use Erza's magic! Unfortunately, what Natsu transformed her clothes into wasn’t the type of armor that she envisioned.  

Natsu was now wearing a very lewd outfit with pink panties, black fishnet stockings, a maid headdress, and a white apron with no bra underneath. The golden sword that she was given had flirty words etched into the blade! And what made matters worse was that the armor automatically repositioned her body into a sexy pose! It was like this armor was some sort of Seduction Armor! 

“The fuck is wrong with you!” Erza yelled at her twin for picking the armor that she had set aside for Jellal! She lost her cool and immediately pulled Natsu onto her lap. That pervert alchemist must have also corrupted Natsu’s mind with that potion, turning her twin into a pervert as well! She would have to expel those perverted thoughts out of her twin's body with force! 

“Erza! What are you doing!? Let me go! I didn’t mean to pick this outfit I-” 


“Ahhhhhhhh!” Natsu cried out in pain as Erza started spanking Natsu’s fat ass. She was going to get rid of her perverted mind, even if it took her all night to do so. And that is exactly what she did. Despite Natsu’s many protests, she continued to spank her throughout the night. 

Instead of twins in their current state, she was like a mother disciplining her naughty child for their own good, and nothing would sway her from disciplining Natsu’s fat ass. Her spankings continued until she passed out, her ass beat red, so that she couldn’t sit down properly for a week! 

The next day, they came back late in the afternoon to the Fairy Tail guild hall. They updated the master with the current situation. The master reclassified the quest as an S-ranked quest and was going to have Gray and Juvia see to it, so that Natsu could recover.  

All Natsu wanted to do now was go home and rest Though that was impossible right now. The guild was in an uproar after seeing two identical Erza’s! Not to mention that they couldn’t believe one of them was Natsu!  

The guild members began to surround them, asking question after question about what happened. There were even several guild members that said that Natsu looked cute in her current form. Though she wasn’t paying attention to any of them since she was too distracted by how much her fat ass was hurting.  

Seeing that Natsu was uncomfortable decided to drag her twin away, barging through all the guild members surrounding them. It had been a long journey for the both of them and what they needed right now was to wash away their worries in the woman’s bathhouse owned by the guild. 

Erza striped Natsu down and wrapped her in a towel before making her enter the bath. Her body was too simulating for Natsu, so she would have to slowly get her twin used to their new form.  

“Ow, it hurts,” Natsu whined, complaining about the pain in her ass when she sat down. Erza did not go easy on her.  

Looking back at it now, Erza acted too rashly, and she felt bad for spanking Natsu’s ass all night for something she couldn’t control. She later learned after Natsu’s spankings that she couldn’t control which outfit she wore and that it could only be used once a day. While Natsu could see her magic, she wasn’t proficient in it. Erza would have to train her twin thoroughly in the near future on how to properly use her magic.  

“Alright, show me that bright red ass of yours,” Erza said to Natsu, whose hands instantly went to protect her fat red ass.  

“There’s no need for that,” Erza said, reassuring Natsu with a gentle smile. “I won’t spank you anymore. Let me help you feel better, so please show me your ass,” she said to Natsu, who awkwardly listened to her as she got on all four in the bath and presented her ass to Erza.  

Erza smiled at how compliant her twin was to her demands as she began to give Natsu a rough massage on her red buttcheeks. 


“Don’t worry, you’ll feel much better real soon,” Erza said as Natsu let a moan of pleasure slip. Though more than pleasurable, the butt massage was very painful. In fact, to Natsu, it felt far worse than the spankings from last night! The pain became so overwhelming that she eventually passed out! 

One whole week had passed since Natsu was transformed into Erza’s twin, and her ass was finally healed after all the abuse she received from Ezra. Unfortunately for her, there was still no update on the pervert alchemist’s location yet. It would seem that Gray and Juvia had a harder time than they did.  

