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“Hmm?” Alice hummed in confusion as they put her lipstick on her. About fifteen minutes later, they finished up Alice’s makeup and hair.

“Well, it’s not perfect, but I think this will do with the time we had,” Alexis said, proud of herself, looking at her beautiful sister. “Alright, girls, now we’re off to the main assembly hall,” she said as they dragged Alice along with them.

Once they got there, it was already packed with students, both third years, second years, and even a handle of first years. They managed to find their seats near Chazz, Hassleberry, and Syrus, who couldn’t look Alice in the eye.

After he sent Alice the message, he was going to send her another to where to meet up, because he knew that the ship had already docked the night before. However, he was stopped by Chazz and Hassleberry.

Chazz did it to help out his one true love, Alexis, like any simp would, while Hassleberry did it out of respect for his Sarge. He liked Alice; that much was obvious after she had the same body as his former girlfriend Alice before she cursed Jaden to become her. Though Hassleberry was not one to use tricky methods to get a girl to like him. His General (father) taught him better than that. The best thing to do if you like a girl is to be direct about it, but he knew that he had to be patient for Alice to become ready for love.

Alexis and the others made sure that Syrus wouldn’t get near Alice. To think that her closest friend would try to manipulate her like this. Syrus would most likely never live this down.

“Greeting students!” The Chancellor yelled out as he and all the other teachers appeared on the stage. “As you may have heard, we have a big announcement to make! This year we have the topped ranked students from our affiliate schools across the world joining us today, along with our new professor Thelonius Viper!

Coming in from South Academy, Jim Crock! From East Academy Adrian Gecko! From West Academy along with our dear new professor, Axel Broody! And finally, leading the pack from North Academy is Jesse Anderson!”

“Upon hearing that name, Alice froze for a second in shock. That was Juliana’s brother, right? That means that she would have a chance to talk with Julianna again.

“No way it can’t really be Jesse Anderson,” Chazz said in disbelief.

“Who’s that?” Syrus asked him.

“What do you live under a rock or something?” Chazz said to him. “Not only is he in the possession of the legendary Crystal Beasts Deck, he’s also in Pegasus’ top 5 duelists!” Chazz said, then going on a rant about the cards, though as he did, everyone else noticed that Jesse had still yet to show up.

“Hmm, what it would seem that he’s a bit late,” The Chancellor said, trying to pass Jesse’s absence off as a joke. “Well, I guess that we can skip him for now and introduce our own top-ranked Duelist Alice Rhodes!”