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“Hmm,” Eda hummed to herself looking at Luz. After turning herself into a short stack girl for Amity she decided to remain in her new form, despite knowing how to turn back. It was weird or at least to her it was. Why did kids these days have to make themselves looked like bimbo to get attention from the person they loved?

There was even that weird Short Stack Coven that appeared recently and recruited Luz, much to Eda’s dismay. She thought that once Belos was gone the need for Coven’s would vanish, but they actually became stronger. Magic was no longer limited, which was good, but the fact that something Belos created was still around ticked her off.

Well ignoring the whole Luz situation, Eda’s life was going pretty well. Her curse was stable, she mended her relationship with her parents, and she even had her one true love Rain by her side. Or at least that’s what she thought would happen when Rain decided to move in with her, but since she was still the head of a Coven there was almost no room in her life to pamper and love Eda the way she wanted to.

“Rain, so I was thinking that you and I could have a date night tonight,” Eda said, barging into Rain’s office and seductively laying on their desk, making it impossible for Rain to do anymore work. “I heard that there’s this new place called Web n Flies, that just opened up. I think that we should go out and have some fun, what do you think?”

“I think that someone needs to get off my paperwork so I can get my work done,” Rain said, slowly pushing Eda off the table. “Look Eda, I’m glad that you wanted to take the next step in our relationship by letting me move in with you, but now isn’t the right time. I want to spend as much time with you as I can, but as a Coven head I have responsibilities that have to be done.”

“Especially now since without Belos, the entire Boiling Isle’s is a mess without a leader. There is too much that we have to do to keep everything stable. I promise that once everything gets sorted, we can have that day and I can show you a good time, but for now I need some time alone,” Rain said, practically throwing Eda out of her office.

“It’s not fair,” Eda said, pouting to herself as she walked to her room. It had been weeks since they went on a date and Rain never looked at her. She couldn’t afford to lose Rian again, not after she had just got her back and she couldn’t afford to lose her again!

There had to be some way to grab Rain’s attention so that they would give Eda the attention that she was craving. Wait! That was it, Luz’s short stack girl glyph! If Eda used that she could become an irresistible woman in Rain’s eyes and they would have no choice but to pay attention to her, and since Luz knew how to reverse it, she didn’t have to worry about the consequences.

True she was questioning why Luz would use such a glyph before, but now see could see the beauty in it. Eda went into Luz’s room and search for the extra short stack glyphs that Luz made. Eda did manage to find them, though there was a problem. Eda found three of them, each with slight variations with one another.

Eda knew that it would be best for her to talk to Luz and figure out which was the one that she should use, but in her current worried state of losing Rain, made Eda hasty, so she activated them all at the same time!

I bright pink light surrounded Eda as her body began to transform. Eda stated to become shorter as her already quite sizable tits burst out of her dress growing all the way to H-cup breasts! She started to feel dizzy almost as if her brain was being drained away as her thighs and ass expanded outward.

Finally, as the majority of her intelligence was drained away, Eda’s clothes transformed into a sexy red bra, covered with a leopard theme jacket, a black thong that clung tightly to her fat ass along with a pair of booty shorts and a pair of Gogo boots high heels.

“Hehehehe,” Eda giggled bouncing her massive breasts as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was a drop-dead knockout short stack bimbo with only one thing left on her mind and that was Rain. Her precious Rain was going to love her, and if she didn’t heir was always a way of working around that. Eda left Luz’s room with a bunch of the same glyphs that she found before. For some reason Luz had them locked away, but Eda managed to find them, and take some extra for herself.

“Oh, Rainy dear, what do you think~!” Eda said barging into the room, where her lover and victim awaited her.


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