During the course of this week, Natsu was ordered by the master to move into the Fair Tail girl's dormitory as Erza’s new roommate. It was decided by the master that Natsu would be under Erza’s supervision for the time being. This was to make sure that she wouldn’t accidentally ruin Erza’s reputation.  

“Natsu wasn’t happy about this decision since it meant that she had to leave Happy home alone since he was allowed in the girl's dorms. Also, she didn’t like spending so much alone time with Erza since she feared that Erza would punish her again. Though since they were the master's orders, it couldn’t be helped. 

Luckily for her, she had nothing to worry about thus far. Erza has been a very kind and considerate roommate. All they did so far was train and rest. Erza never tried to get her to do anything that she was uncomfortable doing.  

Right now, they were taking a shower together since they had just finished up their morning training. Natsu’s training mainly included stamina, strength, and sword training to help her get used to the new Erza body. It was nothing that she couldn’t handle. In fact, it surprised Erza just how well Natsu was adapting to her new form.  

The only thing that Natsu hasn’t done in their training sessions yet was try and use Erza’s armor re-equip magic again. After what happened last time with the whole spanking incident, Natsu’ was afraid that she would mess up again and be punished for it. She didn’t want her ass to feel like that ever again.  

Erza was fine with this for a week. She knew that Natsu needed time to adjust, and rushing her wouldn’t do her any good. Though Erza felt that now Natsu was ready to try it again, she wouldn’t be mad no matter which armor she was put in. 

“You’ve been doing very well lately,” Erza said as they began to wash their long scarlet red hair. “I think that tomorrow we should give it a shot. I think that you should try using armor re-equip magic again.” 

“Are you sure?” Natsu asked nervously, which was the exact opposite of her once brash attitude. Transforming into Erza and failing to use her magic properly had turned her quite timid. Erza would have to fix that.  

“I’m sure,” Erza said to her. “We need to start your training sooner rather than later so that you can get better control over your new magic. It won’t matter what armor you get. I’ll make sure that you’ll learn how to use each armor set to its fullest potential.” 

“Alright, if you say so,” Natsu reluctantly agreed, not looking forward to what random outfit she will be stuck with for the day. At least the master sent Gray away, so he couldn’t make fun of him for this.  

The next day Natsu was woken up bright and early and was brought to Erza’s spare room, where she kept some of her unused armors, which she wanted Natsu to try to equip with her magic. 

“Remember, all you have to do is what I told you before,” Erza said to Natsu.

“Are you sure about this,” she asked, still worried that she would mess up again. 

“It’s fine,” Erza said, reassuring her. “I will use my magic to re-equip the exact same armor that you do. And for the entire day, I will show you the ins and outs of it. Go ahead. I promise that I won’t be mad.”

“Alright, here goes nothing,” Natsu said nervously, using her magic. Though just like last time, she couldn’t control it, and with a giant puff of smoke, Natsu found herself wearing a sexy cat girl outfit!

“No! Not again!” Natsu yelled, dropping down to her knees in embarrassment. “That’s it! just stop this; I’m no good at this.”

“Nonsense, you’re a natural. It just takes a bit of practice,” Erza said, holding out her hand for Natsu to grab. When she took it, she noticed that Erza had already changed into the exact same sexy cat girl-themed armor that she was wearing. 

“This isn’t a bad armor to start off with,” Erza said to Natsu. “It allows you to distract your more pervy opponents. Though the look is only the first part of using this armor. The second is the presentation. Now then, do as I do,” she said, posing sexily. “My, my, don’t try to test this kitty, nyaaa~,” she said seductively, causing Natsu’s face to turn bright red.

“Um, are you sure that I have to?” Natsu asked, not feeling too comfortable doing something that sexy. 

“Not all of my armors are meant for fighting. With ones like this, you have to use your mind. Now do as I do, or I’ll be forced to spank your perverted fat ass once again, and this time, I’ll make the pain last for two weeks,” she said, not willing to take a no for an answer.

