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The ringing of a bell through the school sounded the start of the first class. Akeno took her place at her seat, waiting patiently for class to start. Sitting elsewhere in the room was her best friend Rias Gremory. Among the members of the Gremory household, and Akeno's own, they were the only two in their third year. Everyone else was younger, in their second or first year.

Akeno looked over at Rias, whose attention was elsewhere. After Akeno had gotten Issei Hyodo, the Red Dragon Emperor, to join her household, she’d told Rias that night. It didn’t go over as bad as she’d expected, more of a ‘let's discuss it later,’ type.

The door to the room opened, and then the teacher walked in. “Ok, class, today we’ve got a new addition to the class joining us. Try to make him feel welcome.” Once again, the door opened. The first thing that appeared was a hand, followed by the form of a guy with spikey brown hair and gorgeous light hazel eyes.

Issei Hyodo stepped next to the teacher in front of the chalkboard. A high-pitched girly yelp escaped Akeno’s lips. All heads turned to her as she immediately covered her mouth with her hands. A rather sly grin escaped Issei as he locked eyes with her.

“Everything OK, Miss Himejima?” the teacher asked. “Yes, I’m sorry.” “Hyodo, go ahead and take your seat. You can have Miss Himejima give you a tour after.” “A tour with a beauty like her, how could I say no?” he said.

Issei took his seat for the remainder of the class. Afterward, Akeno was waiting for him outside the door, but she wasn't alone. With her was Rias Gremory and a guy with blond hair Issei had never seen.

The blond-haired guy gave Issei a very clear look of malice. Issei could smoke this guy in a heartbeat if he wanted, but given that Akeno was there, he decided against it.

“Issei, this is Kiba. He’ll be joining us on our tour,” Akeno said. “Oh, I was kind of looking forward to its being just the two of us,” Issei said back. Akeno’s cheeks turned redder than a tomato. Kiba didn’t even hesitate to get in between them, pushing him away from Akeno.

“Hey, back off!” Kiba yelled. Yeah, Issei knew definitively that they were not going to get along. So, he looked over at the still embarrassed Akeno and sighed, giving in. “Lead the way,” he said to Rias.

Rias stared at him momentarily, then started walking. The entire time, she walked ahead of them, while Kiba walked next to Akeno, opposite side of Issei. However, Issei caught Kiba glaring at him consistently. The guy had a serious grudge, and it cracked Issei up. At every opportunity, every attempt available, he made sure to get in between him and Akeno. The guy was a total tool. And, what better way to make a tool angry than to blatantly do what he hates.

Careful to avoid detection, Issei reached over and grabbed Akeno’s hand, all sneaky-like. The sudden gesture caught her completely off guard. He laced his fingers between her own and took off running, forcing her to follow. “Issei! W-wait!” she said, utterly embarrassed. But Issei only laughed off her comment, seeing Kiba grow furious with rage and start to chase after them.

Issei had Akeno direct him to the location of their clubroom where they all met after school, the Occult Research Club. Akeno did her best to hide her embarrassed face with her free hand as they ran through the school, fingers locked, catching the stares of all the people that they passed or noticed them. Only Issei’s hearty laughter kept the attention upbeat.

When they finally made it to the clubroom in the old school building, Issei burst through the door and into the room. At the far end was a desk with a chair, and in the middle a table between two couches. Sleeping on the couch on the left was a small girl with silver hair, and sitting on the couch opposite her were two more girls, one with blue hair and one with blond.

Issei pulled Akeno along before she finally tripped over herself, and they spilled along the ground, with her landing on top of him. Exhausted and out of breath, Issei’s laughter made her giddy, despite the situation.

Another woman who was clearly older than them with long silver hair walked into the room with a middle-aged-looking man with black and blond hair and a goatee. They appeared just as Kiba and Rias ran into the room in time to see Akeno on top of Issei on the ground. He threw one quick glance at Kiba before grabbing Akeno by the bow of her uniform and pulling her into a kiss. The moment he stuck his tongue inside her mouth and pressed it against her own was the moment she reared back in surprise. she clearly wasn’t experienced. Still, it had done the trick. All the attention was on them.

“Well?” Issei asked, looking past Akeno at Rias. “Why don’t you introduce me to the team.”



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