“Alright,” Natsu said reluctantly, following her lead, spending the rest of the day doing sexy cat pose after sexy cat pose, each with its own unique seductive cat-themed pick-up line.  Erza was going to make sure that even if her twin could only use sexy armors like this, she would be able to defend herself. Natsu was like her little sister now, and she would do anything to protect her. 

Natsu went to bed that night, completely drained. And when she woke up her face turned bright red once more, remembering all of the humiliating poses and cat-themed pick-up lines that she did at Erza's request. 

She didn’t want to say it, but she felt at times that Erza was happy for her to become her twin. And to be honest, Natsu didn’t mind having an older sister like her. But there was no way that she would admit that just yet!

Natsu wanted to do her best at training today, not to let Erza down, and she was somewhat successful. She focused as hard as possible on her armor re-equip magic and, this time was equipped in a tight sexy nurse outfit, to which Ezra quickly followed suit. While this armor made her feel more embarrassed than when she was wearing the previous two, at least it had a somewhat proper skirt. Though it didn’t make Natsu any less eager to take it off and quit for the day.

Erza would not let that happen. In fact, she was overjoyed that her twin equipped herself with this armor since they could now “heal” patients at the guild now. 

“Um, heal?” Natsu asked, confused by what she had just heard. “ But Erza, you don’t use healing magic.”

“Oh, trust me, this armor is special,” Erza said, dragging Natsu down to the guild’s medical room, where several patients were already there. Erza grabbed them and a whole bunch of Fairy Tail guild members with light injuries and abducts them to the outskirts of town, with Natsu following in concern. She knew that Erza was up to no good, but there was nothing that she could do to stop her. 

“Come here, big boy, show me where it hurts~,” Erza said, sitting down, talking seductively to the men before her who had already formed a line to see who gets to have Erza’s “special treatment.” Shen was acting like nothing more than a lewd slutty nurse, yet these men seemed more energetic than before. 

“Oh my, what a brave man you are,” Erza said to a man with a small paper cut. “I’m going to need some help from our other nurse to service a man of your stature.” As Erza “treated” her patients, she signaled Natsu to come over and do the same thing she was.  

“Oh my, heaven’s we can’t leave that unchecked~,” Natsu said to the man, trying her best to sound sexy for Erza. “We need to get all of you bandaged up of you will die~!”

“They will?” Erza said, going along with her twin’s adorable little act. “Then there’s no time to lose, isn’t that right, nurse?”

“Of course, nurse,” Natsu said back to her as the two of them began to wrap each and every man there in tight bandages, covering their entire bodies before leaving them immobile on the ground as they walked away. 

Natsu knew that this was just more of Erza-style hijinks, yet she went along with Erza’s dorkiness without question this time. In fact, it was kind of fun acting like her and doing what she liked to do. Hmm, though she felt as if she shouldn’t have enjoyed that as much as she did. She wondered why that was so.  

The next day Natsu began her training once again, assuming that the next armor couldn’t be any worse than it already had been. There was no way that Erza owned anything more humiliating than she had already worn already. 

Unfortunately for Natsu, she underestimated the type of armors and clothes that Erza collected. Today she was stuck in a sexy maid outfit which flashed her pure white panties every time she moved!

“Oh my, don’t you look just lovely,” Erza said to her while still in her normal clothes. “It’s a shame that I won’t be joining you today,” she said with a small pout. “I have a few other matters to attend to, but don’t worry. All you have to do is find Mirajane, and she’ll take care of the rest.”

“Mirajane knows “what is best,” for when wearing this particular outfit. In fact, she will be a better teacher than me when it comes to this one. Now run along, or else there will be punishment~” she teased Natsu shoving her out of the dorm.

Natsu made her way to the guild nervously after receiving several lustful stares and her trip over. She didn’t know what Mirajane would teach her, but she was at least glad to be in an area where she felt safe in. 

 “Mira, there you are. I have been looking for you,” Natsu said to her, walking up to the bar counter where she was busy checking the inventory list. 

When Mira turned and saw her, her usual happy and sweet expression on her face turned sinisterly dark. “Oh, you have been looking for me,” Mira said, walking out in front of the counter. “And dress like that. Well, it looks like little Erza is eager to receive her just deserts,” she said, dragging Natsu out of the Fairy Tail guild hall and past the front gates. She didn’t realize that the one she was dragging outside was Natsu, not Erza!

“Ladies and Gentlemen! Gather around. This shameless maid has done something very naughty, and she must be punished for her sins! It is time she learns that there are consequences to her actions, she yelled, attracting a large crowd to them. 

“Huh!?” Natsu was so confused by what was going on that before he could realize what was going on, he was being tied up and shoved to the ground by Mira. 

“Don’t worry, Erza, I promise that I won’t hold back punishing this shameless dirty maid before me~” Mira seductively whispered into Natsu’s ear, which only made her more confused. 


“Ahhhh! What are you doing!?” Natsu yelled out in pain as Mira started to spank her fat ass in front of the crowd of other guild members and passersby. 


“You dirty little maid, you know that you had this coming!” Mira yelled at her as she continued to spank Natsu without rest1

“Please stop!” Natsu begged her, wanting to break free, but it was pointless for her to beg. Mira thought that she was Erza, and the Erza she knew wouldn’t beg. She would go along with this to the best of her ability.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Harder mistress, punish this dirty, shameless maid,” Natsu moaned, trying her best to act as seductively as Ezra would. 

“Oh? It would seem that the little dirty maid is finally showing her true colors! I would be a terrible mistress if I denied the request of my maid,” Mira said in a dark yet seductive tone that actually turned Natsu on. 


Unfortunately for her, Mira liked a made that was more obedient than her and was more than happy to spank her, made endlessly for hours on end in front of the crowd who were most eager to see the erotic sight unfold. 

Natsu’s special spanking session didn’t end until she passed out from embarrassment. 

Natsu awoke the next morning to see Erza looming over her bed with a depressed loom across her face.

“Oh, thank heaven you’re awake!” Erza yelled, hugging her dear twin. “I am so sorry for what happened yesterday. I didn’t even think that she would mistake you for me. We usually don’t have that kind of fun until the end of the month. She was just a tad bit eager to relieve her stress on you. Luckily Wendy was there to heal up your ass. Are you alright, though?” she asked Natsu, sounding concerned. 

“Hah!” Natsu let out a loud laugh as she made her way out of her bed. “A few spankings like that won’t be able to break my warrior’s spirit! You should have been there to see the stellar performance I played!” Natsu yelled out confidently not realizing that she was acting more like Erza, which Erza herself could see. She nodded her head in approval seeing that Natsu was finally starting to learn how to be like her. 

Natsu then continued her training as usual, this time finding herself dressed in a tight black latex suit that covered everything below her neck, and for some odd reason, her ass looked as twice as big as it usually did. 

“What you’re wearing right now is the Jiggle Butt Gang Uniform that I acquired a while back. The best way for you to use this outfit is to throw away any sense of shame and embarrassment you have. The best way to do that is ti throw you right into the fire,” she said, dragging Natsu out of the guild. 

Then without warning, Erza began shaking and smacking her fat ass, drawing a crowd towards them.  

“Erza, what are you doing!?” Natsu yelled at her. 


“What does it look like I’m doing?” Erza said to him. “I’m throwing away my shame and embarrassment, something which you yourself should be doing right now.” 

“…Yes, ma’am,” Natsu said to her, barely showing any resistance because Ezra was always right, joining her. At first, Natsu was embarrassed as usual, but when she looked over, she saw that Erza was the exact opposite of her. In fact, it looked like she was having the time of her life.  

Natsu decided to copy Erza and just went with the flow, matching her exact expression and shaking her ass to the rhythm! When she did, she truly felt alive, as if she could do anything! Nothing could hold her back!  

“My, my, it would seem that someone has finally gotten past that ridiculous shame of theirs,” Erza said, praising her twin as she noticed Natsu was finally becoming more and more like herself.  

“Thank you!” Natsu said back to her. “I’m having a fun time learning all of these new things from you!” she said, smacking her ass for the crowd as if it was natural for her to do. “I want to learn more from you, and I don’t care if I can change back!” she yelled, which was music to Erza’s ears because she didn’t want her twin ti change back either. 

For the next several hours, they spent shaking and smacking their asses for the crowd. Sweat began to build up inside the suits, but that only made them willing to shake their asses more! Nothing could beat this kind of pleasure! 

At one point, Wendy was walking by and saw the event unfold. She immediately ran away, remembering the bad memories of when she had to do this with Erza. She would never let herself experience that level of humiliation ever again! 

When night finally hit, Erza dragged Natsu back to their room where she could take that tight sweaty outfit off her and show her just what it meant to have fun as her twin. 

After a steamy night with Erza, Natsu felt better than ever. She no longer felt awkward or embarrassed in her body now, and she was acting almost exactly like Erza now. It was the best morning that she had she being transformed into Erza.  

For today’s armor/outfit, Natsu was wearing Erza’s famous Fairy Woman costume she saw her where before. Erza followed suit and used her magic to equip her own. 

“I have been waiting for this outfit for a while now!” Erza said excitedly. “This outfit is perfect for Justice!” she yelled, dragging her new sidekick out to the town. 

“Now remember, as heroes, it’s our job to help people,” Erza said to Natsu as a small group of people gathered around to see the two lewdly dressed superheroes. “So that means we must do our best to be as silly and lewd as possible!” 

“Yes, ma’am,” Natsu said, agreeing with Erza because it didn’t matter if she made sense or not since she was always right! 

“Great! Now let's get to work!” Erza yelled as the two dumb superheroes embarked to save the town! ‘ 

Though in truth, these girls didn’t do much saving. Magnolia was a peaceful place, so for the entire day, all they did was simple stuff, such as finding lost pets and picking up trash. Though no matter how small the problem, a hero’s duty was to do their best to fix it!

Natsu and Erza decided to put on a show for the young kids in the park, with the help of a member of the guild that pretended to be a supper villain for them, so they could live out their superhero fantasy. 

“Kekekekekeke! Give up Fairy Women!” the guild member yelled, getting into his part.

“Nothing can stop me from-” 

“Fairy Punch!” Erza yelled, pretending to punch the guild member. 

“Fairy Kick!” Natsu yelled, following Erza. 

“No! How are you this powerful!? This should be impossible!” the man yelled, falling to the ground. 

“Evil will never triumph as long as the Fairy Women are here to save the day!” Natsu and Erza yelled, smashing their fat asses together as they posed for their victory.  

“Yeah! Go Fairy Women!” Natsu and Erza turned around to look at their fans, but they were actually surprised to see that there were more adults there now than children. Though even with all of their perverse stares, Natsu didn’t feel any shame in her outfit either. She felt proud to know that people had their eyes on her all day long.  

In the crowd were several other guild members that were asked to report back to the master about Erza’s and Natsu’s activities, and all they wrote in their notes was that it was just Erza ad Erza doing silly Erza things.  

Another week had passed since their fun time playing superheroes, and Natsu had fully accustomed herself to her new life. Unfortunately, there was still no news from the guild on the pervert alchemist. Gray and Juvia had spotted her several times but were never able to make contact. The last piece of their report said that the pervert alchemist might be hiding out in an abandoned children’s hospital.  

Though on the brighter side of things, Erza finally decided that Natsu was decently enough trained so they could finally go on quests again. Trying to keep things simple for her twin, Erza choose a B-rank quest for them to go on, to catch a dark rouge mage. 

It was said that this rouge mage was a pervert that liked to kidnap young women and keep them tied up in bondage. Such a man was an enemy to all women and needed to be dealt with post haste! 

Natsu used her magic and, this time was equipped with Erza’s Celestial armor! 

“An excellent choice if I do say so myself,” Erza said, equipping the same armor. The Celestial armor is great for combat. It will defiantly help us out on this quest.” 

When Erza and Natsu arrived at the quest location, it didn’t take them long to find the perverted mage. He was a nasty, fat, and ugly old man wearing a shit brown robe. His appearance alone angered the two twins.  

“Finally, more beautiful women to add to my collection!” the creepy old man yelled at them, licking his lips as he looked at them in a perverted gaze. “Soon, all women in the world will be stuck in bondage, so I may lick them!”

A shiver ran down Erza and Natsu’s spines as they felt disgusted to be near this man. Not waiting for him to creep them out any further, they charged at him. However, before they could get close, the nasty, fat, and ugly old man activated his trap, causing magic chains to bind the two of them!” 

“Kekekekekeke! Just like every other dumb woman that has come after me!” the old man laughed, mocking them. “Now, just like with the others, let me show you my love for you with a big fat kiss!” he said, puckering his disgusting greasy lips together. 

Erza and Natsu both cringed by just imagining getting kissed by this perverted old man. Their lips were reserved for each other and especially Jellal! They would make him pay for treating them like this!

Enraged, they broke apart their chains, and before the old man could even blink, they were violently beating to a pulp! Before he passed out, they tied him up in his own chains and dragged him on the ground back into the town. 

The townspeople said nothing as they watched the two twins drag the old man back into the town. Each one of them was too scared to say anything to them. It looked that at any second, they would attack them. 

It would seem that Natsu finally inherited how Erza’s terrifying nature. Though neither of them cared to notice. All they wanted was to take a nice long hot bath since they felt violated by his mere gaze.

Natsu and Erza continued to do ranks missions like this, and before either of them knew it, two weeks had passed, with still no update on the pervert alchemist. In fact, there wasn’t even any news from Gray or Juvia either. It was almost as if they had just vanished. Though the master didn’t think that there needed to worry since neither of the two would rush into anything. They must just be lying low for now since they are close to capturing her.

Right now, Natsu was doing another B-ranked quest with Erza. For this quest, they needed to snatch a key off a corrupt merchant in a sleazy bar. Erza informed Natsu that the sexy bunny girl outfit was perfect for seducing men and even women at the bar. She encouraged Natsu to be proud of her assets, making sure that she flaunted them so that he would let his guard down while pretending to be a sexy bar waitress in a bunny suit. All men were the same when it came down to it. Give them a big enough distraction, and they would be putty in your hands. Erza promised to be there for Natsu if she needed her, but she planned for Natsu to handle most of this mission herself. 

“Oh, my excuse me~,” Natsu said seductively, bouncing her fat tits in front of a customer who couldn’t help himself and started to grope his fat ass.

“Ahhh!” Natsu gave out a fake moan, using her ass to shake the man’s hand off. Under normal circumstances, she would cut it out, but she had a job to do and didn’t want to disappoint Erza. “Sorry, sweety, but you can look, not touch,” she said, flirting with the man, swaying her hips back and forth as she walked towards her target, who had just come into view. 

Natsu confidently approached him, placing his drink down in front of him, before casually sitting on his lap, making sure to rub her fat ass on his crotch as she did. 

“Finally, a real man has arrived~’ she said seductively, stroking his chin as she slowly inched her face closer to his. “Go on; you can feel my ass if that’s what you want~ You’re the only man here that has that right~”

The merchant stared at Natsu in shock. He knew that he wasn’t that good-looking or strong, yet this bombshell of a woman had just come over, rubbing his fat ass on his crotch, begging for him to grope it. Though his shock did nothing to stop him from groping her thicc fat ass. 

“Nnnnh! Ahhhhhh!” Natsu let out some more fake moans as he groped her ass and as she felt him becoming hard from below. Ugh, virgins were the worst. They never knew how to take things slow. 

“Ahhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!” Natsu let out several more moans, distracting the man from the fact that she pick-pocketed the key to the safe with all of the illegal transaction documents that they needed to finish the quest.

Natsu then forces the merchant's face straight into her giant boob cleavage until he passed out from pleasure. In fact, she could see some blood coming out of his nose as she rested him on the counter. 

The whole bar was in a horny uproar after witnessing that random man getting the greatest bar service of all time. Each one of them wanted her to do that to them, and Natsu knew it. Too bad for them. They would never get it.

“Sorry folks, but this little bunny is going on break,” she announced to everyone as she seductively strutted out of the bar.

“That was perfect!” Erza said, giving her twin a big hug to congratulate her on a job well done.

“I couldn’t have done it without your help,” Natsu said, handing Erza the key.

“Nonsense, this is all you,” Erza said back to her. “If I were in your place, I would have punched that merchant for just touching me.”

“In truth, I thought about doing the same thing,” Natsu said. “But I knew that violence wasn’t the answer since the key would be tougher to get or the safe would be moved. Besides, we can always come back and beat up everyone at this bar after the mission is over.”

“Yes, we will,” Erza said to her twin as they went to complete their mission. Later tonight, she was would have to treat her twin to a special meal in bed. 

Another week had passed since they finished their quest, and they were hanging around the guild hall when it happened.


“Wahhhhhhhhh! Wahhhhh! Wahhhhhhhh!” Juvia came into the guild hall with a baby that looked a lot like her in her arms. The master immediately demanded Juvia to explain everything to them. 

In order to calm the baby down, she unbuttoned the top of her dress and let the baby start sucking on her breasts for milk. 

“This is Gray-sama,” Juvia said to everyone’s surprise. “We were about to catch the pervert alchemist, but it turned out that we had fallen for her trap. When Juvia woke up, Gray-sama had been turned into a baby version of me, and my breasts were lactating like crazy. The perverted alchemist may have disappeared, but Juvia doesn’t think she is a bad person,” Juvia said to their surprise. “She gave Juvia a child born through her love for Gray-sama.”

“But that’s Gray,” the master said, confused. 

“Yes, she was, and now she is now my precious daughter Grey,” Juvia said to everyone’s worry.

“That is it. I am putting the quest to catch to pervert alchemist on hold. Four of our strongest members have been affected, and we can’t afford to risk any more members,”

 the master said. 

“Natsu and Erza saw what happened with Juvia and Gray and thought that it would be best not to get involved. They were affected by the pervert alchemist, and they turned out fine, so it was only a matter of time before the rest of the guild accepted baby Grey. 

Right now, Natsu was busy showing Erza that she had better control of her armor re-equip magic.

“Close your eyes. You’re going to love this,” Natsu said, compelling Erza to do as she said. When Erza closed her eyes, Natsu transformed her clothes into one piece of school swimsuit, styling her hair into twin tails and equipping herself with a fishing rod. 

It took her some time, but Natsu could finally be more specific with the armor she wore, even though she could still only do it once a day.

“You look amazing!” Erza yelled, happy to see that Natsu was improving. 

“Thanks, it took a while, but I’m finally getting a hang of your magic,” Natsu said to her.

“If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have to use my magic, and now that the master put the quest on hold, who knows when you will go back to normal.”

“It’s not your fault,” Natsu said to her. “I still fight and train in this body, and that’s all that matters.

“You’re right,” Erza said, agreeing with her. Their time together has shown Erza what it was like to have a younger sister, and now that she had one, she was never going to let her turn back! The next time she sees the pervert alchemist, she will make sure that Natsu will never be able to turn back.

Meanwhile, unaware of Erza’s dark intentions, Juvia was in bliss, humming to herself. She was overjoyed from having her baby Grey suckling from her teet and being her new mother. Perhaps if Erza asked for her help, Juvia would be more than willing to comply. 


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